Rise of the Guardian and Prot...

By Zella40Sacy

52.4K 1.1K 446

This time, Merida and Rapunzel are stepsisters. Nevertheless, they love each other. Both of them haven't expe... More

The Sisterhood
Our Only Desire: Friends
The Decision
A Mysterious Tower
The Stranger
Acquainted with the Winter Spirit
Imma Get Myself Out of Berk
Out Into the Open Air
Bumped by Accident
Heal what has been hurt
Came out of nowhere
Collapsed at the moment
The New Recruits
She's hearing voices
Cheeks Reddened
The Guardians in their Own Perspectives
Black Sand and the Dark Voice
Start Over Again
Concealed Cooperation
First: Secret Preparation and Second: Breakfast
The Birth of the Big Four
The Two Friends Falling Apart
Renewed Friendships
Combine Forces for Revenge
Rapunzel's birthday: PART 1
Rapunzel's Birthday: PART TWO
Arrival of the Great Distress
Wretched, Caged, First Revealed Secret
What happens NOW?
The Daughter Arises
Escaped From the Firegirl
Something's Just Wrong
Girl in Black Dress
The Lost Princess
Could Not Forgive
Burnt Home
The Final Battle Begins
Pitch's Undoing
Don't Just Stand There, Help.

ARGUMENT during the Rescue?

1.2K 31 8
By Zella40Sacy

Chapter 17

~Merida P.O.V. ~

Alright that’s it! I’m gonna die! Good bye cruel world!!

I closed my eyes readying myself to be taken by death! But then...

Ahahaha! This was easier than I thought it would be. You won't make it Hiccup. My nightmares will crush her! And YOU will not be able to make a rescue! I heard that dam’ voice again! ARGH!! >.<

"SHUT UP!" Rapunzel shouted.

Oh. I see little Rapunzel's out of her tower. The voice said.

"How'd you know about us?" She asked.

I know every kid who has fear in them. The voice laughed evilly.. Stupid voice! If I can only see him and my back doesn't hurt, I'd kick his eyeballs!

Now, as for your sister.. Hmmm...


"Don’t you dare lay a finger on her!!" Hiccup shouted. Then HE laughed again! Ah!

This was your fear. Am I right? I guess he was referring to Hiccup. -_-

Oh Hiccup, you should tell Merida now before it's gonna be too late. Huh? o.O

"What are ye talking abowt?" I asked.

Oh. I completely forgot. Merida hasn't known it just yet.

"What is HE talking abowt Hiccup?" I asked this time to Hiccup since that fleabag is not interested to tell me.

"I-- I don't know! I'm not sure." Hiccup replied.

"NOT SURE??! Wha!??"

Confused Merida?? Well Hiccup here has been keeping this to himself from the time he met you and little Rapunzel by the forest. Why don't you share that yourself DRAGON-BOY?? The horses backed away for me to see Hiccup riding Toothless in the air with Rapunzel. Okay. I do not liking this at all!! Can't they just give the details to me straight?!!

Hiccup just stilled there in silence along with my sister facing on the ground. It was super quiet for like 3 minutes!

Fine! You don't wanna tell. Well I guess I have to move on with my plans though... Look closely Hiccup. Cause you'll be seeing herself dying ALONE in PAIN!! AHAHAHA!! Nightmares, ATTACK!!

"MERIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Both Hiccup and Rapunzel shouted.

I gasped there at my place when all the horses were rushing towards me and ready to kill! My heart was beating faster than ever before! Until....

















What??! O0O






A bolt of ice hit all the horses surrounding me!

"No one's alone. Not even her." (A/N: Yup: I got it from Epic! GAAH! I was watching that movie while writing it. :D)

That voice look so familiar! I turned around and saw -.- pfft! Jack.

"Jack??" I said smilingly at the winter spirit.

"Jack!" The others cheered.

"What? Never thought I'd save the day guys?" He said looking at the others then to me. "And Ginger?" Ahaha! I still hate him for that! xD

"Ye know ye better stop calling me names."

"Not a chance LAVABRAIN!" He said. Oh great. -_- A new name!

"Yeah. Whatever." I replied. I'm supposed to be older than him so he should respect me! I don't care if he's 300+ years old currently. His brains and actions are absolutely for a 17 year old! -,-

Jack Frost! Just the guy I was waiting for. My old pal. What? Him again?? >.< Alright, he is so pissing me OFF right now!!!!!

"Old pal? I like to call it more of an arch enemy!" Jack said. "Now Pitch! Let them go."

