Little Dallas. ( Hayes Grie...

By gkrodriguez

331K 5.1K 1.3K

Daniella Dallas is you're average girl. She doesn't like to be girly and just has her own style. But she is a... More

Chapter 1 Who's At The Door?
Chapter 2 Meeting The Guys
Chapter 3 Drive Thru
Chapter 4 Cams Being Overprotective
Chapter 5 Shelbys Seceret
Chapter 6 Going Swimming
Chapter 7 Capping On Girls
Chapter 8 The Kiss
Chapter 9 Just Going To Sleep
Just A Little Follow
Chapter 10 Getting Breakfast
Chapter 11 Im Not Wearing A Dress!!
Chapter 12 The Asking
Forever To Finsish
Chapter 13 Bonefire Night
Chapter 14 Maggie Moos
Chapter 15 Late Night Snack
Chapter 16 The Breaking!!
Chapter 17 Date Night/Fliming
Chapter 18 Pretty Little Lairs
Chapter 19 Girls Day!!
Chapter 20 Approval?
Chapter 21 She's Gone And Im Still Here
Chapter 22 Getting Messy
Chapter 23 Just Us.
Chapter 24 Unexpected
Chapter 25 New Adventure....
Chapter 26 Airplane
Chapter 27 Getting There
Chapter 28 Show Time
Chapter 29 What Happend?...
Chapter 30 We're Done
Chapter 31 Whats with guys?
Chapter 32 Flying
Chapter 33 Video
Chapter 34 Austin And More
Chapter 35 With my girl
Chapter 36 PhotoShoot And A Surprise
Chapter 37 Chill Day
Chapter 38 Brothaa & Sistaa Time
I Love You Guys So Freaking Much!
Chapter 39 No More Love
Chapter 40 Broken Promises.
Chapter 41 Don't Repeat What I Say.
Chapter 42 Birthday Party And Surprise's
Chapter 44 Relapse.
Chapter 45 Car Rides
Chapter 46 Moving Day
Chapter 47 Registration
Chapter 48 Late Nights.
thank you!

Chapter 43 #AskDaniAndHayes

3.1K 49 47
By gkrodriguez

Thank you guys or being really patient! School is really overwhelming- then I have volley ball until 5 and I don't get home until like 6.

Anyways here is Chapter 43!

* 2 QOTD *

* Ethan Or Grayson?

* If I made another book about Hayes or any other of the guys- would y'all read it?

~ Tell me something about yourself, I wanna know what you guys are like! ~

Dani's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, and notice a small figure next to me.


I got up and as soon as I did she jumped up and started following me. I might as well take her outside. But first I gotta brush my teeth.

So I brushed my teeth and and went downstairs with Callie on my trail. It was maybe 10 am and Elizabeth and Sky were awake.

I walked to the back door almost opening it until Skylynn screams," Callie! " She ran from the living room to where I was and started petting Callie. I mean I was going to put her outside but I mean...

I let Skylynn play with her and decided to call my mom. My mom and dad were staying at a hotel close to the Grier's house. Elizabeth offered for them to stay but my mom being stubborn and not wanting to bother got a hotel.

I dialed my moms number-

" Hello?" My mom answered.

" Hey mom."

" Wass Up?" I started laughing uncontrollably- she tried to act cool.

" No mom don't do that." I laughed.

" No but what do you need?"

" How long are we gonna stay?" I asked.

" Well... There's something that might just surprise you later today." I could just almost see her smirking.

" Okay then- I guess ill see y'all later?"

" Yes, by sweetie." Mom said before she hanged up.

I sighed and went into the kitchen greeting Elizabeth.

" Morning." I smiled

" Good Morning Dani." She was swaying to the music she had one- while stirring pancake batter.

" I have to run to the store to make dinner for tonight I'll be back in maybe 2 hours?" Damn 2 hours?

" Okay."

" Tell Hayes to finish what I started-" She said pointing to the pancake batter. " And also tell the boys I'll be back."

I nodded my head yes while she called for Skylynn.

" Slylynn baby let's go!" Soon she came running with her 2 dolls. " Okay mommy I'm ready." She said grabbing her moms hand.

" Oh, Dani tell Nash I said I love him." She smiled.

