Why Do You Love Me? E.D~ G...

By nativegirlxx16

54.5K 1.7K 661

sequel to "why do you bully me?" Check it out. Katherine is living in LA with her boyfriend and two bestfrie... More

Chapter 1 •We're Back•
Chapter 2 •I-its just a prank•
Chapter 3 •E-tee-wee-tee •
Chapter 4 •Grayson Bailey Dolan!•
Chapter 5 •Ethan you cheated!•
Chapter 6 •Positive•
Chapter 7 •My little bup•
Chapter 8 •Beach fun•
Chapter 9 •No Promises•
Chapter 10 •As long as there's food•
Chapter 12 •Hospital Visits•
Chapter 13 •Kiss goodbye•
Chapter 14 •Memory lane•
Chapter 15 •What!•
Chapter 16 •Unknown number•
Chapter 17 •Too soon•
Chapter 18 •Stay•
Chapter 19 •decision•
Chapter 20 •Old friend•
Chapter 21 •Caption•
Chapter 22 •Hate•
Chapter 23 •Need to choose•
Chapter 24 •I'm yours•
Chapter 25 •Protective•
Chapter 26 •Unconscious•
Chapter 27 •Surprise guest•
Chapter 28 •Jerks•
Chapter 29 •Birthday•
Chapter 30 •Birthday Pt. 2•
Chapter 31 •Be alright•
Chapter 32 •Old friend pt 2•
Chapter 33 •House of memories•
Chapter 34 • Surprise news•
Chapter 35 •Expecting•
Chapter 36 •Family member•
Chapter 37 •House of pain•
Chapter 38 •Change of heart•
Chapter 39 •Dads Secret•
Chapter 40 •Dads secret pt. 2•
Chapter 41 •You Gain A Sibling, You Lose Another•
Chapter 42 •Secret•
Chapter 43 •Just A Little Longer•
Chapter 44 •Peace•

Chapter 11 •As long as there's food pt. 2•

1.6K 50 10
By nativegirlxx16

Day 4 on making it up to you guys....


"Easy come, easy go. That's just how you live oh, take take take it all, but you never give." I sing, making dramatic faces.

"Shoulda known you was trouble from the first kiss, had your eyes wide open." He sings along.

"Why were they open?" I sang making a confused face to go with the song.

"Skip to the high note.." I mutter skipping through the song. I prepare to sing Ariana grandes version of this high note.

"Watch me attempt this high note. Also watch me fail." I say with much confidence.

"BUT DARLING I'D STILL CATCH A GRENADE FOR YA!" I belt out. I couch after singing and succeeding. "Holy shit that was hard to sing." I cough. My voice is a bit raspy from it. Ethan hands me water to make it not so raspy. I mutter a quiet thanks before downing it.

"Damn, what that mouth do?" He teases. I smirk at him leaning in.

"This mouth.... can stuff it with McDonald's big ass burgers." I laugh at his sudden wide eyes.

I stare into his eyes when suddenly I jolt forward. Because of the harsh stop, I go flying off the seat. He laughs his ass of behind me as I groan, sitting up. "What the hell?" I moan out in slight pain, rubbing my head.

The driver rolls down the privacy window. "Sorry kat! Better wear a seat belt next time." A voice says. I peek through the window to see Gray & Em in the front, Gray is driving.

I squint my eyes at him, cursing him in my head. "Rude." I mutter moving over to Ethan. He takes my hand and leads us outside of the limo.

I see we've stopped at in and out. I get excited as I get more food. Turning my head to smile at Ethan, I spot a homeless man sitting on the side walk asking for food, making me frown.

I take Ethan's hand in mine and walk into the fast food shop. I walk up to the front counter, ignoring people's complains. "I want thirty burgers of any kind." I demand slapping my card on the counter. All the employees stare at me like I'm crazy. "Now!" I snap sending each one a glare. The get straight to work and I wait to the side for the food.

