Unfinished Business

By zoseok

142K 4.7K 2.8K

BTS Gang AU Genre: action, fluff, angst, strong language, +18 content, gang material, Read to find out who th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Rewriting this into an actual book
Unfinished business book one chapter one

Part 30 (final <3 )

4K 149 138
By zoseok


Genre: action, fluff, angst, strong language, +18 content, gang material,

Warnings: Character Death, Blood, Strong language

Last chapter… there will be a long ass authors note at the end… so basically I love you all, don’t hate me<3

Word count:2505

Oh, misty eye of the mountain below. Keep careful watch of my brothers’ souls. And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke. Keep watching over Durin’s sons. If this is to end in fire. Then we should all burn together. Watch the flames climb high into the night. Calling out father oh. Stand by and we will watch the flames burn auburn on the mountain side. And if we should die tonight then we should all die together. Raise a glass of wine for the last time. Calling out father oh prepare as we will. Watch the flames burn auburn on the mountain side. Desolation comes upon the sky. Now I see fire inside the mountain I see fire. Burning the trees and I see fire hollowing souls. I see fire blood in the breeze. And I hope that you remember me…


I wonder if I was to die right now; would I go to hell? My body shook as I stared at the woman who was supposable my sister… She looked nothing like me but there was something in the way her eyes glistened under the pale lighting. She had mom’s eyes…

“Jessica I thought you were dea-.”

“Silent Taehyung.” Jaebum spoke up a he wrapped his hand around Jessica’s shoulder; a smirk playing on his cheeks. “Jessica this is (y/n). (y/n) this is Jessica.”

“I don’t need a fucking introduction.” I spoke up feeling like I was hearing my own voice for the first time. My nerves were so shocked from everything around me that I didn’t feel human anymore. “can’t you just kill us already-.” I paused as I pulled a smile across my lips. “or better yet; kill yourself.”

“don’t give her the deals Jaebum.” Jessica whispered against his shoulder; obviously not doing a great job with the whispering part. “just kill them and we can move on with-.”

“deals?” Taehyung broke in with his raspy deep voice. “what deals?”

Jaebum sighed as if he was annoyed with everyone in the room. “I was going to get to that part.” He said through gritted teeth as he reached for his side. My eyes widened as he pointed a gun at my face. “listen closely (y/n).” He began as my heart beat began to pick up. I could practically smell the bullet as he pressed the gun against my lips. “I have your father’s wealth and company now.” He paused as he pulled away and began to circle around my back. I pitched my fingers together as I waited for him to continue on with his story. “so I have a few choices that you can make.” He grunted on his last word as he released my hands from their restraints.

I quickly rubbed at my bloody wrists as I contemplated on the thought of reaching down, untying my legs and leaving… But Jessica had other plans. “don’t even think about it chica.” Jessica laughed as my eyes met hers. She held another gun out pointing it towards taehyung. My breath caught in my throat as she cocked the gun and began walking towards him. “I’m guessing Taehyung here is a little special to you~.” She sang as if I was a baby in a crib as she caressed the side of Taehyung’s face with the gun. “I was like you sis… Tae was real good to me as teenagers.”

“Jess you know that shit gets me jealous.” Jaebum added in as he repositioned himself in front of me. “I mean you can point a gun at him, just don’t stroke his cock or nothing.”

“As if.” Jessica laughed. I watched the two of them… They were perfect for each other. The large glint in their eyes, the smile that crept to their lips as they pressed weapons against humans… The hunger for death and wealth…

Jaebum snorted as he cocked his gun at me once again. “anyway~. Let’s tell you the amazing offers we have for you today.” He spoke like he was some sick sadistic game show host. “under option one we have: You kill taehyung with this gun.” He paused as he put pressure against my head to symbolize what weapon I would use. “and become head honcho of the monopoly with me by your side.”

“fuck no-.”

