Finding My Love

By Stef1981

75.9K 2.3K 114

Stef Foster along with her son Jude are starting their life over again when they meet Lena Adams, a woman in... More

My Love, My love
Because Of Jude
The Walls
The Blonde Cop
The Savior
The Secret
The Dinner Part I
The Dinner Part II
Damages Part I
Damages Part II
Off The Deep End
Poor Choices
Poor Choice II
Is She Ok?
Hurt And Guilt
Our Family
One More
What In The World?
Around The Table
Old Habits
Deja Vu
Sibling Talk
When Things Change
Last Night
This Change Hurts
A Bad Idea
What Some Actions May Cause
When Heartache Hits
Our Moms
It's Where You Belong
I Know Who
I Accept You
Back To Work
The Truth Is Not Easy
He Said it Before
Maybe It Wasn't Me She Needed
My Baby Boy

What's Best

1.1K 37 0
By Stef1981

As all three kids had fallen asleep in the living room Lena and the blonde could only smile at what they walked in on that early morning. Jude could be seen stretched out on the floor with a pillow and large blanket over him as Callie and Mariana shared the couch with their feet in each others faces sound asleep. The site was truly heartwarming to both as Lena wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist from behind.

"That's sweet." she said letting out a warm smile as it took a few moments for the blonde to respond for she was taking in the site herself. In her mind she was thinking of the decision her and Lena had made that would take place in a few days. She knew it was for the better even if it did hurt and she knew it was more important then anything that they took things much slower for the sake of their children especially Callie's.

"It is baby. It really is." she said her voice carrying a heavy weight to it that Lena instantly picked up on. The choice had been hard as both of them pushed their feelings to the side to be the parents they needed. Tears had fallen, hands had been held longer and tighter and hearts had been broken. The slim woman had seen the tears in Stef's eyes one's she rarely ever saw as she knew the blonde had taken it as a personal failure, and knew the cop had seen herself as the sole cause for the rift in Callie and Lena's relationship but that was hardly the case. But she would be lying if she didn't admit it wasn't hard as she tried to convince herself it would be easy. Living with Stef and the kids together the last few weeks had been hectic and crazy but it was the happiest she had ever been. Seeing the growth in her daughter at times, watching all three kids interact, the family dinners, the family movies and seeing Stef walk in the door each night from work greeting everyone with a hug and kiss like it was something they had done since the beginning of time. It was a life she had dreamed of when she laid in bed at night next to Timonty. It was one her heart had been breaking for all this time and it was one that consumed her soul with nothing but joy. However she had been truly oblivious to how deep her daughters issues had gone both her and Stef had been and to her that was unacceptable.

"We are making the right choice Lena." Stef soon spoke once again.

"I know baby. We have to put them first. But I guess we wouldn't win any parenting awards."

"Well not like it comes with a book of instructions." The blonde said chuckling." Honestly you and I have the same goal. We just want them to be happy and healthy. And maybe living here all together isn't the right choice right now. You and Cal's need the time and that is something I understand more then anything baby. I would do anything for you both. Anything." She said now turning around to face the slim woman.

"I know you would. I know." Gently Lena began to stroke Stef's soft face for she was trying herself to be strong for her.

"I would do anything so that Callie didn't struggle so much. I would do anything so that Mariana would feel safe. I would do anything so that Jude wouldn't feel so hurt from his father. I just, I just want to protect them baby." She whispered.

"I know love. And you do. You really do. Do you doubt it Stef?"

"At times I think I do. Just I can't help thinking how could we not see what Callie was doing?"

"I was up last night thinking the same. I don't know Stef maybe we were just hoping that she was ok. That she wasn't as addicted as she really is. I just can't imagine how far it would have gone if you had not found all that stuff on her. I don't, I don't know I don't want to think about that. I just know she needs more help then she was getting and I think this program we found can help her."

"I hope so. She deserves to be happy."

"I know and that is one thing we can help her work on. She just needs time more then we thought to get better and we will give her as much times she needs. She knows she has us honey and well I hope her and her father can talk. He really wants to be in her life again."

"I hope so too babe." I blonde could only stare at the young teen hoping more than anything that she would be ok. That her addiction would one day be a thing of the past. That she one day wouldn't struggle so much, find what truly made her happy, and be able to mend the broken relationships she had with her parents and herself. Looking deeper at the young girl she continued to blame herself for her troubles. The blonde realizing she came into her life and almost instantly began to parent her never giving her the time to get to know her at all. Jude had been so accepting of Lena and their relationship that in her mind she had forgotten that Callie was different. That she was in a different situation and that she was a different person all together. How that had slipped through both of their minds was beyond her because she was normally more perceptive then anything. This time she had failed.

"I know so baby. We won't let her fall again." Lena said kissing her soft cheek. "I hate to wake them."

"Same but we can give them five more minutes." The cop said still not taking her eyes off all there kids.

"Ok. I'll start some breakfast. I Love you Stef." she said holding her hand tight as the blonde looked back to her.

"I love you too baby."


"Miss Thang you have two minutes left in that bathroom young lady!" The blonde yelled as her, Callie and Jude still had not been able to shower as they sat at the breakfast table hoping to leave in less then 30 minutes.

