Chapter 30.

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I wake up at the bottom of the ocean, I can't breathe! Oh my god what the hell happened?! I need to get to the to as quickly as I can or I'm gonna die! I quickly swim upwards, clawing desperately to breath again, as I go up, a giant fucking carp passes by. Oh motherfucking shit. I'm almost there, I can see the surface of the water! Almost there, almost there! I come up out of the water gasping for air, and as soon as it fills my lungs its like a whole new sensation, something I haven't felt in a very long time. Shore shore shore shore shore....where the hell is the shore?! Ugh! I can't see anything with all this damn water all over my face. I wipe the water of as much as I can and frantically look around, for land. Oh wow. There's a bridge right above me and the shore is just a ten feet away, wow. Shit. I swim over and pull myself onto the soft dirt of land. Holy shit my finger are so pruned! How long was I down there? Four hours? "HEY!" Someone calls from above, startled at the sudden noise, I quickly look up to see a man leaning over the bridge railing, staring down at me. "HEY ARE YOU ALRIGHT MISS?" He calls again, what am I supposed to say? That I went crazy again and tried to kill myself a couple of hours ago, and somehow survived being submerged completely underwater the entirety of the day?  Think of a lie think of a lie! "UM...YEAH I'M FINE I JUST WANTED TO...GO FOR A SWIM!" "IN THAT WATER?" Shit. "UM, Y-YEAH." "JUST, STAY THERE FOR A SECOND I'M COMING DOWN!" Shit. Within a few minutes he reaches the shoreline and squats down next to where I sit, extending his hand. "I'm James, wanna tell me the real reason you're down here in this gross fish shit water?" He asks, smiling a little bit. I chuckle at his phrasing and take his hand, shaking it. "I'm Sarah. I like your name, I have a friend named James." I reply, not wanting to answer his question. "Thank you but you're avoiding the question, c'mon, it's 2019, nothing surprises anyone nowadays." What did he just say?! 2019?! I've been underwater for three years? Holy shit. "2019? It's 2019?! It was 2016 just an hour ago!" I exclaim, grabbing at my hair frantically and staring at the ground, trying to figure this all out. "What are you talking about?" He asks, grabbing my shoulder, I'm gonna lose it. I'm gonna fucking lose it. There it goes. I lost it. "A few hours ago I jumped off that bridge for god knows what reason. How could three fucking years pass?!" I ask him, pulling my hair and covering my head with my knees. "Wait, YOU'RE Sarah Ledoux?" He asks me, I just nod in response. "The world thinks you're dead! How could you not be dead? They never found your body, and you jumped off a bridge!" "I'm aware. Oh god..oh god.." My mind jumps to another image and I grab James shirt, gripping it tight and pulling him close to my face. "Where are Steve and Bucky?! Are they okay?!" I frantically question. "Woah! Woah calm down, they're fine probably! It's not like I know them but they were on the news last night, they practically saved all of England." Thank goodness. "Do they still live here in New York?" "Yeah I think." Oh thank goodness. "Thank you. It's been nice talking to you, but I gotta run." I quickly stand up and run off, waving to James as I go. He's a decent guy, he shouldn't approach random girls suspiciously swimming around in gross water.

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