" What about Hayes?" I asked

" What about him?" I laughed and they left.

Since she said Hayes could make the pancakes I sat on the couch and logged onto Twitter. It's my low key obsession.


( A/N: Yes I change it- leave me alone😂 )

Yo guys what's up? Gonna do a video for the tube. Give me some ideas who and what to do. Ready... Set... Go!





#AskDaniAndHayes No doubt you need to do this and we need some answers.

Not only was it just those two. There were more... And more... And more.

I really don't want to ask Hayes this cause it's really awkward, but at the same time I kind of do.

Speaking of the loser...

" Morning Dani." He said with that stupid smile of his.

" Morning loser." I laughed. He just laughed. Like usually he would have said something back like " I'm not a loser- I'm sexy " or something stupid like usual.

" What up with you?" I asked getting off of the couch and making ( A/N: My way downtown 😂 Sorry I had to 😂) to the kitchen.

" Nothing just really happy." He grinned making me smile.

" Anyways... Your mom said for you to finish the pancakes she started." I said. " Okay can you help?" He asked. I nodded my head and adjusted my spandex. Yes I wear spandex to sleep. So? Better than sleeping in my underwear. I tied my hair in a high pony tail and grabbed the pan and put butter on it so the pancakes won't stick and turned on the heater.

I guess I have to ask him now.

" Hey Hayes I tweeted what video my fans what they want  to see me do. And the most requested was #AskDaniAndHayes." I sighed.

" So will you do the video?"

" Yeah sure." He winked.

When the pan was hot enough I poured some of the batter on the pan- making it into a nice circle. I was about to grab the spatula until I felt something on my butt.

I turned around as Hayes was there with flour on with hands smirking. I looked down at my butt to see two hand prints there. This little fucker...

" What the hell Hayes!" I yelled. I mean he shouldn't have done that- but these are my favorite spandex.

" What? I'm touching what's mine."

" No Hayes. My ass isn't yours."

" Yeah so if you touch my little sisters ass again- Oh shit is going down." Cameron said looking at Hayes.

" Hey calm down. " Hayes said with hands up. I don't know what's up with Hayes. He was being a bad boy. Is it bad that I like it?

Hayes's P.O.V

I knew Dani was doing a YouTube video today. So why not take the advantage? I tweeted out:


Guys tweet Dani the #AskDaniAndHayes and I'll do dome DM's and a Follow spree!

I looked at Dani's mentions and boy did she have a lot. So my plan was to ask the fans to tweet it and then me ask Dani and special question. Let's hope it goes right.

Dani's P.O.V

" Hayes stop! Your burning the pancakes! " I laughed. Hayes was messing everything up while singing to Mexican music and dancing. He stopped and flipped over the pancake which was now burnt.

" Well now we can't eat these." Hayes said getting a fork and stabbing the pancake which made me laugh. " Okay well since it's like already 12 we should probably go to Chick-Fil-A or something." He said while his hand went through his hair.

Damn that was hot.

" Yeah sure." I said grabbing my phone from the counter and yelling, " Cameron, Nash! Me and Hayes are leaving!" Is said slipping on my vans.

" Okay. Where y'all going?" Cameron said coming inbetween me and Hayes and eyeing him up and down.

" Calm down dad were just going to Chick-Fila-A ." I laughed. " Okay. Just bring me something-" I shut the door before he said anything and started skating on Hayes's skateboard.

" Hey, wait up!" I heard Hayes. I stopped and waited until he caught up.

" So when do you think we should do the video?" Hayes asked looking at the ground.

" Probably when we get home." I looked him.


" Cameron! " I yelled setting the bags and drinks on the table. Cameron and Nash came running down and grabbing whatever. " Well damn your welcome not like I bought this." I said. " No you didn't I bought it." Hayes said which made Cameron and Nash laugh. I rolled my eyes and said," Thank you Hayes." And kissed his cheek.

I grabbed my box of Chick-Fil-A nuggets and sauce ketchup and Dr.Pepper.


I finished and now me and Hayes Re doing the video. Nash thought it was a great idea for the guys and Mahogany to come back and join us.

It toke me maybe about 15 minutes to get everybody to keep quiet and calm down.