"I'm not done mama! I need to fix my hair." the girl yelled as she stuck her head out the bathroom door and Stef lifted one of her eyebrows up as she now stood in the hall.

"Well whether that pretty hair of yours is done or not 2 minutes is it. I haven't even showered myself."

"Ok, ok." she yelled back closing the bathroom door as the blonde could only shake her head.

"I mean what is she getting ready for exactly? " she said taking a seat at the table and finishing her coffee as Lena let out a laugh.

"Really Stef? Like you didn't know what you were signing up for. You know she's like a movie stare in the making and a real girly girl." the slim woman took a seat next to the blonde gently rubbing her thigh.

"Yup takes her like and hour to get ready for bed at night. She puts on all this night creme." Jude said laughing taking a bite of his waffle as Callie let out a laugh herself.

"Night cream? I don't even use that." Stef chuckled. "Good lord she's going to make me insane with all this stuff she wants or claims to need. I've never even heard of half of it. Highlight creme, gel nail polish, a billion shades of blush and god know what else."

"Ha. That's because you're a tomboy love." Lena said leaning in and kissing her check.

"Don't worry Stef I haven't heard of half of it myself." Callie admitted shrugging her shoulders. "I'm fine with 2 in 1 shampoo my converse, jeans and a plaid shirt."

"Well that sounds familiar." Lena couldn't help but laugh as she looked to the blonde who let out a wide smile at the similarity.

"And how are you love? You feeling ok about the program?" Stef soon asked as she tucked one of Callie's long curls behind her ear the young girl looking up.

"Yeah. I guess."

"What's wrong love?"

"I don't know just nervous about it I guess." she admitted looking back to her waffles as Lena walked over now sitting on the other side of her. Gently she grabbed her hand holding it as the young girl looked into her mother's eyes.

"Honey, it will be ok. We promise. It is not to hurt you it is to help and figure out what you need. I will be there with you today and your father. He wants you to get better as well sweetheart." Nodding her head she now looked over to Stef.

"Will you be there today too?"

"Of course love." She winked leaning in herself and kissing the side of Callie's face.

"Ok. I can do it."

"Of course you can Cal. You're strong and amazing." Jude encouraged as the young teen smiled back at him.

"Thanks buddy." She said as the four finally heard Mariana coming out of the bathroom with her hair and makeup done.

"Done!" the Latin girl said happily taking a seat at the table as the blonde couldn't help but notice the heavy amount of dark eye shadow and liner the girl had put on.

"Um take that off Miss. That's way to much makeup."

"But it's a new shade, and I always wear this much."

"Um last time I checked you didn't wear that much, and you will never wear that much on my watch. Are you going to a night club or school?"

"Mama, everyone is wearing this shade to school." she insisted as Lena and the rest of the table watched this new exchange between the two.

"Yes everyone but you. Wipe it off." she said taking another sip of her coffee. "It makes you look far too old."

"But I don't even have that much on. You can barely see it."

"Are you kidding I saw it a mile away." The blonde laughed awkwardly.


"Mariana I have no issue with you wearing mascara, lip gloss and a little blush. But this. No. You're only 15 and you look 25. Take it off. I won't say it again honey."

"But it's not that much." she pleaded as Stef let out a sigh.

"Love, unless you don't want to be able to wear any at all I suggest you do as I say. Take it off before I do it."

Letting out a heavy sigh the young teen clearly annoyed left the room to do as she was told mumbling under her breath.

"Girls." Jude said shaking his head and heading to the bathroom.

"Well, welcome to parenting a girl." Lena said smiling to her partner who leaned her head back feeling a headache coming on.

"Yes I just felt another gray hair grow in."

"Matches the others." Callie joked as she got up almost passing the blonde when Stef grabbed her pulling her onto her lap tickling her. The young teen could only laugh her head off.

"Ya'll get that one back miss! Oh will you ever!" she said planting a million kissing on her cheek as Callie now wrapped her arms around her neck hugging her warmly to the blondes surprise.

"I love you Stef." she soon whispered now pulling away.

"Aww I love you baby."

"And I'm sorry I screamed at you the other day. I'm sorry I was disrespectful." Looking deep into the young girls eyes and over to Lena who let out a warm smile the blonde smiled herself at the teen.

"I know you are. Apology accepted. You know I don't hold grudges my girl."

"I know." She said softly now looking to her lap as she played with the bracelet on the blonde's wrist.

"What's wrong honey? Talk to me."

"Just I'll miss you." she admitted shrugging her shoulders.

"I'll miss you too my girl. I will but sweet's, I'm not going anywhere. Just because we won't be living together doesn't mean I won't be around. I told you me and your mom are very much together and we always will be. My love for you has not changed. Never will sweetheart. Ever."

"But you won't take us to school anymore and I won't be able to wait up for you when you work late."

With this Stef now glanced to Lena once again who's face was filled with so much emotion she could barely hide it.

"You wait up for me?" Stef asked her voice cracking as she gently stroked Callie's face.

"Yeah. I don't know. The nights you work I wait up. And when you get in and I know you're ok I can sleep. I worry and just want you to be ok." Callie's words were hitting such a spot in the blondes heart that she was trying so hard to control her tears harder then ever. But she was finding it very hard as she now hugged the young teen harder then ever.

"I just want you to be ok too my love." She whispered as she could feel Callie tugging at her heart even more.

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