New Character- Lucifer (Part One)

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How You Met- 

You were at a concert that was show casing (your favorite band/artist). You've been waiting for two years for this concert by saving up money and finally getting (best friend) to go with you. You were so excited when you saw the band getting up on stage to do their first song.

You cheered really loudly and threw your fist up in the air, your favorite bracelet flying off of your wrist. You didn't realize it did that till a tall blonde man tapped you on the shoulder and flashed your bracelet at you.

You smiled up at him and reached for your bracelet, but the man pulled his hand back quickly.

"I want your name first," he said.

"Y/N," you said and reached for the bracelet and this time getting it. "Yours?"

"I'll see you again, Y/N," the man said and left before answering your question.

Your Song (Modern)-

Hero- Sterling Knight

Even though Luci was a bad guy, he is your hero. He can't be tour Superman, but he can protect you.

Your Song (Oldies)-

Time Warp from the movie The Rocky Horror Show

You two watch this movie a lot and you love to random yell lyrics from this song out loud when it's just you two.

What He Loves About You-

We'll, he's the devil but you don't care. You'll tell him your opinion whether he wants to hear it or nah. He likes your bravery.

What You Love About Him-

He really isn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be. He actually loves to cook and bake cookies! He only shows that side to you though.

How You Two Like to Sleep-

He doesn't really sleep, so he'll stay awake and watch you sleep while playing with your hair while you sleep soundly on him chest.


Yours for him: Daredevil, Baddy, Babe

His for you: Love, Sweeting, Frisky, Klutz

His Favorite Movie-

Finding Nemo

He thinks it's funny and original. His favorite character is Crush and he says dude a lot after watching it.

How You Annoy Him-

He like to throw things when your half asleep. He learned this out the hard way. He tried to wake you up so you could 'go to work' with him, but you threw an alarm clock at him when he tried at 7 in the morning.

Where He Likes to Kiss You-

The back of your hand. Yeah, he's a gentleman too!

How You Know He Loves You-

You're not big on the whole 'killing nearly everyone' thing, so when you think a person is completely innocent, you ask him not to kill them. He normally listens to you, unless he's really pissed.

First Kiss-

You were walking back from a cafe you were at with one of your friends when a black Cadillac pulled up in front of you.

You were trying to remember if you knew anyone who owned a black Cadillac, but the blonde man who you met at the concert rolled down the window and smiled at you.

You were at first surprised that you saw the man again like he said you two were going to, but then smiled back at him.

"It's late, get in." He said ans reached to the other door and opened it from inside the car.

You raised an eyebrow at him, but got in anyways.

After a few minutes of silence, and you tell him where your apartment was, you finally said something.

"You never answered my question."

"Let me take you on a date tomorrow night and then I'll answer it."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"You don't."

The rest of the car ride was silence. You thought about his offer till you reached your apartment. You sat in his car for a few seconds more before he turned around and asked what your answer was for the date.

You turned towards his face, smiling. "Yes," you said quietly and placed a small kiss on his lips before getting out of the car and getting inside your house.

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