Jaebum snapped his fingers in front of my face silencing my voice. My eyes widened to the sound of taehyung screaming behind me. “Jessica calm down. We’re not killing him just yet. Just telling (y/n) to shut the fuck up.” my throat burned as I turned to see what they were talking about. Taehyungs head lowered as I stared at him; a long gash cut against his chest as the crimson liquid slowly poured.

“see; I knew that would get you to understand the circumstances here.” Jaebum smiled as he resumed his options. “lets review here. Option one: youkill taehyung, you get the boss chair and I become vice.” Jaebum bit his own lip as he leaned in closer to me. “ready for option two princess or do you want option o-.”

“keep…going…” I said through gritted teeth as I restrained myself from punching him in the neck and taking his gun… I knew better than that though… taehyung would die If I tried anything…

Jaebum pouted as he stood back erect. “well poo… option two: you kill taehyung, your sister kills herself and I walk away forever and leave you with everything.” Jaebum paused as he looked at Jessica who practically begged to do anything for him… “still want to hear the last option?”

My brain pulsed as I tried to think of anything I could do to not get taehyung killed… Tears welled in my eyes as I nodded my head to give myself more time.

“option three is maybe my favorite.” Jaebum laughed as he pulled the gun back to his side. “I let you go.” My blurry vision cleared as I listened to the words that exited his mouth.

“wait wh-.”

only after you watch me rip taehyung apart…” he paused as his wicked smile crawled back against his lips. “limb… from… limb.”

“fuck yo- AH!” Taehyung screamed as Jessica slashed against his chest one more time.

I groaned in my chair as my fingers dug against the metal arm rest. “please stop hurting him…” I say softly as I try to think of something…anything…

“you have five seconds to choose.”


five.” Jaebum began as he cocked his gun again and pressed it against my forehead. I listened as Jessica did the same to taehyung.

Come on! Think!


I can choose a random option-


Take the gun-


And kill Jessica-


So taehyung is safe…

I couldn’t save Yoongi but I will save Taehyung…

“option one.”

Jaebum smiles as he pulls his finger away from the trigger and looks me up and down. The room fills with the silent panting of Taehyung as we all stare at one another. “who would have guessed you had the balls (y/n).” He winks at me as he places the gun in my hand and angles it at Taehyung’s chest. My body shivers as he presses his lips against my ear and speaks. “that’s hot.”

“(y/n) please.” Taehyung begged as Jaebum released my hold and stepped away from me. “come one (y/n) we can get out of this… we can I know we ca-.”

“shut the fuck up!” I screamed as I shook my head and then steadied the gun back on him. “you’ll make this harder by speaking okay…” I say softly and watch as Taehyung choke on his own tears and nod his head. “just close your eyes tae… close them…”

“come on already and pull the trigg-.” Jessica began to speak but I silenced her with doing what she told me to do. I watched as the blood poured out of her forehead and her body fall limp to the ground.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as my body tingled from the ricochet of the gun. Voices fell silent as expression screamed in my direction. I cocked the gun again as I began to move to shoot Jaebum. His dark eyes stared down at me through a scope over another gun. Shoot now…

I closed my eyes a pulled the trigger as fast as I could in this slow motioned world. The sound echoing through my body as another bullet ripped through the thick air. I opened my eyes as I dropped the gun. “did I d-d-d-do i-t?” I slurred as I felt my body go limp in the chair.

No one ever told me that if I was to be shot with all this adrenaline through my body that I wouldn’t feel anything… It was weird. “(y/n!)” Taehyungs deep voice sounded so far away even though he was right in front of me. I smiled softly as I tried to keep my eyes open. My eyes were just so heavy… “listen to me (y/n).” Taehyung begged as he worked his hands against something…

I tried to look down at what he was doing but every time I tried to lower my head my vision would be coated with that horrible crimson red I hated. “wh-wh-whats w-w-wrong t-t-tae?” I questioned as I tried to reach out for him but my arms just wouldn’t move.

