Love for years!

By luvmarcusandmartinus

129K 4.5K 1K

(COMPLETED) Sofia, lives in Trofors next to her all time best friends, Marcus and Martinus. But she seems to... More

Friends Forever
The phone call
Finally starting the picnic
When I arrived
The first night
The next Morning
The rest of the day
The Exciting News
The Night #2
Getting ready
The Trip
The Hotel
!Gröna Lund!
Back at the Hotel
The Night #4
The Nightmare
Out and in
The Night #5
Waking up
Hanging out
Before The Rehearsal
The Rehearsal
The Text
The Night #6
Was that revenge???
Before lunch
Before The Concert
The Concert
After the Concert
The Night #7
Another Morning
The Interview
Going back to Trofors
Fun then not
Hanging with Friends
The Date
At their house again
The Secret
New family!?!
Showing of Trofors
Arriving at the Gunnarsen's
Shopping for School :(
Parents out...
Simple Day
Sleeping in a tent..
Waking up. Everyone
Football Team tryouts
The Night before school
School 😩😩
The New Girl
Pranks and stuff
Cousin time!
The party...
Secret Place
Moving In 😜
Fun Times!
Going Home
Before School
Match Making
Little Surprise
Journey Pt.2
At the Beach!
Wedding Day

Dinner at the Gunnarsen's

1K 48 15
By luvmarcusandmartinus

We ended up all going on our phone. Because you know we're teens.

Well I left my phone upstairs so I was just alternating between who's screen I was looking at... mainly Marcus' but whatever.

I then went up stairs to get my phone, I walked into Marcus' room to get it and the piece of paper that emma gave me with the drawing on his desk.

I took it,

"You know you have to ask before you take something?" I heard someone say.

I turned around and saw it was Marcus.

Sofia- "Well yeah, but if its mine already and I left it here I don't have to ask..."

Marcus- "Yeah, but what if its about both of us.." He said while he was approaching me.

Sofia- "Still, if your sister gave it to me its mine.."

Marcus- "Ok fine, but what are you going to do with it?"

Sofia- "Put it somewhere.."

Marcus- "Where though?"

Sofia- "You'll have to go to my house and see..."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek while I left the room to go back downstairs.

I went downstairs and Martinus and Aiden hadn't moved one bit. I sat on the sofa again and went on my phone. Emma and Ava then came next to me and looked over at what I was doing.

Emma- "Sofia, can we play on your phone please..."

Ava- "Yeah pleasseee..."

Sofia- "Why can't you take Martinus' or Aiden's phone??"

Emma- "because you have more fun games..."

Sofia- "Fine..." I said while handing it to them.

Martinus- "And thats why I don't have fun games on my phone.."

Sofia- "Yeah, yeah whatever. But you have like 10 million fan pages so you can just be on your social media's all day..."

Martinus- "Yeah, but you can probably be on some social media too because I've seen so many posts about you and Marcus and there are also Marfia fan pages..."

Sofia- "Ok whatever..."

Marcus then came back down again and looked over at the two girls on my phone.

Marcus- "They begged you huh?"

I nodded and then he sat down next to me.

We all went back on our phones again. Well I went on Marcus' because the girls took mine.

Then about 5 minutes later Gerd-Anne called in from the kitchen.

Gerd-Anne- "Guys dinners ready.."

Emma and Ava ran into the kitchen and I took my phone where they left it on the couch.

We all walked into the kitchen and the scent of roasted chicken and mashed potatoes came towards us.

We all grab a plate of food and sit down around the table.

We chatted to the parents and amongst ourselves.

--- after the dinner ---

We all finished and the parents arent talking about anything interesting for us so we all decided to go up to Martinus' room, (no reason its Martinus' he just offered).

We all went to his room and sat down somewhere.

Literally everyone went on their phones again but the girls took mine. Again. So I decided to do something.

Sofia- "Guys, why don't we play never have I ever..."

Martinus- "Ok why not..."

