Falling In Love With You | cth

By lovelukehemmo96

76.9K 1.4K 150

Cassidy Winters is bullied by Calum Hood, the popular guy in high school. Everyone loves and admires him expe... More

Falling In Love With You
Author's Note
Falling For You Again


1.8K 39 4
By lovelukehemmo96

xiv | realization or ignorance?

Why would I say that? Calling her Scar girl? How brutal could I get? Why should I care?

I chuck down the glass of water before I get up, storming out of the diner to catch up with them,  ignoring Annie and the football team's calls for me, but Luke, Michael, and Ashton left had with her.

She yelled for her life.  Why would I be mad at?

It shouldn't matter to me anyway, she's unimportant so brushing off the thought, I walk out of the parking lot. I think it's a good decision to ditch school. I pull over my hoodie as I walk throughout the neighborhood, passing by mini plazas, people walking their dogs, people walking to go to work or leaving to go home, or just enjoying their free time. The sun hid in the clouds, no longer shining on the buildings, trees, and neighborhood. 

Entering a drug store, I went straight to the cashier, buying myself a brought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with the fake ID in my possession. My conscience yells at me, not to do anything stupid; on the other hand, it also tells me it will be okay, I need it. I knew this isn't me, never been the type to enough like smoking at all. But from the incident at the diner, my mind had somewhere and it was wanting me to smoke. Exiting out of the drug store, I go to the nearest and packed park, fitting in the crowd while lighting my cigarette. After a couple of cigarettes,  I stopped and walking it home.

I get home around 5, about the same time I always get home to, I kick off my shoes by the door, I throw my keys into the candy tray before walking into the kitchen, finding my mom cutting off some vegetables. 

"Hey mom," I said, walking around the island table to give her a kiss on her forehead.

"Hi sweetie," Mom greets me with her smile before looking back down at the knife and cutting board," How was your day?"

"Okay," I answered, sighing as I sat on a stool.

"You sure?" Mom asked me, stopping her cut up carrot to look at my face," Is it about a girl?"

I stared at her, trying to process what she had said, "A what?"

"Is it about a girl?" Mom repeated.

"No," I said, slowly.

"Yes, it is. C'mon. Tell me-"

"M-mom, there's no girl-"

"Yes, there is. Don't you know mothers know best?"

I looked at mom then to my hands. Was there a girl? But who was it? Cassidy? I think back. I haven't think about any girl. Not until I bumped into Cassie in the arcade that day... so there was a girl. But why her out of all girls in this damn world?

"Yeah, I guess,"

"Tell me the gossip!"

"Mom, that's not- nevermind. And it doesn't matter, I don't even like her,"

Mom giggles, shaking her head as she sets the knife down besides the cutting board," Oh my son, you're so denial."

" Am not," I argue back," She's irrelevant." 

"Okay, okay," She laughs, piles the carrots into a bowl," says the boy getting all defensive about a girl he doesn't even like."

"I don't," I tell her, close to pouting, she always does this to me. She enjoys to tease me for any reason whenever she has the chance. But what more can I do? Nothing, she's my mom.

"Yeah, right," Mom giggles before she walks up to me and kisses my forehead," Well loverboy, go upstairs and wash up, dinner will be ready in five."


"You know Michael and Luke have been hanging out with Caggie lately, right?" One of the boys tells me as I went through my phone.

"And? I know,"

The football stares at me in confusion but knew not to push it further. They knew, everyone knew that Micahel and Luke have been with Cassidy and not me for a straight month, did it bother me? Yes. But what can I do? Ignore it, no way am I apologizing to her. 

A familiar moppy blond hair catches my eyes, I look up to see Luke walking out of the lunch with a tray in his hands. I get up from my seat to catch up with him. Stupid tall bread, I can barely catch up with him. luke walks through a hallway which leads to either the music room or football field, he takes the football field direction. 

Luke pushes open the door and continues to walk. As the door closes, I walk up to the door to see Luke was walking towards two people sitting on the grass underneath the blazing heat. The brunette looks at Luke as he walks over and smiles brightly at him, showing her gummy smile at him, then my heart lifted for a split second. 

A/n sorry if this was short

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