“nothing is wrong (y/n)…” he says softly as he pushes himself closer to me. “you’ll be fin- we’ll be fine okay?

I wanted to know why I couldn’t feel him against me… why I couldn’t feel those warm butterflies that I have always felt when he was near me… The embarrassing red glow that would burn on my cheeks when he was this close, and even the weird tingling feeling in my lower stomach as he kissed me… his lips… his lips were my favorite thing about him… Just so big and plump. Tasted like strawberries.

I was so tired…

“(y/n) come on stay with me… please.” Taehyung spoke against my ear- or at least I think he was… I don’t know he just sounded closer and I already closed my eyes a while ago that I couldn’t see if he was. They were just so heavy… my eyelids. The darkness was so welcoming… and honestly I felt like I could listen to Taehyungs voice everyday so I could fall asleep.

“no open your eyes (y/n).” He spoke again but this time his voice was crackly… Like he was crying? “I figured it out now… I know why I was jealous… why I cared so much about every little thing you did.” He laughed brokenly as his voice echoed through my body. “remember that day you went to come find me and I let you go… I told you everything… every fucking detail… why?” he paused as he sniffed.

“because I love you (y/n).”

Through the thick darkness came a tiny light with his words. I smile- well at least I think I smiled? I love you too taehyung. I tried to speak… hopefully he could hear my reply? I wanted to open my eyes… I did… but I was so comfortable and kinda- cold.

“I love you.” He repeated. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”

“please don’t leave me… I don’t want to be alone again… not- not again please…”

I’m not going anywhere taehyung… just taking a nap…

“thank you (y/n)… Thank you for coming into my life… for showing me what it’s like to feel again to have someone to care for and hopefully they care back… Thank you for saving me…”

You’re welcome…

Suddenly the voice I felt so at ease with began to drift away from me. Taehyung? I tried to walk back towards his voice but it sounded like I was in a tunnel and he was walking out of it… like he was going away from me… Taehyung where are you? Where am I? as his voice disappeared I began to panic. The darkness wasn’t so calm and relaxing anymore…

I couldn’t see anything…. I couldn’t hear anything… it was terrifying… I have always been scared of the unknown… I wanted to fall to my knees, to hold my head between them and let out all the tears I could ever let out. To release all my emotions that I have held in for so long… there was something about this darkness… it felt almost like I wasn’t alone and that I could do whatever I wanted if I just opened my eyes.



Okay… I did what I could to calm my nerves before I opened my eyes. I was surrounded in a forest of green… “hello?” I called out as my feet crunched against the fallen branches. “taehyung? Are you there?”

A strong wind blew past me making me cover my face with my arm. As the strong wind died down my lowered my cover to see the cabin… the old rustic cabin… my heart seemed to race as I dared to inch closer to the wooded castle. I didn’t question how it got here or how I got here… all I wondered as I stepped onto the porch and looked at the door was; if I was to knock… would someone answer?

I did as my intentions said and rapped against the door. The sound of my knuckles echoed around me as I lowered my hand back to my side. “hello?” I called as I reached for the handle- That was until it began moving by itself.

I took a step back as I waited for the door to open… my emotions ran wild as the anticipation built in my gut. Something was telling me that I knew who would be there… That I was safe….But I didn’t know if I was ready or not…

I closed my eyes as the door swung open

Accepting the subtle darkness within myself…

That was until he spoke…

“Hey Mincy….

Then I accepted the light…


Okay so… I am literally balling y eyes out right now… this fucking story right here was my absolute favorite thing to write like ever! I grew so much with Unfinished business. And I met so many of my fans and followers. I made so many new friends. You all stook around and waited for the chapters with me. Supported me… UGH I LOVE YOU ALL SO FUCKING MUCH ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. Like all my unnies out there ilysm and all my babies out there ilysm. I hope you all will stick around to see what else I come up with and I hope you all enjoy Unfinished Business.

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