Chapter 76

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September 11, 2002
"Good morning mommy!" I open my eyes to see Prince holding our chunky little monkey in his arms. "Someone wants to have breakfast with you. Or at least wants to eat. What else is new?!" He chuckles. "She keeps signing 'milk.'"
I raise up and prop myself against the headboard to nurse her. Prince hands her off to me, grabs his Bible, and lays down at the foot of the bed to read. "Good morning sweetie. Are you hungry?" Then I sign "milk" and repeat it a few times. She begins signing it too. "Good girl!" I giggle, giving her kisses all over her face and neck making her belly laugh.
Prince looks up from reading, smiling from ear to ear at her precious laughter. "You know that's going to turn into a fit if you don't get her on the tit."
"Ok thanks Dr. Seuss." I chuckle and guide Devon towards my breast. She loves to eat baby rice cereal and fruit and vegetable purées. As soon as we introduced her to solid foods around four months old, she has loved everything that's touched her mouth. We go to her six month appointment tomorrow and I'm a little nervous they will say she's put on too much weight. Maybe she's growing like she's supposed to, she just doesn't seem like a tiny little baby anymore. They don't stay small very long!
I go to grab the remote off my end table to watch the morning news and Prince stops me.
"Not this morning momma." He demands.
"Why?" I ask, momentarily forgetting the date.
"Let's just talk this morning. Guess what I just read in the Bible?" He asks.
"I know you've told me before. You're the head of me. I'm supposed to obey you or some shit like that." I smirk.
"Real nice." He responds, rolling his eyes. "It's says what we did last night was naughty."
"What did we do last night? Have sex?"
"On your period..."
"You realize that's Old Testament rules which we do not live by anymore. We have advanced since then, we have like running water and stuff now." I chuckle. "But if you don't want to do it anymore..."
"No no no. I didn't say that. It's the only time you'll let me cum inside you." He whines.
"It's still playing with fire!" I exclaim, putting Devon over my shoulder to burp.
"Honey I really don't think we have to burp her anymore. She's too old for that."
"Don't say that! That makes me sad! How is she already this big?!" I sigh. I sit her up on the bed and try to get her to crawl to me. "Come here Devon. Come to mommy."

