A Modern Love

By rogersdrumface

51.6K 2.1K 1.1K

"He smelled flowery, he was a carrier. In this world of breeders and carriers (neutrals, too, but they didn't... More

Apple Cinnamon Tea
What Does This Make Us?
Our First Time
James Fredrick Hutton
No More Fucking Casserole
Baby Nug-Face
Just A Warning
Son and Daughter
Old Friends
Date Night
Little Duck
Friends Will Be Friends
We Can Work It Out
Forever and Ever
We're Pregnant!
Michael and Michelle
Fight From the Inside
Can We Talk For A Moment?
National Space Centre
Teacher's Conference
Where's my Cake?
Welcome Home
Let Me Paint You
I Was Hungry
Nice To Meet You
We Hate Him
Something Doesn't Feel Right
Don't Take My Baby
Little Piggy
Was He Flirting?
La Vie En Rose
Did You Get Them?
What An Idiot
I Have A Crush
You Weren't Wearing A Condom
You Could've Died!
Mr. Sex
If Not For You
He Was Amazing
How Was Your Breakfast?
I'm Bored
First Official Three J Weekend
Just Gotta Get Right Out of Here
You're Like A Teddy Bear
An Ass That Won't Quit
Until We're Old and Grey
Now That We're Old and Grey

My Baby

884 38 26
By rogersdrumface

January 10, 2015

- Freddie's POV -
When Julia's date ended, Jim and I heard Andrew's Dad pull up the driveway and we watched from the window. Jim and I watched, creepily, as the boy brought our daughter to the porch- he brushed a stray hair behind her ear then he kissed her ON THE MOUTH! OUR DAUGHTER GOT A KISS ON THE LIPS!

"Ooh, you got kissed on the lips!" I teased when she walked into the house.

"Shut up." Julia muttered while she hugged herself. "What did you two do tonight?" She asked while she toed her combat boots off.

Jim looked at me and we both burst out laughing. The whole dildo thing was funny now.

"Nothing, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's place. They said that Auntie Kash is coming back next month and she wants to meet you." I smiled.

That was a lie, Kashmira didn't even know that Julia was a person. We didn't bother sending her a Christmas card when we sent them, we ended things roughly so I decided to leave her be.

"Auntie Kashmira?" Julia thought for a moment then she nodded. "Your sister. I knew that Kashmira was a familiar name." She looked up at me and I gave her a fake smile.

"Yeah." I breathed out. "Okay, let's get you to bed, I want to talk for a bit." I patted her shoulder then her and I went to her bedroom.

Once Julia and I got to her bedroom, I sat on her bed and she quickly changed into pyjama pants and one of Jim's old t-shirts. I smiled while I laid on my side then she crawled in and she snuggled her front against mine.

"How was your date?" I asked, quietly, while I rubbed my thumb against her cheekbone.

"It was so much fun, Mum, Andrew is absolutely amazing." She gushed while she pulled her long hair into a ponytail. "But he touched my boob which was weird." She muttered.

"You were at the cinema! Why was he touching your boob instead of watching the damn film?!" I gasped while I sat up on my elbows.

"He was doing that yawning thing, where they put their arm over your shoulder, and he didn't realize how short my torso was so he accidentally touched my boob." She explained, quietly. "And he kissed me after and I've never felt so happy in my life." She smiled and a part of me felt upset- I thought that Jim and I were the ones keeping her happy.

"Oh." Was all I could manage- sure, I was happy for her, for getting to go on this date and stuff, but I wanted to be the one that always made her happy. I was her Mother and that was my job. "I'm going to go to bed now." I rubbed her shoulder then I pushed on her arm to help myself up.

"Um, ow?" Julia laughed while I got off of the bed. "Goodnight, I love you." She hummed when I kissed her forehead.

"I love you, too." I breathed out then I walked to my bedroom.

"Uh oh, I have an upset Duckie here, don't I?" Jim put down his book then I crawled onto our bed. "Come on, Duckie, tell me what's wrong." He nuzzled against my hair when I laid down.

