Over Again ~ Sequel to Loverb...

By doyoupedal

42.6K 913 87

It's been over 7 months and Ashley is back in college. Attending everyday to class, she is joined by her new... More

Chapter 1. || "new college year, new... roommate?"
Chapter 2. || "love him, love him not?"
Chapter 3. || "call him up!"
Chapter 4. || "Doing business."
Chapter 6. || "On the horns of a dilemma."
Chapter 7. || "That's why you dumped her."
Chapter 8. || "7 months in 7 minutes."
Chapter 9. || "That should be me."
Chapter 10. || "Roxanne Monroe"
Chapter 11. || "Happy 19th Birthday, Sykes"
Chapter 12. || "I'm sorry if you find this inappropriate."
Chapter 13. || "I'm here for you."
Chapter 14. || "The truth is..."
Chapter 15. || "The big day."
Chapter 16. || "Rollercoasters and heights."
Chapter 17. || "Just say it, okay?"
Chapter 18. || "Number 12. "
Chapter 19. || "Playstation, coffee and Skype."
Chapter 20. || "How I lost my virginity by Ashley Underwood."
Chapter 21. || "Fears and weaknesses."
Chapter 22. || "Beautiful."
Chapter 23. || "From San Francisco to Las Vegas. (Can I kiss you now?)"
Chapter 24. || "From Las Vegas to Dallas. (UFOs, skate and fainting)"
Chapter 25. || "How weird is that?"
Chapter 26. || "From Kansas City to Philadelphia. (Girl vs. Boys)"
Chapter 27. || "Dirty man thoughts."
Chapter 28. || "Metamorphosis."
Chapter 29. || "Take care of her."
Chapter 30. || "Ups and downs."
Chapter 31. || "From Atlanta to Miami. (5 minutes of fame)"
Chapter 32. || "Surprise Factor."
Author's Note.

Chapter 5. || "The arrival".

1.6K 36 6
By doyoupedal

One Week Later.  

+ + + 

- stop biting your nails. - Roxanne told me and dropped my hand to my lap as I rolled my eyes, though I kept my other hand on the steering wheel. 

- don't you know how nervous I am? - I replied, looking outside of my car's window: a 2004 silver Renault Megane I was able to bought with some of the money I made whilst being a model. 

- C'mon Ash, he can't be that bad. - she told me with an acquiescent kind of look. I looked back at her.

- oh trust me, for me, he is. - I told her. - I mean, I was about to forget him, and now I have to spend almost a month by his side, all day, all night? That's just not fair, you know. - I sighed. 

- life is always unfair, okay? - Roxanne told me and sighed as well as I turned right and parked the car on the airport's parking lot. I stopped the engine and faced Roxanne. - Now, don't let that douchebag bring you down and give him the best smile you can possible think of, that'll make him die inside. - she winked at me. 

I smirked, though I wasn't sure if I was ready to do this. I've been mentally preparing myself for this day but I just wish the wait was a little bit loger. I looked at the car's dashboard, where the clock was, and saw that it was a quarter to 7 and the sun was still up, the boys' flight must arrive at any moment. I took a deep breath, opened the door and stood outside. I unconsciously checked myself out in the car's window to see if I was fine. But I didn't do it for Nathan, who cares about him, anyway? At the end of the day, I'm seeing my 4 best friends again for more than half a year and, who says I can't be presentable for them? 

I catched up with Roxanne who was already walking towards the entry of Logan International Airport here in Boston. 

Suddenly, my head started spilling with thoughts: what was I going to say to them? How was I going to greet Seev? and Tom? and Max? Should I hug them or will it be way too awkward? What is Jay going to do when he sees me? And more important, was Nathan going to ignore me or act different around me? All those questions going around in my head made me want to puke. It's been so much since I last saw them... 

But, there was a good side: Nareesha and Kelsey were coming with them! How could I forget my girls? I was a bit sad since Jay told me Max had broken up with Michelle last year after they got engaged, I never met her but I felt sad for them. You know what they say: long distante relationships will kill you. Anyway, I know Roxanne is going to be good friends with them as well, she is just as fun as they are. 

