Dark Nights In Gotham City (B...

By vnordinarylee

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Becoming part of the Bat family. I do not own some characters like Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl and others. Tho... More

Dark Nights In Gotham City
Ch. 1: The Visiting Student
Chapter 3: Scarecrow
Chapter 4: The Batcave
Chapter 5: settling at the Wayne Manor
Chapter 6: Nightmares
Chapter 7: First day at Gotham Academy
Chapter 8: starting training
Chapter 9: Tuesday, training with Nightwing
Chapter 10: wednesday, training with Batgirl
Chapter 11: Jason visits the Wayne Manor.
Chapter 12: Origin stories
Chapter 14: failed search.
Chapter 15: Abducted by the League of Shadows
Chapter 16: Coming home
Chapter 17: Detective skills
Chapter 18: Left out.
Chapter 19: Team up with Red Hood.
Chapter 20: A visit to Star City.
Chapter 21: Girls night out.
Chapter 22: Date at Haly's Circus.
Chapter 23: Midnight
Chapter 24: Batgirl retires
Chapter 25: Life without Barbara.
Chapter 26: Titan tower
Chapter 27: Oracle.
Chapter 28: Leader
Chapter 29: i got your back
Chapter 30: A New Batgirl
Chapter 31: Clues.
Chapter 32: Cheshire nights
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Spoiler.
Chapter 35: Babysitter
Chapter 36: Kents
Chapter 37: Life at the farm.
Chapter 38: Surprises
Chapter 39: New Identity.
Chapter 40: journey to the past.
Chapter 41: different dimension.
Chapter 42: Escape
Chapter 43: Evil twin
Chapter 44: Evil twin part 2
Chapter 45: secrets
Chapter 46: truth
Chapter 47: an important decision
Chapter 48: Conffesions
Chapter 49: plead
Chapter 50: A new addition
Announcement 1

Chapter 13: young justice/first mission

615 12 4
By vnordinarylee

It is an early Sunday morning when Bruce wakes us up. Sitting up with a grunt, I look at my phone and check the time.

4:30 a.m. Did something happen?

Looking at the window I see the dark sky and the far away lights from Gotham city, even the sun is asleep.

I guess it was taking us long since Bruce shouted "Hurry up! There is something important I need to tell you."

It's quite a sight when we we get to the Bat cave since we are all wearing our pajamas, except for Bruce. He already suited up.

"So what's so important?" Tim asks with a yawn.

"I'm sending you guys to train with the young justice league for a week."

"But you know we've being with them before" Tim complains.

"I know, but I'm going on a special mission." Bruce says and looks at Tim. "please promise me you'll take care of each other and help Victoria."

"Fine" Tim says.

With that we are dismissed and we head to our rooms to pack our things and get ready to go.

Alfred helps us with our things as we board the jet. As I step in I can't help but stop for a minute and look at my surroundings. When I see the rest of the team coming, I take a seat and put my seat belt on.

Nightwing takes a seat next to me and turns to face me.

"So I guess we have to make plans for another day huh" he says.

"Yes, I guess" I saw looking at the window and bouncing my leg up and down. Then I start moving my hands nervously.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking at my hands.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just the first time I'm on a jet, or plane as a matter of fact."

Nightwing smiles and takes my hands. "Don't worry, it'll be fine, we've been in this jet plenty of times, it's completely safe. Besides, you have me and the others if anything happens."

"Thanks Nightwing" I smile at him.

The jet shakes as it takes off but it stabilizes once we are in the air.
"We're here" Batman says. I look outside the window and notice an island.

The jet descends and we land on a ramp inside another cave. I wonder if Batman had anything to do with this? Before we leave the jet we meet with Batman.

"Be careful" Nightwing tells Batman.

"I was about to say the same to you, I'll see you in a week" Bruce gives each of us a look and walks towards the jet again. We watch as he leaves in the jet and once its out of sight we go inside. There are a lot of young heroes there wearing a variety of suits and different colors. As soon as we walk in they look at us.

"Nightwing, good to see you bro" says a boy with a yellow suit. "Who is the new girl?"

"Team, this is Girl Robin" Nightwing says.

"Hey girl robin, I'm kid flash, nice too meet you" he says with a smile. "Come on" kid-flash takes my hand " I'll introduce you to the rest of the team"

"This is Miss Martian, Super-boy, Beast boy, Wonder Girl......" He introduces a lot of heroes, and to be honest I don't think I'm going to remember everyone.

"So how long are you staying here?" Asks Beast boy.

