Finding My Love

By Stef1981

75K 2.2K 113

Stef Foster along with her son Jude are starting their life over again when they meet Lena Adams, a woman in... More

My Love, My love
Because Of Jude
The Walls
The Blonde Cop
The Savior
The Dinner Part I
The Dinner Part II
Damages Part I
Damages Part II
Off The Deep End
Poor Choices
Poor Choice II
Is She Ok?
Hurt And Guilt
Our Family
One More
What In The World?
Around The Table
Old Habits
Deja Vu
Sibling Talk
What's Best
When Things Change
Last Night
This Change Hurts
A Bad Idea
What Some Actions May Cause
When Heartache Hits
Our Moms
It's Where You Belong
I Know Who
I Accept You
Back To Work
The Truth Is Not Easy
He Said it Before
Maybe It Wasn't Me She Needed
My Baby Boy

The Secret

1.6K 35 1
By Stef1981

"I don't want to go, no way." Callie said defiantly shaking her head at the sudden mention of having dinner at Stef's. As she tried to process her mother's words there was just absolutely no way she was going, no way in hell not even if someone had paid her for she wanted absolutely nothing to do with that woman much less go to some creepy dinner at her apartment or wherever she lived. For what really Callie's mind was thinking. Was her mother finally going to be honest and tell her what the hell was going on? Was she? Was she going to admit something that the teen didn't want to hear at all? Was she gay? Was she ..was she with this..this cop? Is this why she split there family up? Was it? Callie had not one clue as her mind raced endlessly with a million and one thoughts, but she knew for sure that it would be more then just a dinner. That she knew and the thought only exacerbated the rage that she had kept locked inside of her for weeks. But now she was going to explode. For she could feel it, the explosion and eruption was soon going to spill over any minute and it would be directed right at her lying clueless mother who she couldn't even bare to look at. In her mind she was wondering if Lena was completely blind or thought that she couldn't see what had been going. Callie could do nothing but remain silent for a few moments as she bitterly glanced out the passenger window of the Volvo in the parking lot of Anchor Beach that early Friday morning.

Lena herself stared heartbroken at her daughter for she wasn't really surprised at her reaction, even if she had hoped and wished it had been different. It had been one of the main reasons she had found herself procrastinating all week in terms of telling Callie for she knew it would just be another battle to add to their daily list of battles and the week itself had already proven to be exhausting and challenging enough. Monday she had met with Timothy and his divorce attorneys and as predicted when she came clean about her relationship with Stef Foster and her sexuality he exploded going on a tyrant of unspeakable rants promising to make her life a living hell. He not only was determined to ruin her reputation at Anchor Beach but Timothy was suing for full custody of Callie and threatening to move her far away so that she would never see her daughter again. If that wasn't enough he wanted the house, the two cars, and eerily promised to expose her sexuality to every school district known and tarnish her name through the mud so that she would have no chance at ever getting a job again. Lena knew this was crap for she was protected by her rights and nowhere was it a crime to be a lesbian. Nowhere at all. In fact she wasn't the least bit worried about her job, her home or any of that. The thing that concerned her more then anything was the thought of losing her little girl and how her father would poison her mind with all kind of lies about her. That scared her to no end for Callie from day one had been her heart and life.

As Lena sat next to her young and very angry teenage daughter she realized it had been nearly ten years since she had first laid eyes on little five year old Callie Jacobs when the young and terribly frightened girl had been enrolled at Anchor Beach for the kindergarten program. From that first day Lena noticed instantly that something seemed very off with her as she certainly did not behave like your typical five year old. Coming from a background and P.H.D in child psychology she knew that not all children behaved in the same manner but Callie was incredibly withdrawn, and almost void of any energy as if it had been sucked out of her young life. Each day Lena would watch the sweet girl walk slowly into her classroom with her head facing all the way down as if she was almost trying to avoid any eye contact whatsoever, or as if she was too afraid. Lena took it upon herself to make a habit of greeting the little girl each morning but still no peep came from her mouth.

