Finding My Love


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Stef Foster along with her son Jude are starting their life over again when they meet Lena Adams, a woman in... Еще

My Love, My love
Because Of Jude
The Walls
The Blonde Cop
The Savior
The Secret
The Dinner Part I
The Dinner Part II
Damages Part I
Damages Part II
Off The Deep End
Poor Choices
Poor Choice II
Is She Ok?
Hurt And Guilt
Our Family
One More
What In The World?
Around The Table
Old Habits
Deja Vu
Sibling Talk
What's Best
When Things Change
Last Night
This Change Hurts
A Bad Idea
What Some Actions May Cause
When Heartache Hits
Our Moms
It's Where You Belong
I Know Who
I Accept You
Back To Work
The Truth Is Not Easy
He Said it Before
Maybe It Wasn't Me She Needed
My Baby Boy


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"Too many boxes." Mariana whined as she lugged another one into the new bedroom she would be sharing with Callie. The family had just moved into the three bedroom apartment that morning and they were trying to unpack and get the place organized as fast as possible.

"It's really not that many." Callie laughed placing another box down herself. "But our room is pretty awesome. I like it. Mom's did a good job finding it."

"MM I like our old place."

"Mariana we were on top of each other. Literally." the teen laughed shaking her head.

"Well, yeah I know but it was special. We became a family there and everything." she shrugged.

"Well, we will still be a family here. Just with more room. I mean Jude will finally get his own, we can decorate ours how we want and moms will have their own too."

"True. Hey, do you think they will, you know get married since it is legal and all." she said now coming over to sit on Callie's bed.

"MM not sure. I mean they really love each other like married people and they are literary always all over each other." She said rolling her eyes and letting out a smile.

"Ha that is so true."

"I mean basically they do the same things married people do. But I guess it would be something they would want. Not all people that are together want to be married."

"Yeah. Plus mom was married twice already. That must have been really hard. Like knowing you're gay and marrying men twice."

"Well you heard what Sharon said. I think she just felt, I don't know uncomfortable with herself and it kinda sucks that her parents didn't support her. Especially since she's like the most supportive person ever." Callie said.

"Yeah. But I guess or think in the end maybe it's not about gender. Maybe it's about who you end up falling in love with. "

"Yeah, I mean to be honest I don't think I'd like discriminate just becomes someone is a girl. I mean maybe they would be nicer then a guy."

"So you could see yourself with a woman?" Mariana asked as her eyes soon bugged out for she was surprised.

"I don't know. I never really thought about it. But if she's nice and I end up caring for her I don't know. I guess I could see how it's possible." Callie shrugged not even realizing her own feelings herself. "But who knows so far I've only liked guys."

"Maybe it was that way for Lena? Maybe she met mom and her being a woman wasn't an issue."

"Possible." Callie shrugged.

"I mean is she happier then she was with you dad?"

"Are you kidding. Like a million times happier. I never saw her this happy in my life to be honest." Callie smiled wide as Mariana did as well.

"It's so surreal sometimes Cal. Like remember how annoyed you were the first time mom came over to us at our lockers? She laughed.

"Oh my god. That feels like a million years ago."

"I know you said you couldn't stand her." She said chuckling as Callie's face turned read.

"Yes well that tells you how long ago that was."

"Yup. You guys are so close now." she said letting out a smile as they soon saw Stef walking in.

"Another box babies!"

"Ugh where is all this stuff coming from? How did we have all this stuff in that small apartment?"

"Ha! These are your things Miss Thang that you had stuffed in my closet, Jude's room, and the hallway if you must know."

"Mama, I highly doubt it's all mine and even if it is I'm sure it's all stuff I need."

"MM ok baby." the blonde said kissing her forehead and looking to Callie.

"How's it going my love?" She asked letting out a smile as she began playing with the girls long hair.

"Not to bad I'm almost done mom."

"Good." she winked. "Can you babies help me and mama put away some of trash in the living room. We could use a little help."


