Supernatural Preferences/Imag...

By Carry-On-Castiel

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How You Met
Your Song (Modern)
Your Song (Oldies)
What He Loves About You
What You Love About Him
How You Two Sleep
His Favorite Movie
How You Annoy Him
New Character- Gabriel
Where He Likes to Kiss You
How You Know He Loves You
First Kiss
When He's Jealous (At a Bar)
When Your Jealous (At a Bar)
He Tells You About His World
When You're Ill
When He's Upset
When Your Upset
Who He Bromances With
New Character- Lucifer (Part One)
New Character- Lucifer (Part Two)
His Name in Your Phone
Your Name in His Phone
How You Turn Him On
Time For You Guy's to Choose!!
You Get Hurt (Dean and Sam)
First Dinner Date With Gabriel
Party With Cas
New Character- Crowley (Part One)
New Character- Crowley (Part Two)
One-Shot Sam
New Character- Adam (Part One)
New Character- Adam (Part Two)
A/N and Requests
Castiel One-Shot
Important Announcement
You Get Hurt (Cas, Gabe & Luci)
You Get Hurt (Crowley & Adam)
Dean One-Shot
First I Love You
Contest Results!
Sneak Peek!
A/N Sorry...
Dean One-Shot
Cas One-Shot
How He Wakes You Up
You Wear His Clothes
Dean Imagine (Part One)
New Character- Charlie (Part One)
New Character-Samandriel (Part One)
New Character- Charlie- Part Two
Cute Moment
Funny Moment
Awkward Moment
Dean Imagine Part Two
When They Stole a Kiss
Girl Problems

New Character- Samandriel- Part Two

2.6K 83 11
By Carry-On-Castiel

When He Gets Jealous (At a Bar)-

He doesn't go to them, but he did pick you up from one on your 23rd birthday. You were out with your friends and he punched a drunk in the face for touching your ass.

When You Get Jealous (At a Bar)-

He doesn't do the bar scene. He doers this thing called Netflix and Avoid People. You really love doing that, too.

He Tells You About His World-

An angel? Yeah, right. You weren't stupid.

This was your third month of dating Samandriel, and you just knew that there was something weird about him. But him thinking he was an angel was not what you were expecting.

You invited Samandriel to move in with you since he was currently living a crappy hotel room a few blocks away from you. He declined a couple of times, but you eventually wore him down and won him over. He had just moved some clothes into your house when you sat down on the bed and watched him put them away in the closet.

"Sam, are you hiding something from me?" You asked. You knew there was something wrong, but you didn't want to just assume something when it wasn't really true.

Samandriel turned around and looked surprised. "Did you figure it out? Wow, Castiel was right."

It was your turn to give him a surprised look now. "What are you talking about? If I knew what was wrong, don't you think I would have talked to you before now? And I certainly wouldn't be asking you,'' you replied. "Who's Castiel?"

He sighed and walked over to the bed. He got down on his knees in front of you and grabbed one of your hands in his. "Y/N, I'm an angel."

You would laugh if it wasn't for Samandriel's serious expression. You knew he was dead serious and you didn't understand. Angel? You knew he was as sweet as one, but still. A real live angel?

You were about to say something about this, but there came another voice. One you didn't recognize.

"He's telling the truth, Y/N,'' the unfamiliar voice said. You followed the sound of it and saw a man in a large trenchcoat standing in the corner of the room behind you. "Samandriel, I need you."

You grabbed Samandriel and moved behind him. "Who the hell-"

"That's Castiel. He's also an angel." Samandriel turned towards you and lifted your chin up towards him. "I'm telling the truth, Love. Believe me." You nodded your head in silence. He smiled and kissed your jawline. "I have to go help Castiel, but I'll be back soon. Maybe we could watch Grease when I get back?"

When You're Ill-

There's nothing he can really do. You would really love it if he used his angel mojo on you and got you better, but the one time he did do that, you some a nervous rash and he refuses to do it anymore.

When He's Upset-

You both lay down on the couch and you have him face the ceiling and your underneath him. You run your fingers through his hair and just listen to what he has to say. It makes him feel better, even if it's only slightly.

When You're Upset-

Since you're obsessed with movies, he puts on some of your favorites. If it's like Grease or High School Musical, he'll try and sing along to it and try to get you to smile.

Who He Bromances With-

Castiel. He always looked up to Cas and it helps that there's another angel on earth that knows almost nothing. They share stories about experiences and they talk about you. One time after they talked Samandriel brought you a giant teddy bear that was bigger than your whole body because Castiel said that women liked that kind of stuff.

His Name In Your Phone-

Angel Eyes

Your Name In His Phone-


How You Turn Him On-

Really? The most adorable angel in heaven getting turned on? Get your minds out of the gutter people!

First I Love You-

It has been over a month that you and Samandriel had started dating. You two had what Dean called the "High School" relationship. He held your hand, walked you to where you needed to go and all that crap.

Well, you didn't want that kind of relationship because they rarely ever last.

You went over to the bunker early from work one day in order to talk to Dean and Sam and see what they would do in your situation.

When you arrived there, you noticed that they were already talking to someone. Yeah, you guessed it, it was Samandriel.

You stood behind a wall and tried to not make yourself noticed. You wanted to know what they were talking about, but they were speaking pretty quietly. You got to the edge of the wall and heard them better.

"I don't know what to do guys. I think Y/N's getting bored of me,'' Samandriel told the two of them. Wow, maybe Dean was right and this is a high school relationship? Get bored of Samandriel? Heaven's most adorable angel? Yeah right.

"Dude, you just gotta spice things up a bit. Show Y/N that you can do things out of your comfort zone," Dean said first.

"You could also try just telling her what you feel towards her. Girls like that kind of stuff," Sam said and gave Dean a weird look.

"Have you guys even had sex yet?" Dean asked bluntly.

Your cheeks heated up as you heard the question. You wanted to run away right then and there, were about to actually when Samandriel answered him.

"No. I'm waiting for her, and she's waiting for me. I want everything to go perfectly. I want it to be amazing and magical. Plus, I'm an angel, remember? I'll feel comfortable having sex with her after we get married," he answered. "If that'll ever happen. I still have to tell her that I love her."

You entered the room then, your cheeks still red. "I love you, too, Angel Eyes."

How He Wakes You Up-

He normally makes you breakfast. The smell of bacon or pancakes usually wakes you right up, especially when he surprises you and brings it to you for breakfast in bed.

You Wear His Clothes-

You took his hat off one day at the park and started running around in it. He started chasing you and you two soon ran out of breathe and decided to lay down and look up at the clouds. You took the hat off and tried to give it back to him, but he shook his head and put it back on you.

"It looks way better on you, Love."

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