After reading and studying Callie's two inch long file the brunette learned that in the short five short years of her life the young child had experienced more trauma than most adults which described the pain she saw in the little girl's eyes on a consistent basis. Her parents were killed when she was nearly four years old leaving her with not one single relative to care for her and she was immediately placed in foster care but was moved from home to home every few weeks or so where she was physically abused and neglected. Unfortunately, Callie had seized to talk and not one person had bothered to explain to her what came of her parents. By the time she was enrolled at Anchor Beach she was labeled an at risk child one devoid of a future and one no one would want. Thing was she never behaved badly or acted out. She had just had a string of bad luck in ill fitting homes where no one had the patience to love or care for her in the way she so desperately needed. In response Callie had completely shut down, clung to the one piece of her mom she had left a little barrette and spoke to no one.

After a few months it was suggested that Callie be moved to different school for she was making no progress. Lena became infuriated and found it difficult to understand how and why not one person had the patience to deal Callie's trauma, how she seemed to be tossed around like a rag doll and how her abuse had not been properly addressed. Being Vice Principle she certainly had a say in Callie's future at Anchor Beach and she was determined to give her one, and Callie noticed that.

Lena soon took it upon herself to pay close and special attention to the sweet girl devoting her lunch hour and after school hours to read to Callie, to teach her her ABCs, her numbers and and how to write. Lena made sure she ate, that she smiled at least once a day and she was even able to get Callie to communicate even without speaking. Very soon a small bond was formed between the two and Lena could feel her heart tugging for her. Tugging like it never had before. As the weeks and months continued to fly by Lena noticed Callie making wonderful progress. The layers of pain were falling off as she smiled each day at Lena, she hugged her and she began interacting a little with other children. Her teachers reported she was doing astoundingly better even if she had yet to utter a word. The bond she formed with Lena continued to blossom as the little girl would wander into her office when she was suppose to be napping, she would eat lunch with her and draw daily pictures for her to hang in her office. Callie loved being in her presence so bad that when it was time for her to go home she would often cry. Lena knew herself she loved the little girl. Loved her more then anything and there love only became stronger on the day of the yellow flower incident.

"Mrs. Adams I'm sorry to disturb you but ...well we have a situation with Callie."

"Yes?" Lena questioned the lunch aid looking up immediately at the mention of Callie's name.

"Well, it seems Callie has taken it upon herself to yank flowers out of the front yard. I literally told her not to do it and she just insisted on doing it. When I tried to take them she screamed her head off. Mrs. Adams that child..."

"Ok let me handle it..bring her in please." Lena put her pen down waiting for the lunch aid to bring the little girl in. Once she appeared she saw Callie holding three yellow daisies in her hand for dear life as she looked at the ground.

"It's ok I'll talk to her and bring her back to class." Lena confirmed.

"Good luck."

Mrs. Wilson closed the door and left the two inside as Callie still looked at the floor. Lena got up from her seat and kneeled down in front of the scared little girl.

"Hi love, what do you have there?" She smiled as Callie failed to look at her.

"Sweetheart, you know your'e not suppose to pull flowers up like that. They belong to the school and they need to stay in the ground to grow and become beautiful like you." Lena smiled once again as she touched Callie's soft hand that had been gripping hold of the followers. The little girl then looked up at her and smiled as Lena's heart melted.

"Why did you pull them baby?" Callie just continued to look at her with wide brown eyes as she continued to melt Lena's heart.

"It's ok you can tell me. You won't get in trouble." she continued to speak gently and softly to the little girl as silence continued to permeate the room for a few more moments. Just as Lena was about to speak again Callie interrupted her.

"I picked them for you mama." she said softly staring at the curly haired woman.

Lena's heart exploded. It exploded all over the entire room as she heard what the little girl said. Not only had she spoke a full sentence but it was what she had said. She knew she wasn't the girl's mother, she wasn't even her foster mother, she was her Vice Principal but it seemed that the relationship they had formed throughout the school year had made Callie see her in that way. Callie loved her she loved her so much and Lena loved her to death. She felt tears swell up in her eyes and start to trail down as Callie handed her the flowers. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to say at all.

"Do you like em? You always wear..ellow." Callie's face was bright as she smiled with a missing tooth in the front of her mouth. Lena still wasn't able to talk as the little girl's words had completely overtaken her heart.

