Falling In Love With You | cth

By lovelukehemmo96

76.9K 1.4K 150

Cassidy Winters is bullied by Calum Hood, the popular guy in high school. Everyone loves and admires him expe... More

Falling In Love With You
Author's Note
Falling For You Again


1.5K 28 3
By lovelukehemmo96

xxii | truce

A week since the incident, I missed school for a couple of days. I spent the first few days at the hospital with my mom until visiting hours were done at the hospital. Now I've been staying at home, trying to get some rest. Or trying to avoid going to school.

The boys have stopped by in lunch and offered me some food, but I refused, trying to convince them to not visit me. Although, on the boys' visits, Calum surprisingly tagged along too. There are times where he would become very quiet, staring out the window or would stare at me as if he would try to tell me something, but he would often be engaged in the conversation. With this look, girls find it attractive, they would die for that look any time. On the other hand, I found it very odd for someone like him to do such a thing. And the other times, he was bored and be on his phone

Today was the seventh day I didn't go to school, Mom was at work, trying to keep up with the work since she's dad's secretary. The business was recently going bankrupt so I can tell mom was stressed as ever. First, the business almost going bankrupt with losing some important in their business and false rumors spreading about the company, now having to worry about dad. I know my mom is more stressed than me. 

Wesley keeps me updated on homework, which I haven't been doing. I spend my time watching videos on YouTube or binge-watching Disney movies. He messages saying he misses and wishes he could visit me during lunch, but I informed him he couldn't since the boys would come. He complained for a while but lets it go since he can't argue since the guys don't really like him.

It was already past twelve, I was on my bed listening to music with Sherry was laying down next to me but I spaced out. It doesn't help much that the weather is raining cats and dogs out there. The doorbell rang, I groaned in annoyance, me wanting the boys to stop worrying about me. I get up, grab Sherry, and go downstairs. I put Sherry on her couch and go back to the front door.

"Luke, I am fine. Okay? I just-"

Calum stood in front of me with no one else besides him. He rocks back and forth on his heels with his hands were in his pockets. He purses lips and looks at me slightly then looks away. His sweater was wet from the rain.

"Hey," said Calum very awkwardly.

"Hi," I said, slowly.

We stand there for who knows how long, just me and him staring at each other before I moved a bit to the side to let Calum inside. Calum steps inside, standing in the middle of the entrance after he takes off his shoes. staring at the opening spaces in my house. I sighed loudly. The kitchen, dining room, sitting room, and the living room was still a fuckin' mess. Mom and I haven't clean the house since the accident, the night we returned home back from the hospital, mom broke down. Throwing practically everything around that came into her view, making a mess in every room. I ran upstairs with Sherry in my arms, crying in my room as I continue to hear mom screaming. I didn't want to leave my room so I never cleaned up the mess she created nor did she. So, I would take the boys out to the backyard, mainly trying to avoid going to my room but with the weather outside, I had no other choice but to take him to my room.

"Hand me your sweater," I tell him, he gives me his sweater," Wait here."

I run quickly to the laundry, throwing his sweater with the grey clothing that I had planned on washing later, but now was the time. After setting the laundry, I approached Calum, standing exactly where he was. 

"Um, follow me," I mumbled but I know Calum heard me.

I go up my stairs with Calum following directly behind me, went to my bedroom. I opened the door to my room and step aside for Calum to go to my room first. Calum stands in my room. I finally remembered that this is Calum's first time in my room. Whenever the boys would come over before, we would hang in my room, but recently, I wouldn't allowed them to come to my room with Calum being around.

"Nice room," Calum said.

"Thanks, I try to keep it simple," I tell him with the lilac-colored walls with rustic bedroom furniture.

I sit down on my bed and Calum sat down on my computer desk chair. We sat in silence for a few minutes but seemed like for years. 

"Calum, why are you here?"


How do I even respond to that? Oh, I was forced by the guys for some reason but you know here am I, looking like a complete idiot.

They wanted everything to go well with me and Cassidy. They're tired of us always complaining and arguing like we're an old couple and they agreed without me that I should apologize to Cassidy since I bullied her since middle school. I know it's been bothering them and honestly, I've been missing them, hanging out with my best friends, but for their sake...

"The guys made me come here," I told Cassidy, rubbing my hands together.

Cassidy makes an 'O' with her lips and bit her lip. She lifts her hand to rub the side of her nose. Then she puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. She's always doing that when she's nervous or scared.

"Cassidy, I came to tell you that I'm sorry and I can't stop thinking about you," I grumbled, avoiding eye contact from her.



"I said ' I'm sorry'. I really mean it, okay. Look, what I did back then, it was really bullshit of me to do and I should've stopped, but I didn't. Not only did I took advantage of you but so many people did, and that day you getting hurt... I-... I'm just really sorry."

"I don't know what to say," mumbled Cassidy, pursing her lips, rubbing her hands together.

Sighing, I stand up and went towards her, kneeling on my knees. I reached forward and cupped her hands with mine, rubbing the back of her hands with my thumps, "How about we call it a truce?"

"Truce?" Cassidy asked, looking up.

I stare into her green hazel orbs, I nodded. Releasing her hands, I sat beside her and I stick out my hand towards her, "Truce?"

Cassidy looks at my hand and back at me. She holds my hand and shakes it.



A/n I know that the gif is meant for something else.

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