Forever. (A Bucky Barnes fanf...

By hungrylittleladybug

30.3K 720 43


Hello there
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Authors note
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Authors note (#2)
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38. (FINAL CHAPTER)
The End
Hello all!

Chapter 16.

400 12 0
By hungrylittleladybug

I wake up to a window smashing, and glass flying everywhere around the small basement, what the hell? I look up at the window and scuffle backwards in surprise, hitting my back against the concrete wall. "Oh my god!" A burglar exclaims, jumping through the broken window and carefully walking over to me, trying not to scare me. He pulls off his mask and drops his gun into the ground. "Oh my god! Who did this to you?!" He asks me, dumbfounded, I hold out my hands toward him, and he pulls some wire cutters out of his black bag, no doubt what he used to break the window. He chops through the chains within a minute, the wrist cuffs fall off of my hands, and I immediately throw myself into the burglar, embracing him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I cry out, he hugs me back, which is actually really comforting. "What happened to you?" He asks me, pulling away from the hug and examining my injuries. "I was kidnapped..I-I-I've been held here f-for over six months, A-A-Alan, he uses m-me as a s-s-slave. For everything." I stutter out, wincing as he gingerly touches my scratched up bloody wrist. I look up at him, he looks to be barely seventeen! Progressive. I glance at his bag and see a name written in silver sharpie. "Aaron bowitz" I wonder why he's a burglar. He has a nice name. "Do you remember who you are?" He asks me. "My name is Sarah Ledoux, I'm nine....teen... And I'm an Aquarius." He chuckles at the last part and rips a piece of his hoodie's sleeve, wrapping it around my wrist. "I'm Aaron, I'm going to bring you to a hospital, alright?" I nod in response, wiping tears of joy from my eyes. I've been rescued! By a burglar, but a good burglar.
"What if they ask how you found me? You can't say you broke into the house I was in." I ask him, trying to work up a proper excuse he could use. "That's exactly what I'll say. I'll turn myself in." He replies nonchalantly, I turn to him and frown. "But you'll get arrested!" He just shrugs in response. "I know! I'll get my friend to bail you out. The world loves him." I suggest, like a lightbulb went off in my head. "Who's your friend?" "Steve Rogers." I state, he suddenly looks at me in surprise, nearly losing control of the car, so I grab the wheel and steady it again. "You're friends with captain America?" He asks, shocked. "Yeah, and James Barnes, we've been best friends since we were toddlers." I say, smiling fondly at the memories, his mouth drops open. "But you said you were nineteen! And those guys are from ages ago!" Shit. I didn't mean to let it slip! I guess the damage is done though, so I might as well tell him. " kinda lied so I wouldn't freak you out? I'm actually ninety six." I tell him, gently, to soften the blow. "You don't look ninety six." Aww, how sweet. "The same stuff that the scientists put into Steve and Bucky, they put into me. So I guess I don't age. I was nineteen when they put it in me, so I still look nineteen." "My mom would kill to not age." He says, laughing a bit, I look over at him, his expression doesn't really change when he talks about his mom, so he either had a really bad relationship with her or a really good one. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Why were you trying to rob the house I was in? I'm very glad you did, but, you are only seventeen, it isn't a good life path." I tell him, I know he's seventeen because he has his license hanging on his sun blocker, he's also an organ donor. He puts his head back against the head rest and keeps his eyes focused on the road. "I have to get three hundred dollars somewhere. My little sister was kidnapped and now they want a ransom. My family doesn't have a lot of money so we could only scrounge up one thousand of the thirteen hundred dollars they want. I'm not a bad person, I never wanted to be a thief, but they've had her for two weeks, and they could be treating her like that sicko back there treated you. She's only thirteen. My parents don't even know what I'm trying to do, they think I'm at the church participating in some pine wood derby thing." With every word his voice become shakier, and eventually he starts crying, I grab his shoulder gently, to comfort him. "I'll get your sister back. I promise you." He looks at me with his eyes wide in surprise. "Really?!" "Yes. Aaron as soon as I can, I'll get her back for you. I'm going to need your cell phone number. So when I get out of the hospital I can call you and get details on where exactly they are." As I'm speaking, he pulls into the ER parking lot of the hospital, and unbuckles his seat belt, immediately bear hugging me. "Why would you do this for me?" He whispers. "You saved my life. It's the least I can do. I want to help people. I have...somewhat of a reputation. And I'd like to erase it." I reply, he pulls away and wipes his eyes. "Alright. Let's do this." "Actually, I don't want you going in, I don't want you to get arrested. So go home to your family." I say. He nods and quickly writes his number down on a napkin, handing it to me. "Thank you. I'll call as soon as I get out." "Okay." I get out of the car and start to walk away, but then turn around and wave to him. He waves back and starts his car up again, then driving away. Okay. Time for stupid questions from the nurses.

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