Indespectus ✔

By batmankilledmycat

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Ever wandered what it's like to have someone's life in the palm of your hand? Knowing at the push if a trigge... More

Extended Summary
01 - Into the Jungle
02 - Nest of the idiots
03 - Down the Rabbit Hole
04 - Eloquent Beginnings
05 - STI Magnet
06 - Pessimistic Outcomes
07 - Edging Curiosity
08 - Cumulating Feelings
09 - To Family
10 - Unstable Companions
11 - Subtlety is Key
12 - Unleashing the Lioness
13 - Suicidal Partners
14 - Questionable Truths
15 - Useless Advice
16 - Explosion Imminent
17 - It Hits the fan
18 - Next to Nothing
19 - Fighting Chance
21B-End of the Line
22 - Mortality and Requiem - [END]

20 - Ignorance Isn't Bliss

99 5 0
By batmankilledmycat


"Amor vincit omnia"


"Love conquers all"



It was the morning after the night before so to say. After the Hempsteds meeting my three idiot roommates we all awkwardly went for some of grannies cooking with her of course embarrassing me even more if that was possible. What was making this whole thing worse was that I still hadn't spoken to Zach, over a month and he must have some questions I mean I did just randomly drop out of school without attending graduation.

Although I must admit I'm very content with never breaching that subject with him. I certainly wasn't even going to try with the final plan so close. I had done something to push the gangs fully over the edge and there was no way I was coming back from that. My morning started off as usual by fist-fighting with Vi in the training room. I've been determined for a while to get better than him at it in exchange I would help him with guns. Just as Vi swings his leg into my ribs, the door to the room opens as I go crashing towards the ground. I groan as I spread out on the floor clutching my side swiping my foot out bringing Vi's smirking ass down beside me.


"ублюдку" we both say simultaneously. Him in Russian, I in English.

"I am not a motherfucker" we both say again before glaring at each other before a throat clearing catches our attention.

Our eyes dart away from each other to meet Boss' amused eyes.

"Are you guys done playing yet? Our visitors would like some demonstrations." That's when I noticed the other three people in the room standing behind Boss.

I suddenly felt self-conscious lying there on the floor in front of Zach's unwavering gaze. Becoming aware that I'm only in a sports bra and tight shorts, I could feel him scanning every inch of my ivory skin resting on the tattoos decorating my skinny frame. Feeling my cheeks flame, I quickly get from the floor rubbing my side avoiding all eye contact. I nod before going over to the bench in the corner and slipping on my light hoodie.

I make my way back over to the mats before nudging Vi in the side since he has yet to move.

"Up asshole."

"Dick." He mutters, before pushing himself off from the floor. "So where the fuck would you like us to start?" he looks towards Boss.

We both couldn't give a fuck about formalities clearly. Boss gestures towards the row of guns across the back wall, making it clear that it was me who had to handle the more "Equipment" side of things. Even more so because Vi couldn't throw a knife for shit no matter how many times Cort had tried to help him, eventually they both made peace with it after a rather unfortunate accident.

I stalked over to the giant wall of guns and knives before reaching out towards one down the bottom, turning around smirking.

"So this is a knife." I throw it up before catching it again.

My skills weren't as good as Cort's but I had an acceptable level of skill compared to Vi's idiotic skills.

I gestured to Vi "Go stand down there." I pointed to a human sized target at the end of the hall. Now this was fucking payback for the searing pain in my ribs.

Vi glared at me, probably knowing what was crossing my mind before he walked down towards the end of the hall. He laid his back against the human target, he seemed to fit perfectly. I decided I should probably speak, just in case I impaled him by accident. I looked backwards towards the Hempsteds who were looking rather worrying at the scene that was currently unfolding in front of them. Boss however was trying to contain his laughter at their faces, he knew this was a rather regular thing between us. We may have also done this completely drunk at one point or another but that was a story for another day...

"Trust me." I say before turning around looking Vi straight in the eye.

"If you hit anywhere but the board behind me I will come back to life and fucking kill you! Even haunt you where you lay you piece of shit!" I responded by flicking my wrist sending the knife flying towards Vi.

