A Modern Love

By rogersdrumface

51.6K 2.1K 1.1K

"He smelled flowery, he was a carrier. In this world of breeders and carriers (neutrals, too, but they didn't... More

Apple Cinnamon Tea
What Does This Make Us?
Our First Time
James Fredrick Hutton
No More Fucking Casserole
Baby Nug-Face
Just A Warning
Son and Daughter
Old Friends
Date Night
Little Duck
Friends Will Be Friends
We Can Work It Out
Forever and Ever
We're Pregnant!
Michael and Michelle
Fight From the Inside
Can We Talk For A Moment?
National Space Centre
My Baby
Teacher's Conference
Welcome Home
Let Me Paint You
I Was Hungry
Nice To Meet You
We Hate Him
Something Doesn't Feel Right
Don't Take My Baby
Little Piggy
Was He Flirting?
La Vie En Rose
Did You Get Them?
What An Idiot
I Have A Crush
You Weren't Wearing A Condom
You Could've Died!
Mr. Sex
If Not For You
He Was Amazing
How Was Your Breakfast?
I'm Bored
First Official Three J Weekend
Just Gotta Get Right Out of Here
You're Like A Teddy Bear
An Ass That Won't Quit
Until We're Old and Grey
Now That We're Old and Grey

Where's my Cake?

677 34 24
By rogersdrumface

January 13, 2015

- Brian's POV -
All I could think about when I woke up was my kids. God, I loved them so much and all I wanted was more time with them- I wanted what Freddie and Jim had.

It was what I was thinking about because I was woken up by Freddie's cooing. He was talking to the baby in his stomach and he was actually pretty noisy. I didn't roll over to face him, I just listened:

"Good morning, baby girl." He whispered and I felt him move up to the headboard. "Don't kick like that, it's mean." I felt like he was trying to be quiet but he kept laughing- he had a nice laugh so it was okay.

It went quiet for a few moments and I felt myself slowly falling asleep again. It was all nice until Freddie gasped.

"Ooh, gotta pee!" He exclaimed then he slowly got himself off of the bed and he waddled to the bathroom, while holding the bottom of his belly.

I couldn't help but laugh at his little run and I knew that I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep so I sat up and I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands. I pulled the scratchy sheets up, to cover my bare chest, and I grabbed my phone off of the bedside table.

"Oh, good morning." Freddie smiled when he walked back into the room- he had one hand on the small of his back and the other cupping his bump, it was adorable. "Did you sleep well?" He asked while he grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge.

"I did. You kind of used me as a body pillow but it was a good sleep." I laughed, quietly.

Freddie must've had a sore back, or something, because he slept with his belly on mine and his back arched. It looked rather uncomfortable but he seemed to enjoy it, I was scared to move him because I didn't want to hurt him.

"Jim said that I do that a lot, I should just buy my own body pillow." Freddie giggled while he awkwardly lifted his suitcase onto our bed- he was lifting with his knees so it looked funny.

Several moments later, Freddie's phone buzzed so I tossed it to him and he answered it.

"Hello?" He hummed while he pressed the speakerphone button.

"Hey, Duckie." Oh, it was Jim! I found it weird how he always called Freddie 'Duckie', there had to be a story behind that.

"Hi, baby." Freddie smiled while he went through his suitcase. "How was your night with Julia?" He asked, quietly.

"She cried for most of the night because she missed you but she's sleeping with me right now and she hasn't moved in a while." He sighed- poor girl.

"Tell her to call me later. She didn't call me last night which is why she was so emotional- she needs to hear my voice and I need to have a moment with her, it'll calm her down." Freddie really was a relaxing person.

"Can I call you when I need a calm down?" Freddie's boyfriend hummed- where was this going?

"What?" The younger man laughed while he picked out an outfit, for our first day of meetings and whatnot.

"You know, when I want a good wank and I need you to dirty talk for me." He didn't know that we were on speakerphone!

