Awake• 3rd book

By Sammyiams

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Book 3 to the Shawn Mendes trilogy Book 1: Alone Book 2: Memorable What happens after Claire wakes up? More

Sneak Peak
Chapter 1: Officially Awake
Chapter 2: Welcome Back
Chapter 3: Planning
Chapter 4: Ordinary
Chapter 5: My Prince Charming
Chapter 6: Truce
Chapter 7: This is New
Chapter 8: Morning
Chapter 9: Central Park
New Characters/ News
Chapter 10: Trip
Chapter 11: Learning Something New
Chapter 12: Fans
Chapter 13: Food
Chapter 14: Home
Chapter 15: Realization
Chapter 16: Thoughts
Chapter 17: Having Peace?
Chapter 18: Finding The Dress
Chapter 19: The Perfect Dress
Chapter 20: Tell Me
Chaper 21: The Right Kind
Chapter 22: Hello
Chapter 23: Finding a Way
Chapter 24: It's Okay
Chapter 25: Not Understanding
Chapter 26: Rough Morning
Chapter 27: Don't Be Afraid
Chapter 28: Come Back
Chapter 29: Her Type of Friends
Chapter 30: Talks with the Cousin
Chapter 31: Too Much
Chapter 32: Comfort
Chapter 33: Help Me
Chapter 34: Small Talk
Chapter 35: In my Dreams
Chapter 36: Protection
Chapter 37: Figuring it Out
Chapter 38: Sudden
Chapter 39: Change in Mood
Chapter 40: Dramatic?
Chapter 41: The Plan
Chapter 42: For Claire
Chapter 43: I Want You to Stay
Chapter 44: Ontario
Chapter 45: Confused
Chapter 47: Her Test
Chapter 48: Beautiful
Chapter 49: Perfect Night
Chapter 50: Guaduation Day
Authors Note

Chapter 46: Seminar

12K 359 251
By Sammyiams

•Early update before Friday 👀😁 This is dedicated to my history class because this chapter is my history project and I was also experimenting ~Sam

Awake ~49

~Days later: Thursday morning~

Claire Johnson

Shawn is right about McGill. It's perfect and everything that I've ever wanted is here. The last few visit days here with Shawn has been amazing. He has been really kind to me, showing me around and took me to a few classes. We've met with some of the professors and the administrators. We've even had a few lunch or dinner chats at the art gallery.

I think the city is beautiful and there's a lot I can do here. I love the city, speaking the language I love. Shawn and I have been been going on dates since we've been here.

Currently we are on our way to a seminar for history. Shawn didn't exactly specify what sort of history, but we are scheduled to try it out today. Besides the seminar today, I have my cello audition.

Shawn may have forgotten to mention to me that I have to do an actual audition. The music professors want to see me perform live. Very nerve racking thought.

"Claire, you're going to be fine," Shawn says to me as we enter the building.

"Auditions is two hours after this seminar, this... I'm so nervous," I shudder. I'm mentally not prepared for this.

"You'll be amazing as you always are. I'll be there supporting you." I look up at him and smile squeezing his hand. We walk into the classroom and I look around to see it's in a circular set up of a half circle facing towards the front. It's leveled and leads down to the center where I see the professor. I let go of Shawn's hand and we make our way over to the professor. She turns and smiles once she sees me.

"Bonjour mademoiselle."

"Bonjour Madame. Je m'appelle Claire et c'est Shawn." Shawn gives a small wave.

"It's nice to meet you too. I received an email you would be here for our seminar today. Welcome to Montreal! How do you like your visit here so far?"

"It's great!" We talk to the professor for a few moments until I realize most of the students are in their seats. Shawn and I are introduced at first before we were seated towards the back. Shawn and I sit and I take a little bit of notes trying to pay attention. Only one slight problem, Shawn keeps poking me with a pencil because he's bored.

~Hour into the seminar~

"... And Claire Johnson," the professor says. My head shot up from my notebook a little confused. Everyone turns around looking at me.

"Yes?" I ask not sure what she had asked. I've mostly been going through my music for auditions. (Video at the beginning)

"Can you come down here please?" I put my pen down slowly getting up. I look at Shawn and he gives me a small thumbs up as I make my way down towards the professor and another student who is standing down there with her. "We are going to be having  a discussion debate." In the inside I am freaking out. I've never really liked being in front, up for discussion. Especially when history isn't my specialty.

"What is the debate on?" I ask nervously. The girl standing beside me turns a little to look at me. She seems like a history kind of person. I hope I know what the topic is in this matter.