"Baby they are...they are the most beautiful flowers ever. Come here my love." Lena hugged her and Callie melted into her arms.

"Can you be my mama? I want to live with you." Callie hugged Lena harder and Lena's heart continued to explode. She didn't know how to answer for she was speechless. She had thought about having children but she just wasn't sure if she wanted to have children with Timonty. She just wasn't. But the thought of bringing Callie home, the thought of raising her and after hearing the young girl call her mama she didn't know if she could live without her. She just didn't.

"Why...why crying." Callie whipped Lena's tears as the young woman looked down at the ground and tears continued to fall from her face.

"Happy tears sweetheart. Very Happy tears. Come here my love. Come here." she once again hugged the little again and Callie held onto her harder then she ever had.

As life would have it that same day Callie's foster parents had not shown up and the young girl was placed in emergency foster care. Against Timothy's wishes Lena had applied for an emergency foster care license and took Callie home a week later. Within a few months she adopted the little girl and she never left Lena's side. Until now.

Coming back into the moment Lena looked over to her daughter as it was only sadness she could feel now for the once close relationship had fallen apart within the last few months and no matter how hard she tried she didn't know how to save it. She knew the divorce was hard on Callie she knew that but she thought the bond they always had would continue to grow and flourish throughout her teen years. That plan had fallen apart for her daughter had become increasingly stubborn, rude, defiant and just plain difficult on a daily basis. She had seen her grades fall, she had seen her close off and no longer want to so much as even hold her mother's hand anymore or do things they use to do together. Revealing her relationship with Stef and that she was a lesbian, Lena wasn't sure what would happen. She knew though if she wanted to be happy, and be with Stef and move their relationship further. that this was unavoidable. Lena reached her hand out to place it on top of Callie's. But not to her surprise Callie pulled it away.

"Honey it's just we would like too..." Lena placed her hand yet again on Callie's as she pulled away again.

"No! No way!"

"Ok, then you need to tell me why love. Please talk to me." Lena pleaded as the young teen remained silent staring out the window yet again.

"I thought maybe you could bring your guitar and show Jude..."

" Jude? We aren't even friends and he's like 6." Callie scoffed back in an angry tone.

"Callie, he's not 6 he's almost 12 and it's tough being a new student. I'm sure he would enjoy talking to you honey."Lena knew she had to remain calm and gentle but she could feel her patience running low for she hated her daughters disrespectful tone.

"I have plans with dad." Callie's voice continued to grow colder.

"Well, honey this weekend you don't. You have plans with me and dinner is apart of it. Please don't make this difficult." Lena enforced.

"I don't get what the big deal is and why your'e so angry that I won't go to some stupid dinner."Callie now looked into her mother's eyes that became equally furious as the young teens.

"Because it is important Callie! That's why and your coming even if I have to drag you their myself! You are coming and that is the end of the discussion young lady!" Lena yelled.

"Just try it mom! Try to see if you can make me go to some dinner with you and that dyke cop!" Lena was stunned and almost speechless as she heard those words come from her mouth. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe it for she had never ever taught her to speak such hateful words ever as Callie slammed the car door shut.

Snapping out of it she ran out the car herself chasing after her daughter and grabbing her arm before she entered Anchor Beach.


"What? Leave me alone mom!" the teen tried to pull away but with no much success as Lena held on tight.

"You don't in anyway speak that way ever! I have never ever in my life taught you such hateful words ever!" Lena's words came out stern and forceful as Callie tired to avoid eye contact as she could feel the tears of anger flood her eyes.


"So you and Mrs. Adams love each other?" Jude questioned as he sat in the passenger side of his mom's SUV patrol car.

"Yes my love Lena and I are very much in love, and we wanted to tell you and Callie over dinner tomorrow. I mean that was the plan." Stef glanced over at her son quickly as he seemed to process her words. In her eyes Jude appeared to be ok with the news which was a relief.

"Well, I'm happy for you mom I really am. I just want you to know."

Stef formed a wide smile on her face as she placed her hand on top of her son's leg. She knew she was very lucky.

