Love for Mr.Mafia

By gemsb12

481K 18.9K 1.5K

#16(Romance)on (4/7/2016) He was not supposed to fall in love. He was not supposed to get distracted fro... More

Mundane life
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 25
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32 part-2
Chapter 33
Eid Mubarak
chapter 35
Amore morsus
His ways
Are you 'Athesist?'
The path of his dark love


10.1K 442 38
By gemsb12

Raftar's pov:

                   What have I done ? No no no no f*** what did I do?!

   Shit! Ya shit Raftar ! Your in a deep shit!

              She is pure so innocent .........naïve  ......... And me ... I am the ruthless bastard . I had planned to take it easy but what did I do? Instead of explaining her , I .... I manhandled her. She is not meant for this life she is not meant to for this torture . She is not meant for me. No she is too good to be meant for some one like me. I don't know why! Why did I marry her and drag her to this hell with me. She was living a complete normal life, a happy one indeed ! Then why? Who is more harmful to her ? Me or that person. That person who took away my childhood. My happiness. My ....... Them.....

            Now he is after her and I wont let him even touch her shadow. She is MINE. My wife . My life. I have lost enough . Not anymore. This money , this life is not more important than her. MY KHUSHBU. She .... I wont let anything happen to her. Ill not let life fade the colours. I have to do something. But.. She left me. I know I asked her to come back but will she come? Will she be back here with me?

They would have been disappointed if they saw that I was treating my wife like this. They would have loathed me. They would have been disgusted of my existence. Heck I'm disgusted of my own existence.

               I move around the house crashing everything and anything that I can lay my hands on. Blood seeping through the open skin on my knuckles. The blood spilled everywhere . I move to my office and throw the papers off the table. My laptop dangling on the side of the table with the charging wire connected to it supporting it from falling and causing anymore damage than its already done. Tears.... I want to feel them but I cant . There is no moistness. I want to cry but I cant. I don't know when was the last time I cried. Not even when they left..... No its been years since i shed drops of emotion through my eyes.

              My hands are on table with a wise like grip. It would have turned my knuckles white with the grip i put if it weren't for the fact that red liquid is oozing out of the open cuts. I need her . She is my life. But she left me. She is gone. GONE. Her dark brown chocolate innocent eyes that flash her emotions. Anger. Love. Hate . Passion. Sadness. Amusement. I could see her soul. Her lips. Pink soft lips. Open up and show white pearly teeth when she laughs. Her smile. Sweet and peaceful. Her voice. Feminine melodic voice. Not harsh loud or too sweet that of a child. Just perfect voice. Her hair.... Which I have never seen. Even after being her husband, i couldn't. And I wont be . She left. GONE. I already miss her .
                She was a childs when she wanted something. But has a brave persona. She shed tears but tears of love. She had a curves. She was slim but she did have few at right places. Sexy . She dint know it but she did. A minx . My innocent minx. That day that bastard was staring and flirting with her. If it weren't for her with me i would have killed him on spot. She calms me. But now she is gone. GONE. GONE FOREVER.

                             I dint knew that the welt up emotion of pain and sadness have brought tears until a soft palm rubbed them off. I dint even notice when someone entered my room nor did I notice that person standing in front of me.

Khushbu's pov:
               I don't know why am I even going back to that monster who hurt me so much. My my heart .... It wont listen to me. Stupid. Stupid heart. I close my eyes to see his sad eyes flashing when I was leaving. I should have felt happy and comforted when I left that place and him for my maiden house. Even though I had to get back to him by evening. But , for some reason I felt my breath heavy. I felt suffocated with every step that we moved closer to my maiden house and away from the mansion. I shake my head.

Im can call myself officially nuts.

You were officially nuts Khushbu by birth. well there comes a snarky smart ass comment from my subconscious.

      We reach the mansion in no time. The car reaches the drive way . Hulky moves from his seat and opens the door for me now.

    Ok now what exactly are you gonna do Khushbu?

     Allah ! Why did I come back ? What do I tell him.

    Maybe I should ask hulky to take me to Ammi.

     I look at hulky. He looks at me with puzzled look but doesn't say anything. Will he hit me if I tell him to take me back? Other hulks who have been following us in other cars stare at me aswell.

     Oh Khushbu what were you thinking.

    Nevertheless I cant back down. I bow my head and step inside the marvellous beautiful mansion. Or should I say was marvellous and beautiful because now I see destruction . The flower vases and antique which seemed to have cost a fortune and now lying in pieces on floor. I frown. But immediately my eyes enlarge at the sight of blood drops.

   Allah! Who is hurt?!

Oh no what if Raftar is hurt. Oh allah leaving him was a stupid stupid idea. Allah please let him be safe. Please please. I pray and step around the shattered glass and follow the line of destruction and blood which led me to his office. I stop just outside his  office door . My hand clutching the door knob . I take a deep breath and gulp. I blink at the dark mahogany brown wood and open the door before I think further and step inside to see the same destruction.

