Golden Light, Silver Light

By taybabie

1.1K 166 1

What happens when an Earthling has a soulmate from another planet? *pause* You don't know! Read the following... More

Golden Light, Silver Light
Scene 001
Scene 002
Scene 003
Scene 004
Scene 005
Scene 006
Scene 007
Scene 008
Scene 009
Scene 010
Scene 011
Scene 012
Scene 013
Scene 014
Scene 015
Scene 016
Scene 017
Scene 018
Scene 019
Scene 020
Scene 020A
Scene 021
Scene 022
Scene 023
Scene 024
Scene 025
Scene 026
Scene 027
Scene 028
Scene 029
Scene 030
Scene 031
Scene 032
Scene 033
Scene 034
Scene 035
Scene 036
Scene 037
Scene 038
Scene 039
Scene 040
Scene 041
Scene 042
Scene 043
Scene 045
Scene 044
Scene 046
Scene 047
Scene 048
Scene 049
Scene 050
Scene 051
Scene 052
Scene 053
Scene 054
Scene 055
Scene 056
Scene 057
Scene 058
Scene 059
Scene 060
Scene 061
Scene 062
Scene 063
Scene 064
Scene 066
Scene 067
Scene 068
Scene 069
Scene 070
Scene 071
Scene 072
Scene 073
Scene 074
Scene 075
Scene 076
Scene 077
Scene 078
Scene 079
Scene 080
Scene 081
Scene 082
Scene 083
Scene 084
Scene 085
Scene 086
Scene 087
Scene 088
Scene 089
Scene 090
Scene 091
Scene 092
Score 093
Scene 094
Scene 095
Scene 096
Scene 097
Scene 098
Scene 099
Scene 100

Scene 065

8 1 0
By taybabie

Scene 065

Dam walked into the Command Center. "What do you need, Jac?"

"I thought you might want to hear some interesting news." At Dam's inquiring look, Jac continued, "The vessel behind us sent a transmission via Beauf. Turk's pod was picked up by a Zoidiarian Pirate Ship about an hour ago."

"We expected that, what other information came with it?" asked Dam. He sat down at the Weapon's Command Center.

"It seems; the pirate ship has set a course to intercept us. We, the pirates, and our warship will be intercepting each other in about fifteen minutes," said Jac. A feral grin filled his face.

"Do not sound the ship's alarms until the pirates make their move," said Dam. "Get Karr up here. Put everyone else on alert. I'll man weapons. Fifteen minutes should give me time to plan a few major surprises."

"I was hoping you would say that. Computer call Karr to duty, and put Kronk on alert." Jac started powering up the shields, but not so powerful as to call attention to them. He didn't want to give away their hand to the pirates.

A few minutes later Karr walked into the Command Center. He took his station. "What's up?" he inquired.

"Turk and his fellow pirates have decided to play some hardball," said Jac. He was still watching his viewer.

"Why didn't you set the ship on alert?" asked Karr.

"We're going to let Turk and the pirates think they have the jump on us," explained Dam. "But in reality we will be waiting and have everything set up for their first shots."

"In other words it is time to get even." Smiled Karr, his face filled up with the emotions of the hunt.

"Correct," Dam said grinning.

"Another reason we haven't gone on alert, yet, is one of our warships is following the pirates. We wouldn't want to give their position away," said Jac. He was still programing the shields.

"Understood," said Karr. He began to program the necessary information the computer would need for the up and coming battle. A few seconds later Karr said, "They're going to hit us just before we enter the asteroid field of sector V, Alpha, 17. We're going to have to be very careful or we'll set off a chain reaction, which no matter how I plan could put us in jeopardy."

"Just do the best you can," Jac reassured Karr, looking up from his own viewer for the first time. "How are you coming over there, Dam?"

"I'm all finished. It's been a long time since I've had to program any weapons, but once I started it all came back to me," Dam said with a smug smile.

"There was no problem with the mental link?" Jac inquired.

"She is as easily to connect with now as she was when we were young cubs," said Dam.


"All set. I've got just about any occurrence covered. What is not, I will do physically," said Karr. He sat with a smile while waiting.

Looking at the main clock, Jac said, "Good and we've five minutes to spare. Now we wait."

A curse erupted from Dam. "I forgot to inform Amy of what is going to happen. Computer, patch me through to whatever terminal Amy is using or is near at this moment."

Dam's terminal lit up with Amy's picture. "Amy, we are going to be coming under attack in a few minutes. Please go to your bunk, sit, and wait this out."

Amy nodded her head. She left her desk and Dam's viewer went black.

"Now, we're ready for Turk and the pirates," came Dam, leaning back in the chair.

A few minutes later as the ship neared the asteroid field, the proximity alert sounded. Soon after the alert sounded, the pirate ship became uncloaked. "Very nice, I'll have to remember that trick for future use," came Jac.

"What do you mean?" asked Karr.

"Our ship's computer is now focused on the asteroid field ahead, so the computer didn't even notice when the pirate ship uncloaked. If we hadn't been watching, we would have been taken unaware," said Jac.

