Finding My Love

By Stef1981

75K 2.2K 113

Stef Foster along with her son Jude are starting their life over again when they meet Lena Adams, a woman in... More

My Love, My love
Because Of Jude
The Walls
The Blonde Cop
The Savior
The Secret
The Dinner Part I
The Dinner Part II
Damages Part I
Damages Part II
Off The Deep End
Poor Choices
Poor Choice II
Is She Ok?
Hurt And Guilt
Our Family
What In The World?
Around The Table
Old Habits
Deja Vu
Sibling Talk
What's Best
When Things Change
Last Night
This Change Hurts
A Bad Idea
What Some Actions May Cause
When Heartache Hits
Our Moms
It's Where You Belong
I Know Who
I Accept You
Back To Work
The Truth Is Not Easy
He Said it Before
Maybe It Wasn't Me She Needed
My Baby Boy

One More

1.1K 37 0
By Stef1981


"Come sweets." I said holding Mariana's hand as we both walked over to the couch next to Lena. I could see how nervous Mariana was as I held both of her hands and she stood between my legs.

"Is everything ok? Did I do something?" she said looking panicked at the both of us as I let out a wide smile.

"No love. Not at all. It's just Lena and I just wanted to ask you something babygirl." I squeezed her hands a littler tighter now rubbing them.

"Ok. What is it mom?" Her eyes grew wider as she nervously glanced between Lena and I. I could feel Lena place her hand on my thigh and looking to her I saw a soft smile form on her face at the term Mariana had called me once again.

"Well my girl." I began as she leaned in closer to me. "We know the apartment is a little crowded right now but Lena and I want to know how you would feel about us fostering you until we get things squared away with your grandparents."

It was then her facial expression changed and I honestly wasn't sure what she was thinking for the first time ever for it almost went white.


"Sweetheart we don't want you to keep bouncing around honey. Stef and I would love to make the room for you. If that is something you are ok with? If not that is ok too honey. It's what you are comfortable with we would never want to force you." Mariana's eyes now looked to the ground as I anxiously stared at Lena.

"Sweets?"Gently I lifted her face up and could see her eyes were consumed with tears. "Oh baby what's wrong? What's wrong my girl?"

"You, you want to foster me? You aren't kidding?"

"No baby why would we kid you love? We both love you very much and want to help you find your family. Until then we would love you to be with us babygirl." I gently wiped her tears.

"We just want you to feel safe and loved honey and give you some stability." Lena said as she gently rubbed Marianas arm.

"You really aren't kidding?" Questioning me once again she looked back and forth between the two of us once again.

"No my girl. We really aren't kidding. Callie and Jude are excited as well to have you here. We all love you my girl. You really found your way into all of our hearts and I have fallen in love with you so much." My voice soon began to crack as I gently cupped her cheek wiping the tears that were falling from her face. "I've never ever had a little girl but you became mine overnight and I'd do anything for you." Tears soon began to swell in my eyes as I could now feel them trickle down my face as Lena gently began to rub my back. Mariana once again looked to the ground as my hands remind in hers.

"I love you so much mama." Leaning into me she wrapped her arms around my neck as I could feel my heart literally explode.

"I love you too baby girl. I love you so much." All I could do was just hold her tighter then I ever have as I felt Lena hug the both of us tighter.

"I love you both so much." we bother heard Mariana whisper.

"We love you too honey. We love you so much. And we guess it's a yes?" Lena laughed as our little girl looked both of us in the eyes mine still tearing heavily.

"Yes, yes. Of course!"

"Mom I think it's awesome that you and Lena are going to foster Mariana. She calls you mom anyway." Jude said smiling as he drank the last of his milkshake for Stef had taken him out to lunch at their favorite diner that all the cops went too. It had been a real treat for the both of them as it had been weeks since they had been able to spend time alone. With Mariana soon moving in things would get even more crowded and hectic.

"Thank you my love. I really wasn't sure how you and Cals were gonna feel about it. I know it's pretty crowded in our apartment already with Callie and Lena." letting out a laugh she took a bite of her cheeseburger.