"What are you doing? We have food in the limo." He informs me. I don't answer just peck his lips.

"Don't question it. Just go along with it." I say. He nods, but still has that suspicious look.

10 minutes later everything is done, they call me over since I was standing so close. I grab tray after tray and balance two on each arm, with 6 bags on each. I should be a waitress.

We walk out the door with some people helping us. We load them into the limo. "Thank you so much for helping us move them. As a reward, here is some burgers." I say giving them a bag each.

Gray & Em come out with a few more bags. Guess that wasn't all of them. "Why the hell did you order so much?" He asks a bit angered. I shush them and take two bags off of them. I walk over to the man and tap his shoulder.

He looks up surprised for some reason. I smile and hand him the two bags. "Here, take these. I'll be back with more stuff sometime later." I say. He stands up and hugs me tightly. I gladly hug back.

"Thank you! Thank you! Bless your kind soul." He cries happily, releasing me from the hug.

"You are welcome. I'm glad to help in anyway." I say smiling at his happy face. I walk away, waving. The smile never left my face as I get to the limo.

"Ok we are going to keep one door open and Ethan and I will walk beside it." I explain as soon as I get there.

"We will be giving these burgers to anyone who may not have enough money for food or even a home or something!" I shout getting excited to help.

They nod and get into the front to start driving slowly. Eth & I walk beside the limo as it moves. I see a mother with 3 kids, struggling. I frown at the sight and grab 4 bags. In each bag is 4 burgers, with fries.

I walk over to her with a sad smile. She sees me coming and gives me a confused look, but eyes up the bags. I hand them to her. "Here you go. Take them." She grab the bag and looks inside. Her eyes light up at the sight.

"Thank you so much! I was so worried I won't be able to have enough for them." She admits. I give her a quick hug along with the kids. The kids shout 'thank you' over and over as the pile into the burgers. I smile and walk away. My eyes widen when I forget a drink. I run to the limo and grab 5. 1 for the man and 4 for the women and kids. I take the four water bottles to the women and children. She mutters another 'thank you' which I smile in return. Ethan takes the other water bottle and runs to the man, giving him a hug as well.

We move onto other streets and visit more spots, giving more people food.  Starting to tear up with the reactions they have. We have 5 bags left and it is dark out now. I check the time, 10:00pm. We have been walking around since 7:00pm. My feet are tired, but I'm not stopping until the bags are gone. I see cops resting in their car. I March over to them with 2 bags.

I know on their window with fake panic on my face. They stiffen as if I'm reporting a crime. "What is it?" One asks.

"Someone committed this horrible crime buy taking my wallet." I fake cry. "I had all of my billing info."

"Ok mam, stay calm. Can you tell a little bit of information of where you left it last?" Another asks.

"I left it on the counter of 'in and out'" I say.

"Why weren't you holding it?" The brown haired man asks writing in his not pad thing.

"Because I was buying these." I smile bring up the food. I hand the bags to them and laugh. "You two looked tired so I wanted you to have energy."

"Why, thank you." The other brunette says.

"Feels good to do good deeds." I say. "Have a good night officers." I wave, walking away.

"You too! Keep it up. People like you help this world." He says, making my heart warm up with joy.

3 bags left. I have an idea. I go running to the limo, Nother panic look. "Guys! Grab a bag each and run!" The all scurry into the back to get the bags. When the arrive beside me. I smile at them.

"Where do we take them?!" Emily asks frantically.

"No where." I say bluntly.

"What?" She says puzzled.

"Those bags are yours." I say walking into the drivers seat. They yell a thank and get into the back. I drive off with a smile on my face.


"What you did tonight was amazing, you're so kind to anyone." Ethan says kissing my temple.

I snuggle up to him more. "I love making people smile." I confess. "Just like how you love making your fans smile. You do a good deed everyday too." I add. He smiles down at me and kisses me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Day 3 bups!!!

I have nothing to say except to ignore the spelling errors. I will fix them later.


*play outro above^^*

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