"Beast boy!" Says Miss Martian blushing "please excuse him"

"Don't worry it's okay, we're staying here for a week" I say.

"Hey, we are going to the beach in a little, you are invited to come if you want" says Super-boy.

"Uh, sure, I'll see you there" I say. Should I go? Mhhhhm....I don't think I'm going.

He goes around telling everyone so I just head to my new room or should I say our room? Barbara and I are sharing the room. There is a desk near the bed, so taking a seat I decide to brain storm for my new costume.

After a while Barbara comes out of the bathroom wearing her bathing suit. "Hey Victoria, what are you doing?"

"I'm designing my new costume"

"Oh let me show you something that might help you with ideas" she goes into the closet and takes her Batgirl boots out. "Look, here, in the heel of my boots I always carry a lock pick, you know just in case someone takes my utility belt I have more resources" she says.

"Do you mind if I do something like that?" I ask her.

"You are welcome to use my idea, after all we want to escape villains." She stays quiet for a while before crossing her arms. "You know you have to come to the beach." She changes the subject. "I think I'll pass." I say. "Besides I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"Good thing I brought an extra one." She goes into the closet again and grabs a yellow two piece bathing suit. "I think yellow looks nice on you, now come on try it on"

I don't think I can argue with Barbara on this so I go in the bathroom and change, putting a shirt and some shorts on top.


"Barbara I'm not sure if I should go." I sit on the bed.

"It will be fun now come on"

I grab the bed and Barbara starts pulling me. No! I won't let go. She struggles and then leaves. Did she give up? After a minute Tim and Nightwing come in with Barbara. The three of them start pulling until I can't hold on anymore so I decide to run, but Nightwing grabs me and carries me over his shoulder all the way to the beach. I don't fight him, he's just too strong so I just let him carry me away.

"Well that was fun" he says when we get to the beach. Nightwing is wearing black shorts and a blue shirt. Once we set our things, he starts taking his shirt off....

I look away and try to see where everyone else is at. Once I look back at Nightwing I see that he didn't take his mask off. What is he hiding? I really want to know who he is.

"Come on Victoria, let's go in the water with the others" he offers me his hand. I stand up and take it, heading in the direction of the group.

"Woho!" Says Kid Flash. "Glad you two could join us!" He says and the he walks closer to me. "so Girl Robin, what is your real name"

Everyone stays quiet and they turn in my direction.

"I'm Victoria"

"Well Victoria, my name is Wally West, Super-boy is Conner Kent, Miss Martian is Meagan, and Nightwing is..." Wally is interrupted by Nightwing who immediately covers Wally's mouth.

"Hey! She doesn't know your real identity!?" Wally asks surprised.

"Don't worry Wally, I'm sure Nightwing will reveal his true identity when he's ready." As soon as I said it Nightwing blushed a little and he looks down. "Well guys it was nice being with you, I'll see you later" I get out of the water and into the hideout to take a shower. After that I go to my room to keep designing my costume.

My moment of silence, peace and tranquility is interrupted by Nightwing.

"Mind if I come in" he asks and sits next to me. "So what happened? Why did you come back so fast?"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to keep designing my costume"

"Look, I know we barely know each other but I know you're not okay, something is bothering you. You can trust me, I want to help you but I can't if you don't let me"

"Like I said I'm okay, don't worry" my eyes don't meet his and they stayed focused on my drawing. He puts his hand on top of mine and preventing me from drawing. Letting out a sigh, I turn to look at him. Well his still wearing his mask by the way.

"Okay, look at me directly in the eyes and say that you're okay"

"I can't"


"I can't look at you directly in the eyes because you're still wearing your mask"

"Oh" he says chuckling. "Right, but I still can see your eyes."

"Okay fine, I'll tell you, just because I trust you. I'm just not really used to being surrounded by people."

"Oh I see, but that's not all, something else is still bothering you"

"Well besides you guys, I don't really know anyone else, so meeting new people is a little overwhelming." I says with a shrug.

"And..." Nightwing says pushing.

"And I'm scared they won't like me like the kids at my school."


To be honest, I wasn't expecting to open up to me, but now I know she trusts me, so it's my turn to trust her too. Should I reveal my identity?

I really want to tell her but I don't know how she will react. I just don't feel like it's the right moment.

What should I do now? I didn't think I would get this far.

"You have us, we're all here for you, to make sure you feel like part of the family" after saying that I give her a hug an awkward hug and to my surprise she hugs me back.

"Thanks Nightwing, I feel like I do fit in when in with you guys"

"I'm glad to hear that." I am determined to help her and protect her.


