A Modern Love

De rogersdrumface

51.6K 2.1K 1.1K

"He smelled flowery, he was a carrier. In this world of breeders and carriers (neutrals, too, but they didn't... Mais

Apple Cinnamon Tea
What Does This Make Us?
Our First Time
James Fredrick Hutton
No More Fucking Casserole
Baby Nug-Face
Just A Warning
Son and Daughter
Old Friends
Date Night
Little Duck
Friends Will Be Friends
We Can Work It Out
Forever and Ever
We're Pregnant!
Michael and Michelle
Fight From the Inside
Can We Talk For A Moment?
National Space Centre
My Baby
Teacher's Conference
Where's my Cake?
Welcome Home
Let Me Paint You
I Was Hungry
Nice To Meet You
We Hate Him
Something Doesn't Feel Right
Don't Take My Baby
Little Piggy
Was He Flirting?
La Vie En Rose
Did You Get Them?
What An Idiot
I Have A Crush
You Weren't Wearing A Condom
Mr. Sex
If Not For You
He Was Amazing
How Was Your Breakfast?
I'm Bored
First Official Three J Weekend
Just Gotta Get Right Out of Here
You're Like A Teddy Bear
An Ass That Won't Quit
Until We're Old and Grey
Now That We're Old and Grey

You Could've Died!

635 33 8
De rogersdrumface

May 8, 2015

- Freddie's POV -
I wasn't pregnant after Jim forgot to use the condom- he was lucky this time. But, our little night trip was lovely- after a few rounds of sex, he ordered me food and he bathed me. Jim really was wonderful and I was more than excited to be marrying him.

Speaking of the wedding, it was a month until the "big" day- city hall didn't make it a big day at all. Jim and I still needed suits and the girls needed dresses- we hadn't done anything but go on our pre-wedding honeymoon. Emily was going to be 3 months old by the time we were married and I really wasn't ready- she was already 2 months and I felt like I only had her the previous day.

Emily was getting interesting- it was her first week of her second month of life. She liked to look around, she would turn her head to any noise at all, she was very curious for someone so small- she also loved to watch our mouths, it seemed to be fascinating to her.

Since she was almost 2 months, 2 weeks (tomorrow), she was starting to drool. Jim and I always had to put a small bib or blanket on her so she wouldn't get too dirty. Also, she was sleeping more which was lovely for Jim and I- she was starting to stay asleep during the night which meant we could have sex.

Since it was a Friday afternoon, Julia was still at school and Jim was at work. Julia had a rugby game at 4:30 which meant Emily and I had to be finished shopping by 4:00- it was 2:00 and we still hadn't left the house.

"Come on, I know you can do it." I encouraged while Emily lifted her head to look at me- we were doing tummy time on her mat but she was getting ready to roll. "We can go shopping as soon as you roll onto your side." She wouldn't be able to get that belly to back thing yet, she would just be on her side.

I watched for a while longer then there was a knock on the door- I was so relieved because John was taking forever.

"Finally!" I laughed once I opened the door. "It took forever and you literally live next door." I chuckled while he walked into the house.

"It feels like it's been forever!" He exclaimed while he hugged me- it was an awkward hug because he was still holding one of his carriers. "Is there room for all of the babies in your car?" He asked while he looked at the three carriers- I hadn't thought that through at all.

"Uh, maybe we should each take our own cars then we can meet at the mall?" I asked and he nodded. "Bring a stroller, though, I don't know how long this'll take." I hummed while I picked Emily up off the floor- she hadn't rolled over. "Look, Emmy, your friends are here." I cooed while I walked back over to John. "Do you want to stay here for a while? There's no rush- I have until 4:30 to do this." I smiled and John nodded.

The other man walked into the house and he set the carriers on the floor.

"Here, we can just lay them on the mat. Do you want something to eat or drink?" I asked while I set Emily back on the mat- John copied and he put the twins down.

"Uh, can I have a glass of water?" He almost whispered and I nodded- he was making the twins sit against pillows so he was more focused on that than talking to me.

I walked into the kitchen then I quickly pulled out my phone- I had to talk to Jim about something.

From: Me
Our daughter is slow. There's something wrong with Emily.

From: Baby Daddy 😏😍
What? What's wrong with her?

Maybe I made him worried.

From: Me
She won't sit up! The twins are over and they sit up! She won't even roll onto her side!!!

From: Baby Daddy 😏😍
She's only 3 months old... the twins are 5 months old... just think about it honey.

From: Me
That doesn't matter!! She won't even roll over for me 😭

From: Baby Daddy 😏😍
Just give her time okay? I have to work, I'll text you later ❤️😘❤️

I sighed while I shut my phone off. I grabbed John a glass of water then I walked back into the living room.

"She's trying to roll over." John laughed while he looked up at me- he was still crouching on the floor.