"I don't make her happy anymore. She said that Andrew kissing her made her feel the happiest she has ever felt." I whispered while I tried not to cry.

See, normally this wouldn't make me cry. It was only making me cry because I was so far into my pregnancy and I wanted to be the only one making Julia happy. Jim made sure that I was keeping him happy and that made me elated.

"You do make her happy, Duck, you're her mother and, like the baby will, she looks up to you. Maybe she just wants what we have." My boyfriend kissed my cheek and I rolled over to face him.

"Why would anyone want what we have?" I giggled while I gently scratched Jim's chest.

"Hey, that was mean, we have a really nice relationship, Duckie." Jim frowned then he fluffed out my t-shirt. "You smell nice." Ah, that's what the fluffing was for.

"I know that I do, it's all I've been able to smell lately." I giggled.

Since carriers got a different smell when they were pregnant, it got stronger as the pregnancy got farther. Because I was nearing the end, my smell was only getting stronger and it was almost obnoxious at times.

"Only 8 more weeks, huh?" Jim asked and I nodded, while I rubbed my belly. "How is she doing in there?" He put his hand on the bottom of my stomach and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"She hasn't flipped upside down yet." I whispered while I felt her foot push out in the middle, just above my belly button. "John said that the twins flipped at like 7 months." I frowned.

"Well all babies are different, she'll flip soon." Jim hummed while he tapped on the little foot mound. "Maybe she'll flip over for Roger tomorrow." He sounded mad now.

Yeah, Roger was coming over to help us with the nursery (mostly because I didn't want to help) and Jim wasn't too happy. He enjoyed having help but he hated when other men were around me- it was so weird.

"Okay, you're getting grumpy so I'm going to sleep now." I really didn't want to deal with Jim if he was going to get grumpy over other men.

January 11, 2015
When I woke up, Jim wasn't in our bed- Julia was. She was just staring and it made me feel weird, I wanted to know where Jim was.

"Where's Dad?" I rasped out while I rubbed my eyes.

"He's downstairs, doing laundry." Julia shrugged then I shot up, as fast as I could.

"JIM! DON'T TOUCH THE LAUNDRY MACHINE!" I yelled while I slipped on my slippers.

I waddled down the stairs and Jim was holding a basket of laundry.

"What are you getting excited about?" Jim asked while he moved the basket to his hip.

"You're going to ruin our clothes!" I exclaimed while I took the basket from him. "What time is it, why is it still dark out?!" I was so confused because it was still dark out and I was exhausted.

"It's 5:30, you were supposed to keep sleeping so we could pack for your conference." My boyfriend chuckled. "Go back to bed, baby, I want to pack for you." He rubbed my shoulder then he carefully took the basket away from me.

"I don't want to go to bed, I'm wide awake now and the baby isn't going to stop moving so I might as well finish the laundry." I took the basket back then I waddled up the stairs.

"Freddie, come back here." Jim chuckled while he followed me to our room. "Stop waddling away from me, you nut." He ran up behind me and he wrapped his arms around the top of my bump. "Can I help you pack or do you want to do that on your own?" He asked while I continued walking- Jim was waddling behind me and he wasn't letting me go.

"You can get me a suitcase because I'm not supposed to be lifting things." I hummed while we walked into our room- Julia was asleep and I just cooed. "Oh, my baby." I smiled while I rubbed her exposed calf.

"Here, I have your suitcase." Jim smiled while he put the black bag on our bed. He moved to sit against our headboard and he pulled Julia in between his legs. "Wake up, Julia Maisie." He squeezed our daughter and she grunted.

"It is Sunday, I will cut you for waking me up at 6:00." Julia gritted out while he slowly opened her eyes. "I am not your friend right now." She glared at my boyfriend and I laughed.

"Someone's on their period." I sang, quietly, and Julia shot me daggers.

"Don't." She hissed- what the hell? "I'm not on my period." She grumbled while she curled up into a little ball, against Jim's chest.

