Bad Boy, Good Boy (boyxboy)

By faerienightowl

678K 36.3K 20.6K

It's not like he's looking for fights, it's more that fights are looking for him. But he's looking for someon... More

1 - bad meets good
2 - bad with a flower crown on top
3 - bad ultimatum
4 - bad, angry and confused
5 - bad boys crave attention like flowers need sunlight
6 - bad boys like books and drama
7 - bad boy does some good
8 - bad boy and a party
9 - bad and worse
10 - bad red flags
11 - bad news
12 - bad lying
13 - bad and strange
14 - bad sports, good outcome
15 - bad, but only halfway
16 - almost good
17 - goodness gracious, ugh
18 - almost bad
19 - good, but only halfway
20 - good sports, bad outcome
21 - good and strange
22 - good lying
23 - good news
24 - good red flags
25 - good and better
26 - good boy and a party
27 - good boy does some bad
28 - good boy likes books and drama
29 - good boys crave attention like flowers need the sun
30 - good, angry and confused
31.1 - good ultimatum
31.2 - good ultimatum
32 - good with a flower crown on top
33.1 - good meets bad
33.2 - good meets bad
34 - hometown
2 - AFTER the last party of high school
3 - AFTER the mistake I call a kiss
5 - AFTER all this
6 - AFTER I plan to be bad enough
7 - AFTER I come to the realization
8 - AFTER the major cliffhanger
9 - AFTER a swim in the sun
10 - AFTER the flower crowns
11 - AFTER the losses and the bruises
12 - AFTER and before
13 - AFTER mischief managed
Collision Course
1 - hello school, my darling nemesis
2 - hello old friend, my nemesis
3 - hello bruises and blood
4 - hello unlikely offers
5 - hello lights camera action
6 - hello you have every right
7 - hello what are you doing here
8 - hello and oh my god
9 - hello birthday and werewolves
10 - hello goodnight
11 - hello danger zone
12 - hello prince charming
13 - hello here comes trouble
14 - hello angel baby
15 - hello blood. sweat. tears
16 - hello you don't like me
17 - hello i don't like you (part 1)
18 - hello i don't like you (part 2)
19 - that who punches, loves (part 1)
20 - that who punches, loves (part 2)
21 - that who punches, loves (part 3)
22 - hello
23 - what is love
24 - don't hurt me (part 1)
25 - dont hurt me (part 2)
26 - don't hurt me (part 3)
27 - don't hurt me (part 4)
28 - so confused, can't even
29 - what if I lied
30 - we have a plan
31 - if we were a movie (part 1)
32 - hello 2
33 - hello 3
34 - ideas & lights
35 - if we were a movie (part 2)
36 - light up
37 - speech

4 - AFTER the movie we don't go to sleep

5K 366 227
By faerienightowl

A/N: So, finally-finally an update. I didn't know what to write, and you can probably tell it when you're reading :D (but I kind of know where I want this to go) I hope you like it despite everything. 

(ps. Halsey's new song is amazing.) (psps. this story has over 70K reads which is just insane, but i kind of like insane, so yaas!)

I send all my best wishes to you wherever you are! Have an amazing day or evening or night, and then another and another...

As always, give me comments and votes. (I sound desperate because I am desperate)

Happy reading x)

Chapter 4 – AFTER the movie we don't go to sleep

I think I fell in love with apples, because that pie was heavenly.

We have moved outside. Jason's on the swing with Caleb begging him to let Caleb swing for a little too. Jason keeps shaking his head. "No, I called dibs, and dibs is holy," he says.

Eileen is trying to braid Ben's hair which has gotten longer, but not long enough, so it looks rather like a bird's nest, his hair sticking in every direction. He's sitting on the lowest step, elbows on knees, staring at the bickering of Jason and Caleb. With legs on both sides of Ben, Eileen is sitting two steps higher.

I'm sitting on the corner of the terrace, one leg up on the rail, the other down for balancing, so I wouldn't fall. And Nolan is next to me on a lounge chair. It's excruciating being there silently. I want to yell at him, but not really. I just want to goof around and make inappropriate comments. And even though the other are pretty thankful that we're not, they're wondering why, they're thinking that this isn't normal.