I tilted my head upwards and checked the airport's schedule, and read that it said that flight 457 from British Airways had just arrived. My throat closed up as I felt anxiousness accumulating inside of me. Roxanne, in sight of my nervousness, came by and kind of massaged my shoulders so I could tense down a little bit. - calm down beautiful, it's gonna be alright. - she got her phone out from her pocket and read something. - see? - she flipped her phone to me - Josh says that you should be relaxed, is not a big deal. - 

I kind of smiled. I was so lucky to have friends like them, they always knew how to get me. 

As we walked towards the door in where the guys were supposed to come out from after getting their luggage, I took a look around me and saw some fans gathering around the same door as us and got even more nervous. My experience with fans was never good, so I didn't know what to expect from them this time, especially after they know that I'm not dating Nathan anymore. I hope they don't start rumors. 

I saw shadows filling the customs room through the translucent doors and some people coming out from them and greeting their families or friends. I couldn't stand it anymore so I just got out my phone and started fiddling it to avoid eye contact if one of the boys came out. I bit my lip and tried to blank my mind, but of course I couldn't. I felt butterflies in my stomach as Roxanne patted my arm. I looked at her first, but then followed the direction in which her index finger pointed.

My jaw droppped as I saw Max coming out of the customs room with a big smile on his face. My heart literally stopped beating when I wanted to run towards him, but I couldn't, as my feet wouldn't move, it's like they were buried in the ground. I saw a bunch of girls running towards him like I should've done, circling him, plus Tom and Siva that were also coming out with Nareesha and Kelsey. Suddenly the room was blown away with an avalanche of flashes from the cameras and screams from the fans. I wanted to faint right there. 

10 minutes later the fans kind of dissipated and I got the chance to see them again, since before they were all surrounded by screaming girls and all I could see was Max's bald head. I waved at Kelsey and through signs I told her that I was going to be outside waiting for them, as I didn't quite much want the fans to see me. 

Roxanne and I waited in the parking lot for at least 5 more minutes until we saw the guys coming out of the airport with Kevin, their security guard. - oh God. - I took a deep breath and hid under my hand. Roxanne raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a "watch this" kind of look, then she waved her hand at them and pointed me, indicating them to come over. - shit Roxanne you're dead. - I hissed as I tried not to cry, I was so nervous. 

I heard someone running towards me then, someone -I guess the same person who came by running- picked me up from my calves and spun me around in the air. - MAAAAX DROP ME PLEASE!! - I yelled and laughed. 

- how's my favorite girl in the world?!?!? - he asked me when he put me down again in the floor. 

I arranged my t-shirt and pulled down my shorts whilst laughing. - c'mon Max, I know you tell that to every girl you see. - I smiled at him. 

- why don't you just accept it and answer my question? - he pulled me into a hug and I tried to answer. 

- I'm fine, oh dear Lord, how I missed you guys! - I managed to say. 

- hey, hey George, get away, I wanna hug her too. - said Siva with his irish accent and that scratchy voice that I just love. Max pulled away and Siva hugged me. - it's so good to see you again, darling. - he said to me.

- HOW'S MY ASHNATOR? - I looked towards the voice and saw Tom. My eyes instantly lit up as I smiled and ran towards him. 

- TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!! - I yelled and hugged him with all my forces. I know it sounded like I had preference over Tom, but I just couldn't contain my excitement. He was the funniest one by far and I just loved how he made me feel. He was like a brother to me. 

- wow calm down remember I'm taken. - Tom said and I rolled my eyes whilst laughing. I looked away and with the corner of my eye I saw Jay. My nervousness took over me again. 

- Jaybird! - I shyly said and walked towards him, extending my arms as in a hug. 

