Anime lemons/one shots : requ...

By SirFlabsAlot98

626K 8.9K 3.6K

Grouped by anime (alphabetically) so newest ones might not be the last chapter updated. Welcome to my book o... More

AC : Karma x Reader
AC : Karasuma x Reader
AC: Nagisa x Reader
AOT: Levi x Reader
BB : Sebastian x Reader.
BB: William x Reader
BB : Ciel x Reader
BB : Finny x Reader
BB: Ciel x Finny
BB: Mey-rin x Bardroy
BB: Grell x Reader
BB: Master Michaelis x Reader
DN : L x Reader
FT: Natsu x Reader
FT : Rogue x Reader
FT: Bickslow x Lisanna (Bixanna)
FT: Loki x Reader
FT: Loki x Reader (part 2)
FT: Sting x OC x Natsu
FT : Natsu x Lucy (NaLu)
FT : Sting x OC
FT: Jellal x Reader
FT : Juvia x Gray (Gruvia)
FT: Jellal x Erza (Jerza)
FT : Rogue x OC 2
HOTD : Takashi x Reader
Noragami: Yato x OC
Magi: Sinbad x Ja'far (SinJa)
OHSHC: Tamaki x Abi
OHSHC: Kyoya x Reader
OHSHC: Hikaru x Reader
OHSHC: Kaoru x Reader
OHSHC: Mori x Reader
SE : Death the Kid x Reader
SE : Soul x Maka
SE : Soul x reader
SE : Black-Star x Reader
SE: Soul x Ellia
SE: Stein x Reader
TG: Ayato x Amazin
Jayce x Reader
Aurora x Sam

AC: Karasuma x Reader 2

16.6K 275 83
By SirFlabsAlot98

Yes the picture is of him and 'bitch sensei' but just imagine it's the reader. Also in this Karasuma is going to show his feelings a bit more. (You'll see when you read it) it may be a bit OOC but I think it works so yeah....Enjoy.
Also dedicated to KaelanGriffithsSerge

'WorkPlace Jealousy'


Sometimes it's a blessing being the only normal teacher in class 3E. And then other times it's like a curse.

It makes me feel like an outsider in the whole system. I'm literally the only non-assassin / trainee assassin here. I'm the only actual teacher in the whole building. Instead of being armed with plastic knifes and BB pellets, I'm armed with a teaching degree and a diploma in world history and politics.

So why might you ask is a normal girl like me in this abnormal classroom.
My husband: Tadomi Karasuma.

A few months ago he came home from work and swooped me into his arms. He carried me into the lounge room and he collapsed onto the couch with me still in his arms. Hugging me tightly round the waist he leant his head into my shoulder and just slowly inhaled the scent of my shampoo.
This was something he would only do if something bad had happened at work. He told me that when he gets home sometimes all he wants to do is hold me so he knows I'm still here. I know in this time all he needs is just that.

"Tadomi? Hunny what's wrong?" I asked him, gently reaching down to stroke his hair.

"I found something out today. Something I don't want to be true" He mumbled into my shoulder.
"70% of the world is going to be gone next year. A crazy bio-engineered octopus is going to blow up half the earth, just like moon."

"How do you know when?" I asked.

"The octopus told us. Said he's going to spend a year teaching Class 3E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, then either be dead or blow up the earth once they graduate." He explained
"And they want me....."

"Any they want you to go to the school to keep an eye of things. Help train the students in killing him....right?"

"Right. But I'm not going" He states.

"Why not? Saving the world is what your good at. The worlds needs you to do this. Why did you say no?"

"Because it means leaving you. Being away from you in our last possible year alive.....I don't even want to think about that. What if your in the 70% that gets blown up and I'm not? My world isn't worth living without you in it" He says his eyes showing real fear at the very notion of losing me.

"Then I'll go with you. I am a teacher so it would make perfect sense for me to go with you. We'll be together and you can save the world like the hero I know you are" I suggest cupping his cheeks into my hands.

"But what if you get hurt?" He asks still sceptical.

"You've taught me a lot. I'll be able to handle myself. Plus it will only be till you defeat the octopus. Then we'll be back home in our apartment before you know it. Maybe then you could finally finish the decorating in our bedroom and unpack the last box of your stuff?" I joke.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asks smiling up at me.

