colours of viridian | BOOK ON...

By Kate_Marr

9K 1K 200

First book in the 'JADED' series! ~"You taste..." He trailed off in the most seductive voice I had ever heard... More

I n t r o : coulours of viridian
P r o l o g u e
A b o v e
S t u b b o r n
C o n t r o l
H a u n t e d
P r e d a t o r
P r e y
W r o n g
C o n f l i c t e d
F a s c i n a t e d
C u r i o s i t y
e X p o s e d
H e a d a c h e
M a s t e r p i e c e
E x p l o s i o n
S e l f i s h
F r o z e n
V e n o m o u s
I r r e s i s t i b l e
B l o o d l u s t
F r i e n d s
K i s s
Q u e e n
K e n a d i a
B i t t e r
I n v i s i b l e
D i s a p p e a r i n g
P o n d
B u t t e r f l i e s
B e t r a y a l
R e g r e t
A n g u i s h
T r u s t
F r u s t r a t i o n
B e a u t i f u l
B i t e
H u n g e r
H e a r t a c h e
S t a y
D a r k n e s s
W o r t h l e s s
A k a s h a
T e a s e
C a l m
I n t r u s i o n
S c a r e d
Y o u r s
S e c r e t s
W h i p l a s h
L o v e
B r a i n s t o r m : info overload
V a n i s h e d
D e s t r u c t i o n
A l i v e
R e v e n g e
D i s f i g u r e d
B i t t e r s w e e t
N u m b
N o t h i n g n e s s
P u r i f y
P o w e r
Q u o t e s : chapter favourites
Q u e s t i o n : quick authors note

S u b m i s s i v e

112 11 4
By Kate_Marr

S o n g : B r o t h e r D o w n - S a m R o b e r t s

C h a p t e r XL
V i r i d i a n

Something was wrong.

Something was wrong with me. My body was restless, overwhelmed with a sudden energy that seemed to be bursting out of me. With each passing second, my body trembled and shook from the coursing adrenaline in my veins. My eyes flickered around the dark forest trying to find the culprit of my state. What was this?

My eyes gazed hard into the abyss of the trees, watching as the darkness visibly spread deeper and deeper. The only thought running through my mind being what was causing this overpowering suffocation of power inside of me. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced. My clenched hands were practically vibrating as I finally noticed the dark figure coming forward. His presence... It was so powerful. His aura alone was so dominating I was practically stunned into submission.

At a loss of what to do in such a pitiful state, I helplessly watched as a lengthy guy, seemingly not much older than I -if looks at all counted in my world-, came into view. His dark, midnight coloured eyes stood out from his hardly sun-kissed skin and long brown locks. He had pushed back his hair lazily into an elastic, letting wavy strands fall into his shadowy face. His clothes were disheveled and out of date, like he had just woken up from a century long sleep. There was no doubt, this man was a Vampire -and a powerful one at that.

His uninterested eyes flickered past me, "So, you're the one they call Vir-" At once his deep purring voice noticeably failed as he inhaled sharply. His eyes went back to me, now wide and seemingly terrified as he finally looked at me. "It cannot be..." He spoke to himself, his hands beginning to shake as mine were.

Suddenly, an orange little fox uncharacteristically passed close by, capturing my attention as she ran right to Kenna-

"Sh*t, Kenna!" I hissed out, my thoughts instantly screaming at me for my carelessness. My chest painfully tightened as I turned to find her slumped in the dying grass illuminated by the emerald flames consuming her tiny body.

The little fox bit into her sweater over her shoulder in a flash, seemingly trying to pull her back into my yard. Its beady eyes stared at me, as if begging for my help. Without a second longer of hesitation, I scooped the unconscious girl up into my arms, pressing my cool lips onto her forehead in relief as she subconsciously pulled herself closer to me.

Knowing she was safe, I spun back around to face the intruder -it was beyond dangerous of me to turn my back to him. However, his eyes were lost as he seemed to be drowned in his own thoughts.

"Who are you?" My voice came out as a low growl, my protectiveness sparking as I held Kenna's warm fragile body. My fangs protruded, snarling at the unknown vampire before me.

The sound snapped his head up, something painful crossing his expression, "You don't remember me?" He mumbled in disbelief.

My eyebrows pinched together as my teeth grounded in my mouth. There was no doubt in my mind; I had never seen him before in this very long life of mine. Vampires had memories like elephants: we never forgot anyone's face. And yet my entire body was reacting as if him and I were connected by fate itself some way. The power passing between us was rolling around in thick waves that only grew stronger the longer I stood there. It was intoxicating feeling my body fill with such strength and energy --like I could do anything. And yet, next to his magnificent field of power, I had no hope of winning a fight with him.