It felt like time had slowed down as the knife was hurling towards Vi's head. The Hempsteds were watching the knife as it flew. It hit the wall just above Vi's head slightly cutting his hair on the top of his head.

"What was that about killing?" I chuckled "if I can do it drunk and high I can definitely do it sober "I nodded my head before turning round to the shocked faces of the Hempsteds.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that last part...


After the rather shocking turn of events Zach had finally come forward and said he wanted to talk to me. I texted the guys and Boss making sure they weren't home before taking him out towards my mustang. I rather creepily ran my fingers over the bonnet while Zach raised an eyebrow.

I awkwardly went towards the driver's side before opening the door and sliding in, Zach joining me a second later. It has never been this awkward between us before even with the kiss. I blamed myself for it a thousand times tenfold. No matter the situation it was always comfortable and now the atmosphere was so tense I could cut it with a knife. I attempted to break it by turning on the radio as I pulled out of the garage.

I didn't really care anymore if Zach seen where the base is, I just cared about him and our relationship if there even is anything left. The twenty minute drive to the house is torturous, neither of us even try to start a conversation. It carries on all the way up to the front door and up to my room. My room door shutting behind us broke whatever tense trance we were in, urging Zach to speak first.

"Why?" I don't answer him, I can't even look at him with the heaviness in my heart. I didn't know what to say. But that just seemed to spark his rage even more.

"I'm asking you why you lied. You can at least have the decency to tell the truth now." He spits at me.

I know I deserve his rage so I just stand there and take it. I don't even have the strength to answer him right now.

"Can you even talk to me? Don't I deserve some type of fucking explanation?" I can see the slight veins in his forehead.

As he stares at me the fight slowly leaves him as his shoulders deflate ever so slightly. He runs his hands over his face before locking eyes with me...

"Was anything you ever told me even true?" I can't bare the heartbroken look on his face or the way his voice cracks. "Was I just a sick game?" His shoulders sag in defeat, the anger was still simmering above the surface.

I looked away before answering him truthfully "All of it was the truth! I only left a few parts out of the story when I told you about my parents." For once I let the pain show through my eyes.

He looked at me as if he wanted me to share. I blinked before breaking eye contact. I guess he was the one I could trust with anything, I'm surprised he's still standing here in front of me instead of going for the hills.

"After the accident... I panicked. I was a homeless fifteen year old on the streets. No family or even friends. So one day when a guy comes across you and offers you everything I was young and dumb so I took that chance." I chuckle "but luck would have it that it was Boss that came across me, he apparently knew my parents somehow and even had proof. It did however take him a few weeks to tell me the truth about the gang and what my father was. Immediately I started my training and had my first kill by age sixteen." I shake my head "the rest is history so to say."

My heart was hammering inside of my chest at my confession. I felt like I've been ripped open and put back together again in a matter of seconds as we both stood there in silence. We both automatically gravitated towards each other in the middle of the room before he began to speak.

"That's all is it? Not how you lied to my face numerous times? When were you going to actually tell me if I hadn't found out in the restaurant? Never?"

"Okay, maybe it was like that in the first while but I swear that changed when I got to know you. I was going to tell you eventually... do you know how fucking hot that wig was. I think my brain got fried and not to mention my eyeballs with those contacts." He never even cracked a smile.

Like a brick wall. I suppose he did have a reason to want to go through the silent treatment.

"Why do you care so much? It's just a job to you." He said in a clipped tone. I look away from him saying nothing, he chuckles buts its empty. I could feel three words waiting on the tip of my tongue.

"Or are you just waiting so you can kill me and my family yourself is that it? Save you the trouble." malice laces his tone making me flinch.

"Am I just another pawn in your sick plan? Let's see if we can make the poor boy fall?" that's it. When I snapped completely inside, my heart burning in my chest.

"I love you! That's why you idiot" I blurt out.

I slap my hand over my mouth realising what I just admitted. Out loud. The rage slowly dies out in his eyes as he realises my confession. My eyes wide I turn away from him burying my head in my hands.

"Fuck" I mutter.

I don't look up even as his voice comes from behind me.

"You what?" I don't even have the strength to answer him.

