My Bestfriend

By anniehaydenxo

68.2K 2K 744

I'm not that girl you would see in dresses or playing with girls; you see Brennan changed that. Ever since I... More



1.8K 70 25
By anniehaydenxo

What is love?;

12 years old(same day)

Today has been the most miserable,slow day of my life and just as I thought it was going to get 100% better as the last bell rang at the end of the day I managed to be wrong.

Every day after school on Mondays and Friday's I would stay at Brennan's house for the night so I was looking forward to my Friday night,until Brennan's kind heart said otherwise.

"Do you want to come over to my house with Annie for a few hours?"Brennan asked Layla as we all picked up our things and made our way towards the halls.

"Great"I mumble under my breath.

"Huh?"Brennan asked me dumbfounded

"Nothing,just talking to myself"I smile a fake smile

"Okay"He smiles back

"I'll just check with my mom"Layla informed us while butting in.

She whipped out her phone from her back pocked of her navy jeans.

Within what felt like 10 seconds of walking through the halls towards the exit she had her mothers answer.

"She will pick me up at 5:30"She smiled at the both of us.

I retuned the smile as real as I could.

Brennan kind of glared at me.

"What"I mouth to him while shrugging my shoulders.


"What snack would you like"Brennan asks Katie,Layla and I who were all sitting in stools behind the island.

"Grab me some potato chips"Katie demands

"Magic word"Brennan replies raising an eyebrow.

"Abra-cadabra"She giggles and so do I

"Whatever"Brennan laughs with us

"I'll have the same as Katie too please"I kindly ask

"And you?"Brennan asks Layla while turning his body to face her.

"I'll have what ever you'll have"She smiles

Immediately Katie walks away from the island and steadied her feet down the hall.I could her very small sobs.

"Katie!"I yell after her.

I stand up from the stool and begin to walk towards her bedroom door,but my head stopped my feet to turn to look at the all alone Brennan and Layla.As much as I didn't want to leave them alone,Katie would always come first.

My feet caught back there pace and made there way into Katie's room.

There she was,all alone crying into the palm of her hands.

"Kates?"I say softly but she just kept sobbing.

"What's up Katie"I speak once again while planting my but on a spot next to her and rubbing her back just like Brennan always does to me and it always helps.

"That look"She spoke softly

"The look that Layla and Brennan just exchanged was the exact look I experienced with Caleb that night on the balcony,he was going to be with me one day I just knew it;but here I am"She starts to sob even harder.

"Shhhhh"I calmly gesture while stroking her hair as she leans on my shoulder.

As she calms down I decide to ask her something.

"Katie?"I ask

"Yeah?"She says taking her head off my now saw shoulder.

"If you knew you would be together one day then why didn't you say that you liked him?"I ask keeping eye contact the whole time.

"I was 8 and didn't know what I was doing.Annie he was my first crush at eight years old is that insane?"She sighs

"Insane?"I sorta ask.As she nods back I sigh but soon turn it into a kind of chuckle.

"Katie I've been down that road and so far all I know is that you have to keep believing know matter how deep the pain is"I say

"I loved him Annie"She spoke

"That's a strong work Kates you can't just throw it around"I say back as if she was joking.

"I'm not throwing it around,I really did love him"Her words still ringing in my ears.

A moment of silence begun to spring.

"How did you know?"I ask

"You know that time when I was 7 and he was 11,when he was teaching me how to play base ball.That was the moment I knew that no matter how old we get I would always love him"

By this point I was crying with her.

"Katie?"I ask for the third time


"I love Brennan"


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