"Thank you my baby. To be honest I wasn't sure how you were going to feel. I know the divorce has been difficult and all and I sort of jumped into a new relationship and..."

"Mom it's ok. I mean I knew you weren't happy with Dad, and I can tell you are now. Besides, I like Lena alot." Jude reassured.

"She likes you too baby. She likes you too." Stef smiled at her son as they pulled into the parking lot of Anchor Beach.

"Ok sweets got your things?"

"Yeah I think so mom. The real question is do you have all your things?" Jude joked.

"Ok wise guy." The cop smirked as the two exited the SUV. But in the distance her eyes almost immediately focused on what appeared to be a very heated argument going on between Lena and her daughter for she could hear them yelling. The cop knew this was out of character for her love for the brunette was extremely private and never liked to draw such attention to herself. Stef could only assume what it was about. Tomorrow's dinner.

Jude himself looked over at the two woman and then back up at his mom as he also noticed her staring intensely.

"Callie is always giving Mrs. Adams a hard time. I don't know why." Stef looked down at her sons young eyes which were saddened.

"I'm sure it's fine sweets. I will check it out. In the meantime why don't you go walk down to the beach. Isn't Conner waiting for you? she rubbed the side of his face trying to distract him from the argument that continued to get progressively louder.

"Hopefully mom. Since someone can't get up on time." he scolded looking at his watch.

"Yes, yes I know reprimand me love. I'm the most horrible mother ever. I know."

"Nah you 're an 8 mom." Jude laughed.

"An 8? For that my friend I may have to book you." she gently moved the hair out of his eyes.

"I'm just kidding you know you' re a ten mom. You're the greatest mom ever, and I really love you." Jude placed his hand inside his moms as the blondes eyes grew soft. "And I'm really proud of you too. Really proud." A smile formed on his young face as his mother pulled him into her for a warm hug kissing the top of his head.

" I'm so so proud of you too baby. So, so proud my sweet boy." Jude buried his face in his moms uniform shirt gripping her tighter as Stef held on to him for as long as she could. She was just overwhelmed and felt utterly blessed that her young son was so supportive and encouraging of her new relationship toward Lena and of her admitting to him that she was lesbian. Part of her knew he would understand but being his mother she was still worried about all the changes going on in his life at one time. But he seemed to be taking it all well.

"Now go on and learn something baby." she said as they both pulled away.

"I always do mom. And you be safe."

"I always am for you my love." The blonde winked kissing her sons forehead yet again.

"And I'm sure Mrs. Adams will love the present. Don't forget to give it to her."

Jude smiled widely walking toward the beach as the blonde admired her sensitive son as she couldn't imagine her life without him, not one day for he was her world. Once he was out of distance Stef turned around to see the arguing between Lena and Callie escalate even more. She knew her girlfriend was not having the easiest week dealing with Timothy's threats and Callie's difficult behavior. She wasn't completely sure if she should interfere but she cared for Lena more then anything and needed to make sure she was ok. Deciding to approach the two she adjusted her gun belt and walked persistently towards them both but immediately took notice of Callie's icy cold glare. Stef wasn't an idiot and could read the teen like a book for she knew this girl was going to be a challenge, she knew that from the first time she met her in Lena's office a month ago.

Callie rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Never too early for you to roll those things huh love." She laughed jokingly as Lena turned to look at her. Stef let out a reassuring smile as she could sense her uneasiness.

"Everything ok?"

Callie herself couldn't help but notice how the cops hand had found its way to her mothers back rubbing it gently. She was boiling.

"It's fine." Lena responded calmly. "It's, it's just a little dispute." Stef could hear the frustration and stress in her voice as she knew Lena extremely well by now.

"Ok..well can I help?"

"Oh you've helped enough!" Callie snapped as Stef eyes turned to look at her.

"Callie!" Lena warned.

"No it's ok wanna talk Cal?" Stef's voice was gentle and concerned. She proceeded out of habit to extended her arm out to touch the teen who had pulled back with a look of disgust on her face. It didn't surprise Stef one bit.

"Not with you!"

Lena shook her head feeling the exhaustion as this had gone on long enough.

