shutup dixon | d.d

By katielees4

305K 6.8K 1.2K

❝ some people find their person in the worst of situations ❞ ➳ MAJOR EDITING {The Walking Dead} {seasons 3... More

Warnings + Cast
4.8 ➳ Somebody's Gonna Try To Stick a Knife Through Your Head
Editing This


3K 79 13
By katielees4

"Come on, Sam. You can do it." 

The small group had to stop in between all of the flesh-eating monsters to try and encourage the small child to move and be quiet. He was putting them all in danger otherwise. Katy held Ricks hand tighter in her own and tried to control her breathing. She found herself extra nervous, not just for herself and the others but for the baby she could have in her stomach.

Jessie Anderson screamed when a walker buried its teeth into her youngest sons neck.

Nobody could have been unaffected by the sight of the young boy being killed and Katy certainly wasn't. She turned her head away from the sight. Jessie refused to let go of her child's hand and that's why the walkers got her so easily. Sam and Jessie had been in the middle of their line and she had been holding Carl's hands. The walkers were coming closer and the teenager couldn't loosen her grip on him.

Rick stumbled forwards, pulling his hand away from Katy and pulling out his axe. He hacked Jessie's hand off determinedly; he had liked the girl but he loved his son.

Everything after then happened quickly.

There was a click, Ron Anderson holding a gun to Carl's head. Nobody was insensitive to him, he was a young boy that had just seen his mother and brother killed but he was trying to kill Carl Grimes. Carl Grimes was protected by the whole group and that's why Michonne impaled Ron.

For a second everything seemed okay again but then Carl mumbled and the three adults turned around only to see blood pouring from the boy's eye as he fell forwards. Katy screamed. Michonne groaned. Rick stumbled towards his injured son, picking him up and they all began to run.

Denise opened the door to a house and they made their way in there as fast as possible. Carl was placed on a stretcher and Denise immediately began to try and help him. In the light, his eye looked worse. Katy had always seen Carl as mature and kind of adult but he was a boy -- a damaged boy.

"Katy." Aaron ran forwards and lifted the bloody sheet over his little sisters head before hugging her tightly.

"This is all so shit." She said into his chest.

"I know." He nodded. "I've been here since the start, I can't believe it."

The door opened harshly and Rick stormed outside with his axe in hand. Katy felt a sudden surge to help him because her family was important to her and their home was important too. She didn't want Rick alone out there. When she picked up a large knife and stepped forwards her brother tried to stop him but she didn't listen.

"Being pregnant isn't a good enough reason to not fight nowadays."

Rick was in the middle of a crowd of walkers, he didn't notice the woman walking out. He was outnumbered by quite a lot of them and Katy knew that she needed to draw some away. Reenacting a plan she had done a few times when she was travelling alone, she cut down her own arm so that some walkers would smell the blood and follow her trail. She killed them as they came towards her, moving backwards as she did. Some others began to leave their homes and help with the fight, they began to make a steady pace.

"We can beat them!"

As everybody moved forwards, the unity of the Alexandrians (old and new) became very visible. Working together, they were beating the walkers and thriving. As a community they were strong. Bright orange flames lit up around the houses and trees, the creatures going towards them. It was kind of beautiful.

As she got closer to the flames, Katy recognised the familiar wings on the leather waistcoat and it made her fight even harder. Every fibre in her body wanted to get to him. Everybody else seemed to see the end of the bad day approaching to and they fought better than ever. When the last walker fell, Katy didn't get a chance to go to her husband instead she was pulled away by her brother and pushed towards Denise to be checked over and stitched up.

"He's making a bigger fuss than he needs to." Katy assured Denise with no use.

The doctor shook her head and sat the other woman down. "How far along are you?"

Katy shrugged as Glenn and Maggie walked in with shocked faces at the words they just heard. "You're pregnant?" 

"Think so." She replied nervously. "Only realised this morning. We can have lovely chats about diapers now."

They laughed quietly. "Congratulations."

"I don't know if that's the right reaction. I didn't have that and I certainly don't think Daryl will." She worried, not realising that somebody else had just walked through the door.

"I won't have the right reaction to what?" Katy's face paled and she looked around with panic, everybody looked down awkwardly. Daryl noticed the strange behaviour. "Someone better tell me."

"I'm pregnant." Katy whispered before looking away in fear. She knew that her husband didn't want a kid, especially not in the world they lived in. He had enough trouble with his own father that had probably caused a lasting mental scar and the apocalypse didn't help.

Daryl didn't say anything for a while before uttering. "I guess we should have expected that."

"How did you do this? It could have got a vein." Denise asked and Katy cursed the girls time for questioning.

"I dunno?"

"It wasn't a walker."

"It doesn't matter."


"I did it myself. I had to draw the walkers away." She admitted with a shrug to make it more casual but nobody looked too happy about it.

"You did that to yourself?" Daryl's voice had raised and she flinched slightly.

"We get hurt all the time." She said carelessly.

"No. Not by ourselves and not be each other."

Before anybody else could say anything Daryl had stormed out of the house with a quick nod to his wife so that she knew to follow him. After her wound had been wrapped up she walked outside the house and looked at him as he stood leaning against the wall.

"Daryl --"

"You slit your own arm."


"You didn't just do that. You did it while you're pregnant." He scolded looking down at her stomach. "You could have killed it."

"You don't want it anyway!" She yelled. "I saw your face in there!"

"Okay. I don't want a kid when the world is this shit!" He admitted loudly. "But don't you dare say I want it dead!"

"But you don't want it." She said sadly.

"It's my kid." He shrugged. "I'll protect both of you."

"I don't want you to." With the shake of her head, he looked confused and hurt. "Not if you don't want to do it."

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I don't know." She cried. "I don't want you to walk away."

"Listen, I felt like I was breaking from the inside when they took you out of that truck in Terminus. For the kid as well." He spoke honestly. "I couldn't walk away from you."

"I saw two kids die today." Tears fell down her face. "I won't be able to look after it without you."

"Look at Judith, we can do that." His voice turned stern. "But you can't hurt yourself."

"It didn't hurt."

"I don't wanna see any new scars on your body."

"We all have scars, it doesn't matter."

"Yours matter to me." She smiled as he opened his arms for her and she walked into them happily, the way she always wanted to.

• Edited •

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