Oh right. What do you think of me? A guy who tortures kids and lets go of them just by that? Huh! I'm not that stupid Frost!

~Jack P.O.V. ~

 Yeah! How stupid of me! I remembered he's the bad guy.

"Alright then, why don't I just fight you man to man? You want that?" I said.

With pleasure! Pitch's shadow is appearing and then he turned into his human image. I readied my staff in its battle position and aimed it at Pitch. I looked at Merida and the others and their faces looked at him like 'EEW! That's HIM?' ... HAHAHA!! xD

"Hold on mates! You're not battling this fight on your own!" I turn around and saw Bunny and the other guardians! Finally! Now we can defeat him! Oh wait. I CAN defeat him all on my own.. xD Haha!!

I smiled at them and they walked beside me and prepared themselves for the battle! Oh yeah! I missed this!!! :D I looked at the protectors and they were smiling as well.

"Hey Jack, could ye kick his eyeballs for me? Or if not for me, for Rapunzel." Merida said winking her eye. O____O Well that's something I don't get to hear from HER every day.

"So you're giving me a chance to ask her out?" :DD

"Sure! Why not? Ye saved my life, I owe ye one." She said smiling. And now my heart is going BOOOOOOM!!! HAHAHA!!! xDD YESS!!

"Thanks Merida." I said and she nodded.

~Hiccup P.O.V. ~

Phew! They're here! They're all here!! Thank goodness I don't have to tell something to Merida.. Alright this dark guy who I assume is called Pitch knows me about liking Merida..

Hey! Don't look at me. I AM in love with her! Not just because she was cool. She's somehow the person who I feel and know is just right for me. :DD Now I just hope nobody else knows this except for Rapunzel and that evil guy! I was super close in telling the truth.. O________O Phew!!! :D

~Bunny P.O.V. ~

Oh... So now that everyone is here, why don't we have some little fun? Pitch's voice echoed.

"Fun? You? Haha! That was funny mate!" I said laughing out loud and the others looked at me with disgust like I was a crazy laughing rabbit -_-. That was embarrassing especially to Tooth. She was just next to me.. O__O Oh boy.

~North P.O.V. ~

“Hey Pitch!” I called out and he faced me. “Don’t even bother scaring those kids.” I said pointing to the protectors. “Fight someone your own size! HAAYAA!” I threw two snowballs and four yetis came out and a few elves. Bunny tapped his right foot twice on the ground, and two humungous eggs appeared. Tooth chirped and an army of mini fairies came.

“Woah. Tooth! You’ve trained your fairies for battle?” I asked and she nodded. “Wow! You trained them pretty well!” Tooth giggled and her mini fairies went chasing away some of the nightmares first! Then we all entered the fight! Bunny threw his boomerangs, Jack used his staff, Tooth used her wings as blades to destroy the nightmares, and I used both of my swords. And I’m gaining myself to Pitch..

“This is going to be EPIC!” I shouted and the rest of them kept battling.

~Rapunzel P.O.V. ~

“Get me down Hiccup. I’ll go and heal Merida.” I told him and he nodded.

We went to her and I jumped off as quickly as we were just a few meters away from her. Hiccup followed and helped me with my hair.

“Thanks Hic.” I said.

“No problem. I mean you could really use a help.” He smirked and I smiled.

We ran and horses which I assume are called nightmares were coming to stop us. Well, I took out my frying pan for defense! ;D And I whacked every single one of them! xD Ha! They were not dead though, they just collapsed. Finally, we reached her but just before I could wrap my hair to her, someone took me by arm and a black knife was reaching my neck! It was Pitch.

“Rapunzel!” Hiccup and Merida screamed and the guardians heard and turned to us. I tried to whack him with a frying pan but he was too fast and he got hold of my hand.

“What the-? Let go of me!” I shouted. Hiccup attempt to stab Pitch by his dagger but the nightmares blocked his way. Now there are 10 nightmares surrounding Hiccup.

“Hiccup!” Jack yelled and merely waved his staff at the nightmares then a flash of lightning ice hit them! He flew towards us and faced Pitch.

~Bunny P.O.V. ~

I saw what happened to that blonde girl and how Jack destroyed the nightmares surrounding the brunette boy. While he (Jack) was persuading Pitch in letting go of the girl and while the brunette boy ran towards the frizzy red hair, I secretly entered the hole and transported myself at Pitch’s back quietly. The brunette boy saw me and I warned him not to keep his eyes on me then he nodded. Now’s the time for kicking butts!! xD

I’m gonna make a short countdown before hitting him.. Hehe.. xD 1…… 2……. 3…… 4……………. 4 ½….. AND!!!......