"Stef..." Lena began but only to be cut off by the blonde cop. She wanted to end the argument before it went any further.

"Ok why love?" Stef's eyes fixated even more on Callie as she unconsciously ignored Lena.

"Stef.. I don't think here is the right time...Callie just go inside we will discuss this later. I've had enough of you this morning."

"I've had enough of you in general!" Callie hissed at her mother.

"Hey, Callie watch your mouth!" Stef scolded very sternly not missing a single beat.

" Um last time I checked you weren't my mother. So you don't get to tell me what to do! Ever!" The teens eyes were ice cold by now and the pot had boiled over. She had had it and she wasn't going to let this cop tell her what to do ever! Besides who the hell did she think she was anyway. She didn't even know her. She didn't know her at all.

Stef herself was trying to remain calm as she inched closer to the young teenager. But her patience was wearing thin. Lena stood horrified and anger took over her once again.

"Callie inside now! Now!" the brunette screamed but neither Stef nor Callie listened as the battle they were in grew only more intense by the second as neither one was willing to back down.

"They that's ok Cal I don't need to be your mother to tell you to adjust your attitude sweets." The blondes eyes grew more intense as she locked eyes Callie.

"Don't call me that!" she was enraged as she herself moved closer to Stef her eyes locking with the cops but noticing how Stef barley blinked. Stef could see the pain in her eyes for she knew she was in a tremendous amount but she wasn't going to stand there and let her speak to Lena or herself in such a way. Called inched even closer to her.

"I'm not scared of you! I'm not scare of you at all!"

Stef shook her head as she heard Lena sigh however not taking her eyes off Callie.

"Listen my love, you don't need to be scared of me but you will be if you keep talking to your mother like that and if I have anything to do with it! That I will never let you get away with as long as I'm around."

Callie was furious as she swallowed the lump in her throat that had formed. She didn't want to admit it she didn't want to admit it at all but she was somewhat intimated by Stef for she was unlike her mother. Her mother was kind, gentle and sometimes easy. Stef was fearless, aggressive and wasn't backing down from her and it was pissing her even more off.

As Lena stood in shock witnessing the back and forth between the two people she loved more then anything this wasn't what she had intended. Not in the least. Yes it was true they had not spent any time together and maybe her and Stef should have waited to tell the kids. But at this point it was way to late and she had underestimated her daughter. She had underestimated what she knew for it was clear she knew the truth so it seemed. But this was the wrong place for this to happen this was the wrong place on so many levels and she wanted to just end it right now. She had never intended to get Stef involved but she knew how she was. Stubborn just like her daughter but she was going to diffuse it right now.

"Honey...I mean.." Lena let it out and Callie eyes widened. Stef turned to the curly hair brunette wide eyed as they both looked at each other in shock. Lena couldn't believe she had let it slip for she had called Stef honey right in front of Callie. There was no taking that back.

"What?" Callie's eyes widened even more. "I knew it! I knew it I just knew it." she screamed as tears flooded out of her eyes.

Lena grabbed Callie's arm as the young teen tried to break free.

"Callie..don't run. Please let me.. .."

" I knew it! I knew it! This is why your divorcing dad cuz..cuz your in love with this .... home wrecking dyke!" Callie's eyes turned to Stef and grew harsher as she exploded.

Stef froze as well as Lena.

"Callie! You apologize right now! Right this second! Lena continued to take hold of her arm as Callie was much to strong and managed to pull away running into the school.

"Callie! Callie!" Lena yelled as Stef stood beside her touching her arm.

"Let her go love. Let her go. She will need time." Lena turned to look into Stef's eyes as tears filled her own. She had not wanted any of that to happen. Non of it and she was horrified. Horrified at her daughters behavior and what she had called Stef.

"Stef. I'm so sorry I ...I don't even." Lena couldn't continue as she fumbled over her words. She was upset and out of sorts.

"It's ok love." The blonde placed her hand inside Lena's. "Its ok baby, honest. I know she's angry and well...we will get through this. We will baby." she squeezed Lena's hand tighter and wiped the tear from her eyes. But as both women stood there they turned to see Jude with tears in his eyes and rolling down his face. He had heard everything.

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