When he gave me the hug, I couldn't help but smile. Ever since my dad died it hasn't been the same. Nighwing really makes me feel like I belong in the Bat family, well it's not just him, also Barbara, Tim and Bruce.

When you see Bruce Wayne as Batman you might think that he is a cold person, but once you get to get to know him you see the kind man he is. It is hard for him to love because he's afraid of loosing them but he shows us he cares in other ways.

We break the hug and Barbara comes. Nightwing clears his throat and quickly leaves. Someone smells really good. Following the smell, it leads to the kitchen where Miss Martian is preparing cake so I wash my hands and help her.

"Can I help?" Asks Nightwing.

"Sure" I say. "Can you give me the flour please?"

Nightwing grabs it and hands it to me. I start mixing the ingredients and I decide to play with Nightwing and throw a little bit of flour.

"Hey! What was that for?" He says.

"I don't know, just because." I says with a teasing smile.

"Oh really?" He says with a smirk and he throws flour at me. That is how war started until someone interrupts.


Nightwing raises his eyebrows and turns towards the voice.


"Robin!" Starfire hugs Nightwing. "It's been a long time"

Ugh her voice is kind of annoying.

"Yeah, it's being a long time, and I go by the name Nightwing now"

They start talking so I decide to go back to the room.

"Did something happen?" Barbara asks as I lay on bad.

"Nope." Who was that girl?

"What is it?"

"Barb, do you know who Starfire is?"

She stays quiet for a while before answering. "Yes, I know who she is why?"

"Nothing, it's just that it seems like Nightwing and her know each other but I didn't remember seeing her before."

"Well Nightwing used to be with a group called teen titans, that's how he knows Starfire. Starfire is an alien but she is still part of the team. Her and Nightwing were in love, but their relationship never progressed."

"Who else has he dated?"

"Starfire, another girl and me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"It's okay, don't worry about it"

Suddenly the alarm goes on. "All heroes report!"

We put our costumes on and go meet the others but in the way I see Starfire and Nightwing flirting. To be honest, I'm getting kind of mad. I shouldn't be, it's not like we are dating or something.

My thought are interrupted by Aqualad. "Okay young heroes! I'm going to assign your partners and mission. First Superboy, Miss Martian and...." He says the name of the mission until it is my turn. "Nightwing, Starfire, Girl Robin, Robin and Beast Boy, your mission is to destroy the alien base" we receive the coordinates and get ready to go. Starfire takes Nightwing and Beast boy takes Tim and I.

When we get there the first I want to do is to put as much distance as I can from Nightwing.

"Okay team, this is the plan, you guys distract the aliens while Starfire and i destroy the base" Nightwing is in charge so I have to obey him. "Now go! And don't do anything dangerous!"

"Let's go guys" says Tim.

We start fighting and attacking the aliens while Nightwing shows off. Everything is going fine until too many aliens start coming at once and Beast boy gets hurt badly.

"We need to take cover!" I go near beast boy and throw gas pellets; the ones Batman uses for his exits and entries. I grab Beast boy and shoot my grapple gun to get to a safe place. Tim does the same. Fortunately I trained with Alfred and I know exactly what to do. I take my first aid kit from utility belt. I get a bandage and other stuff to stop the bleeding and go back to our mission. Then I feel pain in my ribs.....

I look down and I see blood coming out..... I got shot, but this is not something an alien would do, there had to be someone else behind this.

"Victoria! You're bleeding!" Says Tim shocked.

"It's okay Tim don't worry about it we have a mission"

Then Nightwing calls us through the communicators.

"Everything is set. Now get out of there!"

"We have our order. Beast boy help me get Victoria out of here!" Tim says.

I look back and see a bunch of angry aliens behind us.

"Tim go! Get out of here! I'll find my way out. I'm only going to slow you down!"

"No! We are not leaving you!"

"Tim please! Don't worry about me go, you can always come back but it won't be the same if the three of us get stuck here."

"Well what am I supposed to tell everyone!"

"Just tell them. Now go! Get out of here! I'll be right behind you!" I say pushing them both. They get back to their senses and start running fast. I heard an explosion and look behind me.

BOOM!! That's it I'm going to die but at least I saved Beast boy and Tim, my little brother. I see them jump and the place comes down.


The last thing I saw was Tim falling to his knees and Beast boy crying. Then every thing went black.


After that I felt someone dragging me but I couldn't see anything.

"Everyone okay?" Then Nightwing sees that Tim and Beast boy are crying. "What's wrong? Wait! Where is Victoria?! Victoriaaaa!!!!!"

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