My Alpha Black

By FandomPandom

479K 12K 972

Ivy Thorn doesn't know what to do when she finds out that she's mated to the scariest Alpha in America... Alp... More

Fifteen - Valentines Day Special
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Seven - Author Note
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Alpha Aidan Summary and Preview
My Beta Alana
My Alpha Faolan
My Guardian Liam
My Champion Nelia
My Warrior Morrigan
I Lied (On Accident)

Twenty Six

9.7K 249 3
By FandomPandom


"You called buddy?" MJ appears out of god knows where behind me.

"Oh, hey MJ." I greet her. She frowns in response.

"What? No hug? No kiss on the cheek? I thought we had worked this out baby." MJ bats her eyes flirtatiously.

"Not now MJ." I groan in reply. She smiles and bounces over to me.

"Babe?" Ron questions, looking at me with a confused expression.

"Ah, MJ is bisexual. She's just screwing around, so don't worry. There isn't anything actually between us." I explain.

"Nothing but a great friendship!" MJ grins and pulls me into a hug. A hug which I accept.

"You said you aren't a hugger but I'm thinking differently now." Eliza smiles.

"Oh, she's not! I'm just one of the people she actually hugs." MJ explains happily. She let's go and shakes Eliza's and Theo's hand as a greeting.

"This is MJ. She is the daughter of the Royal Sorcerer in my mother's kingdom. We met a few months after my mother took her place as the Queen. She's already a certified witch." I introduce MJ to Ron and his parents.

"I'm the youngest witch to be certified." MJ smiles proudly.

"Yes she's very proud of herself. I think she cheated and got help from her ancestors." I mumble to the side.

"Please, they wouldn't help me anyways." MJ huffs out.

"Uh huh." I roll my eyes.

"Look little miss could-destroy-the-universe-at-any-point-in-time, I worked hard for that fame. You fell into a coma. Twice." MJ puts her nose in the air, making herself seem snobbish.

"Really MJ?" I deadpan her.

"Yes, really. Now tell me why you summoned me." MJ crosses her arms, pouting in a sense.

"Oh right. I need you to give my mate the protection tattoo." I almost forgot.

"Which one?" MJ grins.

"The all around curse protection one." I reply.

"Yeah, I can do that." MJ's face suddenly becomes serious. All signs of happiness quickly disappears as she pulls out her spell book and she walks over to Ron. Two chairs and a book stand appear before her. She sits down and puts her book on the stand.

"Please sit down now." She gestures to Ron to sit. He sits down and glances at me.

"It's fine, she's done this before without a hitch. Oh, I need you to give me the you know what when you finish him." I give MJ a look and she nods in agreement.

"What is the you know what?" Ron pulls his shirt off and points to his right shoulder.

"Oh thank you, I was about to ask where you want it." MJ grabs his arm and starts tattooing on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it." I keep a watchful eye on MJ.

"Ivy." Ron growls out lowly.

"Your muscle makes this surprisingly easy." MJ comments. She sits up and double checks her work.

"You done?" Ron questions.

"Yeah, I've done it so many times that I can do it really fast now. Your turn Ivy." MJ replies. Ron stands up and checks out the tattoo. I sit down in the chair and breathe in deeply.

"You sure about this Ivy?" MJ glances up from her position at my right shoulder.

"Quit making this dramatic, it's just a fucking tattoo MJ." I growl in response. One can only take so much of MJ's overdramatic personality.

"Magic tattoo." MJ stresses as she starts tattooing my shoulder.

"Ivy, what is that?" Ron asks.

"It's a protection spell. In the form of a tattoo." I respond. He doesn't need to know.

"It's really not that big of a deal if you jut tell him." MJ inserts her opinion.

"Go suck a-" I start, but I see Eliza make a face.

"What should I go suck Ivy?" MJ jokes.

"Oxygen." I reply, not wanting to get on a dead archangel's bad side.

"Wow, so original." MJ deadpans me.

"What? You can't say dick?" Ron gives me a look.

"Fuck you." I glare at Ron. I can totally say 'dick' but his mom is in the room! She made a face, knowing what I was gonna say and I decided to not torture the poor woman.

"Before dinner or after you shower? What about in the shower?" Ron starts listing off times we could actually fuck.

"We do not need to have this conversation in front of your ghostly parents." I state, cutting him off.

"Can't blame me for trying. It's been at least five weeks." Ron smirks. His father lets out a groan and his mother rolls her eyes.

"You have a left hand." I reply. MJ looks up at the both of us and rolls her eyes.

"I'm right handed baby." Ron chuckles and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"Augh, no don't kiss me." I grumble. Pain sears my shoulder and I yelp.

"Oops sorry!" MJ quickly apologizes and fixes her mistake.

"Son of a bitch MJ, be careful." I grumble.

"Then don't squirm. I'm doing the finishing touches." MJ mumbles.

