skulduggery x Valkyrie

By typical_fanfics

23.5K 405 264

As you can see this is a valduggery fanfic. Stephanie edgley, Valkyrie Cain, darquesse has fallen for her par... More

A stick?
the date
sickness and nightmares
the golden sorcerer ball.
kidnapped and the truth
break up
At Gordon's
the meeting
a night to remember
back to normal
tell him!
a meeting about the world breaker
baby names
fight with a teleporter
look in the mirror
something's different
the real one
caught red handed
China's library
happy birthday you old bag of bones
it begins
the vision
truth or dare
not strong enough
cold blooded murder
the book of knowledge
angry professor
no magic
trouble and new found power
you never listen
better than ever
time to fight
rue and vex
rise of vile
the black hooded stranger
I have to leave
5 years later
The party
500 reads!!!

walk in the park

412 6 3
By typical_fanfics

Valkyrie sat on her bed in her dead families house. She looked around studying it closely, examining every detail. She then stood up and walked over to the window. "Time to get back to work" she said to herself and jumped out of the window and slowed her descent by using the air. It was cold outside so she dug her hands deep into her pockets and walked over to the bus stop.

When she got off she thanked the driver and walked over to roarhaven. She walked into the town and as usual got the strange looks from the roarhaven mages. She ignored the looks and walked over to the run down sanctuary. She opened the door and walked over to tipstaff who was talking to a mage she recognised but couldn't remember the name of. "Tipstaff? Is skulduggery here?" She asked. She received a smile from tipstaff and the mage "miss Cain! Welcome back. He's in the great hall with the elders. Need me to walk you down?" He asked but Valkyrie smiled and shook her head. Tipstaff nodded and went back to talking to the mage.

Valkyrie walked down the corridor, getting smiles from all mages that rushed by. She had been gone for six days. Longer than she had hoped to be away but was trapped in her thoughts. She walked down the corridor to her left and walked over to the second door on the right. But she stopped when she heard arguing. She opened the door a smidge and saw skulduggery and Fletcher holding each others shirt collars.
"Don't. You. Dare. Talk. About. My. Family." Skulduggery whispered right in Fletcher's face. "I can talk about what I want" Fletcher said.
"You won't be talking much longer if you keep this up"
"That a threat?"
"I'm going to kill you!"
"I would say the same thing for you but it seems someone has already beaten me to it!
"You are a prick! You never deserved Valkyrie and you never will"
"Ok. I know. You don't either. What she deserves is someone alive though. Someone who can give her more!" Spat Fletcher. Skulduggery brought Fletcher closer to him and raised his fist. "I'm going to pound your face in!" Roared skulduggery and then he went to punch Fletcher but Valkyrie pushed the door open "Stop!" She cried. The elders turned to her as Valkyrie ran over to the bickering men. She got her hands in between them and pulled them apart. She then grabbed skulduggery's raised arm and hugged it. "Val?" Asked Fletcher surprised. "How dare you! How dare you both act like this!" She cried and glared at Fletcher and then let go of skulduggery's arm and glared at him too. His jaw was opened a smidge and he hadn't moved except to look down at Valkyrie. She closed his mouth and press her lips against his teeth.

Soon he began to react and grabbed her waist, pulling her closer and pressing his teeth harder against her. She sighed in relief and they parted so she could get some air and to look at skulduggery. "I'm back" Valkyrie said. "I can see that"
"I know"
"You were gone a while"
"Yes. I was. But I needed to think"
"I know. I got your note"
"Yeah sorry about that"
"It's fine"
"Good. Anyway... What is wrong with you! Why were you two fighting! That was bad of you!"
"Way to spoil the moment"
"Quite alright. Did you hear the argument?"
"Most of it"
"So you don't have to ask. Fletcher pissed me off"
"Fletcher does that to everyone"
"I know. So I have a reason to wanting to pounding his face in?"
"Very well. But Fletcher? You don't have a reason for pissing my him off" Valkyrie said turning to the boy with the crazy hair who had his fist's clenched and grinding his teeth. He growled "he took you from me!" He cried and stamped his foot. Valkyrie glared at him and shook her head. "No you stupid boy! I left you because I love skulduggery way more than I'll ever love you! He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! Capique? Good. So gentlemen if you don't mind me and skulduggery are leaving" Valkyrie said and grabbed skulduggery and started walking him out of the room. "Where are we going?" He asked. "We are going for that walk in the park" she and he nodded. "Oh yes. Of course. I totally forgot!" Skulduggery said and picked her up bridal style and ran down the corridor to the exit. While this was happening mages were looking at them funny but Valkyrie didn't care. She was giggling uncontrollably.

When they arrived at the park it was evening and the sun was setting. Skulduggery hopped out of the car and walked over to Valkyrie side to open the door for her. Then he held out his hand and she gladly accepted. He locked up the car and they started down the path. "So what have you been doing while I was gone?" Asked Valkyrie. "Well I've completed a case"
"Without me? I'm so proud"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Ok. Well what have you been doing? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. I haven't really been up to anything"
"Well that sounds fun. Where did you go?"
"I went to my parents house"
"Alone? Valkyrie that's very dangerous! What if the mage who killed them were still around? What if they were stronger than you?" Skulduggery asked and stopped walking. Valkyrie turned to him and frowned "I can take care of myself. Ok?" She asked. skulduggery sighed "I know you can. I was just worried about you" he said. "I know you were" she said and took a step closer and threw her hands behind his neck. She leaned forward so now their foreheads were touching. She smiled "I missed you" she whispered. Skulduggery shivered and nodded "yeah I guess I missed you too" he said and chuckled. She stepped back and put her hands on her chest and pretended to be offended "well how rude" she said and grinned. She hugged his arm and they began to walk again.

They walked around the park for a bit and then found a bench to take a rest. Valkyrie rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. Then skulduggery started to hear little snores. Skulduggery chuckled and put her on his back and carried her to the car. Then he got in the driver's seat and drove them home.

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