"Then what's wrong? Tell Mummy what's wrong." I hummed while I put some folded clothes into my bag.

"I don't want you to leave tomorrow." Julia whispered and I gave her a sad smile. "I'm going to miss you and you're leaving me with Dad!" She exclaimed while she pointed to Jim.

"Hey! I'm not awful!" Jim argued and all I could do was giggle. "You and I will have so much fun that you won't even want Mum in the house anymore." He chuckled while he squeezed Julia.

"Please don't be like that to me, I'll be housebound for a couple weeks after Baby Nug-Face gets here so you have to love me." I nodded while I continued packing.

"You still don't have a name for her?" Julia asked while she crawled down to the end of the bed.

"No because your Dad sucks and he won't let me decide on a name until she's born!" I glared and Jim and he looked offended.

"Why are you all glaring at me? I haven't done anything wrong!" He whined and I blew him a kiss.

"But I do have a couple picked out and you can add to my list on the fridge if you want to." I patted her head and she nodded. "You know what, Jim, I want Mireya to be one of her names." I looked up at him and he nodded.

"What does it mean?" He was really obsessed with the meaning of our kid's names, he didn't want them having a weird meaning.

"Miracle in Spanish." I hummed and Julia cooed. "And, I mean, we didn't know if we were going to get another chance at having another biological baby so she's like our little miracle baby." Julia actually squealed that time.

"That's so cute!" She breathed out and I had to take a step back- she was so odd.

"I like it. We can use it for a first or middle name, I don't care which one." Bloody liar, he probably wanted some kind of special first name- probably something plain and generic.


- Jim's POV -
Freddie finished packing at 7:30 then we just laid in bed for a while. We talked about possible names and Julia gave us some suggestions- Freddie and Julia liked modern names but I wanted something more plain and simple.

After some time, a couple hours, we went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast- Freddie had left over fried chicken while Julia and I had cereal, he was craving it or something.

Roger came over at 12:30 and we had some lunch before starting on the nursery.

"Can we put the um, rocking chair in here now, Jim?" Freddie breathed out once we got into the room- we were keeping the old rocking chair (from Freddie's mom) in another spare room.

"Sure. I'll just go and grab it." I hated the thought of leaving Roger and Freddie alone in the same room but Julia was there so she'd keep them in line.

Where I got back to the room, with the chair, I placed it by the window and Freddie sat down.

"Much better." He giggled and Roger laughed. "Roger, what happened with you and Cathy last night?" My boyfriend asked while Julia sat on his lap.

"Uh, Cathy's Grandmother passed away but I mean, she was like 97 so Cathy's okay. We had to go to her Mum and Dad's place because of it and they were just messes." The younger man shrugged while he started painting the walls baby yellow.

"Oh, that's so awful." Freddie muttered, sympathetically. "Tell her that she can come and talk to us if she needs to." His teacher side was showing.

"I'll tell her, I'm sure she'll be happy about that." Roger smiled and Freddie nodded- were they flirting?! "How was your date, Julia?" He asked and Julia gasped. "Oh yeah, don't think that your Mother didn't tell me about it."

"It was fine." Julia muttered while she buried her head in Freddie's neck.

"She got kissed!" Freddie exclaimed while he rubbed her back. "On the lips!" He added with a small laugh.

"Ooh, someone's got themselves a boyfriend? I see." Roger chuckled and Julia turned bright red.

I didn't bother adding to their conversation. I continued painting the walls and no one noticed that I wasn't talking- Roger was like a God with my family.

After some time, Roger and I had the first wall done and Freddie was fast asleep in the rocking chair- Julia was still on his lap and she was humming while she ran her fingers through his hair.

"That's cute." Roger chuckled at Freddie's sleeping form. "Does he always drool when he sleeps?" He asked and I quickly walked over to my boyfriend, I wiped the drool off with the bottom of my shirt then I went back to Roger- Freddie would kill me if Roger saw that.