- No wait. Can I get a greeting like Tom's? It was much more full of... life? - He joked and hugged me, and I tried to lift him up from his waist but I obviously couldn't. It was the first time I saw Jay (in person) and I knew it wasn't the same that skyping with him every week. This time I could touch him, feel him and smell him... 

- Oh James... You don't know how much I missed you. - I said, my head buried into his strong chest. 

- Me too, Ash. - He said looking into my sunglasses, with a big smile in his lips. I pulled away because his eyes were killing me and went over to Kelsey and Nareesha to greet them. They were as radiant and beautiful as always. Tom introduced me to Nano Tissera, the band's new day-to-day manager. I also said hi to Big Kevin who came with the boys. 

Then it got to me that I hadn't seen Nathan. I looked around covertly looking for him but saw no one. But then, I noticed him walking out of the airport, and everything got in slow motion. I think I was staring at him, thanks God I had sunglasses on or he would have noticed. I couldn't believe how much he changed. If it wasn't for his nose, I wouldn't have recognized him. He was way taller, he had a new haircut and I believe I can say he was more muscular now. He looked like a man, I mean, the old Nathan was like a child. Thanks God for puberty. 

I tried hard not to drop my jaw at him, since it'd look very thristy and needy and no, thanks. He looked damn hot. He was wearing his grey "Manhattan" t-shirt , his red sweater, blue jeans and grey high-tops. With every step he took towards me I died a little bit more. 

I had to look away when he was coming closer to me, because if I kept staring at him and he noticed, it would be pretty embarrassing. I turned backwards and tried to mix myself with the boys so he couldn't see me at simple view. I pretended like nothing happened and introduced Roxanne to the boys, Kels and Nareesha. 

Roxanne was now greeting Siva when someone cleared their throat from behind, sending a chill immediately down my spine. I didn't turn around though, I know it was him. I tried my best to keep on staring blankly at Roxanne so she could tell me something with her eyes like "calm down" or something similar. My heart started beating again fast and my head started spinning around. I was so freaking tempted to turn around -you don't know how much- but I tried my best not to. 

- heeeey mate where were you? - said Tom with his strong Bolton accent. I stopped breathing. 

- The fans wanted me to record a video with them, you know how's that. - he said and laughed, as if it nothing was happening, as if I wasn't there. My heart broke. 

Roxanne gesticulated the words "turn around" with her lips and opened up her eyes like two plates, and then smiled at me and signaled it with her fingers for me to remember to smile. I bet I looked half-dead at that moment. For a second, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, relax. 

When I turned around I faced a full-smiled Nathan right before my eyes, but when he looked at me in the eyes, since now my sunglasses where placed on top of my head, that smile completely vanished and a wave of concern washed over his face. I nearly could breathe and I broke my brain trying to think of what to say. But even if I had the proper words, how could I even speak with this knot stuck in my throat? 

- oh, hii... - Nathan's eyes filled up again with something warm, and I felt my whole body breaking and cringing. His lips formed that half-smile that made my whole body shiver.

I gulped down and tried to speak, though I still sounded like a dog about to die. - helloooo - I did my best to smile, and despite I was dying of nervousness, I think I pulled out a decent smile. 

- it's... Nice to see you again. - he said, although I thought he was lying, and did something that caught me off guard: he hugged me and again, the sweet smell of his took over my nose; that smell that I just forever missed. 

I tried to breathe as my mind went crazy. Nathan could probably feel my heart, it was pumping out of my chest. - ditto. - I simple said as he pulled away. I wasn't conscious of the silence around us until this point. I felt everybody watching me and you all know that's not my favorite thing in the world. 

- wow, new hairstyle I see. - he said and nervously laughed, scratching the back of his neck. Goddammit Nathan James Sykes. It was true, last month I cut my hair to the length of my shoulders, so it was a little bit short now. I felt myself blushing as he kept that face with his goofy smile on. 

