bang yongguk + song jieun | b...

By daisukijimin

66.2K 2.7K 1.5K

jieun tries to gain experience so she can get her first time over with ongoing More

+21. Halloween Special


1.5K 66 19
By daisukijimin

[3rd Person]

As expected, Hyeri decided to take an earlier flight and Yongnam drove her to the airport. At least that meant there wasn't going to be any more awkward tension between her and Yongguk.

Alone in his room, Yongguk had a lot of time to think. He remembered that Jieun never answered him when he asked her 'what are we?'

Maybe she was too shy and didn't know how to answer that question because she doesn't know for herself?

Or maybe the relationship they have is just physical and Jieun has no interest in Yongguk or has any romantic feelings whatsoever for him.

That would suck.

But he still couldn't understand why she chose him out of all the guys in school. He wasn't the most attractive or most athletic and they both knew very well that he wasn't the most popular.

So it was still a mystery as to why Jieun chose him.

Yongguk was sure that if a new, handsome guy came around, Jieun would be more interested in him and forget about their confusing physical relationship.

Yongguk was positive that would happen eventually. In the midst of his thinking, Yongguk entered his passcode and went to his cameraroll. He deleted all of Hyeri's pictures and deleted it off his recently deleted.

But then he went to his messages and clicked on his and Jieun's chat. The last thing on their chat was the picture that Jieun claims she "accidentally" sent to Yongguk.

She told him that she took that picture because she wanted Dohee's opinion on the bralette, but he liked to think that she sent that especially for him.

Yongguk wished that Jieun would wear something like that when she's around him, but then he had to stop himself from thinking like that.

He has never had any fantasies about girls' bodies before had met Jieun.

He pondered on whether he should invite her to hang out somewhere for the day, but he no longer had to since Jieun texted him first:

I need someone to come with me to Bukhansan National Park to take pictures for my project. Dohee is busy with Inseong so are you free?

"Thanks for inviting me out with you today." Yongguk said, trying to keep up with Jieun as they climbed up the hill.

"Well, Dohee was busy so..." Jieun held up her camera and took a picture of the view. The part about Dohee being busy was a lie though. She never asked her if she wanted to come.

Yongguk nodded and looked at Jieun's outfit. She was wearing a sleeveless light pink shirt, denim shorts, and a bandana wrapped into a bow on her head. He thought he looks was very cute. "You look very nice today."

Jieun looked at her attire and thanked Yongguk. At least he made her smile.

"I'll go get a map, I'll be back." Yongguk said, going off to the information booth.

While Yongguk was gone, Jieun looked at the photos she had already taken. Someone from afar noticed her, and immediately took interest in her.. "Hey." He stopped beside Jieun and leaned against the railing.

Jieun looked up from her camera and said 'hi' back. After placing the lens cap back on, she turned around to walk away.

"So what's your name?"

Jieun looked at the guy once more . He seemed to be around the same height as Yongguk. He had a really handsome face and his muscles could be seen with the muscle tee that he was wearing.

Jieun immediately labeled him 'fuckboy.'

"It's none of your business." Jieun retorted.

The guy laughed it off, "I just saw a pretty girl all by herself and wanted to know if she needed company. It can get boring walking around here by yourself."

"I'm not interested." She tried to walk away, but he placed his hand on her shoulder, preventing her from going anywhere.

Yongguk was just coming back from the information booth when he saw Jieun talking to another guy. A guy who he knew was more attractive than he was. He even had his arm around Jieun, something Yongguk didn't think he could do so easily in public.

"Come on, I'll go up there with you." He heard the guy say to Jieun.

Without even putting up a fight, Yongguk felt like he had already lost to him. He knew Jieun couldn't resist a guy like that.

"I already said no. I'm here with someone else."

"Someone better looking than me?"

"Yes. He is."

Yongguk  couldn't believe what Jieun was saying. Jieun desperately looked around as the guy wouldn't let her go. When she met eyes with Yongguk, she tried to pull her hand out of the guy's gasp.

Yongguk finally found the courage to are in and marched right up to them and gently held Jieun's hand. "Sorry I was gone for so long. Is everything ok?"

Jieun nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

"Is this the guy you're here with? Seriously? You act as if he's a better choice than I am."

Yongguk hated guys like this. If there wouldn't be any consequences, he would have thrown a punch or two by now.

"Yongguk, let go of my hand." Jieun's voice clearly showed that she was angry. Yongguk obeyed and released her hand.

Jieun  took a swing at the guy's face and that finally made him take his hands off of her.

"Did you mean what you said back there?" Yongguk asked once he and Jieun got to the top of the hiking trail.

"What did I say?"

"That you think I'm better looking than he is."

"Yes...but that guy was ugly so don't flatter yourself."

Sorry short fluffy chapter bc I love yongguk so much

Papi is looking so appetizing with that bear sweater and wine glass

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