Avengers Assemble (Age Of Ult...

By Liyah905

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Nick Fury has a bad feeling about this mission surprisingly he finds someone who fits into the Avengers perfe... More

Chapter 1: Her name is Rose
Chapter 2: Hi..
Chapter 3: Party?
Chapter 4: Bunny?
Chapter 5: No.
Chapter 6: Backstory
Chapter 7: Safehouse
Chapter 8: You know
Chapter 9: Maybe
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: How?
Chapter 12: Cool
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Fixed Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Infinity War Sneak Peek

41 0 0
By Liyah905

         This ladies and gentlemen is a sneak peek at what's going to happen in the book during Infinity war the battle scene. I'm debating on if to wait to update when the movie comes our or go based off the comic. I personally want to wait until the movie because it'll give me a better way to bring it to life. But here now is the sneak peek:

          The skies were grey and all he civilians had left the city and followed to where shield directed them. The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy fought side by side fighting all of Thanos' monsters almost all avengers Vision had to leave Tony's orders as he sent Wanda with Vision she was the only one that could convince Vision to go. They were making it through the creatures with boney skin the skin color being blue and black, but then there were those who were as strong as Thor in gear to protect themselves. Rose was dominating them a lot freezing them and the breaking the ice as they turned to nothing. Thanos was on his throne watching intensely as one of his messengers whispered something in his ear.

      Thanos smirked looking at Rose as she sent flying blades his way which he easily deflected. Rose kept throwing ice and water towards Thanos as he deflected them laughing.

"Silly humans girl you can't hurt me with that!" Thanos boomed trying to shoot Rose with a laser from the infinity stones.

"Silly alien beanhead I wasn't trying to hurt you. I was merely creating a distraction." Rose said.

She shot a stone with ice as the stone began the crack. Thanos turned around only to be punched by Drax, Thor, Tony's Iron Man suit and Groot sending Thanos tumbling down. As he fell more of his creates came from the ground up and behind him. Bucky, Star-Lord and Steve  all looked at one another as they started running towards the army. Natasha and Gamora were trying to handle Thanos' Nebula. Dr. strange, Wong, Loki, Thor, Rose and Tony all blasted their powers at the infinity  stoned trying to destroy them only to be shot back. Rose's eyes began to turn purple alone with her hair as she screamed her war cry.

  Thanos nodded to his assistant as he began to recite the words.

"Longing, abandoned, furnace-" His assistant started.

      Hydra was out of Bucky's system thanks to the Black Panther. Steve turned and looked at Bucky who looked at him surprised they both turned towards The Black Panther. He looked around before he pointed to Rose who was weakening at the sound of those words. She was once high in the air trying to save herself from falling completely became weaker and weaker. Bucky, Steve and the Black Panther rushed over to Rose trying to knock her out of the trance. hey tried to go high Star-Lord caught up with the four men as he started using his jet shoes to try and get to Rose in time.

"Daybreak, twenty-one, benign, nine-"

Steve was trying every way possible to get to Rose as did Tony as he now realized that if they get control of Rose and unlock her full powers it's over for good.

"Homecoming, one-"

Everyone shot at the assistant as Rose was now kneeling on the ground fighting to keep herself control. To make it past the infinity war to survive with her boyfriend and friends, but so far she was losing.

"Rose!" her team yelled.

The last people she seen was Tony, Star-Lord, Bucky and her dearly beloved boyfriend Steve.


 That was the last word Rose heard before she lost herself control. She stood up tall and looked towards Thanos and he nodded towards the Guardians Of the Galaxy and Avengers.

"End them." Thanos' assistant spoke.

      Rose's eyes were purple alone with her hair as she started flying up with oceans of water behind her. Everyone looked at one another as they took air . Bucky and the King was grabbed by Sam as Steve was Tony and Star-Lord used his jet shoes o grab Groot and take flight. There was levitating stable metals large flying everywhere as they all hid behind one hoping to make a plan to snap Rose out of it.

