Eternal Fantasies 2: Rise of...

By ArwinChua

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Twenty three years had passed since the Holy War came to a halt. Peace had reign once again and people enjoye... More

Prologue: The Dark Angel, Angelica
Chapter 1: The Holy Conference
Chapter 2: Angelica's Lonely Sorrow
Chapter 3: Mutual Feelings of Solitude
Chapter 4: The Devastation
Chapter 6: Tyron, the Demonic Savior
Chapter 7: Unexplainable Feelings
Chapter 8: The Emergence of a Hero
Chapter 9: Angelica VS Flugelmina
Chapter 10: The Celebration
Chapter 11: Warm and Positive Inclinations
Chapter 12: Passions
Chapter 13: Steamy Moments
Chapter 14: Start of Tyron's Life on Shadow Realm
Chapter 15: Words from a War Veteran
Chapter 16: A Warrior's Pride
Chapter 17: Angelica's First Sign of Love
Chapter 18: Tyron's Eternal Fantasy
Chapter 19: The Tale of a Demon and Angel
Chapter 20: Artesia, The Unbridled Angel of Darkness
Chapter 21: Entering the Shadow Dungeon
Chapter 22: The Formation of The Shadow Circle
Chapter 23: Passion of an Angel and the Passing of a Demon
Chapter 24: Tyron, the White Flame of the Heavens
Chapter 25: Warmth of a Gentle Kiss
Chapter 26: Tasting the Heavenly Meal
Chapter 27: Ouroboros, the Dragon of Destruction
Chapter 28: Villamore Royal Mansion
Chapter 29: The Jaegers NPC Squad 44's Flight
Chapter 30: The Moon Lovers
Chapter 31: A Death God's Passionate Concern
Chapter 32: Squad 44's Ideal Little Sister, Gellie
Chapter 33: A Clash of Two Demigods
Chapter 34: New Family Members
Chapter 35: The Four Heroes' Reunion
Chapter 36: Tortured Souls
Chapter 37: Final Banquet
Chapter 38: A Night of Memories
Chapter 39: The Final Trial
Chapter 40: The Flames of Heaven VS The Holy YinYang Thunders
Chapter 41: The Furious Black and White Thunders
Chapter 42: The Return of the Seven Heroes
Chapter 43: The Final Preparation for the Holy War
Chapter 44: The Quadra Ultimatum Combinations
Chapter 45: The Golden Angel
Chapter 46: A Father's Unconditional Love
Chapter 47: Bahamut, the Crusher of Dreams and Hopes
Chapter 48: Angelica, the Draconic Purple Thunder of Heaven
Chapter 49: The Hero of Light against the Villain of Darkness
Chapter 50: The Final Stage: Rise of the Super Demigod
Final Chapter: One Happy and Loving Family

Chapter 5: The Prophecy

57 2 0
By ArwinChua

Flugelmina POV

I was woken up when I heard Angelica moaning and shouting while we are sleeping.

I was utterly shocked to see her on the floor, rolling around like crazy with her eyes closed.

"Angelica!? What's happening to you!? Hey!", I screamed and tried to stop her but a very powerful force sent me flying on a wall and hit it hard.

"Oww.", I said as I went to the floor and watched my friend being suffering there.

"Angelica! I am coming!", I shouted and sprinted to her. But I could not go nearer as a very powerful repulsive force were coming out from her body.

"What's happening here!?", shouted Lord David as he saw me shouting and came flying once again towards the wall but in a blink of an eye he catched me.

"Thank you, Lord David."

Ms. Cheska came to our room and also tried to approach Angelica but even her cannot counter the repulsive force.

"Flugel, what is happening?", said Lord David calmly.

"I woke up after I heard Angelica moaning, crying, and shouting like that. I don't know what's happening to her, but I did my best to help her."

Then he approached Angelica himself and I was amazed as the repulsive force does not even held him back.

"Honey, call Lord Zeus and Flugelmina, call your Dad Ranseim right away. This is not just an ordinary nightmare. This is probably one of the prophecies of the oracle. We need to rescue her before it defeats her!"

Ms. Cheska nodded and vanished with her flames. I also did the same as I inherited the blue flames of my Mom.

I ran as fast as I could as I teleported on the Light Palace. Luckily, I saw my Dad who were working in his office on the upper most part of the castle.

I blasted through the door and punched several guards who stood before my way.

"DAD! ITS AN EMERGENCY! ANGELICA WERE NOW SUFFERING FROM AN EXTRAORDINARY NIGHTMARE. Lord David suspects that the prophecy of the oracle is now happening inside Angelica's mind!", I shouted.

"What!? I can't believe it. Of all people, why Angelica? This is truly an emergency. Yuki, lets go there.", said Dad as he fixed his paper works with Mom beside him.