"Smile like that. I fall deeper in love with you every time you do" I say leaning down rope know his lips quickly.

"I love you Tadomi"

"I love you (Y/n)"

We told each other before he kissed me softly. 

And just like that I was picking a bag and moving to Kunugigaoka Junior High School. For some ridiculous reason the E classroom was up a mountain miles away from main campus. I guess the perfect place to hide a genetic engineering octopus bomb. But either way I settled in quickly.

The children here instantly took a liking to me and I loved them all in return. They were a wonderful class and teaching them about politics and history was amazing. Teaching there was a blast. Every time I would try to explain an event or a topic Koro-Sensei would dress up as the people involved and put on a mini play behind me.

Despite the less then optimal situation we were in, my life was settling in quite nicely with the Class and the Octo-bomb, as I came to call him.

But that then all changed the day Irina arrived. Or Bitch-Sensei as the students call her.

She would spend all her available time with My Tadomi. She would wear tramply outfits and act like a right sleazy cow around him. It look like she was trying to seduce him and I didn't help that the children were trying to help her.

See as Karasuma and I kept our relationship a secret they didn't know about us being together so hearing them talk all lesson about how they were going to try and get Irina and Karasuma together, well it eventually became to much.

"Class is over. Use the time I have given you wisely to study other subjects, or even come up with a new idea to stop Koro-Sensei. Great work today everybody, see you all later" And with that I left for the staff room.

Slumping down on my desk I pull out a random book from the pile and begin to read. However my mind wasn't on my book. It was currently watching Irina straddling Karasuma in the school field.

The bitch was doing what?!?

Slamming the book down on the table I growl at Irina desk, unable to growl at her in person. How dare she! Yeah I know she doesn't know about us being married but still. Have some respect you little harlot!

I must have been raging about that for longer than I thought because next thing I know Karasuma is walking into the room.
"(Y/n)? You okay baby? You finished your class early and you never do that?" He asked coming over to sit on my desk in front of me.

"Oh so now you actually care what I'm feeling?" I huff at him, crossing my arms.

"I always care. You know I do" He tells me trying to reach out for my hands.

"Yeah. About that promiscuous woman, Miss Irina. Aka Bitch-Sensei" I growl pulling my arms closer to my body and away from him.

He stops and then smiles at me. A small little laugh erupts from his lips and I just glare at him. Reaching over for my arm he pulls up so I'm standing in between his legs. He wraps his arms around my waist and twirls his legs around mine, effectively trapping me against him.
"Your jealous of Irina?" He asked

"I am not jealous of that woman" I tell him.

"Your jealous"

"Why would I be jealous of a skinny busty blonde, who wears next to nothing clothes wise and gets to spend the majority of her day flirting with my husband? Why would I be jealous of that?" I huff.

"Your jealous" He just repeats smiling at me.

"Yes I'm jealous. Why wouldn't I be? All day we don't speak then we get back to the hotel your so tired from training the kids all day you tend to just go to sleep.....we haven't done anything that's us in ages. I miss that. I miss you" I pout.

"Your the one who didn't want to announce we were married. I mean you enrolled using your maiden name at the school. I agreed because otherwise the agency would get snotty I was bringing you along.....but what now? You want to tell everyone just to stop Irina from hitting on me?" He asked.

"I wouldn't mind so much if we were still close. But we're not. This is the closest we've been in days. The closest while we're awake anyway"

"Okay. Then I promise to be a better husband and flirt with you while at school"

"And I promise to be a better wife and not get so jealous with about Irina" I smile before leaning down to kiss him.

He returns my kiss with a hungry passion. I hum into the kiss as he slips his tongue into my mouth.

I run my fingers through his soft black hair as he slides his hands down to cup my ass.
Gently he squeezes the plump flesh and I moan out into the kiss.

"We...should....stop" I tell him in between kisses.

"Irina's teaching class and Koro-Sensei went to Dubai. I'd say we have about 20 minutes till he gets's just us until then" He pleads before attacking my neck with his kisses.

"Babe....I don't....know" I say in between moans. The longer he sucked and nipped my skin the more my resolve was dropping down.

"Fine. But we have to be quiet. And quick" I tell him smiling.

He just looks up at me and smirks. His hands squeeze my ass as he kisses me deeply. Biting along my bottom lip I moan loudly.
"Be quiet baby" He teases.

