Anime lemons/one shots : requ...

By SirFlabsAlot98

629K 8.9K 3.5K

Grouped by anime (alphabetically) so newest ones might not be the last chapter updated. Welcome to my book o... More

AC : Karma x Reader
AC : Karasuma x Reader
AC: Karasuma x Reader 2
AC: Nagisa x Reader
AOT: Levi x Reader
BB : Sebastian x Reader.
BB: William x Reader
BB : Ciel x Reader
BB : Finny x Reader
BB: Mey-rin x Bardroy
BB: Grell x Reader
BB: Master Michaelis x Reader
DN : L x Reader
FT: Natsu x Reader
FT : Rogue x Reader
FT: Bickslow x Lisanna (Bixanna)
FT: Loki x Reader
FT: Loki x Reader (part 2)
FT: Sting x OC x Natsu
FT : Natsu x Lucy (NaLu)
FT : Sting x OC
FT: Jellal x Reader
FT : Juvia x Gray (Gruvia)
FT: Jellal x Erza (Jerza)
FT : Rogue x OC 2
HOTD : Takashi x Reader
Noragami: Yato x OC
Magi: Sinbad x Ja'far (SinJa)
OHSHC: Tamaki x Abi
OHSHC: Kyoya x Reader
OHSHC: Hikaru x Reader
OHSHC: Kaoru x Reader
OHSHC: Mori x Reader
SE : Death the Kid x Reader
SE : Soul x Maka
SE : Soul x reader
SE : Black-Star x Reader
SE: Soul x Ellia
SE: Stein x Reader
TG: Ayato x Amazin
Jayce x Reader
Aurora x Sam

BB: Ciel x Finny

8.3K 88 16
By SirFlabsAlot98

(Sorry about the wait) This is a requested yaoi one shot and because its my first go at writing something like this i wont be doing a lemon just a fluffy one shot. If you don't like this sort of stuff then don't read just Please don't judge. Other than that enjoy and comment any improvements.

'My Saviour'

From the moment Finny first saw Ciel, he knew he was in love. At first he put his feelings down to the fact that he was grateful that Ciel had saved him. Had introduced him to the wonders of the outside world. Yet a few months in he knew it was so much more. He knew deep down that he whole heartedly loved his master.

Today Ciel was out in the garden and Finny couldn't help but stare at the bright eyed boy as he soaked in the sun. He thought he looked like an angel the way the sun seemed to bend round his head forming a halo. This only seemed to reinforce his idea of Ciel being sent down from the heavens to save him.

Soon though he noticed the young master was crying. He raced over and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Young master. Are you okay?" He asked worried

He said nothing but wrapped his arms around Finny's neck. He wept tears into the blonde boys shoulders. Seizing his chance Finny wrapped his arms around Ciel and pulled him closer. "It's ok Young Master. Everything will be ok. I promise"

"I'm sorry. (Hiccup) Something happened. (Hiccup) I'm fine now" Ciel told the boy yet he still didn't let go of Finny.

"I'll always protect you. I swear no harm will come to you while I am alive. It's the least I can do after all you've done for me" He replied meaning every word.

"Don't stop me from living your life. You can have an amazing life. I want you to have an amazing life" Ciel said in such a way it sounded like he was pleading with the blonde haired boy.

"I can't life my life without you in it. Your my saviour and I owe it to you to save you." Finny told him pushing to blue haired boy away from him so they could face each other.

"How can you be so pure after everything you've been through?"

"I don't know...Maybe because I never lost hope. I always hoped that one day I would see the outside world. Its what I believed in more than anything. The only day my hope started to fail me was right before you saved me. But then I saw you. I saw you sparkling blue eyes and I knew I was saved. It was then I found something new to hope for. I hope one day you'll love just as much as I love you. But until that time I promise to keep you save until the last breath has left my lungs"

"Finny? You love me?" Ciel asked completely in shock

"Yes My young master. I love you" Finny said now not ashamed to admit his feelings. "But it's fine for you to not love me back"

"No. I think I love you too. Its just whenever I'm around you I cant help but smile. I love being around you. Just watching hoe happy you are out in the gardens just makes me want to come out here and just be near you. I also find myself wanting to do this..." Ciel said before placing his lips upon Finny's.

At first they were both a little shocked and confused but soon there lips began moving in sync with each others. The kiss was not heated or passionate but contained a lot of emotion. The love they both felt, the hope, the need to show each other what the other meant. It was a perfect kiss for a perfect moment. One that they would never forget, and would treasure forever.

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