"Alright." I reply. Ron looks over MJ's shoulder, watching her make tiny, intricate designs within the tattoo.

"I'm gonna ask you again. What is this tattoo?" Ron asks me, again.

"It's just a protection tattoo. Makes some select spells fortified." I answer.

"Vague answer." Ron replies, "Any reason you won't tell me the exact details?"

"Not particularly." I reply shortly. The pain in my shoulder is growing.

"If you feel pain, tell me." MJ whispers.

"Nothing I can't handle." I whisper back.

"It shouldn't hurt, right?" Ron questions MJ.

"With the original version, no. But this is the amplified version, with a few of my own tweaks. Also another reason to why it's taking me so long." MJ replies curtly.

"Cool it MJ, the more you tense, the less magic flows." I say, remembering what her mother would always say to her when MJ was practicing magic.

"Yes mother." MJ rolls her eyes. I feel her relax, letting her magic flow into the tattoo.

"Almost done dear?" Eliza places a hand on MJ's back.

"Yep, all done!" MJ sits back. I stand up and take a look at it. It looks like a fortifying spell, but with some more squiggles here and there.

"Goddess, that looks like it hurt." Eliza's hand hovers around the tattoo as she studies it. My skin is a little pink now that she mentions it.

"Nah, it doesn't hurt any more. Just a little tingly." I reply, Eliza nods in understanding.

"Ivy, I need to talk to you. Alone." Ron gestures to me.

"Alright, I'll meet you in your office in a second." I nod to him. He grunts and heads towards his office.

"Oh yes, make it sound serious so we don't think you'll be fucking in there. Real smooth mate you've got there Ivy." MJ smirks at me. Theo and Eliza leave laughing due to MJ.

"MJ, don't ever change. I don't think I'll recognize you if you do." I roll my eyes at her comment.

"You always tell me that before you leave you know that?" MJ speaks softly.

"Yeah, well its true." I say, her hands are fidgeting.

"Can't you come see me in the castle some time soon?" MJ gives me puppy dog eyes.

"MJ, you of all people know why I can't go there." I groan.

"I know but......Oh forget it. I gotta go now. Tell that mate of yours what that tattoo is before he finds out, yeah?"

"I'll think about it." I pull MJ into a tight hug.

"You better!" MJ shouts, "Love you Ivy!" And with that, MJ disappears in the blink of an eye. I catch myself smiling and shake my head.

"Ron needed to talk to me." I mumble, and begin heading towards his office. Passing his parents in the hallway as I head over.

"Did she leave already?" Eliza frowns.

"Yes, being the only successor to the Royal Sorcerer position, she can't go anywhere without a few guards for too long." I explain, she merely nods in understanding. I bow my head slightly as I leave them. I go to knock on the door, but stop myself. He's already expecting me, and probably already smells me. So why knock? So instead I just walk in, and instantly see my mistake.

"I found my mate." A boy with red hair stands in front of Ron's desk, his head is tilted towards the ground.

"That's great. Mom and dad will be glad to hear the news." Ron replies, smiling slightly.

"No they won't. Not when they figure out who it is..." The boy sits down heavily.

"Who is your mate?" Ron starts doing something on his computer.

"Logan." Nico whispers. Ron looks up at him, surprise written on his face quite clearly.

"Logan? Like, one of my best warriors Logan? Doesn't really have emotions Logan?" Ron questions him, he sounds upset, like he can't believe it.

"Don't forget homophobic." Nico puts his head in his hands. I decide to make my presence known at this point.

"That's bullshit." I state. Nico whips around and looks me dead in the eyes.

"Your my brother's mate." He states.

"My name is Ivy, thank you very much." I furrow my eyebrows at his comment.

"I'm sorry. The name's Nico, I'm the youngest of the Black family." Nico stands up and shakes my hand.

"No need to be sorry. I met you when I first got here I believe." I claim, truth is I did. For a brief second that is, I didn't have much time to do a proper introduction.

"That was months ago!" Nico looks at me in disbelief.

"Yes, and that fact that you've been hiding this from your family for months makes you stronger than I originally thought." I reply, his eyes widen and Ron stands up.

"You've known about this Ivy?" Ron questions me.

"No, but I knew something was going on. You've lived without him for this long, I'm surprised." I compliment him.

"He visits me at night, sometimes." Nico divulges. He start fidgeting with his hands.

"He what?" Ron is apparently angered by this. Judging by his darkening eyes.

"I said he-" Nico starts to repeat himself, but Ron cuts him off.

"What does he do to you? Does he hurt you? Is he forcing you to do anything?" Ron worriedly grips Nico by the shoulders. I sit on the edge of Ron's desk, facing the two of them.

"What? NO! He doesn't do anything but sit beside my bed and watch me sleep for a while. He doesn't know that I've been awake sometimes. Hell, he doesn't know that I'm aware of his nightly visits in general." Nico speaks with sadness.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to overreact, I thought he was raping you or something." Ron sighs and leans against his desk next to me.