"We were working on it this morning." I chuckled while I sat beside him- I gave him his water then I laid on my belly, I faced Emily and she raised her head to look at me. "Go, go, go." I cooed while she smiled at me. "I don't want you to smile, I want you to roll over." I sighed while I rested my chin on my forearm.

The twins laughed at each other and I couldn't help but laugh with them- they were adorable.

"They're getting so big." I looked back at John and he moved to lay on his belly.

"Yeah, I know." John sighed while he gently tickled the bottom of Michelle's foot. "They need to stop growing, I don't want them to grow up." He hummed and Michelle reached down to grab his hand.

"I feel that, darling." I sighed, softly, while I rolled Emily onto her back. "She's going to be 2 and a half months soon." I frowned while I looked at the smiling baby- she wasn't allowed to be happy when I was so upset.

"And she'll be 3 months at your wedding." John smiled at the word wedding. "I think Veronica and I are going to have another baby- I want another baby." He rolled onto his back and he rubbed his flat stomach- his stomach was so flat and I still had fat, it was upsetting.

"Really?" I rolled onto my back, as well, and he nodded.

"I like babies." He giggled. "I want to have another one when the twins are 3 but Veronica doesn't want more than 2 kids." He frowned while he turned his head to look at the babies.

"Well it's your body, not hers." I shrugged while I rolled onto my back- I grabbed Emily before I rolled and I laid her on my chest. "Like, I want another baby but Jim doesn't want one. That doesn't mean I won't stop trying for one. I know that we probably won't be able to have another one but I'll always make sure that he forgets the condom." I winked and John laughed.

"Veronica and I can't really do it like that." He continued giggling while he stared at the ceiling.

"Oh well, Cathy's pregnant so I'll get my baby fix from her." I hummed and John quickly turned to face me.

"She's pregnant?!" He gasped and I nodded with a small laugh.

"I didn't tell you?" I breathed out and he shook his head, to say no. "Yeah, she was a month along last month." I smiled and he covered his mouth with his hand.

"Brian's going to be so upset." He muttered and I raised an eyebrow at him. "He's like head-over-heels in love with her- he wants her to leave Roger so he can marry her." He laughed- aw, my Brimi was in love.

"Well she isn't going to leave him now." I hummed and Emily started to move her open mouth around my chest. "I uh, have to feed her then we can go." I smiled while I stood up.

"D-do you mind if I feed the-the twins?" He asked, softly, while he sat up.

"Go ahead. I have a nursing pillow somewhere, if you want to use it, I can get it for you." I unbuttoned my jeans while I sat on the couch then I started to unbutton the top of my shirt.

"No, I'm okay." John smiled while I sat on the couch opposite to mine.

I watched as he picked up both babies and they both relaxed in his arms. I had never watched anyone feed twins but he was doing it at the same time and it honestly made my eyes widen a bit- he literally had one baby on each nipple.

"It's weird, I know." John chuckled while he looked up at me.

"It's not weird- they just look heavy." I shrugged while I wiggled Emily a bit- she got lazy sometimes and she'd stop sucking, I had to move her around to get her sucking again. "Do they ever stop sucking?" I asked, quietly, while I patted Emily's bum.

"Uh, they did it more when they were Emily's age. They would always stop and stare but they usually suck until they're full now." He explained and I nodded. "We're trying to get the bottle thing going but I forgot to pack them." He muttered and I hummed.

"I would like to start Emily on bottles soon but Jim wants me to keep feeding her for free for as long as possible." I chuckled and John laughed.

After a while, our babies were finished eating and we burped them. John put the twins into their carriers then I put Emily in hers and I followed him out. The other man walked to his car and I walked to mine.

"I'LL MEET YOU THERE!" I called and he nodded while he put his babies in his car.

I followed behind John on the drive to the mall- he was the slowest driver ever! Once we arrived at the shopping centre, John and I set up our strollers then we walked inside.

"So, what do you need to buy?" He asked while he walked into the mall.

"A dress for Emily- for the wedding. I'll come back with Julia in a little while." I nodded while I smiled down at Emily- the carrier was facing me in the stroller.

As we walked down the mall, groups of breeders whistled and hollered at us- John turned bright red but I kept my head down. Breeders were drawn to the domesticity of carriers with children.

Like, for example, Jim really loved it when I acted motherly around the kids. It wasn't always sexual, he just liked how domestic it was.

"Hey, baby, why don't you come and carry my babies?" An older man bit his bottom lip and he gently grabbed my ass as he walked by.

"That was gross." John whispered while we walked into a baby store.

I didn't say anything- it felt weird. I almost felt sick at someone else touching me like that- only Jim could touch me like that.

"Hey, are you okay?" John stopped walking and he grabbed onto my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled while we continued walking. "I kind of like this one." I smiled while I looked at a little fluffy dress.

"Yeah, it's really cute." John hummed while he looked at other dresses. "What colours are you doing?" He asked, quietly.

"Light grey- both of us." I nodded while I looked for more dresses. "So I was thinking pink for the girls- soft pink." I nodded while I pulled out another light pink dress.