" Okay guys stop." I laughed. Soon they got quiet and I started. It was still the #AskDaniAndHayes but the gang were just in the back.

" What up guys! It's Dani here and today I am doing a #AskDani with a loser-"

" I'm not a loser! And I'm Hayes." He said.

" Yeah so anyways-"

" Just get to it anyways! There are doing the #AskDaniAndHayes." Taylor said annoyed.

" Thank you Taylor." I rolled my eyes.

" But he's right were doing Ask Dani And Hayes. So that means you guys tweeted us your questions and we're gonna try and answer them." I clapped my hands.

" Alright so...." I trailed off looking at my mentions.

" Would you risk your life to save each others?" I looked at Hayes.

" No doubt I would." Me and Mahogany Awwed, while the guys booed.

" What was your first impression of each other."

" That you were shy, awkward and cute."

" Mine was that you were really lazy because you had on sweats and a sweater." Hayes says making everyone laugh.

" How was your birthday? And the most special gift you received?"

" My birthday was so hype. No not really. But I'm really blessed I had everyone there with me to celebrate it with me. And the most special gift I revived was Callie. The puppy that Hayes have me." I smiled at Hayes. Which got really quiet until Carter coughed.

" Oh. Umm-" Hayes stuttered scratching his neck.

" Let's continue."

" Yeah."

" Who is your inspiration/person you look up to?"

" My inspiration is The Jacks just because how far they came in their music career. And the person I look up to is Maggie Lindeman because she gets so much hate and she's just so strong and not to mention a crazy talented singer. She doesn't really care about the haters you know? " I answered and looked back at Carter.

" Sorry Carter." I laughed and he shurgged.

" My inspiration and the person I look up to is Nash. It crazy how he went to a regular person in North Carolina living his life and one 6 second video changed his life. "
Hayes said. You could really tell how much of an impact Nash has had on him.

" Thanks little brother. You'll get there." Nash patted his back.

" So enough with the sappy stuff. We'll answer one more question. Hayes go look for one."

" Okay." I waited until Hayes found a question when a twitter notification popped up.

@HayesGrier mentioned you.

I swiped my phone and enter my password logging onto twitter.

I looked at the tweet. And I couldn't believe what I saw.


Ooooo! The end for this chapter😏

No I'm fucking with y'all 😂 Continue.....


@HayesGrier: @DaniellaDallas: #AskDaniAndHayes Will you be my girlfriend? 🙈💕

I looked at Hayes. I couldn't speak.

" So will you?" He asked.

" Will you what?" Cameron asked.

" Look at my twitter."

Everyone got out their phones. The guys started yelling and Mahogany was of course in Awe.

" Dani?" Hayes asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I got an idea and tweeted-

@DaniellaDallas: @HayesGrier- Yes🙈💕

Hayes looked at phone and smiled widely- he attacked me with kisses. The boys yelled," Get some Hayes!" Which made Mahogany smack them all on the arms.

" Okay guys. Well I didn't expect that."

" But thank you all for watching. Make sure to hit that subscribe button for me so you know when I post. I'll put everyone's social media and stuff in the description bar below. Anyways I'll see you guys next time. Bye!" I ended it and turned off my camera and lights.

" Well then." I huffed.

" Kids!" I heard which sounded like my mom? Fuck my mom and dad. Me Hayes Nash and Cameron all ran downstairs.

" Hey Mom and Dad." I kissed them on the cheek.

" Umm... Sweetie can you sit down please?" My dad said looking at Me and Hayes's hand that were locked together.

" Uh-Yeah." I let go of his hand and sat down with Cameron.

" Hayes and Nash can you sit down too?" Elizabeth said looking at me and Hayes.

" Okay?"

" So are you going first?" Elizabeth said looking at my mom. " I mean if you wan to go first you can."

" Well I think-"

" Can you just tell us already?" Hayes said annoyed. " Okay well Gina you go."

" Well Dani you know how Me and your dad always travel for work?"

" Yeah what about it?" I asked.

" Well since school is coming up I think it's best if you've move in with Cameron."

" And Hayes I agreed with her also. So your moving in with Nash."

" Wow." We both said.

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