
By Beijing_Aru

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4 ordinary girls' lives become more whimsical beyond imagination when they each follow a watercolor butterfly... More

Amy: The Adventure Begins
Piper: The Adventure Begins
Rowan: The Adventure Begins
Christina: The Adventure Begins
Amy: The Book
Piper: Alternete Universe
Dan: A Dark Secret
Rowan: Shattered Hearts
Christina: The 5 Spirits of Legend
Amy: Stone Empress
Piper: Diamond Queen
Rowan: Gold Lady
Christina: Sliver Princess
Dan: Emerald Knight
Amy: The Prophecy
Piper: Fishing
Rowan: Navagation
Christina: Cooking
Dan: Leaving
Amy: Twister
Piper: Useful
Rowan: Sharks
Christina: The Dark Totem of the Sea
Dan: Rescue Mission
Amy: No Worries
Amy: Nightmares
Piper: The Trap
Rowan: Nightmares
Dan: Nightmares
Piper: Nightmares
Christina: Nightmares
Rowan/Christina: Hope
Dan/Christina: Hope
Amy/Christina: Hope
Piper/Christina: Hope
Amy: United
Piper: Truth Dare and Water
Rowan: Flying!
Christina: Air Sick
Dan: A Quote a Day Keeps the Depression at Bay
Amy/Piper: Pineapples CAN Fly!
Piper: Anime is Life (Extra Chapter)
Rowan: The Sky is Falling!!!!
Dan: Eyes
Christina: Doppelgänger
Amy/Rowan: Jade Mist
Dan: Voices in My Head
Piper: Inner Darkness
Christina/Piper: Control
Some Facts About the Characters
Rowan: The Forest of Memories
Dan: Foggy Past
Amy: Through Space and Time
Piper: Through Space and Time
Dan: Through Space and Time
Christina: Through Space and Time
Rowan: Stars in my Sky
Rowan: How the End Began
Chrisitna: Even When all Hope is Lost.....

Piper/Christina: Angels and Demons

6 1 1
By Beijing_Aru

Piper's POV
"Dark Totem!  Activate!" Daiyu shouts as a cloud of jade surrounds her and her maniacal laughter can be heard, echoing from the cloud. When the mist clears Daiyu stands in her transformed state with a short sleeved, jade Chinese style top that ended right above her belly button so it revealed her midriff. She also wore long Chinese style long pants that were also jade but the bottoms of the pant legs had a dark green flame design that went up to her knees. Her hair was up in a tight, high ponytail but her long hair made it so it went down to her waist and her bangs were jade green and covered her left eye. On her face was a scale-like tattoo design and the same design was on her forearms and backs of her hands. Her nails were black and looked like claws as they were abnormally long and sharp, like talons. "Black Jade!" she shouts as she lunges at us with her talons

"Totem! Activate!" we all shout as we are enveloped in our own warm glows and time seems to stop
"Diamond Queen!"
"Emerald Knight!"
"Stone Empress!"
"Gold Lady!"
"Silver Princess" We shout each of our respective titles at the same time
"Nemean Lion's Coat!" I shout as I shield to protect my friends and I
"Poison Ivy!" Dan and Amy shout in unison as vines of poison ivy wrap around Daiyu
"Silly children" Daiyu says sadistically as her body is engulfed in green flames, burning the plants
"Your petty attacks can't defeat a dragon" she laughs as circles of green flames surround each of us and individual domes of flames surround us.  When the flames subside all of us are badly wounded but I was forced to de-transform due to the large amount of energy that I used up when fighting the demon Christina.  Every inch of my skin burns, reminiscent of the flames that once burned there. My vision starts to cloud as the sleep that I was trying to fight off takes over. "Please, stay safe"

Christina's POV
"Damn it, with Piper out we lost a lot of our power" Rowan says before mumbling swear words
"We can't just count on Piper, we have to use our heads" Amy tells us
"Flaming Arrows!" Daiyu shouts as several arrows covered in green flames fly towards us
"Move Piper out of the way!" Amy shouts as I grab Piper and fly off to set her down somewhere. I set Piper down a few meters away from the battle field and create an air force field around her.
"I'll be back with the others soon" I say just as I take off to help fight.