"If you pull us through this, I will guarantee, we will give this old thing the newest advances the force has to offer," said Dam. He was watching the weapon's computer screen.

"The pirates have fired. Shields are going up," announced Jac. "Return fire."

Out in space, as soon as the pirates fire, the Valdiar Star's shields went up. The shot bounced off the Valdiar Star's shields. At the same time the warship uncloaked and the Valdiar Star and the warship returned fire. Both shots were direct hits. The pirate ship was destroyed.

"Warship Searcher here and requesting further instructions," came over the intercom in the Command Center.

"Warship Searcher, drag space for all debris and transport it to the main space station for further research," commanded Dam. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, orders understood. We will fill a copy of our report with Commander Beauf. Warship Searcher out."

"We'll hear their report when we file our own," said Jac. "Got the blood pumping a little, Yes?"

"I haven't enjoyed such a nice game of cat and mouse in a long time," Dam said with a smile.

"I've replotted our course for home. We are under way. We will be there in four days," said Karr, then added. "That was almost as much fun as plotting a course around the satellites on Amy's home world."

Cat broke into the conversation. "Amy is requesting, if you are not busy, to notify her when it is all over."

"Tell her to go back to doing whatever she was doing before we interrupted her," said Jac. The tension leaving his body as he relaxed back in his chair.

"Right. Also you need to go and get something to eat." With that Cat left.

"Well, I'm going to follow Cat advice, for once," Jac said with a stretch. "Karr, you are in charge of the Command Center." Jac headed to the lift.

"I'll come with you. I need to get your opinion on something," said Dam. He strode to catch Jac before the lift's doors closed.

"So what did you want to talk about?" inquired Jac.

"Lubin and I were down in cargo bay six. I was doing my exercises when Amy walked in. We started on her exercises. I was asking her to levitate a few inches off of the floor and do her stretches at the same time," said Dam. His face filling with worry.

"And?" Prompted Jac.

"And instead of levitating she lights up like a light bulb. When Lubin tells her to stop, she blows her top, going on about us pushing her too hard. Then she storms out of the room." Dam rubbed the back of his neck.

"OK, so back off a little bit. Go a little slower," said Jac. He wasn't seeing any problems.

"Wait. That isn't the weird part. The weird part was when we followed her back to her room. Cat informs us Amy had been asleep the whole time."

"You're telling me, she was soul-walking? According to Cat, Santi, and Lubin, she shouldn't be able to do that yet," Jac said horrified. He didn't even notice when the lift's doors opened.

"That's why I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to sound this out with you before going over it with anyone else," said Dam. He took Jac's arm and stepped out of the lift.

"I know Santi can't help Amy mentally. Maybe she'll have an ideal on how to help Amy," said Jac. He walked toward the medical facility.

"All right, let's ask Santi. If she doesn't know maybe, she can contact one of the Council of Six," said Dam. He followed Jac into the medical facility. Inside he called, "Santi, could we get you to come here."

"I'll be right out. I'm just putting away all of my emergency supplies," she called from her quarters. Coming through the door, she spotted Jac, and stopped in her tracks.

"Santi, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem, or should I say concern, dealing with Amy," said Dam. He looked from Santi to Jac, both were staring at each other like they had never seen the other one before.

It took most of Santi's willpower to tear her gaze from Jac. Looking at Dam, she said, "Take a seat and tell me what is troubling you."

Dam proceeded to explain to Santi what had accrued during the morning. Santi leaned back in her chair and thought about the problem. "Here is what I think has accrued. You and Lubin have pushed her hard. Everyone seems to forget. You are not dealing with a total untrained pupil. She has trained herself. So she doesn't know everything we think she should, but then on the other hand she knows more than either you or Lubin would give her credit to know."

"OK, I just wish there was a way we could gage what she knows, what she doesn't know, and what needs to be retrained," said Dam. He tried rubbing the tension from his neck.

The room sat in silence for a few minutes. "I've got it. Here is what I suggest you do," said Santi. She looked down at her viewer searching for something.

Dam and Jac looked at her expectantly.

"You know the training game every young cub does to test their psychic abilities?" asked Santi.

"I remember doing it as a young cub, but I don't remember what it consists of," said Dam. He sat back in his chair and relaxed, someone finally had a path for him to travel.

"I was checking my files to make sure I had a copy of the procedure for such a test on file. I do. I've sent a copy of it to your room to study. Give the whole thing to Amy, but do it as play or a game, that way she will be able to relax," said Santi.

"OK," said Dam. He got up and headed to the door. Stopping he turned to look at Santi. "Thanks, you've given me a direction to help Amy. I won't forget this."

As the door closed behind Dam, Santi turned to stare at Jac. "Greetings," said Santi. She shyly looked into Jac's eyes.

"Greetings," Jac said gruffly.

"Did you sleep well, last night?" asked Santi, quietly.

"Fine and you?" asked Jac. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Just fine."

Jac stood up. "Good. I will see you later." He walked out of the medical facility.

"Coward," said Santi as the door closed. She didn't know if she was talking to Jac or to herself.

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