By Zamzba1

8.1K 396 21

Bright has had a great share of life and everyday for the past seven years she is constantly reminded of what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapters 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 33

124 6 0
By Zamzba1

Beep! beep! beep! beep!

Bright was getting dizzy by the sound.  The sound came from the  machines connected to Ed's body. It was if it was counting minutes rather than heartbeat.

She felt like the devil herself, this man on the bed has poured out his heart to her, ready to love her and her son, been there for her when everyone talked him out of being with her, when circumstances told him to to let go, but he held strong on her. Loving her, and all that she was.

She flashed back to two weeks ago, when her  phone rang,  She was preparing to  go for her afternoon shift when she got the phone call, she checked the caller I.d and  was very happy because it was Ed and also sad because she knew she has caused him pain. 
But she wasn't prepared for what she heard, she heard a faint call of her name, a crash which sounded like sounds of tyres shrieking, she almost jumped of her skin when she heard what sounded like a gun shot. She almost went mad.

She tried calling back and after fourteen  attempts with no response she knew something was definitely wrong and Ed was in danger.  
For almost four hours she kept staring at her phone, her eyes already puffy and red, she was so scared of what she heard on the phone.

Alice a new attendance in the restaurant who she has bounded with for the past   five months just sat down with her to console her, but she didn't want all that. She just kept trying to call the phone.

  She was almost running crazy when her phone rang again,it was unknown number, she tried to ignore it but she picked it up anyways. She was about to pass her aggression to the caller but instead she heard another voice telling her that the owner of the phone she has being calling  was involved in an accident, and was rushed to the hospital. The man told her that he was able to contact her because of her persistent calling,  and they couldn't access the phone because it was passworded.

She jotted down the address of the hospital and dashed out of the restaurant not  caring if her job was on line.

She begged Alice to pick up her son, from school.

When she got to the hospital she was able to meet the caller and she was able to access Ed's phone because she was there when he changed it to her son's name,  just to deceive Jake who was always with his phone. She recalled him telling her  that he used Jake's full name because he would never guess that the password was his name.

It was almost two weeks now, after the operation on his body, which was a near miss to his heart.
Ed's mother had  hated the sight of  her after she called her and told her about the accident. But Mrs Makinde knew she was stubborn and adamant because she didn't flinch at all, despite all the words she said to her, blaming her   for his accident and Ed's behaviour.   She couldn't take blame for the accident but she felt very guilty for  pain she caused him.

She wasn't going allow herself to be intimidated into not taking care of man that was always there for her.

Mrs Makinde later warmed up to her,  when she saw Bright's motive.

Bright stared at the machines again. Visiting hours were almost over and the  hospital had strict rules as regards visitation.

As if on cue, the nurse came inside to usher her out telling her that  visiting hour was over again.

Her heart broke again, she couldn't bear the pain she felt whenever she had to leave Ed alone with the machines, struggling for life.

She just couldn't take it anymore.
She ran out the hospital not bothering to bade Ed's mother goodbye,  who was wondering what was wrong with her.

She stopped a bike and told the bike man to take her to where she first meet the man she loves. The church 

By the time she got to the church evening service was already over, she ran to the alter and knelt down.

She began to recall what Mrs Bankole told her about been at peace with self.
she wanted to be at peace with her self, she wanted to stop all this,  she recalled what Edward told her one time when i am weak and confused  to tell God about it, I may not get an  answer immediately but God sure hears, that is enough at times. 

She reached into her bag and brought  out the  engagement ring, Ed gave her, admiring the beauty, uniqueness.
She kept it on the middle finger of her left hand.
As she stared at the ring on her finger she may not deserve Ed, but God gives people second chance, and she was ready to take that second chance.

She closed her eyes and prayed after a long while.
"God, I am so sorry, Eddy told me,I can talk to you, anytime, anywhere. If you can give me a second chance to love Edward,  I  will never stop living you. You have opened my eyes to see that in you is only the place i can find peace with myself,  i now realise you love me, even if I dont deserve it. Please God make him open his eyes,  so that i can reciprocate all the love and care he has shown me"

She was crying seriously now, she didn't want consolation. She laid down on the floor at the alter,  so weak and hungry to get up. After she had no tears again, she felt relaxed and peaceful for the first time ever.

AN: this chapter is short, I know that,  but i felt it was perfect the way it ended.
This book will soon finish with 3 chapters left.
I appreciate everyone who has actually followed me from the beginning of this book to this place.
A perfect song that can go with this chapter is "God of second chance " by Junita Bynum. 
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