"Thanks loves." As Stef left the room the two girls made there way into the living room to help clean up some of the mess from moving.

"So I meant to ask you what happened last night? You were talking to moms for awhile." Callie soon asked throwing a few loose papers away.

"Well, yeah they grounded me for life for how I spoke to mom which I get. Took my computer away for a week and my phone and no activities." she sighed.

"That blows. But can't say I'm a stranger to that.Goes by fast though."

"Yeah I hope. But I get it. I shouldn't have mouthed off to mama like that. It wasn't right of me to behave like that. She's done alot for me and it was wrong."

"I get it and believe me it's not worth it. The many times I mouthed off to her. It was never worth it."

"I know! It really wasn't. I never saw her so angry at me." Mariana said sadly thinking back to the night she had screamed at Stef for the first time and accusing her of being like Anna.

"Yeah, Stef gets really angry and she's way scarier then my mom and gives off harsher sentences. The time she followed me around school was the worst." Callie recalled and rolling her eyes.

"Oh god I forgot about that!"

"I didn't. And the time she arrested me for having weed and drinking. You know I blew smoke in her face?"

"Holy shit. And how are you still alive?" Mariana laughed.

"Yeah I often wonder too. But Mari you know she's not like Anna, yes?"

"Yeah I know that. I should never have said that it was stupid of me. I think I'm paranoid."

"About what love?" She said sitting down next to her sibling on the couch and taking her hand. The girl was picking up so many of Stef's habits it was heartwarming.

"Everything. Now finding out who really shot mama. I mean it just sucks. How are you feeling about it?"

"Honestly? Like crap. I should never have dated that asshole and to be honest I'd like to ring his neck."

"I know. Me too. But he's so creepy. You think he will try to hurt mama again or you?"

"No don't worry. He won't ever get near any of us ever Mari. Never."

"I hope not."


As the family spent their first night together in the new apartment they just wanted to push aside all the issues they were dealing with for the night as they all prepared for a movie night. Mariana made popcorn while Callie helped Stef and Lena make cookies. Jude meticulously  frosted a few cupcakes he had baked himself earlier for the family using a recipe he saw on the food network.

"Goodness I keep forgetting we have all this space." Lena said placing a tray of cookies in the oven as Mariana got out another bowl and butter for the popcorn.

"I know we aren't on top of each other!" Stef said laughing.

"Yup and I have my own room!" Jude yelled.

"Honestly, am I the only one that misses our old apartment? I know it was small but still. It was special." Mariana said sadly as Stef looked to her and let out a soft smile.

"Aww you miss it baby?"

"Yeah. I don't know." she shrugged.

"To be honest I miss it too." Callie admitted.

"Aww you do?" Lena said taking her oven mitts off as she looked to her daughter.

"Somewhat. Mariana and I talked about it earlier. She's right we became a family there. It was the first place a lot of things happened."

"Yeah we did become a family there bug." Stef winked as she tucked Callie's hair behind her ear. "But you all know that we are still a family and we will make things and memories happen here. It's not really about where we live it's the fact that we all have each other. No matter what. Got it babies?"

"Yeah." The two girls said as Jude and Lena both smiled.

"Good! Now let's go christen this new place with a family movie night! Yeah!" the blonde shouted running into the living room as everyone else laughed at her in amusement. 

Happily following her into the living room Jude took his usual spot besides Lena while Mariana took her spot in between both her mothers and Callie rested her head on Stef's shoulder. As Lena looked to her daughter with the blonde she could only let out a wide smile at how far their relationship had truly grown as she saw the blonde wrap her arm Callie who snuggled more into her. Feeling Lena's eyes on her Stef looked to her and let out wink as Lena's smile grew even more.

"I love you." she mouthed to the blonde.

"I love you too baby." Stef whispered as she wrapped other arm around Mariana and Jude snuggled more into Lena. "Alright loves movie time!"

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