She just smiled at me and didn't budge an inch

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She just smiled at me and didn't budge an inch. "Oh leave her alone. She will crawl when she's ready." Prince scolded me, picking her up and carrying her to the living room to play with her toys. We soaked up our time as just us three before everyone started arriving for the day. No more than an hour later, Devon started signing "eat."
"Good grief Devon! You're going to eat us out of a house and home!" Prince teased while taking her to the dining room and strapping her into the high chair. Maria walks in and Prince heads over to her and I hear him whisper "do NOT turn the tv on today." Maria nods and heads to the laundry room. I sigh and grab some rice cereal and sit down in front of Devon who immediately starts bouncing in excitement when she sees the bowl. She attempts to make the sign for "cereal." "That's right Devon!" I gush proudly. I repeat it several times and sign it correctly. She squeals as I sit it on her tray and scoop up a spoonful. I make a train sound as I chug the spoon closer to her mouth, which she eagerly opens as wide as she can and takes it all in. I do the train a couple more times and she does her best to sign "airplane." I smile and start to make the spoon into an airplane and she fusses and touches her thumb to her forehead signaling she wants Prince. "Daddy, I think she wants you to do the airplane." Prince looks up from his newspaper and lays his fork down on his plate and switches places with me. He picks up her spoon and flies an airplane into her mouth. About that same time I happen to look down at the newspaper as I was taking a sip of Prince's orange juice. I choked on it and my breath hitched in my throat at the picture taking up the entire front page of my parents' plane crashing into the WTC tower. "Fuck!"
Prince sighs as he snatches the newspaper from my view and chunks it in the trash. He returns to the table and kneels down in front of my chair. "I didn't want you to see that baby. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." I whisper, tears running off my face and onto my lap. "It still seems so unreal, even after a year."
"I know momma. I wish I could take your pain away." He says, pulling me into a tight embrace. Devon begins banging on her tray and fussing since nobody was shoveling food into her mouth. Prince and I both chuckle at her impatience. "I hear you baby girl!" Prince exclaims and then signs and says "mommy sad. Daddy help mommy. Wait." Of course that was way too many signs and information for her to comprehend, but I was impressed. "Wow babe! I think you got all the signs correct. I love you. Thanks honey." I whisper pulling him into a tender kiss. Devon begins wailing and Prince goes back to her and does a couple more airplanes into her mouth, satisfying her tremendously. Then she signs "mommy" and "train," so we switch back.
"You realize we are just pawns in her little game, right?" I giggle
"I know." He laughs. "Can a six month old already be manipulative? But she's so damn cute you have to give in!"
"And she knows that!" I exclaim, tickling her toes causing her to scream in delight.
As I give her the last spoonful and begin to get up, she whines and signs "more." "Baby she wants more?! Should I make her more?!"
"I don't know. I definitely think we need to discuss with the doctor tomorrow that's she's a bottomless pit! Maybe she has a tapeworm or something." He jokes.
I made her another bowlful and she signed "all done" after two bites. "You little stinker! That's wasteful Devon! I don't know how to make the sign for wasteful so I'm just going to wag my finger at you and give you a mean look." I say, causing her bottom lip to start quivering. "Ok I can't!" I proclaim as soon as I see her reaction.
"And you think she's got me whipped! She plays you too momma!" Prince laughs. "Don't let her cry! Bring her to me! Daddy will fix it Dev! Is mommy being mean?"
As we were finishing up breakfast, Kim and Brian come up to start the day. Kim and Devon had bonded so well and Devon had learned so much over the summer that we offered Kim the job full time and thankfully she accepted and moved here permanently in August. Brian had also meshed well with Prince and me and we had also learned a lot in the last three months of his lessons. A typical weekday for us starts around 8:00 and Devon and Kim go off and do their thing while Brian, Prince and I do ours. With Devon still being so young, she and Kim take lots of little breaks and we usually take several small breaks too and all chill out together for a few minutes and I get in some breastfeeding. Devon normally naps from 10:00-11:00 and Kim either comes and works with us or does paperwork or reads up on research. At 11:00, her and Devon put in another solid hour before we let Kim and Brian take a two hour lunch break until 2:00 and Devon gets in another small nap. When she wakes up, her and Kim work for another couple of hours, depending on Devon's willingness and then around 4:00, we all call it a day.
As soon as Kim and Brian left for the day, Prince lays Devon down for her final catnap of the day. As he walks back into the living room he says "so you know those two are...." then he makes the sign for "having sex"....right?"
"Who?! Kim and Brian?!" I exclaim.
"Duh! Who else would I be talking about?!"
"How do you know? Did he tell you?" I question him.
"No but come on baby it's pretty obvious. Are you ok with that?"
"I don't care. It's not really any of my business..."
"But what if they break up and then don't want to work around each other?"
"That would suck! I'm not convinced they are anyway. Why do you think that?"
"Ok well I don't know if they're fucking but I think they are into each other for sure. At least dating I would guess. Think about it...they always arrive at the exact same time. They leave for lunch together. And they walk out together when it's time to leave..."
"THAT'S your big detective work. Don't quit your day job. For all we know, they carpool or something. I mean they have the same start and end times and lunch break so of course they are going to come and leave at the same time." I respond, rolling my eyes.
"Yeah but if you'll notice, they kinda linger waiting on each other. Plus, when they do interact you can just tell. She giggles at all the stuff he says and I catch them staring at each other a lot." He explains.
"How have I missed all this?! Oh yeah bc I'm focusing on learning how to communicate with our daughter and not worrying about if they are humping. But they would make a cute couple. They're both a little dorky." I laugh.
"I'm not worrying about it, it's just plain as day! And I'm learning just as much as you, probably more!" He argues with a smirk.
Prince and I then have some sort of fight with our limited sign language skills and mainly only knowing words we would use with Devon as this age so it was pretty pathetic.
"Oh yeah do you know what this means?" I shriek, making a sign.
"Easy! It's 'thank you'! How about this?" Prince asks, making a sign to me.
"No touch! Come on at least make it challenging!" I roll my eyes.
"Fine." He exclaims, making another sign.
"Gentle." I answer, yawning to show how easy it was.
"Alright smart ass. How about this?!" He growls and makes a series of signs. I was confused bc we hadn't really learned how to put sentences together. We were still at the basics.
"Do those signs make a sentence or was it just a series of random words?"
"If you're so smart and know so much, shouldn't you know?" He challenges me.
"I think I caught 'mommy,' 'daddy,' 'eat,' and 'bed'....ok I don't know." I say, frustrated.
"I don't really know either but I was trying to say let's get in the bed and let me eat you." He moans, jerking me to his body.
"I'm on my period, remember?"
"Ewww. Ok then mommy can eat daddy." He laughs.
"You don't want to earn your red wings?" I joke.
"Who says I haven't already..."
"Gross!" I yell, pushing off of him.
"I'm just kidding. I never have, and I really don't want to..."
"You don't love me enough?!" I pout.
"It has nothing to do with that. He has to do with not wanting to vomit on you. You know I love you more than anything. I'll stick my dick all up in it...just not my tongue."
"Honey I would never ask you to really do that. Come on. Devon won't be asleep much longer. Mommy taste daddy. Daddy fuck mommy." I giggle.
"Ok Tarzan let's go!" He laughs, dragging me to our bedroom.

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