“Guardians! Fall back!!! I repeat fall back!!” What??? Tooth?? Oh, what now? o.O I ran into the hole again and retreated… I got myself into Tooth’s side and saw the brunette boy carrying the curly girl towards us and the rest of the guardians came running except for…. JACK.. He’s still facing Pitch.. He doesn’t wanna leave that girly. Oh wait. Her name’s Rapunzel. Yeah.. I mean He doesn’t wanna leave Rapunzel there, not with Pitch… Then soon, the others got to where we are.

“Tooth, what’s the problem?” North started.

“Yeah, I was close in defeating Pitch!” I added then Sandy formed a question mark above his head then turned it into exclamation point. He’s in hurry as well as me. The brunette boy and curly remained silent.

“I know you’re all disappointed but Manny told me something while I was at battle. He says Pitch is too powerful for us to defeat him. We need more time. Manny has decided to give up half of his light to help us escape this fight and so that we can restart.” She said in a worried tone of voice. No! Manny can’t do that! It’ll make half of his light glow out!! And, and that would make darkness conquer without much light!!

“He can’t! He shouldn’t! We can defeat him! I can feel it! IN MY BELLY!!” North said. Ugh. -_- Again? On this risky time!??

“Oh no! You’re not being ironic again North!” I complained.

“No really! I’m telling the truth!”

“STOP IT ALRIGHT! Look, Manny’s wiser than any of us. So I think we should follow his order.” Tooth commanded. I just crossed my arms and glared at North.

“So what you’re saying is that we should let Manny glow out?” I asked angrily.

“No! I’m just saying that we should do as we’re told!” Tooth raised her voice.

“Oh yeah? Well, I didn’t hear him say it. So I won’t follow!” I said raising the tone of my voice as well.

“Fine! You wanna die? Go on then!” She fought back and we were looking at each other like we wanna punch a hard tree.

“Hey guys, no fighting. Listen, my sister’s still out there and so is Jack. We need to help them instead of shouting and complaining.” I heard that red hair say.

 Of what we heard, Tooth and I got off our eyes from each other. Man, I can’t believe her!

~Jack P.O.V. ~

The guardians and the others backed away leaving me, Punzie, Pitch, and his nightmares.

“Just let her go Pitch! And we’ll be out of your way.” I said.

Oh it doesn’t sound fair at all.

“Oh come on! What do you want with her? She’s not the one who defeated you before! She should not be included in your plans!” I shouted looking at Punzie then I notice something green came out of behind her neck. PASCAL!! :D

Pascal was signaling something to me. It’s like he’s telling me to lure Pitch and he’ll get Punzie out of his hands. COOL! Note to self. Take care of chameleons. They’re helpful especially at needy times.. :D I took my eyes out of Pascal so that Pitch won’t notice.

Poor Jack. You don’t get it do you? You are mainly just in front of your own fear right now! See? Pitch said slightly pushing his black knife at Punzie’s neck then I panicked. Pascal, hurry up you lizard!

“Well, I’m not afraid. Not until,….. now!” I shouted.  Pascal bit Pitch’s hand which was carrying the knife and he was all ‘OOOWWWW!!’ xD Hahaha!! Punzie got hold of her frying pan and hit Pitch’s head. BANG!! BEEN HURT TWICE!!! Ooooh! :D That’s gotta hurt!

“That’s for the four of us!!! Hmpf!” She said spitting on Pitch! Woah! GIRL POWER!! Haha! XDD Punzie embraced me and awww… She’s so huggable!

“Thanks for not leaving me Jack.” She whispered then she lets go.

“Anytime milady.” I said curtsying like a jerk. She giggled and


A flash of very bright, white light beamed at the very center of where we were all battling a while ago. It was super. super. SUPER BRIGHT!! Manny?

Ho- How did you- No! Nightmares fall back! Then all of the nightmares went away and so did Pitch. He was the first to go.. Then we went away as well. I carried Rapunzel by the hand and went to the others.

"What? So that's his only weakness? Light?! Seriously?? I could just borrow a flash light from Jamie every day to shoo him!! Oh, this man's a weakling!" I heard Bunny say.

"I don't think he's afraid of just any normal light Bunny." North said looking at the light. Punzie and I landed then she ran towards Merida and started singing.

"North's right. Look at the beam! It has a very bright illumination with all those little yellow orange sparkles! I think that's the only kind of light that he's afraid of." I said turning myself to the guardians.

"But where do we get this kind of light?" Tooth asked and I just noticed it now that she was crossing her arms.

