New Character- Crowley (Part One)

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How You Met-

You never really liked clubs. You loved music and dancing, but on your own terms. You had your own taste in music and who doesn't want to dance to their own beat and possibly fall off their bed by accident?

But there you were, at club with two of your friends. They dragged to this club to try and celebrate your birthday, but all they were doing was flirting with guys and getting drunk.

You sitting at the bar, ordering a shot of scotch when a British accent voiced itself from behind you.

"Scotch. Lovely choice, love."

You turned around to see a man standing there looking at you. You smiled a little bit and tipped your drink at him before downing it.

"Would you like another one?" He asked and sat down next to you at the bar.

You looked over at where your friends were at. Oh! Lookie there! They're making out with a random person!

You turned back towards the man and smiled. "Would love to."

Your Song (Modern)-

If I'm James Dean then You're Aubrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens

You chose the song because the king of he'll deserves to be loved too right? And your love is all he'll ever need for a forever.

Your Song (Oldies)-

Good Morning Beautiful by Steve Holy

Every morning he wakes up next to you, he says this into your ear.

What He Loves About You-

He loves how sassy you get when you're focused on something important. When some talks to you and you're busy, they mainly get a sassy remark back and he loves it!

What You Love About Him-

Yeah, he likes to torture and kill people, but even the worst kind of bad boys have their sweet sides. His only comes out with you around.

How You Two Sleep-

Like a normal couple! One person on each side of the bed. You two aren't very big on the whole cuddling thing. You tried to sleep all cutesy once and Crowley rolled on top of you and nearly smothered you.


Yours for him- King, Hun and Psycho

Him for you- Love, Sweetheart and Killer

His Favorite Movie-

Psycho, it explains why you call him that.

How You Annoy Him-

When he's torturing someone for fun, you go down and sit there watching him and just ask him what he's doing to the man or woman nearly every five minutes. Patience is not one of his virtues. If he had any.

Where He Likes to Kiss You-

Your shoulder. He likes to sneak up behind you and scare you. He always kisses your shoulder and whispers how sorry he is in your ear afterwards.

How You Know He Loves You-

He's a king, the king of hell really. So whenever you need something, just ask. Even when you don't ask, he gets you something. The first two months of your relationship it was a new bracelet or necklace or fancy trip every day. He's calmed down though.

First Kiss-

You two were on a date in Italy, having a fun time just walking around. You were walking on a small cement wall with the side walk and Crowley to one side of you and a river on the other.

You had one hand in Crowley's and the other was spread out wide to balance yourself.

"I'm going to laugh if you fall, sweetheart," he said with a small chuckle.

"So will I because I know you'll jump in to rescue me!" You said with a small giggle and a wide grin.

"You really think I'd do that?"

"True, true. We should test it."

With that, you let go and fell the five feet into the river.

"Shit," Crowley whispered to himself, took his jacket and shoes off before jumping in after you.

Crowley dove in and grabbed your waist, pulling both of you up to the surface. You gasped for air and smiled over at him.

"Told you," you said and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Yeah, yeah. You were right," he said and leaned in closer.

You both closed your eyes and your lips gently collided.

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