I laughed nervously. - yeah, yeah. You've got a new one as well. - 

- yeah, you noticed. - he half-smiled again. But it was impossible not to notice it. He'd kind of cut his fringe so it didn't even touch his eyes this time, and now he combed his hair up, resembling a lot Siva's hairstyle. Now, his green eyes popped out even more. I didn't know he could be more attractive than he was before. 

I started biting my lips when silence filled the atmosphere once again and it just wouldn't go away. Thanks God someone cleared their throat behind me, which made me turn around. - I think it'd be better if we get in the cars before someone notices we are here. - said Siva looking at me. 

For a moment I was lost in outer space. I wasn't thinking of anything or wanted to. I was just lost in time. I snapped back to Earth again and the only words that slipped out of my mouth were "huh?", which made me feel stupid. - oh, right. - I said, confirming myself. - the vans are over here guys. - I walked towards the vans I rented so they could follow me. 

We walked to the vans and the guys started putting their luggages inside them. They started to hop in and accommodating themselves, since not all of them fit into one van. Siva decided to go in the other van with Kelsey, Nareesha, Big Kevin and Nano, saying that he had enough taking care of the "little boys" in the airport, we all just laughed and let him go to the other van. As soon as Tom, Max, Nathan and Jay got in the second van I waved "see-you-later" at them and then closed their door, but when I was walking towards my car, I felt the door opening again. I turned around, thinking that they might need something else. - what? - I asked at wide-eyed Max who was holding open the door. 

- Jay asks if you're not gonna come with us. - he told me. 

I bit my lip. My original plan was to drive back to the hotel with Roxanne in my car. I didn't plan this. - ummm... I think you guys are tight in there? - I raised an eyebrow. 

- nope, actually, there's enough amount of space for you, Roxanne and another person. - he paused. - c'mon Ashley, we've missed you lots. - Tom said making a hand gesture for me to come over. 

I turned around and saw Roxanne doing the same thing with her hand as Tom, then she added: - go ahead, I'll take your car to the hotel babe. - 

I threw daggers through my eyes in her direction, letting her know that she was not helping me at all. Not only did I just have the most awkward meeting with Nathan but now I had to be 45 minutes in the same car as him. Perfect. I threw my car keys at Roxanne and walked towards the van. I hopped inside and sat between Max and Tom. Since the car had a row of seats behind the driver and the passenger's seat, I was facing Jay and Nathan who were sitting in front of me. Something told me that that was going to be the longest car ride I've ever had in my life. 

- sooooo Ashelyyyy - Tom slapped his hand on my thigh and tapped it, making me think that it was going to burn bright red when I got to the hotel. - what have you been up to? - 

- nothing, just, you know, studying. - I smiled shyly. There was a pause there and I know it would've been proper to ask what have them been up to, but I already knew, so why ask if I know the answer? - you know, lads, I bought your new album album, and it's a-ma-zing. - I added raising my eyebrows. 

- really? what's your favorite song? - Jay asked me, as if he didn't know. I called him and fangirlied with him when I bought the album. 

- c'mon, you already know that. - I said and laughed, leaning over him to punch him playfully. 

- yeah, how could I forget those screams over the telephone when you called me. - Jay laughed as well. I turned to my left and Max was staring at me suspiciously with an eyebrow raised. 

- what? - I asked him confused. 

- nothing, nothing. - he said and rubbed his mouth with his hand as he looked outside the window. Maybe me and Jay look like we're flirting? Please, no. 

- so, what's your favorite song, then? - Nathan's rumbling voice sounded through the van, making me want to be closer to him. 

Biting my lips again, I started thinking about Battleground, their new album. I reviewed the tracks on my mind. - Oh my God, man, I don't know! I think all are so magnificent. Let's see, I love Last To Know, I'll Be Your Strength, Lie To Me, Gold Forever and Turn It Off, but I think I have something for Rocket and specially for Warzone.

- we've got a lot of feedback from the fans about I'll Be Your Strength, since basically it's dedicated to them. - Tom said. I nodded with my head and smiled. 

- actually, Tom wrote Lie To Me. - Max added.