"Oh goddess no. He wouldn't even dare touch me." Nico slumps back down into his chair.

"Still, its a miracle your wolf hasn't forced you into heat." I speak up, Nico looks startled.

"It would be a miracle if that even happened?" Ron gives me an odd look.

"Believe it or not, its actually possible for a male to go into heat. Of course the male has to have a male mate in order for this to happen. The heat will only affect other gay males, so a good amount of warriors." I explain, both Ron and Nico looked a little freaked out by this sudden information.

"What does heat feel like? I mean, how do you know when your about to go into heat?" Nico asks me.

"Well, you begin to feel really horny. Your body temperature will spike after a few minutes of this, but not burning. You'll have about six minutes before the pain begins." I explain, Nico's cheeks redden.

"Oh goddess, please no." Nico shrinks into the chair.

"Right now? Seriously?" Ron looks at Nico exasperatedly.

"I-I'm not sure. Maybe?" Nico looks down at his hands.

"Shit." Ron starts for the door.

"Ron, you won't be able to hold off his heat. No matter how cold the water is. He needs his mate or he'll-" I stop myself, realizing that Nico might die if he doesn't mate with Logan.

"I'll die." Nico finishes my sentence.

"No, you aren't dying. Not while I'm still alive." Ron growls. Nico and I run after him, heading to the training grounds where some of the warriors are training.

"Logan!" Ron growls out loudly. Logan steps out of the group and looks annoyed by Nico's presence.

"Yes Alpha?" Logan growls lowly.

"Get over yourself. I don't give a shit and neither does anyone in the pack." Ron grabs him by his shirt collar.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Logan pushes Ron back.

"Hey Nico." A warrior throws his arm around Nico's shoulder, breathing in his scent.

"Get off of me." Nico protests weakly.

"Don't you want me?" The warrior grabs Nico's chin.

"Don't touch him!" I shout, pushing him off of Nico. Nico whimpers in pain and falls to the ground.

"Ouch..." Nico whimpers.

"Nico!" I kneel down next to him. Some other warriors get glazed eyes and start walking to the two of us.

"Nico, you need some help?" One asks hungrily.

"Back off." I growl, standing up to protect him.

"Logan, he'll die." Ron growls, Logan's eyes grow wide. More warriors are trying to get to Nico and I'm forced to use the tattoo.

"Protectiones!" I shout, the tattoo glows on my shoulder and a blue circle forms around Nico and I. A blue fire erupts around the bubble, adding more protection.

"Logan..." Nico whimpers, I brush his fiery red hair out of his face.

'Your burning up." I whisper as my fingers brush his skin lightly. He jumps slightly as the brief contact.

"DO SOMETHING NOW!" Ron roars at Logan who makes his way over to us.

"Let me take him to his room." Logan stands outside the bubble.

"Fine, but he will die if you don't mate. If he dies, I won't stop him from killing you." I whisper lowly and stop the spell. He nods and picks Nico up bridal style, heading towards Nico's room.

"If Nico dies I swear I'll-" I cut Ron off before he can say anymore.

"Ron, calm down. If Nico dies, Logan will die along with him. You won't be able to inflict any pain on him." I hold his hand and start dragging him towards his office.


"Ivy, I'm worried." Ron sits in his desk chair. I sit down on his lap, facing him.

"Ron, it's only been five minutes." I put my forehead against his.

"He's my little brother Ivy. He's always been the weak one. I've worried about him since he was born." Ron leans in to kiss me.

"And that shows how much you care, but you need to get a handle on your anger." I turn my head and he  ends up kissing my cheek. He frowns at me and I smile back.

"If I wanted to kiss your cheek, I wouldn't have gone for your lips." I chuckle at his response.

"Look at the big bad Alpha, pouting like a child who didn't get his way." I start laughing at his pouty face. He sticks his tongue out at me, only making me laugh harder.

"I do not act like a child." He states.

"You just stuck your tongue out at me!" I stop laughing and playfully accuse him.

"You've done that a million times to me!" He argues. Unfortunately, he does have a point.

"Touché." I reply, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Is this what people call cuddling? It's kind of weird." Ron wraps his arms around my back, gripping my shoulder and my waist.

"Yes, but I prefer cuddling on a bed. Or a couch. Chair cuddling really isn't my thing." I joke with him.

"I could name a few other things we could do on all three." He smirks.

"Chair sex seems dangerous." I reply to him. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Could be." He kisses my nose.

"I really do wonder how Nico is doing though." I say. Ron rolls his eyes at me.

"Now whose being a worry wart?" Ron picks me up bridal style.

"I never said you were a worry wart." I defend myself, opening the office door for him. He sighs in defeat and I open up the bedroom door for him too. You know, since he's holding me and all.

"We can check up on them after we're done." Ron sets me on the bed, nipping my ear.

"Whatever you say dear." I smile and pull him in for a kiss.

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