"JIM!" Freddie exclaimed then he quickly picked the phone up. "Honey, you were on speakerphone." He covered his face with his hand and I could feel my face turning bright red. "Yeah, he heard you." He gave me an apologetic glance and I nodded.

I laughed, quietly, as Freddie explained the whole situation to Jim. He had to explain that he was on speakerphone because he was getting ready then Jim got scolded for using dirty talk while their daughter was laying next to him in their bed.

They had a nice relationship, Freddie and Jim. Everyone wanted to be like them, or John and Veronica, and I think they enjoyed that small bit of attention. Sure, I thought Jim was going to knock Freddie's teeth back in for him sleeping in the same bed as me but their arguments always seemed to end on a joking note. That's what I wanted with Joan but it doesn't always work like that.

"No, Jim, stop it. I can't do that in front of him!" Freddie whispered, harshly. "You're the one causing it, you knob!" He whined with a small laugh. "Well if you're not going to do anything about it then I suggest that you hang up." He nodded after a few moments of silence. "Jim, I will stab you with the knife that's under my pillow." He warned and I laughed.

They had the weirdest conversations sometimes, I wanted to know what Jim was saying.

"Yes, I really do." Freddie laughed. "Well you're always gone and someone could sneak in and try to steal me- I have to cut a bitch if I want to survive." He nodded while he paced around the room. "I'm not going to argue about the knife right now, Jim. I'll call you later." He smiled. "Yes, I love you, too. Okay? Bye!" He hummed then he hung up.

"Is he okay in-" I started but Freddie cut me off with an excited nod.

"He's amazing!" What? "He knows all of the right places and what makes my toes curl and stuff." He sighed, happily, while he sat on the bed- he was talking about sex.

"Uh, no, I was going to ask if he was okay in London." I muttered, awkwardly. "But I'm glad that he's good to you when you need him to be." I nodded while I waited for death.

"Sorry." Freddie squeaked and I shrugged. "I don't know what it is about him that gets me like that- all I ever want to talk about is sex with him when someone asks me about him." He laughed.

"It's love. You're in love with him and you're hormonal so it all makes sense." I smiled while I patted his forearm.

There was an awkward silence for a while then Freddie moved his left hand to his chest. He widened his eyes at me and he smiled- he was remembering something.

"You know what happened this morning?" He smiled and I shook my head, to say that I didn't know. "I started lactating this morning! That's why I was up so early, I didn't know what it was but it was my milk!" He was so excited and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"You're excited about that? I read that it's painful." I absentmindedly rubbed my chest at the thought of it.

"My chest is sore but I didn't get to make milk during my last pregnancy because we lost our baby, everything is going to be okay with this baby and I know that now." Oh yeah, his last baby- I didn't think about that before talking about how badly it hurt.

"What was your last baby's name?" I didn't know if I was allowed to ask but he seemed okay with it.

"James Fredrick Hutton but we call him Little Duck." The younger man explained while he took off his pyjama pants. "They uh, they didn't know what happened to him, he just died- if that was your next question." He mumbled while he pulled on a pair of jeans.

"I wasn't going to ask anymore questions if it made you uncomfortable." I smiled then I got out of bed. "I'm going to go and shower then we can go down for breakfast." I nodded then Freddie squealed.

Someone was excited for food.

- Jim's POV -
I sighed, quietly, while I watched Julia sleep. It was the first calm moment that she had since Freddie left and I wanted it to last forever, she was too emotional for me because of the whole scenting thing. She didn't really show any signs of waking up soon so I just laid there with her, I didn't want to wake her up for school- she seemed too emotional for school and I got a call the day before that said she was crying class so maybe it was best to keep her at home.

I thought about it for a while and I decided that she could call in sick while Freddie was gone. I didn't want her crying in front of everyone and her friends would bring her homework assignments to our place.

"Is Mum home yet?" Julia whispered into her pillow- she sounded so emotionally drained and it upset me a bit.