"It's ok. I like having them there. Callie is actually pretty cool. I mean now that we get along and she respects and doesn't talk to you like she use too. "

Turning to look at her son as she sat next to him at the counter the cop let out a soft smile rubbing his cheek.

"I'm glad to hear that my love. I really am. I mean I know it hasn't been easy and I just don't want you to feel neglected babyboy or...

"Mom I don't feel that way. Trust me. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes positive. I wouldn't lie." he assured her now stealing a fry.

"Hey mister hands off." the blonde laughed lightly taping Jude's hand as he stole three more stuffing it in his mouth and letting out a laugh.

"I'll get you for that one you. Stealing your moms fries." she tickled his stomach as he laughed harder then ever.

"Mom that tickles stop, please." He begged laughing harder and harder as Stef enjoyed more then anything seeing him laugh. But as she looked deeper at him and into his big brown eyes she couldn't help but be reminded how much he looked like his father. A person neither had mentioned in weeks. Leaning in she kissed the side of his head as she pushed her plate of fries over sharing with her son and letting out a wink.

"Have as many as you want baby."

"Thanks." grabbing another fry he dipped it in ketchup and fed it to the cop letting out a smile.

"Thanks my love." she said taking a bit as her mind went back to Mike Foster. "You know baby I'm sorry about your father." With this Jude lowered his eyes placing his own fry back on the plate.

"It's ok mom it's not your fault."

"You know him leaving wasn't your fault. Yes my boy?" her voice grew more stern as her eyes studied her young sons face.

"I know mom. I know he can't deal with me. Or the person I am." Turning her body to face her son she gently rested her hand on his thigh.

"Look at me sweets." His eyes now glanced to here's as they appeared sad. "My boy there's nothing wrong with the person you are my love. Nothing at all. You are amazing more amazing for words and it's his loss honey. It really is for your such a young man and I can't tell you how proud I am of you and who you are becoming." The cop gently cupped his cheek as he looked into her eyes. It was true she was proud of him for despite everything that had been going on with her and Lena, and Callie, Jude remained level headed and strong. In her eyes he was so much like her in more ways then one as he just plowed through life despite the difficulties. " Just never blame yourself for him leaving, and never ever apologize for the person you are. You understand me?"

"I understand mom. He's a coward. Besides you were always my mother and father from day one and you always accepted me. Just like Lena."

"I will continue to accept you. Always. But how do you feel about Lena sweetheart. I know I asked you months ago but how do you feel about her now?"

"Honest?" He said taking another fry.

"Always baby boy. You know that."

"Well, she's like a second mom. She does everything you do. She makes our lunch, cooks, talks to us about everything, does our laundry. She's pretty cool. I mean is that ok I mean..." his eyes looking up somewhat worried.

"Sweetheart that is fine you don't have to ask me that. I'm glad you love her so much. She loves you too."

"Callie loves you too." Jude said with a small grin forming on his face as the cop let out one of her own.

"So tell me what's going on with you and Conner. You guys just friends or is something else going on I don't know about? Do we need to talk?"she grinned taking another bite of her burger.

"Mom. Really?" he said embarrassed shaking his head.

"What do you mean mom really? Is he your boyfriend or what?" she said smiling wide. "Inquiring mothers want to know."

"No. We are just friends. Honestly I would tell you if it was more. And no we don't need to talk about sex. Please." he said holding up his hand.

"Alright alright. But if anything changes you come to me or you go to Lena. Understood young man? I mean I admit I don't know the logistics of .."

"Mom please. Please I am begging you. Stop."

"Alright keep your pants on. I'll stop. Just don't grow up to fast honey. Please." She said wrapping her arm around him as she leaned in closer to her.

"I won't. But since we are asking questions when are you and Lena going to get married?" With that the blonde looked down at him surprised as her phone soon rang and she swallowed hard.

"One second baby." Glancing to her phone and still in shock from her sons question she saw it was Lena and picked it up.

"Hey baby. What's up?"

"Um..are you guys almost done with lunch?"

"Soon yeah. Why need something baby?"

"Stef, my mother is here." With that the blonde almost choked on her burger as her eyes soon bugged out and she froze.

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