Marcus- "Who wants to go first?"

Aiden- "Oh can I?"

Sofia- "Sure,"

Aiden- "Ok so, never have I ever broken a tooth,"

I put my finger down because i have but I was the only one.

Aiden- "Really?"

Sofia- "Yup I was young and I went ice skating and I fell forward and broke my tooth. But it was a baby tooth so it went out after like 2 days because it was wobbling anyway..."

Aiden- "Ok, who's next..."

Sofia- "oh me, ok so never have I ever had handcuffs on me..."

I expected no one to put their finger down but Marcus did.

Martinus+Sofia- "WHAT!?!"

Marcus- "Yeah, and you guys have too. Remember when we go that pair in the toy store..."

Martinus- "Marcus you know we were talking about real handcuffs..."

Marcus- "I know, but i wanted to see you guys expression..."

We both playfully punched him in the arm and then continued playing.

Marcus- "Ok my turn, never have I ever walked out of a movie because it was bad..."

Aiden put his finger down.

Sofia- "Really? what movie??"

Aiden- "I don't remember the name but my dad was busy so I had to take Ava to a movie with her friends and it was so boring that I went out and sat on my phone till it was over.."

We continued playing this game for about 15 more minutes and then couldn't think of anything more to ask so we tried to figure out something else to do.

We then decided to go back downstairs and watch a movie.

We chose a movie (idk the name of it, the boys chose it...), we all sat down on the couch and started to watch it.

I sat next to Marcus and leaned my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on mine and we continued to watch the movie.

Gerd-Anne's POV:

I went to check what the kids were doing and they were watching a movie. I saw Sofia and Marcus together too. Its so cute that they got together...

I went back into the dining room and took my seat again.

(A/n omg I just realized that I haven't names Sofias mum 😂 like idk how many parts there are and no name... anyway her name is now Stephanie)

Stephanie- "What are they doing?"

Gerd-Anne- "Oh they are just watching a movie. Isn't it cute that Marcus and Sofia are together?"

Stephanie- "Yeah, but remember when we knew that Marcus had a crush on her..."

Gerd-Anne- "Yeah that was really funny and to think that he got her..." 

(A/N this is so fun to write, like parent gossip 😂) 

Stephanie- "Yup, hopefully it lasts long.." 

Gerd-Anne- "Yeah, we don't want any broken hearts.."

Sofia's POV: 

This movie was so fun. I can hear the parents getting up so I know we probably have to go like now. 

I checked the time and it was already 11:30pm.

They then walk into the room. 

Mum- "Guys we have to go now.." 

We all get up from the sofa and I look around for the girls since they have my phone. 

Sofia- "Where are Ava and Emma?" 

Everybody looked around, but they where nowhere.

Sofia- "You guys can go and I'll  go get Ava and my phone.." 

My mum nodded and me, Marcus and Martinus (after they said goodbye) went upstairs.

We went into Emma's room and saw them both asleep on Emma's bed with my phone next to them. 

Sofia-"Looks like I might need to carry her..." 

Marcus- "I can carry her if you want..." 

Sofia-  "Really?" 

He nodded 

Sofia- "Thank you" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we went up to the girls. 

I sat down on the bed and tried to wake up Ava. 

Sofia- "Ava, we got to go now.." I said quietly. 

She moved a bit but still didn't wake up. 

Marcus leaned over me and took Ava in his arms. 

I took my phone and we both went downstairs. I said goodbye to Martinus and thank you to Kjell-erik and Gerd-anne. 

Then we went out of the door and over to my house. 

We went up my porch and I rung the doorbell. David answered and took Ava from Marcus. 

Sofia- "Thanks again.." 

Marcus- "No problem.." He then came closer to me and kissed me. 

Marcus-"Good night..." 

Sofia- "Night," 

I then went into my house and up to my room. 

I got changed into my pjs and then saw the piece of paper in my pocket. 

I took it and put it on my cork board in front of my desk. 

I then went into bed and fell asleep. 

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