Chapter 7: old friends

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Hiccup POV

when i wake up, Elsa is laying on my chest, still wearing that leather jacket i made. she wakes up startled. "whats wrong? i ask her. "oh just a nightmare i'm okay" she replies. "you sure? i ask her. "ya i'm fine but we better get up i think your dad needs you" she replies. "how would you know that" i ask her. "i can hear him yelling outside" she says pointing to the window.

"oh well then, come on lets go" i say getting out of bed, my arm still in its sling. we both climb out of bed and head to the door.

Elsa POV

i walk with Hiccup toward the door. when we open it we see a number of people crowded around someone. we walk through the crowd, trying to get through. when we finally reach the center i see its a girl, but not just any girl. its Heather, she runs to me and hugs me. "Elsa long time no see" she says pulling away from the hug. "ya" i say still clutching Hiccup's jacket. "Hey Heather" says Hiccup. she hugs him, i just want to pull her away from him. but that would just be mean or would it, just kidding i say to myself.

she pulls away and stares at him. "so Elsa want to go check up on that bunny? Hiccup asks me. i was do busy day dreaming i didn't hear his question. "Elsa are you okay? he asks me again waving his hand in my face. "sorry, what did you say? i ask him. "you wanna go check on the bunny? he asks me. "ya sure" i say a little uneasy. we walk all the way, Hiccup and Heather laughing and talking. when they're not noticing i run away from them.

i'm scared he might find out about the poison and that i only have a few days to live. i don't wanna hurt him. i walk to the cliff and sit at the edge, i take off Hiccup's jacket and set it beside me. "i can't tell him it'll only hurt him" i mutter to myself.

"whats up? i hear a voice say behind me, i look back Eret is standing there. "nothing much except my life is in jeapordy" i say sarcastically. he laughs. "i heard you sing you sounded great" he replies. i blush. "i didn't do it for myself i did it because Hiccup because asked me to" i reply. i look at my hands i'm trembling. "i need to find that antidote but i don't know the island as well as Hiccup, only he knows how to get around it" i say my hands still trembling. "Elsa! i hear another voice yell. i know who it belongs too. Hiccup. i stand up pick up Hiccup's jacket and start to run. i don't know why but i just run. i can hear foot steps behind me, i run faster. i trip over a tree root and fall over into a river. the current is dragging me with it. i scream at the top of my lungs but no one seems to hear me. "Elsa! i hear someone yell. its Eret he's at the edge trying to reach me. "no get help! i yell. he nods and leaves the current pushing me making me scrape my knees against rocks. i grab onto a rock tightly so i won't get pushed by the current. i stay there until the current pushes me again.

Hiccup POV

Me and Heather have fun laughing and talking but Elsa seems to be distant. i enter Elsa's house to find she's not with us. i look around for that bunny and find him munching on the carrots Elsa had left him.

"Hiccup!!! i hear someone yell. i look behind me its Eret. "whats wrong? i ask him. "its Elsa she was running she fell into a river and is now being pushed by the current down a waterfall" he says it all fast i couldn't almost hear him.

"take me there now" i say. he runs i follow him to a place filled with trees, then i see Elsa holding on to a rock, trying to survive. i run down near the edge. "Elsa!!!! i yell she looks at me fear in her eyes. i jump in and grab her. we both loose our grip and end up being pushed by the current.

Elsa POV

Hiccup jumps in and grabs me, instead making the current push us. "Hiccup let go" i yell at him. "no i don't want to lose you" he replies. the current pushes harder making me slip from his grasp. i scream which is the only thing i can do.

i hit something hard with my head making blood drip on my face. my head hurts i'm wet an cold and Hiccup is trying to save me. i hold my breath and go under the water i can see only blue everywhere. i go to the surface for more air and then someone grabs me its Hiccup he's being pulled away with me. my head hits something and everything goes black

Hiccup POV

were being pulled away by the current and Elsa is unconscious. i grab her and put her up on the shore blood on her forehead, and me still trying to hold on to dear life.

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