"I've never seen your face before." I answered out of my tight jaw as my pointed teeth stung from the aura of danger around him. I once more swept my eyes over the Vampire; his dark green coloured eyes narrowed in confusion and anger, trying to figure something out in his mind I couldn't see.

He appeared to deflate, shutting his pale lids as he inhaled deeply. "It seems I have been mistaken." His dancing eyes opened as he released his held breath. "You appear to look similar to someone I had known a while back." He flicked his bottom lip with his tongue, clearly still troubled by my resemblance to his long-lost friend. "You may call me Obsidian." He informed me with a sarcastic formal bow, as if I had asked.

"And you already know my name." My guard was up in spikes as I watched him cautiously. "Why are you in this forest? Why were you looking for me?" My voice demanded answers while I took a step back, afraid of being devoured by the rush of energy wrapping around him if I wasn't cautious.

His sinisterly red lips twitched up amusedly, "The Kas Brothers sent me to say a little hello for them," he admitted in a dangerous purr.

A warning growl ripped out of my lips, creating more distance between us. He definitely had the advantage if he were to attack; my concern was focused on the little lady in my arms. How did Phaedra cross my sisters borders? Were they infected? Were there more? There must have been. If they were all powerful like this guy, I didn't stand a chance as I was.

"Relax, kid!" Obsidian laughed joyfully, walking closer to me with a playful skip in his step, "It's your lucky day. I'm in no mood to follow my orders." He shrugged, while I carefully kept my distance.

With each step forward he took, I took two back. It was a cowardice dance, but until Kenna's safety wasn't at risk, there was no way I'd allow him to get up close and personal. Even I knew when running was the best option.

"You disappoint me," he rolled his dark eyes, "Are you really this weak? Or are you just concerned for the hum-" he once again stopped talking as his eyes landed on Kenna. His lips turned up maliciously, "-The little creature who's not quite a human. How interesting. You called her Kenna, didn't you?" His expression was delighted, excitement brightly shining in his eyes as if he had found something delectable.

It made me sick with boiling rage watching him eat up the view of Kenna as if she were just some tasty intriguing snack. "I swear to you, Obsidian," my voice came out in a soft melody that sent a shiver down Kenna's back as she sensed the danger laced into the sound, "You will not live to see another day if you even try to hurt her." I promised, my eyes locked onto his as he stared at her, daring him to try it. Even with the odds stacked up against me, I would never allow Kenna to be hurt again -especially not by another bloodthirsty Vampire.

He held his hands up, the corner of his lips curving up into a knowing and entertained smirk, "By all means. I'll keep my distance from the little love if it means I get to keep my head." His laughing voice was drenched in sarcasm, but finally he ripped his hungry eyes away from Kenna's soft skin, allowing me to calm my icy nerves. "I'll be back, kid. Do try to keep yourself alive until then -what a shame it would be to find out all the hype about you was for naught." He winked with a chuckle, turning his back to me without a worry before disappearing back into the rotting forest.

Suddenly all at once, the immense power rushing through my veins vanished without a trace. It was like getting my feet kicked out from under me. I stumbled to my yard, dropping Kenna into the soft grass as my severely weakened body collapsed to the ground on all fours. My breath was ragged while my limbs shook violently underneath me, struggling to even hold just my torso up. It would be a pathetic and shameful sight for my father if he were watching me right now.

This wasn't good. I needed to train, and fast. The Kas Brothers would be merciless until they caught sight of my severed head on a stick. If Obsidian had tried, I was certain he could have killed me. And who knew how many creatures were out there with the same objective in mind. I doubted I would get a second chance like this again.


Yay! I've had the character Obsidian in my mind for awhile now and I finally get to bring him into the story. I'm excited for you guys to get to know my playful little antagonist. What do you think so far?

Fun fact: Viridian was originally going to be called Obsidian! I kinda have a colour theme going on if you haven't noticed: Viridian, Saffron, Cerulean, Celadon, Obsidian, and many more to come...

(So I know I wasn't supposed to, but I decided to clear up my plot line a little bit. It was getting too confusing to just keep going with the flow, so from here out I do have some things planned for this book [not everything, but certain characters and backgrounds]. It's kind of a masterpiece if I may say so myself, the character backgrounds are just... adjckekfj. I'm very happy with them. It's definitely up there with my other book 'Ignite My Insanity' with all of its twists and turns. I love diabolical plot lines <3 they are my ultimate favourite to write. You never know what's going to happen next! I'm really excited about where this book is going and I really hope you're enjoying it still!)

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