Unfinished Business

By zoseok

142K 4.7K 2.8K

BTS Gang AU Genre: action, fluff, angst, strong language, +18 content, gang material, Read to find out who th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30 (final <3 )
Rewriting this into an actual book

Part 22

2.6K 101 113
By zoseok


Genre: action, fluff, angst, strong language, +18 content, gang material, weapons, blood, character death.

Read to find out who the reader will end up with. There will be several chapters of this so I hope you’re ready to die and anticipate many things. <3 love youuuu (don’t hate me)

Word count:2452

You know I’m not one to break promises. I don’t want to hurt you but I need to breath. At the end of it all you’re still my best friend. But there’s something inside that I need to release. Which way is right which way is wrong? How do I say that I need to move on? You know we’re headed separate ways… And it feels like I am just too close to love you. There is nothing I can really say. I can’t hide no more. I can’t lie no more… Gotta be true to myself. And it feels like I am just too close to love you… So I’ll be on my way…


It all happened too fast for me to even notice… Vision blurred… Nerves burning from every gunshot that echoed… Arms wrapped around me with heavy breathing above… was this death? The cries of dying men and screams of bullets breaking in air… was I dead?

“y-Yoongi…” I tried to push the name off my chapped lips as pain suddenly rushed over my body. “it- it h-hurts.” I say through fogged vision as my body begins to feel the sway movements of the man carrying me. “ah!” I scream as a wave of pain rushed over my side.

“you need to be quiet (y/n).” The man whispered in a deep voice that sounded recognizable… I tried to clear my vison but my head was burning so bad that I couldn’t open my eyes anymore. “just hold on (y/n)…”

“we have to continue to hold on together…”


2 hours before

“(y/n) you need to wake up.” Jimin’s voice was smooth at first as I stirred from my drug induced sleep. Johnathan finally agreed to enter the room after several hours of me screaming is puke reaching name… But he said nothing… Just simply tuck a needle in my arm and I was out. There was no talking or discussing anything. Just sleep.

“you need to wake up (y/n)!” He screamed this time causing my eyes to snap open. I stared at his scrapped up face.

“what’s going o-.” my speech was cut as the sounds of gunfire and screams entered through the crack in the door. My eyes instantly shook with fear as Jimin grabbed my chin to look at him directly.

“we don’t have time to discuss what is happening. I need to get you out of here now!” he yelled and I simply nodded my head trying to ignore his busted lip. I didn’t want to think about Jimin being hurt… I hated seeing that he was broken because of all of this. Jimin was too pure for this world…

“can I get a gun?” I asked as I wobbled to my feet, catching my balance on Jimin’s form. “never mind I don’t think I am suited for one-.”

“let’s go.” Jimin said quickly as he turns around and lowers himself in front of me. “get on.”

“come on (y/n) get on!” Jimin smiled as he reached his arms out waiting for me to climb on his back. “piggy back rides are fun I promise.”

My cheeks burned as I stared down at the back of the boy I had a crush on. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as I climbed into his hold. “don’t drop me o-okay.”

“what? I’m not going to drop you (y/n).”

My eyes widened as I came out of the small memory. I cleared my throat as the sounds of gunfire brought me back to adulthood. “where are we going to go?” I asked as I situated myself tighter against Jimin’s hold.

“anywhere but here.” I blinked as we exited through the room and into the bullet hole laced hallways. I wanted to speak up. To say what about the others… but I knew better than that… I knew what Jimin would say… so I was going to have to convince him to let me stay.

“Jimin put me do-.”

“There’s one!” Men screamed as the entered to other end of the hallway and began firing our way. My body swerved against Jimin’s hold as he cried out in pain but ducked into the nearest room he could get in.

We both fell onto our backs as we literally dove. The sound of the door slamming shut and locking behind us echoed through the dark room. “Jimin are you okay?” I asked as I motioned my hands across the cold floor. Trying to reach Jimin or anything around me… It was so dark in the room…

I rose to my feet outstretching my arms in front of me as I tried to blink through the darkness. “Jimin?” I questioned again as his non-responsiveness worried me. My fingers brushed lighting against the wall, at first I flinched from the feeling but soon I rested my nerves and worked my way against the wall. There had to be a light switch.


I let out a choked gasp as I heard Jimin’s voice. From how he spoke I could tell he was hurt… “don’t worry Jimin I’m going to get us out of-.” I paused as my finger brushed against the light switch. I flicked it on and instantly landed my eyes on Jimin… “J-j-Jimin…” I sobbed as I stared at his bleeding form.

I thought of the first time I watched him die… The blood…

“I’m f-fine.” Jimin smiled as he tried to relax me. But as he smiled all I could see was the blood pushing its way through his teeth; giving them that ‘stained’ smile.

I tried to pull a smile against my face as I lowered myself to the ground with Jimin. My fingers brushed against the cool metal of the gun Jimin dropped. “yeah you’re fine.” I said as I held back a broken sob. I knew there was no helping Jimin at the moment. Not while two men stood outside the door waiting for us to step out and finish the job… “you’ll be just fine.” I say as I press my shaking lips against his sweating forehead.

“I told you not to drop me Jimin.” I cried as I stared down at my scraped knee. “now I’m b-bleeding!” I cried harder as a small drop of blood rolled down the side of my knee.

“I’m so sorry (y/n)!” Jimin cried as he lowered himself beside me. My eyes caught glimpse of scrap along his cheek. He seemed like he didn’t even notice that he was hurt. “get back on and i-I’ll take us h-home and you will be f-f-fine again.” He said through sobs as he tried to pick me up.

“Jimin you’re bleeding.” I say softly as I caress my fingers against his cheek. “do you even notice that you are hurt?”

