Cute Moment

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You tease Dean after every hunt. It could be late at night or early the next morning, he goes into your room and makes sure you're okay. Sometimes he stays there and holds you in his arms because the hunt was so terrible.


One day, Sam woke up besides you and saw a strand of hair in your face. You looked so peaceful that he didn't want to wake you up, so he grabbed the strand and pushed it behind your ear. Your eyes fluttered open and you looked up at him with half-asleep eyes. "Go back to sleep, Beauty."


You were walking around the bunker with the cast on your leg weighing you down. You looked over at the main room of the bunker and decided to in there and relax with the guys and help out if you could. Castiel walked up behind you and picked you up bridal style, carrying you into the main room and setting you down on a chair next to him.


"You know something?" Gabe asked you while you where in the middle of rolling cookie dough into small little balls and putting them on a sheet to bake. You turned your head and gave him a small smile. "When I first saw you, I never imagined that I would have such strong feelings for you." That turned your small smile into a huge smile.


He wrote you a letter, but wouldn't let you read it when other demons are around. So you went back home early just so that you could read it. All it said was "I love you."


Well, Crowley is a demon and has absolutely no problem telling you his every want and desire. You were picked up from your house one day and brought over to his only to find him not there, but a note saying that everything in the house was at your disposal. Best present ever! After the whole day had ended, he came back to his house to see you watching Netflix, eating ice cream and dressed in sweats. He leaned over the couch and whispered, "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Darling."


You were staying the night in Adam's bedroom. It wasn't the first time you've done this, and definitely wouldn't be the last. You two were smacking each other with pillows and running around the room. You got up on the bed and Adam's pillow hit you dead in the face, causing you to fall back down on the bed. Adam got on the other side of you and started kissing you all over your face and kept saying that he was sorry.


"Hey, Y/N?" You looked up from the computer, in the middle of reading and updated fanfiction that you were very excited about. "Mind if I Slytherin to your pants?" You smiled and facepalmed.


He was living in his own apartment at the time, and you loved going there because every time you did Samandriel always gave you one of your favorite candies or snacks. He kept them in a cupboard above his kitchen sink.

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