         I see the files and papers on the floor before I see Raftar. My breath hitches and my heart missed a beat . Infront of me is the King of Mafia world . The Rafar Ali in the most vulnerable state I have ever seen. He doesn't see me. He stares straight ahead deep in thought. His face full of pain. His bloody hands gripping the table in a wise grip. Blood oozing from his hand . Its droplets falling on the ground. His white crisp shirt from morning now in a crumpled mess without a jacket. Blood blotches on shirt. He still doesn't notice me. Nor move an inch. A lone tear slips from an eye. Without thinking I take steps towards him and stand beside him. I bring my hand up and wipe the tear away. His stubble rough against my soft palm. Touching him like this....  His stumble make me feel tingly.

   Huh will I ever stop overacting everytime my skin makes contact?

    I move my eyes up to see him staring at me with shock .. Happiness and......... Love?

Raftar's pov:

         Shes back. She is here. With me.  Is this even real? Did I faint because of the blood loss and dead and in heaven ? No I have had worse. I touch her cheek to feel the smoothness against    My big rough bloody palm.

   Yes .... She is real. Her eyes stare back at me. She has no idea how happy I am. I love her. Yes I Do and im not going to refuse it of fight it anymore.

Yes Raftar Ali i the king of mafia world is so very whipped.

   Why ? Why did she come back?

      She is standing very close to me . Her palm still against my cheek. Her eyes staring at mine . It feels like she can see my soul. Read my thoughts. Feel my feelings. She is so deep in thought that she doesnt notice our proximity till i clear my throat. She comes back from her trance and takes a step away from me. A frown settles on her beautiful face.

" why did you come back khushbu? " My voice a deep whisper.

Being my khushbu she completely ignores my question and asks her own question.

" why is home so messed up Raftar?"

Home . She called it home. I grin at her and she raises an eyebrow with an are-you-crazy look.

"You ignored my question .I asked first."  I say the grin not leaving for once.

" ladies first ! " she retorts back. I shake my head.

   "I ---- you-----we-----you left  me...." I say my hand moving to the back of my head in nervousness.

  She raises an eyebrow again.

" what do you mean left you? You knew I would come back in the evening right. "

Way to go Raftar!!

     I open my mouth and close it . Then again open and close . I do this twice and shut my mouth sealed. What do I tell her?

  SHe saves me from mortification and talks herself.

" Raftar you dint have to over -react by doing all this" she says gesturing towards the mess I made.If I just said she saved me from mortification then I take my words back. I feel too very mortified than I was before.  " sure the way you treated in the morning  was not right. But this is the one and only time ill forgive you for the stunt you did in the morning. Next time ill hit you in the balls. " the moment she says this she coves her mouth . Her eyes wide in shock. Wow  kitten. I too seem shocked at her words but then burst in a fit of laughter. She scowls at me.

     Just then marium steps into my office with a broom in one hand and a dusting cloth resting on her shoulder. She smiles at us which Khushbu returns. I smile at seeing her smile but it wont last long with Khushbu's next words.

"Mariyum, don't. You dont have to clean this mess. Raftar's mess.... He did it so he himself will clean it up." She smirks at me challenging me mischief clear in her eyes. Is this women out of her mind?  Never ever in my life did I do any sort of domestic work and she is asking me to clean ? She asked the king of under world to CLEAN?!

" no no maam . Ill do it " marium retorts in a polite way. But khushbu doesnt listin to her and takes the broom and the dusting cloth from her and drags her out of the office and locks the door. She stands in front of me extending her had towards me with broom and the cloth.

" are you out of your mind khushbu? " i say in mock horror.

" ofcourse not! Raftar. You need to sought your own shit out. Next time, you will understand the burden you put on others because of your deeds ... Now get going. " she says sassily. Oh man ! Why did I ahve to fall in love with her?! And her of all people?!

" what if I wont do? " I square my shoulders and smirk at her.

She shrugs . " fine ill go to ammi's place." My eyes widen at that . No no no. I wont let it happen. She almost turns around when I shout. " fine" and start picking up the files from the floor. She smiles then sees at my knuckles . A look of pain passes on her face.

" its fine , it doesnt really hurt. " I say consoling her. Good she feels for my pain. A feel of joy burst in my chest.

I continue to pic the files and papers when she goes to bathroom connecting the office and comes out with a box in her hand. FIRST AID box.

I stare at her in shock. She takes the papers from me and sets them on table then she pulls me to the couch in the farther end of the rooms and motions me to sit. I sit and she takes my large rough hand in her small soft ones and starts cleaning the wound . Then she applies some ointment and wraps my hand in a band aid.
I sit still while she continues to tend to my wounds.

Why did you come back ? Why? Even after I hurt you so much!

Hey lovelieeeess !!!! I know I should be sorry for the late update but im not. It really is too difficult to write a chapter . I dint want to hurry up and write some trash . So i hope you like the chap .... Read like and... Comment. I would love to read your comments so pleasse do comment.

There are few errors but ill correct them once I get done with the story and also I would like to make a trailer for this book. So i need your help.... Please text me in the private box ... And happy week end guys . Enjoy and have loads of funn!!! 😬😀😘

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