Chapter 19: accidents happen

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Hiccup POV

i say good bye Elsa even though her supposed name is Astrid, i walk with everyone else to the building with a sign above it thats says Gym.

when i walk in i see the whole place is full of exercising tools. i go to a place where you lay down and lift a long metal bar with disks attached to the end of it.

i start lifting, if this is how my days are planned out than i have alot ahead of me i think to myself. i look around Dagur has a crowd of girls surrounding him trying to feel his muscles i ignore him and keep lifting.

Elsa POV

i walk with June back to our cabin. as i open the door i think of the poison coursing through me. "i'm sorry i kicked you even though we had to" i say sitting in a chair. "its okay fighting is your thing mine is being happy" she says cheerfully.

"do you think we should go visit the boys i think there doing horrible" i say teasingly. "ya there not strong enough" she says laughing.

we get up and run to Hiccup and Aaron. when we enter, June rushes to Aaron. i look around until i see Hiccup. he's surrounded by other guys he's lifting while they add barbells. i walk over to them, they make a path for me. "you having fun?" i say teasingly to Hiccup. he looks at me surprised and sets down the bar he's lifting. "no just being me" he says smirking. "you know Dagur is looking at you?" he says drying his face with a towel. "no but i dont care the only person i care about here is you" i say smiling. "so why'd you come here was it for the gun show?" he says teasingly. "no i came to see you" i say giggling. "whats wrong?" he asks me. "oh nothing" i reply even though inside i just wanna run free. he comes closer to me and kisses me. i kiss him back, when we pull back he goes back to lifting weights. "Hey Astrid wanna see how strong i am?" says Dagur behind me. "um no thanks Dagur" i say sitting down on a chair. "And please dont call me that" i say to Dagur. "i decide who gets to call me that" i say crossing my arms. "what ever but your still going to be mine" he says walking away. "Don't listen to him you'll be fine i promise" says Hiccup still lifting weights. "i know i will as long as i'm with you" i reply. he smiles.

"i'm gonna go take a walk see you later" i say getting up. "okay be careful" he says smiling at me. i walk out and run into the woods. i need to be free, be able to run where ever i want to. i come near a river, i take my shoes off and dip my feet into the cool water. i sigh. i hear rustling in the trees, but it turns out to be just a bird.

i get up, put my shoes back on and start walking back to my cabin. when i'm about to go inside, Dagur pushes me against the wall. "Dagur just stop" i say trying to break free from his grasp. "no if i can't have you then i'll have to use force" he says touching my waist. "please Dagur just go" i say trying to stay calm. he kisses me, i pull back. i hate him for hurting Hiccup for everything he's ever done. someone pulls him off me, i drop to the ground. June comes to me, Hiccup and Aaron are fighting Dagur. "Are you okay?" says June trying to calm me down. "i-i ya i think so " i reply tears going down my face. "your going to be fine" says June helping me inside our cabin. when we get in i cry, i'm scared. he thinks he can do anything as long as he's the strongest person here.

"Elsa are you okay" says June looking worried. "sure i'm just scared" i reply. my heart pounds, my arm throbs and i just wanna get away from everything. "Elsa what happened did he hurt you?" says Hiccup hugging me. "i should've just stayed with you none of this would have happened" i say digging my face into Hiccup's shirt. he hugs me tightly, when ever i'm with him i know i'm safe i say to myself.

"your okay now" he says kissing my forhead. "Did he do anything to you?" Aaron asks me. "no he just kissed me and said if he can't have me he'll use force" i reply still crying. "dont worry we'll deal with Dagur just stay here" says Hiccup letting go of me. "okay" i reply.

Hiccup POV

i walk out of Elsa and June's cabin and go to mine where all the boys are. Dagur is there laughing and having fun. "Dagur!" i yell. he turns around and smirks. "what come back to beg me to say sorry" he says teasingly. i punch him multiple times, he hurt Elsa she didn't deserve it but of course when he wants something he gets it.

"whats going on in here?" i hear Chris say. "he hurt her" i say getting up. "i see he did something you don't like, both of you just walk it off" he says not caring. i dust myself off and rush out the door.

i run back to Elsa's cabin. June is putting a blanket over Elsa, "she fell asleep crying" says June looking at me. "at least she's okay for now we need that antidote" i say loud enough for June to hear. "why would you need an antidote?" she asks me confused. "2 months ago she got struck by an arrow that had poison that is now coursing through her and if we don't find the antidote she'll.........die" i struggle to say it.

" we need to find it before anything happens?" she asks me. "yes and if we don't you know what happens" i say looking down. "don't worry we'll find it" she says reassuringly. "thanks i'm going to sleep" i say getting up. "you can stay with her if you like" she says to me. "okay" i say and climb in with Elsa. i wrap my arms around her, and i fall asleep.


hi pepes so hows your day been so i got a question of the chapter for ya (QTC) so have you ever had a moment where your zoned out during class and your teacher yells at you for it? cause thats happened to me

and if you have what were you thinking about if i can know

well thats it for now my dragon riders. bye bye vote, and comment thx

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