Jason finally hops off the swing. He flicks a bug off his shoulder and walks to the terrace. I cross my fingers in the hope that he'll come up and start a conversation so it wouldn't be this awkward, but no. He squeezes in next to Eileen and tousles Ben's hair.

I think that both us of, Nolan and I, are disappointed.

It's still hours until sunset. Hours to fill until we all go to sleep. And I'm a terrible host.

"How's uni?" I decide to ask. The silence breaks as I speak. Breaks like my heart did when Nolan didn't hug me.

He shrugs. From the corner of my eye I see him shrug and decide whether to even give a proper answer. "Still waiting to find out what grade I got for the final exam."

I exhale in relief. A heavy stone is lifted from my chest and I can breathe. He spoke. That's all I care about. "And so far?"

"Straight A's," he replies and a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. And because of that almost smile, I decide to turn to look at him. He feels my eyes on him and lifts his head. We look at each other, and then I smile and give a nod. Seeing him happy makes me happy. That goes to all of my friends, actually.

"What the–?" Sam's standing in the doorway. "This isn't a party." She's still in graduation clothes, and then I realize that so are we. We should probably change. This suit only makes me more uncomfortable.

I stand up. "Good, you're here. I'm gonna change and in the meantime you can arrange a proper party scene."

Eileen cranes her neck. "Hi, Sam!" she gets up from the steps. "You look incredible!" She goes to hug Sam and I feel the knot in my stomach tighten. I brush past them and rush upstairs. Baby steps – at least I got Nolan to talk to me.

I replace the suit with a tee and sweatpants. When I turn around I find Nolan at the door. "Hey, um, Sam said I could borrow your clothes," he says, unsure, then takes another step until he's inside the room. "I forgot to bring more comfortable clothes."

"You're in luck then. I happen to have multiple sweatpants and T-shirts," I say and walk to the closet. It's like I forced my way into Sam's life and am playing the role of her stepbrother, and I guess Sam's mom is kind of my mom.

"Unfortunately we won't get to match," I add and hand Nolan black sweatpants and a white tee, contrary to my black T-shirt and a little less contrary to the grey sweatpants.

"Dammit, I was hoping we would," he replies with a laugh. He takes the clothes. "Thank you."

Slowly but surely we are recovering from the awkwardness.

I salute him. "See you downstairs." And while I walk down the steps I wonder how long he was standing there before.

It's like Sam and Eileen have known each other for a lifetime. And now they're terrorizing everyone.

"But I don't want to play board games," Jason whines, and kicks the counter. Caleb rolls his eyes, chin resting in his palm.

Ben's staring at his reflection. "I really need a haircut," he sighs when I pass him.

"Stop it," Eileen snaps at Jason. "You don't want to play? Fine. But you don't get to complain that you're bored, then. Besides, who invited you to play anyway?"

Sam presses her lips together to keep from laughing.

I nudge her. "What are we playing?"

"Charades," she replies.

I agree with Jason, but don't want the girls' hate to be directed toward me.

"If you were eighteen we'd have more fun games," Sam adds toward Jason. "But you're not, and neither is Caleb."

"So we have to wait four years for thing to be fun?" Jason slams his hand down on the counter. "Are you kidding me?

Sam shrugs. "Life is unfair. Tell me about it."

Jason crosses his arms and pouts.

"But think about how cool you must be to have older friends, huh?" Eileen says, and leans forward. "You must be the most popular boy in school."

"No one knows you're my friends," he replies as if it were obvious.

Eileen lifts her eyebrow, opens her mouth to say something, but Sam cuts in. "Either we play or we don't. Do we go outside or stay in?"

"It's way too hot outside," Caleb shakes his head and sips his orange juice. "Maybe later."

"What are you guys screaming about?" Nolan appears from the corridor. How come he always looks so great? I fill my glass with cold water, add ice cubes and drink half of it. What the fuck am I going to do with my life?

"The girls want to play charades, but I don't," Jason announces, and slides off the chair. "I'm gonna watch TV, then."

Sam runs her hand through her hair. "He's impossible. How have you not kicked him out of your group yet?"