"Captain Sven, I trust the office now to your hands for the time being. We will be back after a moment.", said Dad to an armored guy beside him and Sven nodded.

"Yes, sir!"

"Flugelmina, let's go.", Mom said and we teleported back to the Shadow Palace and went to Angelica's room as fast as we can.

Angelica.. hang in there..

When we entered the Royal Chamber then to her room, the lights were turned on and we saw all of Lord David's officers as well as Lord Zeus himself with Ares, Athena, Poseidon, and even Hades who were now taking care of the dead souls at hell.

"Angelica!", I shouted as I worriedly ran to her bed and I saw her shaking so much. Ms. Cheska were running a soft cloth dipped with lukewarm water on her body.

She was shaking from so much trauma..

Just what are the things she saw?

I never, ever saw Angelica being so shaken like this. She was the type of girl who is always the brave, courageous, fierce, and heroic type. To see her like this breaks my heart...

"Cheska, tell us what she saw.", said Lord Zeus. That's right! Ms. Cheska can read minds.

"Angelica saw the future. A future full of devastation and destruction under the shadow of Bahamut. It was hard to accept, but everyone had died. The Gods, Angels, Warriors, and every living thing on Earth. Angelica watched all of those horrible things, including how Flugel, her parents, I, and David died while fighting Bahamut. Then when everyone had finally died, she saw a very mysterious demon named Tyron who became the only one to damage Bahamut fatally. It seems like only the hide of Bahamut itself forged as a sword can pierce through his immortal body. And this demon had that ultimate weapon with him. In the end of her nightmare, he heard this man calling Bahamut as his FATHER."

Everyone gasped loudly.

"E-Everyone.. died? Is Bahamut really that over powerful!?", exclaimed Lord David.

"When I fought Bahamut long ago, I could tell that he wasn't using even an ounce of his power.", said my Dad. "His true powers are unimaginable and beyond what we can intercept, but poor Angelica.. must have witnessed all of it."

"Lord Zeus, why did the prophecy took place on my daughter's mind?", said Lord David with a hint of anger on his voice.

Zeus just closed his eyes and folded his arms, "I honestly don't have the power to predict who will be the person that the Oracle will choose to show what is ahead of us."

We all remained silent as we watched how pitiful Angelica is as she were still crying and shaking with a blank expression and her eyes that were staring at nothingness.

"But one thing is I am sure about.", Zeus continued. "Angelica will play a very absolute role in the future that would determine the fate of the universe."

Once again we all remained silent until Athena spoke.

"I don't know, but there is this weird feeling within me that the demon who just escaped on the Sealing Chamber was that Tyron."

We were all fascinated by what she said and we continued on listening.

"All of the demons were eradicated during the last war. There is no possible way that the demon on Angelica's dreams were a survivor. I highly suspect that that demon was probably one of those in the Sealing Chamber and that one who managed to escape thrills my intuitions."

"Send all free units to search for that particular demon, Ares.", ordered Zeus. "It is time for the Divine Realm to take action."

"I got it.", said Ares and walked out of the room.

"Athena, tell all the Archangels to keep a close eye on the Sealing Chamber. If any of them escapes once more, they shall be held reliable.", ordered Zeus.

"Yes, my Lord. At once.", said Athena as she lit up and dissapeared.

"Poseidon, especially Hades, go and search your realms thoroughly and try to search for him. We all must never rest until we find him."

The Gods nodded. Poseidon liquefied and became water vapor. Hades vanished in a form of black smoke.

"Lords David and Ranseim, your job as of now was too look after your daughters and make them strong as much as possible. I shall convene a conference soon. Be in touch."

"Yes, sir.", both of them said.

"Flugelmina..", he smiled at me. "Please look after Angelica. I know how intimate you are to each other."

I cried and I nodded.

"Then, I must be going. Take care everyone", he said as he vanished with a bang of a thunder.

"Flugelmina." smiled my Dad. "Can we let the three of them together for tonight and will you sleep with your Mom and I?"


Both my parents nodded and I hugged them happily.

I approached Angelica who were now calming up a lot.

"Angelica! I'll come back tomorrow morning, okay? Rest easy, my friend.", I said and kissed her on her forehead.

Then she looked at me and smiled weakly. She slowly gave me a thumbs up.

Before my family and the officers decided went out of her room and close the door, I took a glance at her once more and waved worriedly.

"Take care, Angelica."


Angelica POV

"Dad.. Mom.. will you stay by my side tonight?", I weakly asked.

I smiled as both of them lied beside me and hugged me. I am between them again, like the way we used to sleep when I was a child. Just.. for now. I wanted to stay with them like this to feel the warmth of their bodies and most especially, the warmth of their love.

Nothing could make me more happier right now to be able to be beside the two people that I cherish the most.

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