By Zamzba1

8.1K 396 21

Bright has had a great share of life and everyday for the past seven years she is constantly reminded of what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapters 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 22

110 6 0
By Zamzba1

As nervous as wreck,  Bright wiped  her wet palms on the handkerchief she was holding,  she looked as if she was going to die, calm down, clam down, clam down,she told herself. She looked at her side, Edward was driving the car and he looked so free, without worry so unaware of how nervous she is.

The relationship has being going steady for almost four months now with a lot of ups and down,  which they are willing to face on their own.

"Bright?  I want you to meet my mom" Ed told her that day testing the waters and her reactions.

She spat out the Chapman she was drinking that day a few drops staining his clothes. 

Oh my God what was she going to do? She knew a day would come that he will have to meet his parents but does it have to be too soon?

How will she go? what will she wear? if she was asked a question and she couldn't answer? What if the won't like her? Is she supposed to take Jake along?
What if the asked about her relationship with Jake? What was she going to do.

Ed sensed the worry and tried to smile a little.  " it is just my mother Bri, am not saying you should meet my whole extended family,  or the whole of my Dad's political party" He said,  trying to calm her down and ease the tension. This however was not working.

Bright smiled at her new nickname Bri,she was still trying to get used to the name, Ed had told her that he has always wanted to call her that and arrogantly told her he was the only one allowed to call her that.

But now she was going to see his mom.
" Eddy, seeing your mother is as important as seeing your whole family,  what am I going to do?" She was already beginning to sweat on her palms again.

" relax,  she won't bite you, she just wants to me you, just you for now" Ed took her hands in his and rubbed his flat thumb on the back of her small,  soft well manicured palms. He wanted to calm her down,  she had no reason to fear.

" am scared,  as hell Eddy, when are we going to meet her?  What should I wear,  oh I don't even know what to wear, not that I don't have what to wear, I don't have a proper training enough to know what I am supposed to wear when you are going on this kind of visit, what about my family?I don't have one, what about my job?am just a server in a restaurant with an informal education..... panic attack was beginning to set in. She was already gasping for air and was already shaking.

Ed stood up and wrapped his hands around her,  calming her down. " shhhhhhh! Bri, you are going to be okay,am going to be there with you all the way, we are gonna have to face it together, it's alright " he continued  to hold her, kissing her forehead as she wrapped herself I  his embrace,  she almost wasted to believe it was going to be alright. But she also had to be realistic with herself.

Now, back to reality she discovered that the car has stopped and they where in front of big mansion. Even the sight of the house made her more nervous, this house just proved one thing,  they weren't just some random rich people,  The Makindes we're actually stinkingly  rich and that taught almost choked her, she knows what rich men can do,  especially with their money.

The engine of the car turned off, but they were not entering, she glanced at the man who was beside her and saw that he almost was as nervous as she was.

Edward switched off the engine and face her, he noticed since the beginning to the ride,  they said a little word and now he had to clam her down. She was even making him nervous as well.

He faced her,  as their gaze held for a moments,  he saw how scared she was. " it's going to okay,  I promise you, I won't leave you alone,  I am going to be there,  I love you, and no matter what anybody say, it is not going to change my mind about what I feel about the woman I love. I know what I want,  I want you, so quit worrying and stalling and let's get inside and meet your soon to be mother-in-law. shall we? "

He pressed the horn of his car,  and it opened almost immediately,  the car roared to life as they entered the Makindes Mansion.

He greeted the gateman briefly, before turning to the passenger side of the car, he opened the door for her, waiting for her to get down.
She almost hesitated,  but it was now or never,  she had to do this if it was going to make Edward happy.

The outside was beautiful all right,but not the inside, she felt intimidate as she entered the house,  Edward was holding her, reassuring that all was well. 

The picture of his parent graced the wall, she noticed that Edward didn't bear any resemblance with his father, maybe in character as she was yet to meet the man, but he almost looked like the male version of his mother, but while his mother was fair in complexion Edward was mixed almost like her own skin colour chocolate, but a bit lighter.

They entered the main sitting room, and she kept staring at pictures on the wall, a family picture with Ed, his sister and his parent was directly on top of a large screen television. They all looked happy in the pictures and very lovely.

She heard footsteps,  she turned as she saw a young lady almost few years younger than her.

"Pepe, lo so fun mummy pe a ti de " ( Pepe, go and tell mummy we are around)
She lady nodded and went upstairs.

You can sit Bri, and try to relax, am coming right now.
Mrs Makinde came down the stairs, she just took her time in descending carefully,  not just to be unnoticed but also to study the lady sitting down in the living room, her back was turned away from her and as she descended the stairs she could see what a fine lady she was, from her back view.

She was curious,  out of all the few serious relationship Edward had he never has taken his mothers advice and brought a lady home,  but this time,  a lady was here living, breathing and looking as nervous as her own son who came back to give her a glass of chilled water to calm her nerves.

She secret observation was noticed as Edward raised his head and his gaze met hers.

