My Mini Motionless Creature

By almost0ver

33.7K 1.3K 118

Chris was at an after party when he got the call of his life. He found out that he in fact had a daughter. He... More

The Call
Meeting the Guys
Her Gift
Her Gift (part 2)
The Six Circles
Aunties and Uncles
French Toast and Devil's Night
Unknown Talents
Tears and Heart Monitors
The Age
Someone You Love
If I Let You In You'll Just Want Out
Silence is Killing Me
Still Nothing
Virgin Skin
I'm Stuck
City Lights
Earbuds and Playing
Walmart at 3am
Take It Away
Tell Me When You Hear My Heart Stop
How Could You
On Wheels
In The Air...
Eyes Wondering
You Are Beautiful In Every Single Way
Getting Back
Hold Me....Please
Epilogue-//- Under the Mask
The End

A Keeper

502 31 2
By almost0ver

Aria's POV
"Okay turn right here." I say pointing to my street. He turns and bobs his head as Bring Me The Horizon plays through his speakers. "Right here." I say smiling at his hair getting messed up from the head banging. Then I notice all of my uncles cars in the drive way. Even Rick's car.
"Thank you for lunch. I had a really good time." I say blushing. He blushes just as hard as me and say "No problem. You are really cool and...beautiful." He says dazed. I giggle and mutter a thanks. Then the idea pops in my head. "Would you maybe want to meet Motionless in White?" His eyes glitter with fascination. He nods his head. "Come on." I say getting my bags and getting out.
He looks nervous. Or uncomfortable. I touch his shoulder and say "Hey it okay." He calmed down and took a deep breath. I was about to open the door when it swung open. I look to see my dad in his spiky leather jacket, a Misfits shirts, black ripped jeans, and his makeup done. Along with my aunts and uncles.
"Who is this?" My dad says folding his arms over his chest. "Dad this is Zeke. Zeke this is- well you already know him." I say smiling slightly. "Wait he knows who we are?" Ghost asks behind him. Zeke's eyes go wide when he saw Ghost. Well I know who his favorite member is.
Zeke nods as dad narrows his eyes at him. "What year did we form?" My dad asks. Is he serious?! "Dad can we at least go inside and play twenty questions." I say moving him aside and letting Zeke in. We sit in the living room and dad waits for his answer from Zeke. "2005 but you started to get noticed in 2006." He says like he memorized it. Dad nods then says the most ridonkulous thing ever. "Have you had sex yet?" "Dad!" I snap.
He is seriously pulling this, now?! Uggh satan shook me now. Zeke turns a deep shade of red. "No sir I haven't." I'm going to kill him. I hear Ricky laugh. "Shut up Richard, no one is talking to you!" I snap. Ricky shoots me daggers. Ryan-Ashley defends me. "Yeah Ricky I think it's nice that you haven't done that yet. Save it for the right person, don't do what Ricky did." She snorted. They all laugh except Ricky.
Balz then manages to explain their laughter to Zeke and I. "When Rick was 16 he had a crush on Nicki Stevens, he lost his virginity to her and she said 'I would date you but I'm a lesbian.' Right after sex." We all laugh at the last part and Ricky stands up. He walks to me and gets in my face. I stand up straight and look him dead in the eye. "He may be a virgin but deep deep down inside you know you aren't." He says in a low whisper.
     You know what screw this. I take off my glove and grab his hand. I put his worst memory on replay and here him crying. Allie and Ryan pulled me off. Ricky fell to the floor with streams on his face. "Bitch!" "Dick!" He stands up and leaves slamming the door on his way out.
     "Your a witch?" Zeke questions seriously. I turn around and look down. "Yeah, if you think I'm a freak you can leave." I say holding back tears. "No! I'm a wiz!" He says surprised. I look up and see all the guys and girls with the same expression as mine. Shock. "For real?" "Yeah I'm a pure." He says smiling. "Me too." "Awwww" my aunts say in a group.
Zeke and I blush deeply. "So Zeke who is your favorite band?" Balz ask. "Well it's a three way tie of Black Veil
Brides, Korn, and you guys." Vinny smiles. Dad grins and says "He likes Korn, I like him." Vinny looks at me and says "He's a keeper." I blush and giggle.
"Well we would love you have you for dinner. Unfortunately Ricky and Whorey are joining us." Dad says making everyone groan. "I would love to." He says laughing. Kylie puts on a movie and we find our spots. I can feel a pair of eyes burning into my face. At first I thought it was dad but when I looked I noticed it was Zeke. He gives me bats in my stomach. I really like him.
Hey people
So what do you think???
Are y'all ready to meet Ricky's girlfriend?
Well she will be in the next chapter.
Comment and vote pllz
I love y'all so much
Black Cat

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