Chapter 47: I'm sorry

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Hiccup POV

that hit me hard, so i try and punch him but miss. he punches me in the stomach making me stumble backwards a bit. until he sees Astrid and steps forward.

Astrid POV

Dagur comes close to me. i should've brought my axe so i could pound his face off. "Astrid how have you been?" he says seductively. i grab his arm and flip him over making him hit the ground with a loud thud. "Get away from me!" i snap. i wanna cry but i can't show him i'm weak. he gets up and pins me against the wall. "Your mine" he whispers in my ear, "I've had enough of your stupid remarks" i say frustrated. i push him off of me and twist his arm back.

"Leave her alone" says Hiccup angrily. Hiccup grabs Dagur and they start fighting punching each other hard until each of them are restrained from each other. "Hiccup stop this!!" yells Stoick. Hiccup looks at his father with sadness and anger in his eyes. "Hiccup's just a wimp, he can't respond back because he's weak" snaps Dagur.

"Just stop!!" i shriek, "Just please stop" i say now on the floor trying to hold in the tears. "This is just another stupid excuse to try and get me just give up Dagur" i say on the verge of tears. "Your so vulnerable" says Dagur wiping blood off his lip with his arm.

that struck a nerve, i run to him, flip him over grab a stick and start hitting him with it. (A/N u go girl) "Give up now!!" i yell letting the stick drop out of my hands. Dagur gets up with a crossbow in his hand.

"You reached the limit do you wanna die?!" he says obviously annoyed. "No!!" yells Hiccup breaking from the mens grip and tackling Dagur to the ground. once again they restrain both of them.

i go over to Hiccup and try and calm him down, "Hiccup I'm fine" i say calmly. he seems to calm down but his eyes are like daggers ready to strike its victim. Stoick butts in. "Stop this both of you, And Dagur leave my island at once or I'll make you leave" says Stoick angrily. "You'll regret this, She's mine she always will be" says Dagur before 2 men push him out the door towards the docks.

i whistle for Stormfly, she comes lands right in the doorway. i walk over to her and get in the saddle. "Where are you going?" says Hiccup while using a cloth to stop the bleeding on his lip. "Just leave me alone" i say before i fly out of the great hall and into the woods.


when i land i start to cry, "Why is this so hard!" i yell out. i slam my fist against a tree, "Why?!" i scream. Stormfly senses someone coming and her tail pricks up ready to shoot. Hiccup comes out of the bushes and rushes over to comfort me.

"Are you okay?" he says while hugging me. "how can i be okay when Dagur almost hurt you" i say as tears fall down my cheeks. "I'm okay really" he says making me look at him. "I've tried to hold in the tears to stop being afraid" i say staring into his emerald eyes.

"Sometimes being afraid is something good" he says touching my cheek gently. "We should head back now" i say wiping the tears away and getting up. "Come on I'll get you fixed up" i say trying to erase any sign of emotion. i don't want to be the girl who's afraid i want to be the girl who's brave, strong, and fearless.

"Come on" he says walking with me to my house. when w come in, everyone looks at Hiccup. "What happened?" says June. "Did Astrid punch you for trying to kiss her?" says June teasingly.

"You wish, it was......." i trail off. "Who was it" says everyone in unison. "Dagur" says Hiccup as i help him sit down on the couch. "He did this to you?!" says Aaron a hint of anger in his voice. i take a deep breath, "I just hope this ends" i mumble. "We all do" says June. i start getting dizzy and start to bump into things. "Astrid are you okay?" says Eret, "Ya I'll be fine" i say laying my forehead against the wall. "Astrid are you really okay?" says Hiccup worriedly. "how did Dagur know you were outside our house?" says Aaron curiously, "We were outside, Hiccup saw some commotion over in the great hall so we went to check it out and Dagur was there threatening Stoick" i say still dizzy. "Ya we were fighting they had to keep us separarted just so we woudn't kill each other" says Hiccup trying to ignore the pain from being hit. "i need to go lie down." i say walking towards my room, "i'll come with you" says Hiccup, i let him because i know he's worried.

when i get to my room i tell Hiccup to sit down, i get everything i need to clean him up.

i gently dab his lip which is mostly bleeding, "Oww" he says flinching as i accidentally dab to hard. "Sorry" i say ashamed,

he tucks strands of loose hair behind my ear. "Are you okay?" he says looking at me worriedly, "Ya just frustrated" i say bandaging his arm. "Why are you frustrated?" he asks me, "Because this whole mess, everything is a mess" i say hugging my arms. "this is our mess and were gonna fix it i promise"  says Hiccup hugging me, "I hope so" i mumble.

"You should be heading home, before your dad gets worried" i say touching his cheek gently, he touches my hand and start rubbing small circles on it. "Okay, see you tommorow?" he says kissing my hand "Ya see you tommorow" i say as he closes the door.

i crawl into bed and drift off to sleep.

Hiccup POV

i ride on Toothless around the village, until i decide to take a different route. and fly around the whole village admiring the beauty of this place.

where we use to kill dragons where now, we ride them and protect them like they protect us.

Toothless lands infront of my house, i get off the saddle and let him walk in first. when we enter my dad is asleep on his chair snoring loudly.

i go to my room, Toothless right behind me. he goes to his bed and curls up, sooner or later he's asleep peacefully. i crawl into bed and fall asleep.


haha who loves pizza cuz i do. i know thats random i'm very random.

well thats it for now my dragon riders/ pepitos.


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