Golden Light, Silver Light

By taybabie

1.3K 233 7

What happens when an Earthling has a soulmate from another planet? *pause* You don't know! Read the following... More

Golden Light, Silver Light
Scene 001
Scene 002
Scene 003
Scene 004
Scene 005
Scene 006
Scene 007
Scene 008
Scene 009
Scene 010
Scene 011
Scene 012
Scene 013
Scene 014
Scene 015
Scene 016
Scene 017
Scene 018
Scene 019
Scene 020
Scene 020A
Scene 021
Scene 022
Scene 023
Scene 024
Scene 025
Scene 026
Scene 027
Scene 028
Scene 029
Scene 030
Scene 031
Scene 032
Scene 033
Scene 034
Scene 035
Scene 036
Scene 037
Scene 038
Scene 039
Scene 040
Scene 041
Scene 042
Scene 043
Scene 045
Scene 044
Scene 046
Scene 047
Scene 048
Scene 049
Scene 050
Scene 051
Scene 052
Scene 053
Scene 054
Scene 055
Scene 056
Scene 057
Scene 058
Scene 059
Scene 060
Scene 061
Scene 062
Scene 063
Scene 064
Scene 065
Scene 066
Scene 067
Scene 068
Scene 069
Scene 070
Scene 071
Scene 072
Scene 073
Scene 074
Scene 075
Scene 076
Scene 077
Scene 078
Scene 079
Scene 080
Scene 081
Scene 082
Scene 083
Scene 084
Scene 085
Scene 086
Scene 087
Scene 088
Scene 089
Scene 090
Scene 091
Scene 092
Score 093
Scene 095
Scene 096
Scene 097
Scene 098
Scene 099
Scene 100

Scene 094

7 1 0
By taybabie

Scene 094

One of two guards called out to Amy. She couldn't understand him. Her translator had fallen out and broken when she had tripped over a storage locker and smacked her head. She had cut her head. The cut was throbbing and blood was running down her cheek. Amy wiped at the blood and called down from her position on top of some cargo boxes. She had scrambled up them when one of the guards had grabbed for her. "I don't understand you. I want Dammarow Heir."

The guard called out again. Shaking her head, Amy held out the pieces of the translator and pointing toward her ear. "I don't understand you. I want Dammarow Heir or Cat."

Again, the guard called to Amy and started to climb the cargo boxes. Shaking her head, Amy mentally picked up the guard and placed him back with the other guard by the door. Both men yelped and stepped back.

"I want Dammarow Heir," Amy shouted. She forgot in her fright that she could have mentally called to him. I should never have left the ship; she thought.

A motion drew Amy attention back to the guards. Another Valdiarian had walked into the hanger. The guards saluted and pointed toward Amy. The Valdiarian turned toward Amy and called.

Again, She held out the translator pieces and pointing to her ear. "It's broke. I want Dammarow Heir." The man stepped toward Amy. She placed a mental barrier between him and herself stopping his approach. She repeated her wants again.

The Valdiarian stepped back from the barrier. The door of the hanger swung open with a bang and in strode Dam. Elation filled Amy. She jumped down from her boxes. "Dam," She called. He turned toward her. Amy ran full tilt into Dam. She hugged him as if he was her life line.

Dam wrapped his arms around Amy. It was good to know she was safe. Amy raised her head from his shoulder and for the first time Dam saw the cut on her head. Dam gave a growl causing the two guards to step back. "What happened?" he asked. A puzzled look filled Amy's face.

"I fell and broke my translator," said Amy. She held out the pieces of the small item. "I don't understand you." Dam growled and Cat's voice came from the communicator. Amy couldn't understand either of them.

"Cat, reprogram the communicator to translate Amy's language. I want her to be able to understand me," said Dam.

"I have already done so," said Cat.

"Yes, finally," said Amy. It was the first time she understood anyone since she had broken her translator. A commotion came from the door as Jac and Santi pushed past the guards.

Dam place the communicator on Amy's wrist as Santi looked at her head. Amy stood quietly. She was happy to be back with her friends.

"Are you all right?" asked Dam. There was a few moments of lag time between when Dam asked his question and when the communicator translated it.

"Yes, I'm fine," Amy said and leaned against Dam when Santi was finished looking at her head.

"No, not fine," said Santi. "We need to get you to the medical facility to close that cut before you lose any more blood."

"The port's facility is closer than the ships," said the Valdiarian, who had entered the hanger moments before Dam.

Amy reached up and laid her hand on Dam's jaw. "I'm sorry. I never should have left the ship."

Dam placed a kiss on Amy's palm, and gave her a hug. "Lead the way." Dam swept Amy up in his arms. She quickly wrapped her arms around Dam's neck. "We're going to get you fixed up and you are going to get your permanent translator," said Dam. He kissed the top of her head, relief flooding his body.

Santi stopped to pick up the pieces of the translator that fallen from Amy's hand when Dam had picked her up. The small group left the hanger.

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