"You and Ann here will be assigned a role." The both of us nod. "Two different roles and the class will take notes and see how everything plays out." So fun. My hands are sweaty already. Claire calm down.

"Ann, you have the role as a Anti-federalist point of view and Claire, your role is a federalist." I nod nervously trying to go through my mind at the memory of learning the unit about this. It's been awhile. Did I mention this was an American History topic?

I slowly walk up to the opposite tall desk that Ann walks over to and stand behind it facing the class. All eyes are on me and Ann. I look towards the back where Shawn is. He gives me a small wave and I give him a nervous smile. I listen as the professor explains the rules to us.

Federalist... Wait, I know this. They are the people who has defences of the constitution. My objective is to be well educated and in a propertied class. Ann is going to be objective towards the Constitution.

"Okay first discussion," the professor says. "Thoughts on the Articles of Confederation. Ann you may start."

"The Articles of Confederation, was a good plan to have and because it gave most of the power to the states. It gave the thirteen original colonies to come to an agreement and it was also the first constitution." The professor looks at me.

"I do not think the same way?" I start as a question. I feel all eyes shift to me. "The Articles of Confederation was weak and it was very ineffective. The weakness of the Confederation... Well... It was weak, there is so much that could be much better. Only each state could have only one vote regardless of the size of the state, Congress didn't have power to tax or regulate forgiven and interstate commerce, there wasn't an executive branch to enforce any acts passed by congress and laws required a 9/13 majority to pass in congress. That doesn't seem logical and fair."

"Like most of us anti federalists, we prefer not to have an executive branch like you think." Because the anti federalists are afraid of them I thought.

"And why not?" Our professor is showing lots of interest. We must be doing something right? I play with my fingers behind the tall desk looking at Ann waiting for her response.

"Patrick Henry once said in his speech, 'If your American chief be a man of ambition and abilities, how easy is it for him to render himself absolute!'"

"John Jay once said 'To all general purposes we have uniformly been one people; each individual citizen everywhere enjoying the same national rights, privileges, and protection.' I think Jay has a point, people in the U.S want to be treated equal. Not differently. He probably thought if, everyone should be treated equally, then we should be ruled under the same influence."

" 'The army is in his hands, and if he be a man of address, it will be attached to him, and it will be the subject of long meditation with him to seize the the first auspicious moment to accomplish his design; and, sir, will the American spirt solely relieve you when this happens?'" It's another quote from Patrick Henry. "It's like going back to having an absolute monarchy." I don't respond not sure what I should stay.

"How about government?" The professor throws out and looks at me.

"A strong national government is needed to control uncooperative states. I think they need to be strong in order to function. The powers in foreign policy needed to be strengthened while excesses at home needed to be controlled. ' one nation, under one federal government or that they should divide themselves into separate confederacies, and give to the head of each the same kind of powers...' The words of John Jay," I half smile and I look over to Shawn to see him with his phone out. What is he doing?

"I am strongly against strong national government because one, they threaten state power and second, they threaten rights by the common people. The constitution was created by aristocratic elements. What we should have is the Bill of Rights to protect the people against abuses power. What is the restraint? How would Congress bound down to the powers expressly given? What is reserved, or can be reserved? That is my opinion on a strong government." The professor nods.

"And what would Patrick Henry say about this?"

"In his speech he said, ' has an awful squinting; it squints toward monarchy; and does not this raise indignation in the breast of every true American?' He wouldn't want to go back to having one ruler who holds all the power."

"And Claire, what would John Jay have said about this?"

"Well... In his speech he mentioned that 'Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights, in order to vest it with requisite powers.' I think he was thinking that the county should think as a whole, so ruling as one would help set that mind set." The teacher nods turning towards the class.

"And that is a scene." The class erupts into applause and I let out a breath realizing I was holding. My hands are so sweaty. I'm glad this is over. I was able to get through it. As we were getting dismissed, I make my way up, Shawn comes down with my bag and gives me a hug.

"You did amazing Claire. I didn't know you were a big history person."

"I'm not," I laugh nervously. Shawn playfully rolls his eyes.

"Yeah... Sure. You air quoted from parts of the speech and the amount of info you had. I didn't know half the things you were saying. I had to look most of it up."

"That's because I pay attention in class and I went to school in the U.S."

"True... Well... Let's go back to the room so we can grab your cello and we can eat before heading to your audition," he smiles taking my hand.

"You had to remind me," I say feeling nervous again. He laughs a little as we make our way out of the building.

•Next update: Music Auditions

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