Something's Just Wrong

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Chapter 33

~Merida P.O.V.~

We got to North's Workshop. Sort of. We were right in front of it when someone just freaked out.

"GAAAR!!" Jack threw a snowball over... uhmm.. nowhere.

"Hold on theyr, frostface.  We can't pley snowball fayt t'day. Alrayt?" I said, heading to the entrance door.

"I'm not." A weak voice said. "I just--" I looked back and saw Jack kneeling over the snow. Just then I understood what he meant. I looked around and found that the Big FOUR was now the Big THREE. :/ We have missed a member. Rapunzel, my beloved adopted sister.

"Well still.. I would've considering smashing things up than throwing snowballs." I answered.

"Would you want me to?" He said without hesitation.

I chuckled nervously. "Oh come on Jack! I was just joking! What happened to the Guardian of Fun?"

"He's broken." He said.

I can't blame him for being sad. I was too. But I wouldn't take fear in me. Or else, Pitch would take over my head. Concealing it with his dreadful nightmares.

"Hey bud. Punzel wouldn't want to see your face like that. Come on. Let's get inside first." Hiccup comforted his pal. Jack followed him inside the workshop. And then I came along. I glanced at North. He seemed to be quite disturbed. The look in his face was so hard to describe. What's troubling him? I mean of course we were in the middle of a PITCH problem. But it looks like he's thinking of something else. Something beyond of what I know.

"North, you alrayt?" I asked. He was surprised and gave me a slight nod. "You look--"

"I'm fine, Merida. Nothing's wrong."

Tooth patted me on the shoulder and moved me to a new direction. "What's got into him, Tooth?"

She pouted. "I'm not sure if I have the authority to tell you. I'm sorry." Off she flew away to the Globe Room. So did the rest of the Guardians, even Jack.

"Woah, Jack! Wait. Can WE talk to you for a sec?" I asked.

"WE?" Hiccup raised his voice.

"Well yeah. This includes you." I said.

"Whatever about hairflung?" Jack said, obviously annoyed and tired.

"Again with a new name?!"

"Shh. Mer. I thought you wanna tell us somethin'." Hiccup warned.

I rolled my feisty litle eyes. Oh yeah sure. I'll deal with limeface later. "Listen, after few seconds ago.. Did you notice anything strange between the guardians?" I asked.

"Strange? Between us?"

"Except you, Jack."

"I kinda did.." Hiccup said. "..Bunny's eyes were a bit of worried. They were like dead zombies! You know. All weak and opposite of JOLLY."

"Wot? No. I mean. You're partly right. But WEAK? What do you exactly mean by that?"

"I know what Hiccup's trying to say. We Guardians become weak whenever children doesn't believe in us anymore. Remember that?" Jack said.

"Of course I remember but..." I recalled North's face when I asked him if he was fine. He was almost extreme. Why was that? And then Tooth said something that it is out of her authority to say. "Has North occurred something terrible in his past battle with Pitch?"

"Hmm. I aren't sure of that. Why?" Jack asked.

"It's like he has not told us something. He's been hiding it away and the rest of the Guardians knew. Or maybe it was just Tooth."

"So? What now? We can't be like 'hey-big-north-what-are-you-hiding-from-us-eh?'.. That would've even freak me out." Hiccup said.

"Of course we won't do that. We just have to simply ask him...."

"Really?---" Hiccup and Jack said in unison but I cut them off.

"...... politely." I continued.


Rapunzel P.O.V.

"Flowergirl, are you still well, dead? Hahahaha!" Pitch has gone too far.

"Could you just let me go? I won't be a bother to you!" I said.

"Yeah, like I'd let him do that." Mother said. I mean, FAKE mother.

"Where's your true daughter? Why is she taking my body?" I angrily asked.

"She's probably out somewhere spreading some deadly fire-disease." Pitch answered for her.

"Gothel, why would you do this? To me? I thought you wanted what's best for me!"

"Not until I realized I can HAVE my own daughter back! Then we can start all over again like a happy family!"

"But-- are you happy seeing your daughter like that? No manners. No respect. Doesn't even love you, as a mother?" I somehow made her feel guilty. Gothel's eyes were teary and I guess I kinda crossed the line.

"She's happy to see her daughter. That's that." Pitch said.

"Whatever happened to losing your real daughter, it wasn't our fault. You can't take a revenge on us."

"No! Rapunzel, you don't understand! Merida's people took her away from me! She burned her alive in front of my very own hopeless face!" She cried, so hard. "I guess you wouldn't know how a mother feels to lose her child. When I lost her, I captured Merida as a replacement of Nefaria. And then your parents started to take away my precious flower as well, so I took back what they stole."

"You said it yourself. I don't know how a mother feels to lose her child. But do you know howmy and Merida's mother felt when we were taken away? Have you ever thought for once that maybe, you should have took as back and just accept that Nefaria was gone and you wouldn't stay alive forever?!" I shouted. Pitch gave me a warning that says 'one-more-word-and-you'll-never-see-the-light-of-day-again'

Gothel walked away and so as Pitch. I was left in an overly sized cage, a prison with no doors at all. Gothel is like Pitch now, she can just pass through the wall. Except me. I am isolated in this area. Pitch cast a spell to prevent me from escaping.

I thought about what Gothel said earlier of how she lost Nefaria. I wondered, why the villagers could have burned her up? Why was Gothel so obsessed with staying young forever? What does Nefaria mean about the Guardians? Something's just wrong. I can't get through with this puzzle.


(A/N) Been long time guys! I really am just so sorry! I've been so distracted by activities! Speaking of activities, our JS Prom would be this wednesday and I'm really not excited AT ALL. How would you feel going on a dance party on the date when you and your boyfriend met, who happens to be out of your life already? Though, I was the one who busted him, I kinda hurt myself too. Bah.

Anyways, I hope you aren't mad at me for leaving you all very much cliffhanged for almost 4-5 MONTHS! Not even I would have survived that, but if you are reading this now, then I owe you a lot! You deserve a Jackunzel and Merricup kiss on this book and I'm gonna dedicate that chapter to you. Just give me a thumbs up and click Vote if you liked, got thrilled, or felt anything good for this chapter. Thanks and I'll update maybe, next week. Hehe. Ciao!


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