American Woman: Book 3

Par ndjfufh

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Prince and Jensen have officially tied the knot. Find out what married life has in store for them. They both... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 32

507 29 10
Par ndjfufh

After dinner we all settled into the living room and Prince channel surfed while I sat next to Mattie on the couch and let her feel the baby kicking. She was beaming. "You know when I was pregnant with Skipper..."
"My name is not Skipper! Quit calling me that!" Prince groaned.
"Anyway...I just knew he was going to be a musician. We were playing and around music a lot and he would just go crazy in my belly anytime we were jamming..."
"I was probably wanting out and away..." Prince snickers.
Mattie ignored him and continued. "Then after he was born he was pretty fussy..."
"Yeah I realized what I had been born into..."
"And the only thing that soothed him was music or me or his father singing to him. He would just light up! He was dancing before he was even walking! And I've never seen a kid so young who could actually play the piano."
"Wow. That's really amazing. I mean I know he worked hard to be as great as he is, but it's also truly a gift from God." I reply. "Thank you for sharing that with me."
"Ok well speaking of God. Mom you need to get to bed bc the nurse is coming early in the morning and Jensen and I have church at 10:00..."
"Oh would you like to go with us?" I ask Mattie.
"I would love to, but I don't want to inconvenience you and Skipper..."
"Prince!!! My name is Prince."
"And you are funky?!" I say, causing Mattie and me to roar with laughter.
"Bedtime!" Prince commands, standing up to help Mattie to her bedroom.
"Well if you feel up to it in the morning we would be happy to take you." I tell Mattie.
"Thank you dear. Goodnight."
Prince looks at me as he assists his mom down the hallway and snaps and points to our bedroom. I giggle and roll my eyes as I turn off the tv and make my way to our bedroom. I was feeling fatigued from all the decorating earlier in the day and decided to run a warm bath. I hadn't taken one in a few weeks and it was sounding way more tempting than a shower. Just as I was getting settled in, Prince walks in immediately grilling me about the water temperature. "The water isn't too hot is it baby?"
"No I don't think so. I tried to make it just warm."
"Well let me be the judge of that." He smirks and removes his clothes and steps in behind me. I lean back and rest on his chest. "Feels perfect to me." He says bringing his hands up to massage my shoulders. "Are you feeling ok momma?"
"Yeah. Just might have overdone it a little decorating today...."
"Oh I'm sorry honey, did you want to take a bath alone? I guess that was kinda rude of me to intrude..."
"No baby. You are much more comfortable to lay back on than the cold tub. And your hands feel really good."
"Well the decorations look great. We can do the trees tomorrow if you are feeling up to it."
"Ok that sounds fun..."
"Yeah until my mom ruins it."
"Oh babe!"
"I see you already getting in cahoots with her..."
"What?! No! How?"
"I'm just teasing momma. But why did you invite her to church?!"
"Prince, come on. Don't be that way."
"I just don't want her to be with us all day everyday. I need my private time with my wife."
"We will baby. We have private time right now. But don't treat her like a child. You don't need to be telling her when to go to bed."
"I don't want to talk about her anymore. So tell me about some of these Christmas traditions you want to start."
"Well some will have to wait until next year or as Devon gets older, like opening a Christmas book each night in December until Christmas Day. My mom used to do that with me and it was so fun to have a new bedtime story to read...and it helped keep me from nagging about when I could open the other presents. I need to dig around my parents' attic, I'm sure all the books are up there somewhere."
"I love that baby. What else?"
"Buying an ornament each year with her name and year on it. My mom did that too. I actually brought mine with me from Lenny's house."
"I like that one too."
"And then of course things like decorating a gingerbread house, sprinkling reindeer food out on the lawn, and stuff like that."
"I never did any of that. But it all sounds fun. Is there any we could do this year?"
"I don't know. I guess most of mine were more kid centered. How about we make it a tradition to not buy each other anything?"
"Why? Bc you can't think of any ideas for me?" He chuckled.
"Yeah a little bit. But just bc it's silly. We can buy anything we want at anytime. I'd rather focus on giving to others and then our kids in the future."
"I agree momma."
"Really? So you promise not to buy me anything this year?"
"Yeah. I promise. But it's just going to be us. I'll send my mom to Tyka's or home that day. We can sleep in, eat Christmas goodies all day, snuggle by the fire, watch cheesy holiday movies, have endless amounts of sex..."
"That actually sounds perfect. I love you."
"I love you too baby girl." He lifts my chin up and captures my lips. "So you really want to just go to the cabin for the baby moon?"
"Yeah I do. How you described Christmas Day is about what I had in mind."
"Ok babe." He chuckled. "How long do you want to stay?"
"I don't know. Our anniversary is the 18th. After this next appointment on the 2nd, they will start being every two weeks until the last few weeks. So we could go around the 16th, after the appointment, and stay for a week or so. Will that work?"
"Works for me. I'll arrange for someone to stay with my mom that week. If she's still here and I haven't taken her back by that point." He sighs.
"Baby she's not a dog you are talking about taking back to the pound or something. You know it bothers me a little how much you don't want her around. Makes me wonder about Devon. Are you going to be annoyed when she cries, or is fussy, or wakes us up in the middle of the night, or..."
"Of course not! There is a big difference!"
"Oh yeah? What? Bc the way it appears is you get frustrated by any disturbance to your schedule or plans or our alone time. Do you even realize how much a baby will change those things?"