"He doesn't usually drool." I whispered while I went back to the wall.

"I'm going to finish my homework." Julia kissed my head then she walked out of the room.

"Hey, uh, can I ask you a question?" Roger asked, quietly, and I nodded. "How did you propose to Freddie?" What?

"I didn't." I giggled and Roger looked shocked. "We're still dating." Did he not know that?

"But you've been together for like 12 years." He breathed out.

"It'll be 13 next month." I smiled and Roger's jaw dropped.

"You guys aren't married?" He asked and I shook my head, to say that we weren't. "Are you ever going to get married?" What was his original question?

"Freddie doesn't want to get married. He said that we don't need a piece of paper to prove that we love each other. We act married, though." I shrugged. "What was your actual question? Why did you need to know how I proposed to Freddie?" I asked while I painted near the baseboards.

"I want to propose to Cathy." Roger whispered with a huge smile. "It's just that we've been together for a while now and I want to marry her, she's just so perfect." So he didn't have a thing for my boyfriend.

"When-when do you want to do it?" This was all so shocking- I mean, I knew that they were probably going to get married but hearing it was odd.

"I want it to be when your baby can walk properly." He mumbled. "I want Julia and the baby to be in the wedding- it'll be a small wedding, I think, because Cathy likes simple things." He was actually thinking about this and what Cathy wanted, it was so cute.

"I'm sure they'll be glad to be in the wedding." I smiled. "Just do something that Cathy likes and slip it in- I thought about doing it with Freddie and that's what I would do." I hummed and Roger nodded.

"I'm really nervous." The younger man breathed out and I just laughed.

"It really is something to be nervous about but the worst thing she can do is say no, right?" I hummed and Roger nodded- hopefully she would say yes because he deserved her.


- Freddie's POV -
When I woke up from my little nap, Roger and Jim were just finishing the last wall. The light yellow room looked perfect and it matched the crib perfectly- all of the furniture was the same brown and it looked so nice.

Roger had dinner with us then he went back home. I sat on the couch with Jim and Julia for a couple hours then I went up to bed- I just needed to lay down.

"Hi, Mummy." Julia smiled while she walked into the room.

"Hi, baby." I hummed then she climbed into my bed.

Once Julia pressed her back to my stomach, something inside of me felt like I needed to do this:

"Honey, take your shirt off." I knew that she wore a sports bra before she got into bed so I wouldn't see her boobs.

"What?" Julia asked while I took my shirt off.

"Just do it, I want to do something." I whispered while I laid back down.

Julia hesitantly pulled off her shirt then she laid back down. I pulled her closer to me, I rubbed her flat stomach and she was still so tense.

"Just relax, baby, just keep your breathing regular and listen to my voice, okay?" I whispered and she nodded.

I held her close to me and I tried to feel all of the love in my body. There was a sudden warm, tingly feeling and I knew it was working- I was scenting her like they did to newborns.

"M-Mum, what's happening?" Julia sounded panicked and I had to calm her down or else this would be ruined.

"Just be quiet and let it happen." I whispered then she stopped shaking- yeah, she was shaking. "You're my baby and I love you so, so much, okay? I love you more than I can say which is why I'm doing this- it won't hurt or anything but you'll understand later." I couldn't speak loudly or else it wouldn't work- there were a lot of rules.

After a few moments, a flowery smell filled the air- it was my regular smell and it felt nice to smell it again. Julia's breathing sped up when there was another little surge of heat and she closed her eyes, my daughter relaxed into me and I kissed her head.

It didn't take long for the whole thing to end, the heat surges stopped and the smell dulled then Julia could move again- it was almost paralyzing when it happened. She started panting and I laid on my back while I tried to keep my eyes open, it was normally exhausting but doing it with someone who wasn't blood related made it almost impossible to stay awake.

"What happened in here?!" Jim gasped when he walked into the room.

Julia squealed but she couldn't get anything out.

"I scented her." I gave him a little smile and he covered his mouth with his hands. "She's my baby."

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