"Oh, I really love that one!" He breathed out while he gently touched the material.

"I think I'm going to get this one." I nodded while I checked my phone- it was 4:00pm, I had half an hour to get to Julia's school.

I took the dress to the till and I paid for it- I paid with cash so Jim wouldn't know that I was spending money. He didn't want me spending money.


After John and I finished at the mall, I raced over to the school and I went to the field. Jim had set up some chairs for us and I ran over to him- well, awkwardly walked because I was holding the carrier.

"Hey, beautiful." Jim smiled when I sat next to him.

"Hi." I panted while I took Emily out of the carrier. "She missed you." I passed the baby to him and he held her to his chest.

"What did you two do today?" My fiancé asked while he kissed Emily's head.

"We uh, we went dress shopping." I nodded while I watched Julia's team warm up on the field. "I bought her a dress for the wedding- I'm going to take Julia next week." I hummed and Jim nodded.

"Hey, what size are your fingers?" The older man asked while he grabbed my hand.

"I didn't even know that my fingers had sizes!" I laughed and Jim shook his head.

"We'll figure it out later." He giggled while we turned to watch the game.

I really didn't know what was going on. Julia looked so intense but she also looked like she was having fun.

I cheered when Jim cheered and I sat quietly when he didn't. Some large girl slammed into Julia and I felt like I was going to throw up- I couldn't throw up on the field.

My old students slowly made their ways over to me and they all said hi to Emily- they loved Emily. They also said hi to Jim, he awkwardly said hello to them while he looked down at his lap- he was so shy around them for some reason.

Once the kids left, we returned our attention to Julia. She got knocked over, again, and I gasped- it looked like a nasty fall. She laid on the ground for a while then some of the First-Aid people ran over to her- they knelt next to her and they slowly helped her stand up.

"Sh-should we follow them?" I asked and Jim nodded- he grabbed the chairs then I grabbed the carrier.

Jim and I followed the First-Aid people into the school then they laid Julia on the nurses bed. An emergency doctor (or something) came in and he checked her out- she was fine, she just had a little bump on the head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed while I put Emily's carrier on the floor.

"Freddie, relax." Jim sighed while he held onto my shoulder.

"NO! DO NOT TELL ME TO RELAX! JULIA COULD'VE DIED!" I yelled and she covered her eyes with her hands.

"Mum, I have a headache- stop talking!" She had a concussion- only a minor one.

"No, I will not stop talking! You aren't allowed to play anymore!" I nodded and both of them made arguing noises. "That's all that I'm saying about it, you're not playing!" I exclaimed then I walked out.


I didn't talk to Julia and Jim for the rest of the night- until Jim came to our room for bed.

"Get out of bed." He patted my foot then he put Emily in her bassinet- she was very, very sleepy.

"Why?" I sighed while I put my book down.

"Just do it." He smiled while I got out of bed.

Jim grabbed the sewing measuring tape then he got down on one knee in front of me.

"Freddie Bulsara," he started while he grabbed my left hand, "will you be ever so kind and be my wife forever and ever?" He giggled while he measured my ring finger.

"Well," I began, with a small laugh, "I really think that we are rushing this, Jim Hutton." My fiancé grabbed my hand while he stood up and he gave me a hard kiss on the lips. "But, if you can kiss like that- I will gladly be your wife!" I exclaimed and he laughed while he placed his head on my shoulder. "I'll be your wife forever and ever, okay?" I whispered into his hair.

"I know." Jim mumbled back then he slowly moved us to the bed.

The older man gently laid me on my back then he crawled onto me, so he was straddling me.

"You'll always be mine." He whispered, almost possessively, while he pinned my arms above my head.

"Oh, get a room!" Julia exclaimed when she walked in.

"This is my room!" Jim groaned while he rolled off of me. "What do you want? I'm about to get some and I'd like to be alone for that." He frowned and the girl stuck her tongue out at him.

"I want to talk to Mum." She nodded.

"Go and get me a snack, Jimmy- something  small." I patted his back then he trudged out of the room. "What's up, buttercup?" I asked while she sat on the bed.

"Were you serious about me not playing rugby anymore?" She asked, quietly, while she played with the duvet.

"I don't want you getting hurt, Julia. I don't know what I would do with myself if anything awful happened- the concussions killing me." I sighed while I grabbed her hand. "But, if you like playing it, you can play." I gave her a small smile and she squealed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey, I'm only letting you play if you promise that you won't look too beat up during mine and Dad's wedding." I held her chin, so she would look at me, and she tried to touch my hand with her tongue. "Julia Maisie, tell me that you won't be too beat up during the wedding." I playfully flicked her tongue, with my free hand, and she stuck it back in.

"I won't be too beat up during your wedding." She groaned while she rolled her eyes at me.

Perfect, I couldn't have an ugly kid in my pictures- it simply wouldn't do.

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