“I don’t know. Find it out yourself!” Bunny shouted.

“Was I referring to you?!” Tooth raised her voice. Hold on, what did I exactly miss?? o.O

“Oh I’m sorry. But I’m afraid you didn’t say you were referring it to everyone excluding me!” Bunny shouted back. I went to North and gave him the ‘What just happened?’ look. He sighed then told me everything.

“No way! Bunny fought a girl! And not just any girl, his very own dream girl!” I whisper-shouted and he nodded. “Do you think it’ll end soon though?” I asked, he just shrugged. Oh boy.. This is gonna be hard.

Bunny and Tooth glared at each other and they looked like they were really pissed off… Oh, I wish I could’ve got a camera right now! xD Punzie finished singing and she unwrapped her hair. Merida stood up and she was now fine.

We waited there until all of the horses disappeared except for one. But this is not a nightmare. It's a normal horse. It was Angus. :)

~Tooth P.O.V. ~

Bunny's such a jerk!! Ugh!! >< I could just slit his throat right now!!! ARGH!!! I crossed my arms for a very long time already. I've never been mad my whole life till now!!!! And Bunny's the only reason I became like this! I swear he'd----

"Angus!!" Merida cut off my thought.

"Angus? Who's Angus?" I asked her, calming down from my moody tone.

"Oh, he's my pet horse. We saw him in the forest while we were looking for Toothless." She said. "And there he is!" She ran towards a horse as black as night with ivory muzzle and fetlocks. I smiled.

"Well, we've got to get going then! We have lots of things to talk about starting from the three of you." North pointed to Hiccup, Rapunzel and Merida. And I can tell they got a bit nervous cause North spoke like he was mad.

"Chill out guys. What he meant is that you're gonna tell us all about yourselves.." I said still smiling. It was a fake though.  I don't want them to get scared of me too because of the incident a while ago.

"Wait. Hiccup's got his dragon and Curly's got her horse. They won't fit in the sleigh." Jack protested.

"Well then, Hiccup's gonna fly his dragon with us and Merida with her pet will go with Bunny in his tunnel." North suggested. UGH!! THAT NAME!! It's such a headache! >< I rolled my eyes and went to the sleigh's direction.

"Alright! Let's go now!! I can't wait to leave!" I said in my angry tone again. I can't wait to leave and kick that Bunny out of my sight! ><

"Okay....." Hiccup said, feeling a bit awkward about my mood. "We should all keep up before another fight will come up! Hey yo Jack let's go!" He continued while I was walking towards the sleigh.

"Don't hey yo me okay? I'm not just an ordinary person YO?" I heard Jack say at the back.

"No fair! You said yo too!" Hiccup shouted and all of them laughed. Even me, just a bit. :I

"Oh stop it guys will you?" I shouted, trying to make myself furious despite the big laughter.

"MOVING ON!" Rapunzel shouted and we all parted from our ways.


A/N: Sorry for not updating soon! Please don't hate me !!! D: I was trying so hard to get my scheds right. But everything was really not settled.

Last Saturday, we got the house very crowded because of all the fuss about visitors.. Well more like relatives coming from abroad and out of cebu actually.... My uncle from QATAR?? My aunt from CANADA (it's not sure yet though), my cousins from the province... They're gonna come too!

Last Sunday, we had our class reunion! Well, I didn't get myself into it much.. I just didn't feel like having fun that day.. But of course, I didn't exactly did the 'not do anything' thingy.. I joined the fun to in jumping on that trampoline.. BAHAHA!! And now my legs, back, and neck are hurting pretty bad bcoz of it!

Last Monday or yesterday, we went to the city to buy my school supplies.. :D Yeah, new stuffies! xD NEW notebooks, NEW pens, NEW school supplies!! EXCEPT for NEW papers... I know that this June, my soon-to-be classmates are gonna rush out asking for papers so I'd rather not buy one... I'll just ask from the others too!! xD HAHA!! FIRST DAY IN SCHOOL AND I'M NOT GONNA BRING A SINGLE PIECE OF PAPER!! xD -EVIL LAUGH- :D

SO YOU SEE??? I got a pretty busy sched! And I am REALLY REALLY SORRY!! Oh and yeah... I got really confused on to whom I'd dedicate this cause a lot of people voted... So uhh,,... I mixed up some and the rest will be for the other chapters... So sorry about this too... It's just that, I'm so freakingly confused right now!!! >_< BRAINFREEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, keep voting, dedications are still free and thanks for all your support guys!! I can't write another chapter without it!.. :DD COMMENT BELOW ABOUT THE CHAPPIE!!



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