I walk further away from him to the corner of my room rubbing my temples. His hand comes down on my shoulder turning me to face him, my eyes downcast on the carpet below my socked feet.

"I know you heard." I whisper.

I've never felt more vulnerable than in this moment. I felt bare in front of him my soul on full display he could see the real me not the one I hide behind. I hadn't been this way since I was fifteen.

His hand reaches out tipping my chin upwards, my green eyes meet his sparkling blue orbs. Something lingers in his gaze hidden by many layers. His fingers trail upwards towards my hair. He takes a piece of my white hair between his fingers twirling it. The ice white strands falling onto my shoulder. Zach scrunches his eyebrows together.

"Is it natural? Your hair?" unsure where he was going with this I nod.

"I've never seen anything this white before this pure." He smiles.

I'm confused, so utterly confused about what he wanted from this. With that being said I backed away from his touch immediately missing his contact. For a second, pain flashes in his eyes. I retreat backwards resting on my drawers. My heart hammers in my chest, I wasn't used to this. I'm out of my depth.

"You need to hate me. I can't let you be nice to me. In fact go back to shouting at me that's better than this. Forget I even said those three little words." I rest my head in my hands.

"How can I forget? I could never hate you, you're not a bad person. Maybe be slightly pissed but who doesn't feel that about a person every now and then" he walks towards me before trapping me in with his arms on either side of me.

I shake my head before ducking under one of his arms, I need to keep my distance before I do something stupid. Like kiss him, how I wanted to kiss him

"Not a bad person are you fucking serious? I've done things that could give you nightmares. Killed so many people another life no longer matters to me. Three years of death accountable to me, there's so much blood on my hands I can never forget. I tell myself everyday I'm not a bad person but I can't help it anymore it's in my nature to kill. I'm so sick in the head I've actually began to enjoy it, seeing the light leave their eyes. Does that sound like a good fucking person to you? I'm anything but." I became hysterical.

I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes. It took everything to try and push him away it's for the best. I guess this is what an emotional breakdown feels like. I finally found my breaking point and it came in the form of Isaac Hempsted.

"If you're really that bad of a person then why have I fallen for you too?"

Now it was my turn to blink in astonishment. Slowly I close the distance between us before looking into his eyes.

"You what?" I echo his previous words

"I. Love. You" he stresses every word.

I pull him towards me by the bottom of his t-shirt.

"You do?" he nods

"I'm completely in love with you."

I slide my hands up around his neck and pull his head down to meet our lips in a scorching kiss. I could feel the heat building between us as I pull us closer together, he walks me backwards towards the bed pushing me down onto it. His body quickly covered mine settling in-between my legs using his arms to keep his weight off me. Zach's face is inches away from my own, I could see flecks of grey in his dazzling blue eyes. With a hand he wipes the tears that have escaped away.

"You're supposed to hate me, not love me after all I've lied to you." I breathe out.

"I" he kisses my nose "don't" he kisses both my cheeks "care" he finally kisses me fully on the lips.

"Quoting Fall out Boy lyrics now?" my brain is telling me to shut up, but my heart won't let me. "But you should, you can't ignore it"

"I can't hate the girl that's saved me more times than I can count, made me fall and of course helped me in maths." He chuckles "it's the outside that's different, the person inside is still the person I've fallen for. I can see it in your eyes. I'll admit that I was so fucking mad and I still kind of are but I'm willing to put it aside." He kisses my closed eyelids before kissing me again

"I just feel so guilty from keeping it from you for this long. Plus it didn't help that the guys teased me about it relentlessly the nosey bastards they are" I smile into the kiss.

His tongue swipes across my bottom lip, I allow him access as our tongues battle for dominance. I let him win taking control of the kiss. Things were beginning to get heated. My hands travelled down his body towards the hem of his shirt as I pull at it indicating for Zach to take it off. We broke apart for breath as he whipped off his shirt tossing it in a random direction. Running my hands up over his torso before I take his face into my hands, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs.

"Are you sure?" I look into his blue eyes swirling with love and lust.

He answers me with another loving kiss, his hands moving through my hair and down my back making me shiver. I wrap my legs around his waist before pulling him down further to me.

I love him and he loves me. 

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