shutup dixon | d.d

By katielees4

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❝ some people find their person in the worst of situations ❞ ➳ MAJOR EDITING {The Walking Dead} {seasons 3... More

Warnings + Cast
4.8 ➳ Somebody's Gonna Try To Stick a Knife Through Your Head
Editing This


2.6K 66 17
By katielees4

Katy pulled away from Daryl when she felt the truck come to a sudden halt, she looked into his eyes deeply before harshly pressing her lips against his in a departing kiss.

"Don't make them kill you." She ordered and he knew exactly what she meant. He had a tendency to be stubborn and that only ever rubbed enemies up the wrong way. She needed him to survive otherwise she wasn't sure that she would.

The truck was opened quickly and a rough hand grabbed the woman's arm, she pulled away with repulsion before gulping slightly. "Don't touch me, I'll come with you."

She hated walking alongside the evil men, it made her feel like she was working with them but she was not at ease. She simply wanted her baby to live and this seemed like the best chance. As much as she knew it lay with her to keep their baby safe, she wished she could control Daryl's safety but that was up to him. The men wondered why she went with them so easily but they guessed that she would have her own motives. Used to rough handling and killing, they wondered how Negan would feel about the girl complying.

The building was large and cleaner than she had expected; people were working and they all seemed to have jobs, like a well-run factory. It was shocking to think that people actually lived and worked under Negan. They walked through quite a few hallways before she was stopped outside of a door, inside there was a normal and nice room which made her brows furrow, she had been expecting a cell or something unappealing.

"Wait in here till Negan comes to speak to you."

Stepping into the room nervously, she stood straight until the door was closed behind her. That was when she allowed her blood to run cold and her body to take her over to the bed before she collapsed from her shaking legs. She ran her hand along the sheets, they were nice but they didn't feel like those in Alexandria, they didn't feel like home. She wished so badly that she was at home.

But everything was different now.

She lay down, closing her eyes and allowing tears to leak out. She wanted to forget but images of Abraham and Glenn and her family kept running through her vision. She didn't allow herself to break down but she wanted to when she thought about her own feelings about the deaths she had witnessed and then thought about how Maggie or Rosita would feel. Her thoughts overclouded her mind so much that she didn't hear the door open. 

"Oh, awaken sleeping beauty."

Negan's voice boomed through the room along with his obnoxious chortle. He loved his own jokes and Katy was sure that the Saviours probably faked a lot of laughter to please him.

She shot up, very alert and scared. Goosebumps made their way on to her arms as she wrapped them around her own frame, a cold breeze had appeared along with his presence. She made sure to look him in the eyes, determined to make him think she was strong and a force to be reckoned with. But she didn't trust new people, especially new men.  She hated him with a passion.


"Oh yeah, say my name baby." He winked making her so much more uncomfortable. "What's yours?" 


"Katy." He repeated as he walked from the doorway towards the bed that she was sitting on. Her breaths grew heavier as he sat down way too close to her, his body touching hers taking her mind back to the worst time of her life. "Are you scared?"


"It isn't nice to lie." He chastised. "If I was gonna kill you, probably would have done it with the other two."

She clenched her fists tightly; last time that she had been surrounded by horrid men it had been Glenn who got her through it and now he was dead.

"I'm not scared of dying." She snapped. "If you hit me or kill me, I'll just make sure you have a hard time doing it." 

"What are you scared of then?" He questioned with genuine curiosity. He noticed as she shook her head slightly, bringing her arms closer to her own chest and pressing her thighs together and he realized what her fear was. "Rape?"

"It's happened to me before." The words burst out from her throat loudly. It was almost like she could make herself believe that if it happened it wouldn't be as bad as last time or if he knew she had been through it before then his plans would be foiled. "A group of men on the road. I only survived because of that man that you killed."

"I'm actually sorry that happened to you." She wiped a stray tear and looked over to see the mans face strained. "I hate that shit! If any of my men even think of raping, I will beat their dick off. So you don't have to worry about that."

"Really?" She asked in quiet shock. Negan nodded and the room fell into a strangely comfortable silence until she spoke. "Why am I in this room?"  

His cartoon attitude came back as he smirked. "Do you not like it, I thought it was mighty fine."

"I expected a cell or something." She admitted. "What do you want from me?" 

"I want Daryl to be one of us." He leaned forwards. "I thought you could be leverage against him but I actually kind of like you so you should marry me." 

"Excuse me?"

"I want you to marry me." He stated calmly and my eyes bulged wide. 


He laughed. "I currently have six wives and I would love you to be my seventh. I'd look after you, they all live well and even better when they have their nights with me." He winked again as he spoke confidently. 

"I'm already married."

The man shrugged his shoulders. "If I say it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." 

"I'm pregnant with his kid." She explained desperately.

"You don't look it." He countered. 

"You have a doctor here, you can check if you don't believe me."

"I believe you." He nodded once at me. "I'm not gonna marry a pregnant woman but I'm not gonna kill one either so I guess you're safe for what? Eight months?"

She shrugged, it wasn't easy to know the details of pregnancy in the apocalypse. Her mind wandered over the offer that he had given her; he had a lot of power, there was no doubting that and if she married him she would be safe but never happy. She would hate her child being raised by somebody like Negan but until she got a sign of escape she would remain neutral to him and only hate in her mind. She needed to do everything she could to stay alive and if that was appeasing him, she would do it.

"I'll join you if Daryl does." That answer gave her leeway but she also knew that Daryl would never join Negan.

"Pretty, feisty and loyal. I just keep liking you more and more."

"What happens if we don't join you?" She asked nervously. 

"Think about it like this." He offered. "You're safe until you pop that kid out. After that, you either make a good decision and live like a Queen or a bad one and live, a lot less. That kid is here now and it will be born and raised here, whether you're here or not."

"That's a hell of an offer."

"You have time to think, Katy." He grinned. "Go to sleep now. In the morning my favorite wife will come and show you around. You can live like one of my wives unless you do something naughty but I'm sure you won't be that stupid."

"Thank you." She told him, partly to make him happy and partly because she was happy to be alive.

"Your welcome." He seemed accomplished because of himself.

"What about Daryl? He's not in a room like this, right." She assumed sadly. 

"He's definitely not in a room like this but can you blame me?" He laughed loudly. "You're a lot hotter than he is."

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