"Yes momma, I do. Yeah those things do tend to annoy me but when it's an adult not a baby. Plus remember we said we weren't going to put our relationship on the back burner. I will figure out a way to give us both a break and some alone time. It's just my mom. Our history isn't great. I love her, but I can't stand her most of the time, and it's difficult to look past that and be cordial sometimes."
"I understand honey. But she was actually pleasant tonight, or I thought so anyway. I know it's hard to put away your preconceived notions about what she will be like, but please try....for me. Maybe these last few weeks or months together will help heal some stuff."
"I doubt it, but I'll try to not be so grumpy about it...for you. You know I would do anything for you baby girl."
"Oh yeah? Anything?"
"I'm feeling a little sore. Would you give me a massage when we get out of the tub?"
"Of course baby. Are you ready to get out? The water is getting a little chilly."
We both washed quickly and Prince helped me step out of the tub carefully. I love how extra tender he has been with me during the pregnancy. It's kinda cute how anxious he gets about stuff like me pushing or lifting anything too heavy, the water temperature of the bath, stepping out of the tub, and many more things. He dries me off and wraps the huge fluffy towels around me bc I was shivering. "You want the massage by the fire momma?"
"That sounds lovely...but your mom..."
He groaned slightly, saying "I'll tell her not to come out of her room for awhile."
"But what if she needs something?"
He groans again and says "I will give her a bell or something to ring."
Prince slips on some silk pajama pants and guides me into the living room, flips on the fireplace, and lays me down on the soft towel. "I'll be right back momma."
A few minutes later, he comes back with some massage oil. "Ok I told her to not come out and only ding if she absolutely needs something. So where are you feeling sore sweetie?"
"Everywhere honestly."' I chuckled.
"Ok here let me get your body pillow. Lay on your side and I'll work on your shoulders and back first."
Prince brings me my body pillow and helps me get comfortable. He rubs the oil between his palms and glides it all up and down my back. "Oh baby that feels good." I moan.
"Let your man take care of you baby. Just close your eyes and enjoy."
He works on my back, neck, and shoulders, for at least 20 minutes and then moves down to my legs. After a while he has me lie on my back and works on my legs some more and then up to my arms. It felt amazing and after about an hour I felt like jello. "You can stop baby. I'm feeling better. Thank you." I say, opening my eyes.
"Hold on momma. There's a spot I missed." He said, pumping a little more oil on his fingers. He reaches down and spreads my legs, immediately putting his warm, oil covered fingertips on my clit. I gasp quietly at his touch and he begins slowly working it in circles. My eyes shut again and I spread my legs open further and bend my knees, causing him to moan at the sight. He moves his fingers down to my entrance and pushes his middle and ring fingers inside me. I begin meeting his thrust and riding his fingers, softly calling his name. "Oh momma. You're so beautiful. Will you stroke me with the oil too?" He begs.
"Of course." I respond, raising up into a sitting position. I shimmy his pants down and Prince takes his other hand and grabs the oil bottle and squirts a generous amount into my hand. I rub it between my hands and place them both on his firm dick. I interlock my fingers and begin stroking him up and down gently. "Oh fuck baby." Prince whispers and closes his eyes, halting his movements on me for a few seconds to savor the feeling. He then begins to touch me again as I continue to pump him with both my hands. I change to put one fist on top of the other and begin twisting them in opposite directions. This sent Prince into overdrive as his moans become louder. "Shhhh baby." I said, in an attempt to remind him his mom was nearby. "I don't care." He growls. "This is my home. I am not going to hold back. My wife is giving me so much pleasure and I damn well am going to enjoy it. Ride me momma." He demands and pulls me onto his lap. "You don't hold back either. I don't care if she hears us. We are married, in love, having a baby, and we can do whatever we want, whenever we want. If she doesn't like it, she is free to leave."
"I understand baby, but you don't care if your mom listens to you having sex? Isn't that a little weird?" I ask, hesitantly.
"She knows we have sex Jensen. She's probably asleep by now anyway. I'll buy her some ear plugs tomorrow. Now stop talking about it and hop on darling." He says, lifting my hips and guiding himself into me. He leans back and puts his palms flat on the floor behind him as I bounce up and down steadily. "Thatta girl! Fuck your husband! Make me cum..."
"Ding! Ding! Ding!" went Mattie's bell just as we were both reaching our climax.
"You are shitting me?!!!" Prince shrieks. "She can wait! Don't stop momma!"
I do as he commands and within a couple minutes we both reach our peak. I slowly climb off him and we both wipe off with the towel and Prince jerks his pants back on. "Meet me in bed momma." He requests as he heads towards Mattie's bedroom.
A few minutes later, he comes into our bedrooms and crawls into bed next to me. "Is she ok?" I ask timidly.
"Hell yes! She's fine! She was thirsty." He said, letting out a huge sigh and rolling his eyes.
"You didn't get mad at her, did you?"
"I tried not to. I got her some water, but I told her she needs to get everything she needs beforehand next time. We aren't going to hop to her every need."
"Do you think maybe she just heard us and wanted to put a stop to it?"
"I don't think she heard us. She didn't say anything. Her tv was on anyway. But see this is the shit I wanted to avoid...."
"Just let her get settled and adjust baby. Come cuddle with me. Let momma take away your stress...."
"Momma is who is causing the stress." He chuckled.
"That's big momma. I'm little momma." I joke.
"This is getting creepy. Let's just go to sleep."
He laughs and scoots up next to me and we fall instantly asleep.

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