When I get back Daiyu has already pinned Dan to stalks of bamboo, caused Amy to de-transform and go unconscious, and is currently having a hand-to-hand combat battle with Rowan.
"You manipulated us and forced us to fight against each other!" Rowan shouts as she continues to hit Daiyu, who is just dodging her attacks with ease
"You're strong, too bad I have to obliterate you" Daiyu smirks as she punches Rowan in the gut, causing her to fly back a until her back slams against a stalk of bamboo, knocking the wind out of her. Rowan falls to the ground and lies there unconscious in her de-transformed state.
"Rowan!" Dan and I shout in unison
"You'll pay for that!" Dan shouts as his body is engulfed in a warm aura of sunlight, "Sun Storm!" Dan shouts as a beam of sunlight is shot towards Daiyu, however she easily dodges
"As if such a petty attack could hit me-" she cuts herself off when 6 spheres of electricity surround her and shock her.

"That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be" I say as I take out the arrows that were pinning Dan to the stalks of bamboo
"Not so fast" Daiyu says as she staggers to stand up and a smirk can be seen
"Are you cuckoo weirdo?" I ask as I make the cuckoo sign with my hand, "You lost"
"Dark Totem." She says slowly as black mist swirls at her feet, "Activate.  Demon of Strife!" she shouts as the mist engulfs her and I take a step back.
"That attack should have knocked her out!" Dan shouts as we shield our eyes from the strong wind
When the mist clears Daiyu is now wearing a tight, short, black Chinese-style dress that goes to her mid-thigh and has a jade-green flame design.  She now also has two large, black dragon wings with green spikes and a dragon tail to match.  There is a large, Eastern dragon tattoo on her left leg.  Her hair is in a bun, her bangs still covering her left eye, and she has an excessive amount of make-up with green eye shadow and black lipstick.

"Feather Storm!" I shout quickly as I quickly shoot dozens of glowing feathers her way. However, at about a foot away Daiyu raises her hand, bringing them to a stop before simply flicking her hand and sending them flying towards Dan.
"Hey! Be careful!" Dan shouts at me as he swiftly dodges the incoming feathers
"It's not my fault!" I growl as I send a glare his way, "Wait, what am I saying?" I ask myself as I look at Daiyu, "This is her power, she is plotting us against each other again!" I realize as I quickly take off into the sky.
"Hey! Your just going to leave be behind?!" Dan shouts as I shoot into the sky at an insanely fast pace. "Ever since we got here I have just been able to offer minor support" I think as I suddenly stop flying, "All my friends, they sit in so much darkness. And yet they still reach out to help." I start to do a nose dive towards the ground, the wind furiously whipping at my face as I continue to pick up more and more speed. "I want to help too, conquer the darkness, spread my hope" I speed up more and more, these thoughts powering me as I dive. "Angel of Hope!" I shout as I break the barrier of sound and a sonic boom emits and a silver glow surrounds me.

My avian forms starts to shift into another form, my dress now has a puffier skirt and has many layers, alternating between white and a light creme and goes down to my knees. The top of the dress is mainly looks the same expect now the long sleeves are a creme color. Underneath the skirt there is a pair of white leggings and I now have white open-toe heels to match. My hair is blonde and is styled with a thin braid that goes around my head before meeting up with the rest of my wavy hair that now goes down to my hips. My two wings are now longer and are less wide and bulky.

"Doves of Hope!" I shout as a wide circle of glowing, white magic doves appear. "Soothe the hearts of those touched by this strife" I say as I suddenly stop flying and hover above the tree tops while my magic doves fly towards Daiyu
"Little birds can't defeat a dragon!" Daiyu shouts as she tries to stop the birds but they continue to fly, "wha-" she starts but is cut off when the doves surround her and a large explosion of light ensues. When the light clears Daiyu is de-transformed and panting on the ground
"Hope is a light that will always shine, even in times of darkness" I say as my feet touch the ground, "I hope you stop being a bad guy now weird jade lady" I sternly
"It doesn't matter how strong you get" Daiyu says darkly, "The spell is almost complete, it doesn't matter how many of us you defeat, the gate is almost open" she tells us before dissolving into nothing but thin air, leaving her amulet behind.

"How does this work again?" I ask myself as I start to poke the amulet
"Don't poke it" Dan sighs
"Then what do I do with the weirdo's weird amulet weirdo?" I ask as I pick the amulet up. Just as I pick it up a bright light emits and a warm glow of vibrant jade appears. When the glow dims the amulet is fading away until not a speck of jade is left. "Ah seriously?! All I needed to do was pick it up?!" I ask just as my transformation starts to undo itself. "Wow I'm tired!" I shout just as I promptly go to sleep. But something is still nagging me from the back of my mind. "What did Daiyu mean when she said the spell was almost complete, and what gate could she be talking about?"

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