"Not yet, honey, he'll be home tomorrow." I sighed while I pulled her closer to me. "But we can call him today if you want to, you can talk to him this time." She was asleep when I called the previous night. "You don't have to go to school today, you can if you want to but I'm not going to force you again." Trying to get her to go the previous day was just a mess.

"I don't want to go until Mum goes." So she wouldn't be going until Thursday- that was fine by me. "M-maybe we can hang out today." She whispered while she finally allowed herself to snuggle into me.

"Yeah? We can go for a walk or we can go and visit John, if you want to." She hadn't been over to the Deacon house in a while and the babies were nearing a month old, she would have fun with them.

"That sounds nice." Julia hummed then she rubbed her eyes. "Maybe we can take Leo out on the walk." She smiled and I nodded- it was the first real smile since Freddie left.

"I'm sure he'll enjoy a walk. He loves to play in the snow so we'll be out for a while." I rubbed her shoulder and she hummed.

"I'm going to go and get ready." Julia kissed my forehead then she walked out of the room.

I quickly got dressed then I brushed my teeth and my hair. I heard the shower running in the guest bathroom which meant Julia was showering before we left.

I went to my daughter's room, after a few moments, and I picked up the dirty laundry that was scattered on her floor- she called it her 'floordrobe' because it was like her whole wardrobe was on her floor. I sighed, quietly, while I put it all in a basket- she was so organized but she was such a mess.

"DAD!" Julia screamed from the bathroom- my heart stopped and I felt like I was going to be sick.

I put the basket on Julia's bed then I ran to the guest washroom (her washroom).

"Baby, you need to open the door for me. I can't help you if you're locked in there." I knocked on the door while I rattled the handle.

I heard Julia walk to the door and she unlocked it. She was bawling and pointing at her foot- there was so much blood.

"What did you do, cut your foot off?" I asked while I lifted her onto the counter.

"I-I was shaving and-and my hand slipped." Julia hiccuped while I grabbed a cloth from the drawer. "It really hurts this time." She whispered while I wiped it with warm water.

"Well you've lost a ton of blood- I could make another you with all of that blood." I looked up at her and she smiled. "But I think you'll live for a little while longer." I chuckled while I grabbed a Band-Aid from the drawer- Julia was always cutting herself while shaving so she had to keep a box of Band-Aids in her bathroom. "Are you okay? Do you need me to kiss it better?" I cooed and she nodded, jokingly.

I didn't see that it was a joke, at first, so I kissed the Band-Aid covered part of her ankle.

"I didn't mean it, Dad!" She laughed while she brought her knees up to her chest. "But thank you." She hummed then she kissed my forehead.

"Should we take Leo out now? I think he's getting restless." I chuckled while we listened to the dog whined- he loved going for walks.

"Yeah, let's go." Julia smiled then she hopped off of the counter.

I held my daughter's hand then we went down to the living room. She held the leash up and Leo went nuts- he always got excited when his leash was taken out.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Julia cooed while she knelt in front of the dog. Leo licked her face while she tried to put his leash on and she fell backwards. "Dad, help!" She laughed while Leo stood over her.

"Okay, don't crush her." I grunted while I pulled the dog off of my daughter. "You're a huge doggo." I muttered while I put the leash on.

Julia put her boots and jacket on then she waited for me. We both walked out and she held Leo's leash.

"Watch, Dad." She laughed then let Leo pull her down the ice strip on the driveway.

"Be careful, Julia, I don't want to take you to the emergency room." I laughed while I walked down the driveway.

I held Julia's hand and we walked down the sidewalk. When we walked in front of the Deacon's house, they were both out front with a double stroller and their babies.

"Hey, John!" Julia waved and John waved back. "Do you want to walk with us?" She asked and he nodded.

Veronica pushed the stroller down the driveway and John followed next to her.

"We thought that the babies had to be out today." The younger man smiled while he patted the stroller.

"Hello, babies." I cooed while I looked into the carriers- both babies were bundled up so much that I couldn't see their faces. "Come, come, you can walk with us." I took the dog from Julia and she held John's hand.