- no, really, Tom? I feel the urge to not sing but SCREAM that song. I really like it a lot. - I told him. Tom winked and thanked me. 

- Siva and I wrote Turn It Off, and lil' baby Nath here wrote Warzone with Max. - Jay added, messing Nathan's hair as he talked about him. 

- I wouldn't say that I wrote it with him, since I did only like 2% of that song. - Max added and signaled Nathan. - He is the mastermind behind that song. - 

I giggled and looked at Nathan, who for my surprise, was already staring at me. My smile faded and I felt dizzy as I slowly got lost in his green eyes. He looked away and rested his chin on his thumb, placing his index finger over his lips. I cleared my throat and tried to regain my breath. - Anyway, the whole album is just perfect. I also heard that you guys are going to release a single that is not on the album on April as well! - 

- yeah! We're really excited about it, we all think it's going to be a massive hit. We wrote with Example. - Tom told me. 

- Example, the singer? - I asked. They nodded. - Wow, that's amazing! He writes amazing music. - I completed with a smile. 

We continued talking about more stuff like that and we caught up in our lives. As soon as we arrived to the Revere Hotel Boston Common, the guys hopped out of the van and grabbed their luggage. We walked in and I confirmed the reservations of the 4 suites. I have to admit that I felt a little bit awkward because I didn't know if I was doing this work good, it was the first time I ever had to manage something this big on my hands, I was responsible for a whole event. Luckily, none of the guys told me I was doing something wrong and Nano and Big Kev were also helping me, so I had nothing to fear. 

The guy on the desk gave me the four key cards and I told the boys to follow me. The suites where all in the same floor, except that they were separated from each other. The doors of the elevator opened and I marked the button for the 15th floor, where the suites were. We all turned right in the hallway and I gave each one of them the key cards for their suites. I didn't know how they distributed themselves in hotels, so I came up with a simple plan: one suite for Tom and Kelsey, one for Nareesha and Siva, one for Jay, Max and Nathan and another one for Nano and Big Kev. I hoped it was alright. 

After an hour of helping them unpack and put everything in order I took a glimpse at my clock and it was already 9:30pm. - guys, I think I should leave right now. - I told them, making my way to the suite's door.

- wait!? Why are you leaving? - Tom asked me. 

- because... it's late? - I replied.

- I thought you were still on Spring Break or something like that. - Jay told me with a confused face. 

- yeah, Spring Break ends this week, but I still have next week, since the dean of my faculty gave me the week off so I could be with you guys, since now I'm like your right hand. - 

- so what's the rush? You're on Spring Break! You should be getting drunk or having fun! - Max added. 

- getting drunk does not sound like having fun. - I said, but as soon as the words left from my mouth I felt the urge to get them back, since I sounded like an old lady. 

- c'mooon, I know that one of Boston's best pub is just around the corner, the Emerald Lounge. I did my research. - Tom said and winked an eye. 

- guys, even if I want to go with you, I can't! I'm underage here in the States. You need to be 21 years to legally drink, they won't let me pass. - I sighed and sat in a wicker chair. - and there's no way I'm using a fake ID, that will NOT happen. - 

- man, that's right. It sucks. - Jay said, disappointed. 

- but you guys can go, I really don't have a problem. You can even invite Roxanne and her boyfriend Josh, she's 21 and Josh's 22. - I told them. 

- sounds good, so you're going to your department? - Max asked. 

- actually, to my college's dorm. - I stated. 

- you can stay here with me, anyway, I'm also underage, I can't drink here. - Nathan, who haven't spoken in a long time, said, sending a chill down my spine. 

- Nathan, I don't, I don't know... - I said and laughed nervously. 

- please, stay with me. - 

What was I supposed to do? 


A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH OMG please don't kill me!! I know I haven't updated in more than a month, it's just that I'm not in my country, I'm in Mexico for vacations! So yeah I haven't had much time to write, but I promise that I will be updating more from now on. I hope you enjoy these chapters :) xxx

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