Jimin seized his crying as he reached up and flinched from the warm feeling of his own blood. And soft smile came to his face as he lowered his hand. “I’m too worried about you (y/n)… You’re more important…”

“you’re bleeding jimmy.” I say softly as I rub my shaking hand against his cheek. “it’s bad jimmy.”

“are you okay?” He said as he swallowed a shaking breath. I softly nodded my head as I brushed his hair back. “then I’ll be okay.” He smiled again as he groaned in pain.

“i-I’m going to get you out of here.” I say as I rub my hands against my cheeks trying to stop my crying. “I will and you will be okay and then we can continue to grow together Jimin.” I said through choked tears. My throat burned tighter than I have ever felt it before as I stared at his chuckling form.

“we both know that is not going to happen (y/n).” Jimin slowly rose his hand to my cheek and pulled me closer to him. “you know I love you right? Like I loveyou (y/n).” my eyes widened as butterflies rose in my tight stomach the sounds of Gunfire a couple hallways down sent shivers down my spine. “I love you so much. I shouldn’t have-.” He paused as he coughed and a tiny glob of blood dripped against his lip.

“don’t speak anymore Jimmy.” I cried as I wiped his mouth and softly pressed my shaking lips against his own. “I know you love me. I love you too jimmy.” I cried as I continued to kiss him over and over again. He hummed against my lips as I held a long kiss against him; ignoring all the taste of blood and sweat that leaked past my lips. I didn’t want to let go of this moment… I didn’t want to let go of him…

I pulled back and stared down at his closed eyes. “jimmy?” I asked as I quickly began to panic. “Jimin come on!” I screamed as I shook against his shoulders; his hand falling from his side showing me his clear death injury. “fuck!” I screamed as I held Jimin’s limp form in my hands. “I love you Jimin. I love you so much. Don’t leave me please. Not like this. Not here-.” I paused as I kissed against his lips and then shuttered from the coldness. “no…”

“come out already you dumb whore.”

My eyes snap open as their voices reach my ears. I reach for the gun as anger moves through my body. As I cock the gun back I stare down at Jimin one last time. “here I come.”


I breathed heavily as I stared down at the two bodies in front of me. It was easy taking them out but I wanted to enjoy their pain… to hear them scream as I ended their lives.

“come on it should be around this corn-.”

I quickly hold my gun up to the direction that the voices are coming in. My eyes widen as the group in front of me. “Namjoon?” I questioned as I stared at the scarred up man.

“(y/n)!” Yoongi screamed as he pushed through the group and rammed into me. I grunted hard against his chest as he squeezed me. “I missed yo- what’s wrong?” he asked as he noticed my red lips and buffy eyes.


“I’m getting real tired of your shit Yoongi.” Namjoon said as he cocked his gun and pointed it towards Yoongi and I. “(y/n) move.” He said through gritted teeth.

I simply replied in holding my gun up to Namjoon. “No.”

“Namjoon drop the gu-.” Jin began but was silenced as Namjoon shot into his chest. The gunshot echoing through the long hallway where Namjoon, Yoongi and myself stood.

“NO!” I screamed as I watched Jin fall to his knees in shock. Blood poured out of his mouth as he fell to the ground.

Namjoon smirked as he pointed the gun back onto us. “he was so bossy.” You’ve changed… “anyway. (y/n), dear; could you do me a favor and mo-.”

I squeezed the trigger as fast as I could. I watched as Namjoon slowly fell to his knees in shock, the gun rolling out of his hand. “don’t fuck with my family.” I say as I watch his eyes roll to the back of his head. “Yoongi are you oka-.”

My eyes widen as I look at Yoongi blank eyes. His hand clutched at his side; almost in the same spot Jimin was shot earlier. I watched as blood softly poured from between his fingers. “no.” I say as I catch him from falling. “no not-.” I begin as I quickly press my lips against his own trying to feel anything from him.

“you ne dot k-kill Johnath-.”

i need to get you out of her!” I screamed as I watched Yoongi slowly blink his eyes. “I’m not letting anyone else die on me.”

Yoongi laughed as he reached up to caress my cheeks. “stop crying Mincy.” He said as he softly coughed. His hand pressed against mine that was on the gun. “you get out there and finish this okay?”

“I c-can’t l-l-l-leave you Yoongi.” I sobbed as I wiped his sweaty grey hair out of his face. “I’m not leaving you here alone to die.”

“Mincy…” Yoongi said clearly showing that I had no choice in the matter. “you are the strongest person I have ever met.” He paused to arch his back as a wave of pain rolled over him. “you can handle this I know you can Mincy. I love yo-.”

“Yoongi…” I say as panic rushes over my shaking body. “no Yoongi don’t-.” I lowered my head against his forehead as I closed his eyes. “I love you so much.” I whispered as I kissed his nose and then quickly rose to my feet.

My emotions were so shocked at this moment that I believed that I was going insane. All I saw was red as I marched down the hallways firing at everything and everything that moved. I honestly didn’t care anymore if the people I was killing was on our side or not. I had to get to Johnathan. There was no stopping that.

He took everything from me. My mom… Changed Namjoon into some monster… Killed jimin… Took Taehyungs arm… And now caused the death of the person I love. I wasn’t going to let him get away from this…

I wasn’t going to let him live.

I barged through his office door and slammed it shut behind me. My eyes widen as the man who held a knife against Johnathan’s neck. A wicked smile crossing his lips as he stared at me. “oh (y/n). Welcome to the party.”

My breath stopped as he pointed around the room at with the knife. Jungkook and Hoseok laid on the belly’s blood pooling around them. Jaebum then lifted the knife back to my father’s bulging neck. Jaebum’s black hair coated against his forehead as he positioned himself.

“care to join your friends?”

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