The whole scenting thing made the child crave attention from a carrier. John was a carrier so Julia was okay with him while Freddie was gone- she got close to him and they walked together.

"How have the babies been?" I asked while I walked next to Veronica.

"Uh, they're good. I love them so much but they cry all the time." The woman sighed while she looked down at her babies. "Sometimes I don't know if twins was a good idea." She whispered.

"You didn't plan to have twins, did you?" I didn't think that people planned to have multiples, they seemed like a lot of work.

"No, it was supposed to be one baby and we were going to try again later. I guess we killed two birds with one stone." She chuckled and I nodded. "But they're cute, they look like John." She hummed down at Michael and Michelle.

The twins really did look like John- well, the little bit of face that was sticking out looked like John. He was the one that they were related to and I assumed that the things that didn't look like John came from the sperm donor.

I looked back, over my shoulder, and I watched John and Julia. She was leaning against him and he was whispering things into her hair. It looked like she was crying but I wasn't sure, John was doing a good job with her.

"How's Julia? She looks upset." Veronica frowned while she looked back at her husband and my daughter.

"Freddie uh, scented her before he left so she's pretty emotional because they did it then went to bed." I shrugged while I pulled the dog back- he was trying to run off to a tree.

"Oh, that's awful." Veronica sighed. "Not to be mean or anything but he really should've thought that through." She whispered- how was that not rude?

"He forgot that he had a conference, he has an awful memory." I retorted then Julia ran up to me and she patted my arm.

"Dad, my um, my 'flower time' started so we have to go home." She whispered- she wasn't allowed to call it a period around me and I didn't want to know if she was lying or not so I just believed her.

"Oh. We should uh, we should go home then." I nodded. "It was nice walking with you two but we need to go home now." I waved then Julia and I walked back to our house.

Great, I had to deal with "flower time" on my own.


- Freddie's POV -

"I hate conferences." I grumbled while I sat on mine and Brian's bed.

"I can't believe that you yelled at that lady." Brian laughed while he grabbed the room service menu from the desk drawer.

"She was getting mad at me for wearing sweats, Brian, and she didn't believe me when I told her that I was pregnant." I laughed- I really did yell at a lady because she was dress coding me. "Are we getting food now?" I asked while I laid back on the pillows.

"Yes, I'm getting food now." The older man nodded then he went to the phone and he dialed the number.

I played on my phone while he ordered then I got a FaceTime request from Jim.

"Hey, baby." I smiled when his face popped up on my screen.

"How was your first conference?" My boyfriend asked then Julia's head popped up next to his.

"Hi, Julia." I cooed and she waved. "It was fine, some lady yelled at me for wearing sweats but I yelled back and I think I scared her- I didn't mean to scare her." I muttered.

"Duckie." Jim laughed and Julia smiled. "You can't yell at ladies." He added, softly.

"I had to yell at her- I was overheated and hungry and she was in my face, I almost called security on her, babe." I laughed then Brian climbed onto the bed. "Brian got us food." I smiled then there was a knock at the door. "Speedy food- what the fuck, Brian?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him then he went to the door.

"I called while we were at the conference, I knew that you'd be hungry." The older man smiled then he tipped the server.

The man came back onto the bed and he put the tray down. He got chicken fingers for me and a grilled cheese for him, as well as two slices of cake for both of us.

"Jimmy, Brian got me food!" I exclaimed while I ate some fries. "Anyways, how was your day?" I asked while I put my phone on my suitcase- it was like a stand.

While Jim explained his day, I quietly reached over and I stole little bits of Brian's slice of cake- he was paying attention to Jim so he didn't notice at all.

"How was the baby today, Freddie?" Jim asked and I quickly moved my hand back to my own plate.

"She was good." I muttered and Jim nodded.

Brian and Jim continued talking then Julia giggled while I ate Brian's cake.

"Okay, the baby is tired now, Jim, I have to go." I nodded then I hung up before he could say anything- they could text me if they needed anything.

"Freddie, where's my cake?" Brian asked, quietly.

It was in my sore belly.

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