Jason glances over his shoulder and sticks his tongue out.

"Oh, real mature!" Sam shouts. "You're acting like a ten-year-old."

Jason shows her the middle finger before Ben slaps his hand. "Be polite! You're a guest."

Eileen throws her hands up. "You know what? You guys can watch TV, Sam and I are going to play some games. Don't come begging when you get bored, or want to get away from that one." She points to Jason, then turns to Sam. "Grab the wine, let's go."

So the rest of us settle in the living room. Jason calls dibs on the couch, but lets Caleb sit there too. Ben throws his legs over the arm of the armchair, which leaves me and Nolan to sit on the ground. "Which movie?" I ask, taking some DVDs out.

"Surprise me," Nolan shrugs.

I grin. "Surf's Up it is."

Jason groans, but Caleb seems kind of excited. "One of the best soundtracks of all time," I say, put the DVD in and start. I crawl next to Nolan. Jason pats me on the head.

"You are so lame, man," Jason says.

"Thank you."

"We're all lame," Ben mumbles, eyes closed, head tilted back.

"I try to forget, but you keep reminding me!" Jason raises his voice.

"Shh, it's starting," Caleb hisses.

When my arm brushes against Nolan's he doesn't flinch.

In the middle of the movie I decide that we need popcorn. I go to the kitchen and find Ben following me. "I'm thirsty," he explains. He drinks water while I watch the seconds go by on the microwave. Then he slides closer to me.

"What's going on?" he asks quietly.

I grip the edge of the counter. "What do you mean?"

"You and Nolan," he replies quickly. "Did something happen?" He's never been that straight-forward.

I drop my head. "I, uh– It's complicated?"

"I don't you. You tell me," he shrugs and takes a sip. "Is it complicated?"

I glance at him. He has his eyebrow raised. He grabs an apple, bites into it and leaves. I don't know what to say or do. Ben's kind of right. But he's also very wrong. It is complicated. Right?

The popcorn's ready. I take it out of the microwave and pour it out in a bowl. I don't go back immediately, but watch the living room from the kitchen doorway. I can't see much, only Caleb's head and Ben on the armchair. Jason's humming along the song.

Suddenly I feel Nolan staring at me. "Are you going to just stand there?" he asks. "Because I want some of that popcorn too."

I smirk and force my feet to move.

"Oh my god, it's gone cold!" Jason groans. "How long were you standing there? You're such an idiot!" He takes a handful and shoves all of it into his mouth.

"Good. At least now you can't talk," Ben mumbles, to which Caleb laughs.

Sam comes running and giggling. "We're taking the tent!" she announces. "And all the sweets."

Before anyone can object she's gone again, with all the chocolate bars wrapped in her T-shirt. But Jason still shouts, "Can I join?"

"You can try, but I bet you'll be kicked out," I chuckle. "You might return with a headache. You've been warned."

"Buzzkill," Jason whispers.

And after the movie we don't go to sleep, because it's still too early. We finally play charades and invite the girls too. We don't form teams, but play just for the fun of it, everyone can guess. And then we still don't go to sleep. We play cards and Jason attempts to tell jokes, and Caleb says he's over his crush, and Nolan laughs, genuinely and multiple times.

It's all good.

It's all good until we have to decide the sleeping arrangements. "We'll sleep downstairs," Ben says. "I'll keep an eye on the little ones."

Jason winces. "Don't insult me like that, bro."

"What does that mean?" Caleb asks.

"It means that you two are staying downstairs with me. And Luke and Nolan are taking Sam's room," Ben explains, his eyes meet mine for a mere second. I wonder if I imagined it. Why is he doing this?

"But why can't we go there, too?" Caleb is frowning and pouting. And oh my god, if he takes after Jason we're doomed. We can handle one overly dramatic and eccentric kid, but not two.

"Because Sam's room is small. We'd take up the entire floor then." How does Ben not tire of taking care of Caleb and Jason all the time? I'm amazed.

Jason opens his mouth to protest, but Ben cuts him off. "It's done."

Wait– That means– No.

Ben passes me to wash his glass. "Uncomplicate things," he says quietly.

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