"Mummy, e ku irole ma (good evening ma). Ed stood up from where he was sitting and prostrated slightly,  to greet his mom.

Bright noticed that Ed was up quickly adjusted herself and stood up to meet her face.

"Good evening ma" she quickly added a little smile in other to make a good impression. 

Ed, sensing an upcoming tension decided to break the awkwardness and did the introduction himself.

"Mom, you told me to bring a lady home, and you have being disturbing me for a while, so mummy,  this is Bright Adams, the love of my life " Ed was smiling now and hoped his mother shared the same happiness he felt when he was with Bright.

"Good evening ma " Bright said again, and this time she was ready for anything,  her defence where up and she had a very bad feeling that his meeting was going to upset her. What would they ask her? 

"How are you my daughter?"

"I am fine ma, your dress is lovely" she tried to lightening the mood.

" which state are you from? " she wished to God she was from a Yoruba culture just like them.

"My mother was from Delta state"

"Your mother was from Delta state?  How about your father?  His he also from the same place? "

Now,  that is a soft spot for Bright and Edward saw it coming,  the defence mood on Bright's face,  mixed with fear and maybe a little confusion.
He immediately interrupted the conversation " well, she is....... "
His mother interrupted him, before he could even finish his sentence.
"Akanni let her answer it herself, are you her spokesman? "

I am her boyfriend and I don't want her getting upset,  Ed almost said but when he look at Bright and the expression she gave him, he knew he had to keep shut.

"I don't really know my father and as a matter of fact I didn't know my mother that well since she is also dead , I just know she is from Delta state "

Mrs Bankole stared at her like she has developed another head, who is this lady? She doesn't have a parent?  From the manner of her speech she could tell there was a lot more to the story and Edwards defensive mode shows that he is surely not giving her enough information.

"I am sorry, my dear, how old were you when they died?"

I don't know if my father is alive or not, but my mom died of TB when I was  nine years old when she died " Bright was already shaking now,  pls God don't let her ask me any further questions. But it seems Gid had other plans in store for her.

" I am sorry, again,  what about your relatives,  any uncle or a family member that you grew up with" Mrs Makinde asked again trying to get further information fro her.

" I am sorry ma, but I grew up alone, with help of few people " she was playing with her finger nails now,  and Ed was wearing a nervous face, he wasn't expecting it to be an oral interview thing and it was making even him nervous.

" okay,  so what did you study from school?" She asked another bumper question again.

" I went to only primary school and learned to read and write where I grew up till ss1. I didn't have the opportunity to go to school"

Oh! My God,  Mrs Bankole didn't like what she was hearing,  no school?  She is an illiterate, worse with no family member,  no educational background,  what sort of lady did his son fall in love with?

"So you dont have any relatives that you know of?" She asked further,  there has to be something that can be traced to her.

"I have a son" she didn't know how that slipped from her mouth,  but she was hoping that she won't catch it and maybe just maybe if she did, there is no point trying to hide Jake again   after all Jake was the only family she had.

"What! You have a son? " now she could believe what she was hearing,  no educational background,  no family member and now she had a son probably out of wedlock or from her former husband.

She stood up from her sit immediately and gave Edward that eye contact saying, you had better meet me in my room now.

Edward followed immediately pausing, he gave Bright a light Peck on her forehead before storming to meet his mother.

She was pacing up and down,  where did they meet,  she was expecting someone better,  with some good qualification not just some gold digger with a baggage of a son attached to it.

Edward entered  the room and immediately he saw his mother he knew she didn't approve of it.

"Akanni, where did you meet that lady?"his mother asked gin after pacing for almost one minute.

"I love her mummy and that is what that matters"

" I am sure You are not serious with her, she is a big joke, how can you bring that kind of a lady over and tell me You love her" she was angry now

" she is going to spoil your reputation,  your heritage , your fathers political career, she is not a good match for you, I strongly oppose to this relationship " she told Edward with a mind made up.

Edward didnt want to argue with his mother, no matter what she said her mind is made up, just like that, she didn't even bother to get to know her first,get to know Jake before judging.  Even him was so  angry now,  how can his mother just judge someone like that?  What happened to the loving mother he always had.

" I didn't ask for your approval mother,  I just brought her because I  respect you to know the woman I am dating, marrying her is what I intend to do when the right time comes.  I wish you cab see how happy I am with her,  my mind is made up"
Edward stood his ground. If his mother can't see how happy he is with  her then what is the point of arguing with her ?

Ed walked out on his mother.

Mrs Makinde was bitter and angry now, not only is he dating a whore, because of that girl her son, her only son walked out on her.

She was beginning to develop headache.
She would prove Edward wrong that his choice of partner is totally wrong.

An: Hey everyone long  time no post!
I don't know where to start.
I am thinking of casting this characters but I haven't found the ideal characters that suits their personality. 

Poor Bright,  she cant just have one thing without it being sntached away. 

Pls don't forget to vote and comment
Muah *kiss*


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