"There has to be something that can snap her out of it." Tony said.

Steve looked out of it as he peeked around looking at Rose as Bucky smacked Steve catching his attention so he could focus. Steve looked as though he wanted to cry and break-down as he watched his love lose herself.

"Look Steve man, I'm afraid we never seen Rose's full powers. You need to go over there smack her on the ass and tell her to cut it out." Sam whispered yelled.

 Everyone looked at Sam confused except for Black Panther who nodded in agreement. Another scream came from Rose as everyone looked up and seen webs covering her eyes ,legs and arms as she fell. Steve and Tony looked at one another.

"Kid I thought I told you stay home." Tony whisper yelled into the ear piece.

"Sorry Mr. Stark you're in my City." Spider-man said into the ear piece.

"Kid you need to leave that area surrounding her immediately." Steve said.

 They all waited for a reply, but only seen Spiderman's body hit a levitating piece of metal as he began to fall. Ton wasted no time running to catch Peter hiding him behind another piece of metal.

"Okoye. Remember what we used to help fix Barnes we need that now!" Black Panther said into the earpiece.

"It's goin to take some time to actually get to it in time. Stall." Okoye replied.

Everyone looked at one another  as they started creating a plan that'd distract Rose. Rose heard the mumbled of people's voices and found where they were hiding sending sharp ice blades their way. Steve felt frozen this is the only time where a mission is knocking him off his game he doesn't want to hurt his girlfriend, but he also has to protect everyone. Thanos was on the move to find the last stone which vision had in place Drax, Rocket, Dr. Strange, Wong, Loki and Thor followed Thanos.

"We need a distraction," Tony said.

Just then the Hulk appears attacking Thanos and trying to get Rose.

"That works."

Everyone started attacking Rose trying to weaken her. Tony and his blast, Bucky and his fighting skills along with Natasha and Gamora, Steve and his shield, Spider-man and his webs, Clit and his arrows and finally Star-Lord and his contraptions. Everyone used everything they could to fight Rose she only hit harder and harder until they actually started weakening her. A war cry came from Rose she has the clouds form and create heavy snow so everyone could barely see. Everyone took cover as Rose fought the hulk until she blasted him far away as he went and followed Thanos. Then Blue bird appeared attacking Rose adding on to her injuries from which she got from the team and the hulk until Rose shot an ice blade threw her shoulder knocking Blue Bird down temporarily.  Rose fell to the ground due to her injuries from the hulk her body was bruised pretty bad as everyone still hid, deciding on what to do next.

"Steve." Rose started sobbing.

"Bucky! Tony! Sam! Please help me!" Rose yelled sobbing harder.

 Her eyes had faded from purple back to brown their original color and her hair fell still in it's brown long curls. Everyone shook their head at Steve feeling as though it was a trap, but that's Steve's love right there.

"I have to go." Steve said.

Bucky tried to grab Steve before he ran out from his hiding spot. Sam caught Bucky's arm before he ran out after Steve. There laid Rose on the ground beaten and bruised as the storm cleared up everyone peeked an watched intensely. Steve ran as fast as possible to Rose taking her in his arms. Steve's eyes watered as he picked up Rose stroking her face.

"Hey babe. I'm sorry about all of that." Rose apologized.

 She looked as though she was trying to fight a smile as Steve placed her back down thinking that this wasn't such a good idea. Rose started getting up her eyes quickly turning purple.

"Rose please come back!" Steve yelled backing up.

Blades of ice came up from behind Rose as Steve started running Rose turned the ground surrounding him into ice as Steve slipped trying to get up. The team tried to aid him, but couldn't get up themselves as Rose formed Ice around their feet.

"Rose no!" Tony screamed.

Rose sent the ice blades coming down at Steve full force. Rose herself fought for self control to try and save Steve from her controlled self. Steve's eyes widened as the blades got closer. Tony tried to give him his shield, but Steve couldn't make it to the shield in time.

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