On of his hands move round to squirm under my skirt. Seeing as it went down to almost my knees he pulled it right up so it bunched up round my hips. Then his hand began to tickle up my thighs. Even in our time sensitive situation he remembers I love to be teased.

He kisses my neck as his fingers slowly trail upwards. Soon I feel his fingers slightly graze over my underwear and I struggle to hold back my noises.

"Shhhh" He teases as his fingers slid past my underwear and through my wet folds.

"You so wet already...I bet you've fantasised about doing this here with me....I bet while you've been at your desk you've just sat their imagining how it would feel for me to take you on it" He whispered huskily into my ear.

His words sent quivers down to my legs and I struggled to support myself. Then when he slipped his fingers inside of me and began to curl them. He hand to silence me with a passionate dominating kiss.

"I'll let you in a little secret" He told me.
"I have...everyday I've imagined you bent over my desk. I've imagined me teasing you with my tongue while you graded the papers.
I've imagined you hiding under my desk using that skilled mouth of yours to make me come. I've even thought about me using my fingers to  make you come while Irina was in the room

You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Yes" I mewl out.

His fingers were curling in and out of me while his thumb pressed down hard on my clit. And hearing him talk to me like that.....god I wanted to cum just hearing him.

Suddenly though he pulled his fingers out of me and I felt a desperate emptiness now they were gone.
"Huh?" I asked groaning at him.

He just smirked before spinning me round to lay over the top of my desk.
"We haven't got long left now baby"

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers. I licked my lips in anticipation. He pulled down his trousers to just past his butt and he pulled out his dripping erection.

"You ready baby?" He asked me leaning forward to tease me with his tip.

"God yes! Please Tadomi" I begged when he pulled away.

"As you wish my princess" And with that he pressed himself all the inside of me.

I couldn't help it. I screamed out in pure ecstasy.

Meanwhile back in the classroom.
"Was that Miss. (Y/n) just now?" Nagisa asked Karma, convinced he had just heard his teacher scream out.

"Didn't hear anything. Maybe you were imagining it" Karma shrugged.

Nagisa knew that wasn't the case. He knew he had heard something.
"No. She was screaming. What if she's in trouble? Should we help her?"

"If you promise to stop going on about it I'll go check on her" The red headed hugged before standing up from his desk.

"Karma? Where do you think your going?" Irina asked him as he made his way to the door.

"Nagisa thought he heard Miss. (Y/n) screaming out. I'm going to the staff room to check on her" He shrugged like it was no big deal.

"She's a big girl I'm sure she can handle herself" She pouted back in a reply.

"She's the only actual teacher in this building. I'm going to check if she's okay.....besides I actually like her" He informed her before just continuing to walk out.

Irina just stood there unsure what to say next. So instead she huffed and puffed, even stomped her foot a little before going back to teach the class.

Karma hummed along as he walked towards the staff room. Stupid Nagisa and his imagination, but at least it was better than listening to Miss.Bitch drone on and on.

The closer he got to the staff room though the more he was sure he could here noises too now. Some were grunts and groans. Some were moans and deep rough breaths.

"What the...?" He asked as he stood outside the door.

"Yes! Right there! Oh shit!" He heard (y/n's) voice call out.

"Ah God~ your so tight!" He also heard a males voice call out.

Mr. Karasuma?

What was he doing in there? And with Miss. (Y/n) too.

Quietly he pushed open the door a crack. Almost instantly he wished he hadn't.

Through the gap he saw Miss. (Y/n) bent over her desk with Mr. Karasuma relentlessly pounding into her. He tried to pull his eyes away from the sight in front of him but he was unable to.

With a horrified expression he watched as their faces dripped with sweat and how (y/n)'s jaw hung open, eyes half lidded.
He watched froze in his spot as the two of them threw there heads back in pure ecstasy as they came. He watched as his teachers bodies shook with pleasure as they collapsed into the desk.

"I love you. My beautiful wife" Karasuma told (y/n) as he kisses her tenderly.

"I love you too. My amazing husband" She told him back her breathing laboured.

Their words broke the trance karma found himself in and he quickly hurried back to the classroom, wiping the blood from his nose.

That was something he never wanted to see ever again.

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